Daming Haiku

Chapter 100 Anti-guest

The officials in Jiaozhou are somewhat unhappy about this. After all, Yu Xiaotian's Fujian soldiers and horses are just a guest army. When they arrived here, they immediately turned against the guest and took over the area in front of Fushan and became their defensive land. In the future, anyone who wants to enter this area must first look at his face, which makes Shandong The soldiers and officials are a little unhappy.

But they have nothing to say about this matter. After all, this matter is a holy judge. No one dares to say that he does not respect the holy order. Fortunately, according to the imperial decree of the imperial court, this time handing over the area of Fushan to Fujian soldiers and horses is only a temporary decision. After the end of the rebellion, this Fushan will still retreat. Return it to Jiaozhou.

So they had to pinch their noses and admit it. What's more, they also saw the prestige of the Fujian soldiers and horses led by Yu Xiaotian and the situation of this huge boat division. They found that these Fujian soldiers were really neatly equipped and recupied as rumored. Although they had been floating at sea for so long, they should When he was quite tired, but after landing, he quickly began to line up. Under the mobilization of the generals, he began to camp in an orderly manner. Everything was like an arm and a finger, which made people dare not despise.

A clear-sighted person knows at a glance that this group of soldiers from Fujian is indeed a group of soldiers, which is by no means comparable to those ordinary Ming troops. After seeing their performance, many people have a kind of expectation in their hearts. I hope that after these Fujian soldiers come to Laizhou, they can make achievements and quickly suppress the rebels. There is also a Pingjing around Denglai.

Like other guardhouses, there is also a small-scale Acropolis, which covers a small area and the city wall is not high, but it is the only city in this area. It used to be mainly used to guard against Japan and prepare for Japan, but now it has become dilapidated for a long time and has become dilapidated.

The current garrison in front of Fushan is only less than 300 soldiers, with poor equipment, poor training and poor morale. It is no different from serfs and does not look like soldiers at all.

This time, Yu Xiaotian asked for the area of the Fushan Institute. These soldiers of the Fushan Institute were also temporarily placed under his control. Yu Xiaotian pretended to proofread the guards of the Fushan Institute. Looking at these ragged Ming army, which was similar to beglings, he was really not interested, but he could not drive these people away. .

These people are said to be soldiers. In fact, they are the serfs of Mr. Qian's family here. Their families are in the military village outside Fushan. If they are driven away, they will lose the land to survive. Although they live as serfs for Mr. Qian, they can still live at least. If they are driven away, Then these people will lose their source of survival in the future.

So Yu Xiaotian didn't bother to say more to them. He waved his hand to let them go and do what he should do, but now he needs some local guides. If the locals are willing to do something for him, he is also willing to take them in and treat them well.

As soon as these soldiers heard that Yu Xiaotian could not use them and asked them to go home, they immediately dispersed. Of course, the president of the Fushan Institute did not dare to leave. They hurriedly took Yu Xiaotian and his party to the city of Fushan Institute and temporarily gave his Qianhu office to Yu Xiaotian as Yu Xiaotian's here. Temporary Marshal House.

After Yu Xiaotian entered the city of Fushan, he immediately ordered to take over the defense here. The idle people, including the stationed soldiers in the city, were driven out of the city and let Mr. Qian do whatever he should be busy. Naturally, he will send someone to recruit him.

Mr. Qian also knew that he couldn't afford to provoke General Yu, so he obediently took his own soldiers, handed over the city of Fushan to Yu Xiaotian's men, patted his buttocks and went home to hug the child! Now this is the world of Fujian soldiers. When the sky falls, smash them first. As long as they are here, it is estimated that the rebels can't kill here, and even if they are lost here, they have nothing to do with him now. At that time, the soles of his feet will be oily, and the court will not trouble him. It has its own Fujian general. Come and take care of it.

As soon as Yu Xiaotian arrived at Fushan Institute, he immediately began to be busy. On the one hand, he sent people to ask for military food from the Jiaozhou government, and on the other hand, he immediately sent the advance personnel here to the Pingdu area of Jiaozhou to investigate and collect information on rebel activities.

As for the 8,000 horses brought by his entourage, he did not let these people move for the time being, but let them go ashore and camped on the spot for three days to recover their physical strength.

Many people get seasick when they first get on the boat. They rush to the place every day. After landing, they are down-to-earth, but they really get to the place. When they step on the shore, they find that they can't adapt to this kind of down-to-earth feeling for a while. On the contrary, they are still dizzy. With a deep foot and shallow foot, they always feel that they can't walk steadily. Good It's more uncomfortable than when I was on the boat.

So the most important thing now is to let these army soldiers have a good rest and restore their physical fitness before considering letting them participate in combat operations.

There is still a short way to go from Jiaozhou Bay Fushan Institute to Pingduzhou. Yu Xiaotian doesn't want to lead a group of soft-legged guys to trouble the rebels now.

In addition, the dock facilities here are not perfect, and the ship is also loaded with a large amount of military food and various combat materials. It will take some time to unload these things. At the very least, if you want to unload a large number of goods loaded on these ships to the shore and classify them, three days may be the shortest. !

So Yu Xiaotian is not in a hurry at all. He will never rush forward before he consolidates the basic work.

For several days in a row, these Fujian soldiers gathered in the area of Fushan and did not do anything. They just sent people to circle this area and circle a large area, enough to accommodate tens of thousands of people to temporarily stay here, and within the circled area, it is listed as a military restricted area, and no one is allowed to enter. Outside the fence, a 300-meter restricted area has been set up, but anyone who is not allowed to enter the restricted area, and those who are warned to exit and do not obey the order, the guards can shoot them directly!

Even in the area of the anchorage area and the sea outside the floating mountain, no private ships are allowed to enter the restricted area and peep at the situation on the shore on the sea.

After the establishment of this forbidden area, large-character notices were posted in the surrounding villages to inform the surrounding villagers that the order will be implemented from the day after the announcement was posted.

Not to mention, Shandong people are really tough. There are some good people who don't believe in this evil. They have to try the bottom line of these Fujian soldiers. There are some ruffians who are not afraid of death, or people who are full, who have to run to the forbidden area to see Look at what the Fujian soldiers in the fence are doing.

So these guys who stepped into the restricted area were immediately warned by the patrol personnel and the Yu family sentries on the arrow tower and watchtower, and ordered them to immediately exit the restricted area.

Some guys' eyes were brighter and immediately realized that things did not seem simple. These Fujian soldiers were murderous one by one, not like acting, so they immediately became timid and quickly escaped from the forbidden area, but there were a few people who were not afraid of death. They had to challenge this rule and continue to look big. Walk towards the fence and see what the Fujian soldiers in the fence will do.

As a result, after a few shots, people fell down. These guys who used their lives to test the bottom line of Fujian officers and soldiers immediately paid the price of blood. Some people were killed on the spot, some were injured on the spot, and then a group of Yu's soldiers rushed out of the fence. In the past, they chopped off their heads and hung them. On the high pole outside the fence.

This time, those good people were immediately suppressed. After a day, no one dared to run outside the fence of Fujian barracks to see the bustle.

The people who were killed must not do it, so they ran outside the camp to make a fuss, but then they were beaten away by Fujian officers and soldiers, so they ran to the government to complain, but how dare the government provoke these proud soldiers of Fujian now! This notice has been publicized for a long time. It's you who have nothing to do. Now you have been killed, but you come to complain. It's simply an unruly people, a trouble-out people among the unruly people. Come and beat them out!

So the family of the bitter owner was immediately beaten for the second time. They were beaten and ran away from the government. Naturally, there was no place to sue their families died in vain, and they could only admit their bad luck.

The strong behavior of Fujian soldiers and horses immediately spread in the local area. Although the locals were unhappy, no one dared to provoke these guys anymore.

But then the locals found that these Fujian officers and soldiers were still reasonable. Although they were ruthless, they did things fairly. As soon as Fujian officers and soldiers arrived here, they began to do business with the locals. The fishermen went to sea to catch all the catch, and they bought them, and the price was quite fair.

In addition, they publicly sent people to various townships and villages to publicize, buy a large number of vegetables, and settle in cash, the price is fair, and the children are not bullied.

At first, many people did not dare to do business with these Fujian officers and soldiers. What are the virtues of officers and soldiers? Of course, they all know that they are looking for death to do business with soldiers. Take things away, just like giving them away for free. It's good if they don't give money. Sometimes they even kill people and overstock goods. Officers and soldiers have done too much.

So at first, no one paid attention to the procurement intention of these Fujian soldiers, but they were still bold. At worst, they made a little compensation. Let's try to be as reasonable as these Fujian soldiers as they said.

So at first, there were only one or two bold villagers who got some cabbage and radish and sent them to the outside of the Fujian military camp. With the idea of giving these things a try, they would be free of money and pulled down by these Fujian soldiers.

(month pass! Reward! Red ticket! Come more violently!)