Daming Haiku

Chapter 72 Take chestnuts from the fire

Some shranking soldiers hid behind the door panel, but when the bullet flew over, they could actually penetrate the door panel covering their bodies, and after shooting through the door panel, they could kill the people hiding behind them.

After the sporadic sound of gunfire, some soldiers who thought it was okay began to be knocked over on the way forward one after another. Even the door panels and other things could not stop these bullets and still shoot those soldiers.

If you say one occasionally, it's a coincidence, but soon they found that it didn't seem to happen by chance, but that someone kept falling, which scared the riot soldiers who rushed to the front.

They don't know what the Xishan village soldiers are using. They can shoot them so accurately at such a long distance. Some of the rebels or bandits who defected to the rebels began to be afraid. Some people involuntarily stopped, shrank their necks and hid behind the door panel, and didn't even catch their heads. One time.

No matter how the rebels who led the troops to shout and scold, some rebels and bandits did not dare to move anything, so some angry rebel generals simply raised their knives and began to kill those guys who refused to obey the order to move forward, which forced the soldiers to continue to move forward in fear.

More and more people opened fire on the wall of Xishan Village, and gradually the sound began to connect. The whole wall of Xishan Village crackled like starting to set off firecrackers.

The bombs are also becoming more and more dense. After those attacking soldiers entered within 100 meters, the casualties began to become more serious. No matter what they hide behind, they don't seem to be able to stop the bombs flying down the wall. Sometimes the sea wolf's hands can't see the enemy's body at all, so they can simply Briefly shoot at the boards and estimate the position of the enemy behind the shelter, which can still kill the rebels.

This time, the riot soldiers began to be unable to stand it. No matter how they avoided, they could not avoid death and smiled at them, so some riot soldiers no longer did not dare to push forward any more. Some people even began to be discouraged and turned around and fled back.

But it's okay that they didn't escape. As soon as they escaped, they were seen by the sea wolf soldiers, so they just provided them with a good opportunity to aim. As a result, some guys who turned around and fled could not escape the call of death and were killed by the sea wolf soldiers on the back outside the village.

Under the obstruction of Xishan Village, the rebels outside the village were unable to fight, and several sharpshooters in the company played a great role, specializing in the rebel leaders who jumped happily among the rebels and drove the rebels everywhere, knocking these people to the ground one by one.

knocked out the leader, and the remaining soldiers and bandits were even more frightened and had no morale, so they began to collapse without waiting for these guys to arch in front of the trench.

It was the refugees, because they were not used as shooting targets, and the casualties were very small. Although they were so scared that their legs were weak, they did not turn around and escape.

Some of the refugees were not stupid. They soon realized that this was the villagers in Xishan Village deliberately and did not want to slaughter them. Otherwise, they would definitely be killed more and more miserably without hid, so they whispered to the people around them in the crowd, don't stop, throw down their things, and Run near the gate of Xishan Village. As long as the rebels dare not catch up, they may be rescued by the villagers of Xishan Village.

Seeing the rebels escorting refugees flee one after another, the refugees have realized that this may be an opportunity for them to escape. Some people turn around and escape, and some people want to escape to both sides, but some smart people know that if they flee in other directions, they still have to fall into the rebels. At present, Xishan Village may be their only chance to escape, so they insist on running towards the gate of Xishan Village.

Everyone threw their dirt bags and firewood bundles on the ground and ran away empty-handed. At this time, Wu Shengtian saw that the rebels had retreated, so he ordered them to stop opening fire, making a loud man's men copy a copper horn and shouted at the gate facing the refugees outside:

"Refugees listened! Don't run around, throw away your things, run to the village gate, and we will save you in! Hurry up..."

Other villagers also shouted in unison at this time: "Run to the village gate, run to the village gate quickly!" ......”

Although the refugees were very chaotic and shouting at this moment, some people still heard the call from Xishan Village, so they shouted in surprise: "We are saved. The villagers in the village let us run towards the village gate!" Hurry up! Run to the village gate! Hurry up! You can live if you run there! ......”

So more refugees, who heard the screams of these people, began to accelerate towards the village gate.

Zhang Tao, who watched the battle from afar, is now full of black lines. Now he is finally sure that the guy surnamed Wan really doesn't talk nonsense. The bird in the hands of the soldiers of Xishan Village is really strange. These birds in their hands can indeed fight far away, and they are very accurate, and they are very powerful. Big, it can actually penetrate the door panel and kill the person hiding behind the door panel.

This matter is a little troublesome. Although he did not expect the first tentative attack to capture the Xishan Village, he did not expect that the opponent was so powerful. He sent his men did not even touch the edge of the trench, and it seemed that the villagers in Xishan Village did not proceed indiscriminately. Instead of shooting, he let go of the refugees and called the refugees to flee to the village gate. Obviously, these people in Xishan Village actually wanted to rescue those refugees into the village at this time.

This is simply hitting him in the face. However, on the verge of war, the attackers often force some ordinary people to help them attack the city, but the defenders will not be polite. In order to defend the city, although they do not want to, they have to be shot by the people who are forced to assist.

But today, the people in Xishan Village are so arrogant that they want to save these refugees under his eyes, which is simply rampant, which is more embarrassing than hitting him in the face in public.

So he immediately ordered to send a team of more than 100 cavalry to go out to chase and kill the refugees who tried to escape into the fortress.

After hearing the order, more than a hundred rebel cavalry did not say a word. They immediately tried their best to sit down the war horses and rushed towards the two armies. The horses' hoofs splashed a piece of ice and snow, and one by one roared and danced the knives and guns in their hands, rushing towards the fleeing refugees.

Wu Shengtian saw a cavalry rushing out of the enemy's array, his pupils suddenly shrank, and his face suddenly showed anger, and he shouted harshly, "Dude! These grandchildren are going to slaughter refugees! All of them have, intercept and shoot them with rifles! Don't let them catch up with the refugees! I don't believe it. I can't save these refugees!

Prepare in a row in the village door, open the village door at any time, release the suspension bridge, and bring refugees in! Get ready to control them, quickly!"

At this time, it can be said that Wu Shengtian is already a little angry. Liu Di, who was watching the battle next to him, whispered, "Brother Wu! I'm afraid this is not appropriate. In case there are hidden rebels among the refugees, I'm afraid there will be trouble to seize the door after entering the village!"

Wu Shengtian shook his head and said, "It doesn't matter! I just want this traitor to see that I want to slaughter refugees under my nose, but there is no door! If they don't let him see how powerful we are, they won't know how many eyes Prince Ma has! First-class shooters gathered on the gate of the village and stared at the refugees who entered the village. Whenever they found someone with a sharp blade, they immediately shot them! Especially keep an eye on the suspension bridge and don't let anyone cut the rope of the suspension bridge!"

More than a dozen first-class shooters immediately rushed to the wall above the village gate and were ready to shoot. Some * hands were filled with rifles and could be handed over to them as a backup at any time.

The refugees also saw the cavalry rushing towards them among the rebels, so they suddenly panicked and began to rush towards the gate of the village. Many people could not even walk just now, but now in order to survive, they also stimulated all the energy hidden in their bodies and used their whole body. With his strength, he pulled out his legs and ran towards the village gate.

The rebel cavalry was very fast. As soon as they came out, they began to urge the war horses and accelerated their pursuit of the refugees. They formed a pocket and pocketed towards the refugees.

Some refugees who tried to escape at first were immediately caught up with them. With a flash of knives, the refugees' heads immediately flew up, blood rose high, and their bodies immediately fell into the snow.

When the refugees saw that the rebels began to kill people, they hurriedly accelerated their speed and fled in the direction of the village gate, including the refugees who had just tried to escape to both sides, and quickly turned around and ran towards the village gate.

However, the rebel cavalry was very fast and cut at both wings. Seeing that the refugees who were about to flee on both sides were also involved, they began to massacre.

But at this time, a series of beans-like sounded on the wall of Xishan Village again. Some rebel cavalry, even if the beaten horse fell to the ground, some bullets did not hit the person, but hit the horse. The war horse was in pain and immediately jumped up sadly, and some simply jumped. He fell on the ground, and the horse rolled over on the ground, throwing the rider on the horse's back. Some people were simply broken by the neck and died on the spot.

Some rebel cavalry, who broke their legs or were pressed under their horses, struggled to make a scream. As military generals, some cavalrymen first put a cotton armor on their bodies to keep warm, and put a lock armor or iron on the outside. A, with armor all over his body, was dozens of pounds, clumsy to death. He couldn't run off the horse, and couldn't even stand up.

(month pass! I want a monthly ticket! Brothers, don't forget!)