Daming Haiku

Chapter 76 Martyrdom

From the color of the smoke alone, it can be seen that the ratio and production of gunpowder used by the Ming army are not very fine, and the burning of gunpowder is not enough, so there is a lot of black smoke. Compared with the pellet gunpowder used by sea wolves, the quality is not one level.

A cannonball roared and flew towards Xishan Village. It hit the wall directly and hit a deep hole in the wall. The whole wall shook violently. Ordinary sea wolf soldiers were better. They saw more of the power when the cannon was fired, but for those recruited locally The villagers scared each of them to turn blue and couldn't help exclaiming.

What's the name? What are you quarreling about? Isn't it just a shot? This wall is not as bad as you think, and it is not so easy to collapse! This is built by my own supervision, and it's solid!" A subordinate brought by LiuDi scolded the screaming villagers.

Although the wall is not as thick as the city wall, it is also more than one meter thick, and the bottom is narrow, and it is made of three-way soil. Ordinary solid shells are not heavy artillery shells weighing more than 18 pounds. It is really not easy to destroy this wall. Unless 32 pounds of heavy artillery is obtained and directly close to the bombardment, otherwise, If you want to collapse for a period of time, with the current red cannon used by the rebels, it is really enough to gnaw on it for a while.

After being scolded, they saw that the wall was really okay, and the villagers were relieved. They were tense one by one. They quickly grasped the weapons in their hands and pretended to be generous, for fear of being cleaned up by their officers next.

I saw my cannon bombard the wall of Xishan Village and hit a deep pit. Although it could not collapse the wall directly, it still excited the rebels, and the rebels immediately made a cheering sound.

But before their cheers fell, the two sea wolves' Hongyi cannons opened fire again. The two shells roared and flew towards the rebel Hongyi cannon again. One shell almost hit the position of the Hongyi cannon directly, but it still fell on the edge and bounced up on the hard frozen land. Come on, keep flying forward.

Along the way, three rebel gunners blocked its way. As a result, they were torn to pieces by the shell on the spot, turned into pieces of meat and flew away. The scene can be said to be extremely bloody.

The other shell fell a little far away, but it was not far away. It was only five or six meters away from the rebel Hongyi cannon. After landing, it was only not far from taking off. First, it killed a rebel and pulled him casually. Then it burst with a bang. Several fragments of shells immediately scattered and immediately shredded and to pieces. Several rebels watching the bustle nearby, in addition to the huge sound of the explosion and shock waves overturned many people, making the nearby rebel gunners tinnitus and dizzy.

The rebel gunners were a little panicked. Because the enemy fired two times, and the shells fell closer and closer to them. Only then did they realize that the enemy gunners were aiming very accurately. At such a long distance, they could still shoot so accurately. Fortunately, their artillery target was not very big, otherwise it was a house and should have been bombed. This For them, the accuracy is simply a fantasy. They can't even imagine that they want them to hit a house from three or four hundred meters away. Unless God opens his eyes and makes them hit them lucky, it is estimated that it is possible, but the enemy's gunner is so powerful, which makes them more worried.

The more worried and afraid they are, the more flustered they are. The more flustered they are, the slower they are. In the sound of the generals' shouting, these gunners panicked and began to load them again. Compared with the first time, their movements were much more chaotic, and they almost made trouble. For a while, before they could reset here and aim at Xishan Village, they fired again.

In terms of the artillery speed of both sides, the gunners in Xishan Village have completely defeated the rebels. The sea wolf's artillery training is very sufficient. They have to carry out various training every day. It can be said that every action of loading and recompensing has been perfected. There is no fancy action, and everyone's movements are accurate. It has been streamlined to the extreme, and the cooperation has also reached an extremely tacit level.

In addition, the design of the sea wolf's gun rack is reasonable, and the aiming mechanism is close to the modern artillery, which is much easier to operate. In this way, if the speed of firing does not exceed the rebels, it is estimated that the gunner himself should find a crooked neck tree and hang it down.

Therefore, the sea wolf's gunner's shooting speed is at least three times more than that of the rebels, or even four or five times, making the rebel gunners absolutely out of reach.

The gunner of the sea wolf did not give the rebels a chance to fight back at all. The two guns fired in turn, constantly adjusting the shooting angle, and the aim became more and more accurate. At the time of the fourth shot, the six-pound cannon had already wiped the edge of the enemy cannon and fell down. On the spot, they tore a group of rebel gunners surrounded by the cannon into pieces and opened Out of a bloody alley.

And the rebels have just fired a shot, and the second gun has not been aimed so far. At this time, so many gunners have been killed. The flesh and blood of some gunners have splashed on the gun, sticky on the barrel, and the gun rack is covered with the blood of the rebels, which scared the rebel gunners to avoid one after another and just want to catch up. He ran away and couldn't even take care of firing.

Zhang Tao, the traitor, jumped and scolded angrily and ordered his own soldiers to go over and cut off two gunners trying to escape. Then he suppressed the gunners and forced the gunners to surround the cannon rack again, desperately to reset the heavy cannon. At this time, they all regretted it. They were too careless and did not build a gun shelter just now. It's too late to build a bunker now. They can only bravely brave the shelling of sea wolves.

At this time, the first-class shooters and two full-time snipers of the sea wolf infantry on the wall were also ordered to start shooting with their wolf-tooth rifles aimed at the gunners of the rebel Hongyi cannon.

Although the sea wolf's wolf tooth rifle has the longest effective aiming range of about 300 meters, now the distance is a little too far away, but as long as it hits there, the Mine is still quite lethal. The rebel gunners are not armored. As long as they are hit, they can be slightly or seriously injured, and seriously asked to kill them on the spot. The life.

Two rebel gunners were knocked over in a short time. Although they were a little confused, they hit them inexplicably. They couldn't figure out where the bullets came from. They could hit them so far away, which scared the rebel gunners half to death. For a moment, they were so panicked that they didn't know what to do. .

At this time, the sea wolf's twelve-pounder cannon had begun to fire the fifth shell. Until this time, the poor rebels were killed and injured, but they still did not have time to fire a second shot.

This shell seems to have long eyes this time, only flying towards the position of the rebel cannon. Before there is no modern explosives and modern columnar shells, it wants to destroy such a far-shaped target with simple round grenades and solid bullets. For the sea wolf's artillery It is still a rather difficult task.

But this shell was very competitive this time. The landing point was very close to the rebel Hongyi cannon. Unfortunately, it did not directly hit the rebel cannon, but it hit the pile of ammunition piled up by the rebels near the cannon almost instantly causing the martyrdom of these gunpowder barrels.

A mushroom cloud suddenly rose on the position of the rebel's Hongyi cannon, and it was almost visible to the naked eye that a round shock wave formed at the center of the explosion, spreading in all directions.

The rebel gunners were unlucky at this time. Under this shocking noise, all the gunners were either torn to pieces on the spot or rushed out by the explosion shock wave. Even if they dodged the explosion and shock wave, violent vibration and sound, they would kill them.

Almost all the people within a few steps from the explosion were smashed and fell to the ground without any movement. Some people were even taken away by the car and turned into bare pigs. In short, all the rebels in the position, whether the gunners were gunners or not, even some civilians nearby, in this explosion, They have all become funeral items.

As for the Hongyi cannon, the gun rack was directly blown up, and the barrel flew several meters away and hit the snow. The grunt rolled out of a distance. It was completely finished. From their arrival to the destruction of the Hongyi cannon, the poor rebels only fired a cannonball from beginning to end, which was really sad. It has been urged to the extreme.

Zhang Tao, a traitor, was almost shocked from afar and was supported by his own soldiers. The cannon that looked at him like a wooden chicken was gone. For a moment, he even stopped thinking. He opened his mouth stupidly and looked at the place where the mushroom cloud rose, and his chin did not close for a long time.

Looking at their Hongyi cannon, they were completely destroyed with only one shot. The morale of all the rebels fell directly into their crotch, and they could no longer get excited and became like mourning. At this moment, they have no confidence to fight any more.

After the people in Xishan Village saw this scene, there was a shocking cheer, and the haze in their hearts suddenly swept away. They now have red cannons, but the rebels are gone. Now they are afraid of nothing! One by one, morale was boosted, and some rural soldiers were even more happy and almost danced on the wall!

Zhang Tao was angry and almost collapsed on the spot, but reason still kept him a trace of clarity. Although his main force is not damaged now, his morale has fallen to the bottom because of today's events. Even if he continues to force him to attack Xishan Village, I'm afraid he will not pay the price of casualties in vain. It will achieve any results.

So he was angry, but he still ordered to retreat two miles and camp on the ground. As for the collapsed Hongyi cannon, he was too lazy to clean it up. I guess it was useless. Even if he dragged it back, there was no gun rack and no gunner, it was still a waste, so he simply left it outside Xishan Village.