Daming Haiku

Chapter 115 Rebels Please surrender

However, Kong Youde and Li Jiucheng didn't think about it. Sun Yuanhua, who was released, disappeared inexplicably halfway, and there was no one to die. Suddenly, the world made a lot of noise for this matter. It was rumored that Sun Yuanhua fled in fear of crime and hid in his name.

This incident seems to have caused the anger of Chongzhen, the emperor of the Ming Dynasty. Instead, the court's attitude towards their rebels began to change. In the past two months, Xie Lian was first ordered to replace Sun Yuanhua and immediately became the governor of Denglai. Then, after Xu Congzhi was injured, Zhu Dadian was sent to replace Xu Congzhi. The governor of Shandong suppressed their rebels, and even sent the eunuch Gao Qiqian in the palace to Shandong to supervise the army in Qingzhou.

Thousands of miles away, Yu Xiaotian and more than 10,000 Fujian officers and soldiers were transferred to Shandong to suppress them. In these situations, it can be clearly seen that the main side of the imperial court has completely gained the upper hand in the dispute of suppressing, so the possibility of appeasing them next is getting lower and lower.

This also makes Kong Youde and Li Jiucheng quite worried, and even a little scared. For such a long time, they have been making all kinds of preparations to accept Zhao'an, ready to bargain with the court and protect their lives and future status. However, their plan to force the court to recruit An seems to be far away. They are getting farther and farther away.

Now the situation has begun to become unfavorable to them. After Zhu Dadian arrived in Qingzhou, he immediately strengthened the defense force at the border between Qingzhou and Laizhou. He sent people to the front line of Qingzhou Prefecture many times to explore and test, and found that all counties along the route had sent officers and troops, and the strength of officers and troops was gradually increasing. .

At present, it seems that the officers and army have not yet reached the strength to immediately fight back against him, but with the dispatch of the court, the strength of the officers and soldiers will become stronger and stronger, and the number of troops will increase. If this continues, things will not be good.

Although their rebels have fought very well in the past few months, they will win every battle, and their strength has grown very fast, but after all, they have only occupied a small area of Jiaodong. Now they have not fully controlled the whole Denglai region. Even on the other side of Dongjiang Town, Mao Chenglu and others rose up to respond to them and tried to them. They echo each other across the sea, but the situation there is not necessarily better than him.

Now Huang Long, the general of Dongjiang Town, is leading the remaining rebels of Dongjiang Army and Mao Chenglu and others to fight repeatedly. The two sides are in a tug-of-war. For the time being, Mao Chenglu and others have not gained an advantage. Now the court seems to have changed the wind, as if they have made up their mind to advance and suppress them. .

No matter how powerful their rebels are, their resources are limited, and they are fighting in different places. This is the territory of Shandong, and the people around Denglai do not support them.

They want to challenge the court in this way. Obviously, they can't fight against the court in any case. Although the current situation of the Ming Dynasty is not optimistic, the starved camel is bigger than the horse. If they really drive the court crazy, they will transfer more than 100,000 troops, and the court is currently estimated to be able to do it!

So now that things have reached this point, they must continue to expand their territory and strength as soon as possible, have the ability to compete with the court, so that they can suppress them, and finally force the emperor to recruit them.

But if they want to expand their territory and strength as soon as possible, Laizhou City is a roadblock that can't be moved. As long as Laizhou is not taken down, they can't continue to expand to the hinterland of Shandong. It is like a nail nailed to their throats, making it difficult for them to sleep and eat. Ann.

These days, Li Jiucheng has constantly sent people to urge him to attack the city of Clay State as soon as possible. However, Zhu Wannian, Xie Lian, Yang Yufan and others in the city are fighting to the death in the city and guarding them closely, which makes him repeatedly attack. At present, although he has transferred more than a dozen Hongyi cannons and dozens of various artillery pieces, they have been bombarded repeatedly. State City, but still can't capture Laizhou City.

So Kong Youde looked at the wall of Laizhou City and felt powerless. Finally, he thought about it again and came up with a plan, which was to cheat.

After thinking of this, Kong Youde then asked him to write a book and wrote a letter to Xie Lian in the city in his tone. The letter told him about his so-called various grievances, as well as his helplessness, as his loyalty to the Ming Dynasty, and his willingness to put down the butcher knife now. He surrendered to the court and hoped that Xie Lian and Zhu Wannian could accept his surrender.

The letter was soon sent to Laizhou City and presented to Xie Lian, Zhu Wannian and others. After seeing Kong Youde's letter, they suddenly became an uproar. Most of them thought that Kong Youde was not credible. This person was a capricious villain and not trustworthy. This time, he said that he would surrender. Ten* may be fraudulent.

Moreover, Yang Yubo, the general, firmly believes that Kong Youde is absolutely not good-hearted and can't believe his words. Maybe he will fraudulently surrender this time. He just wants to open the gate of Laizhou City and capture Laizhou City.

Now, due to the siege of the rebels, Laizhou City's contact with the outside world has been interrupted. They are not clear about the situation of the court, let alone the current attitude of the court towards the rebels. Some time ago, the court seemed to be very ambiguous and refused to send reinforcements. It seems that the main opinion prevailed.

If the court's opinion is still prevailing, then the future of the reinforcements is far away, so they can't grasp it now. Why Kong Youde suddenly proposed to surrender and accept the appeasement at this time.

This also caused Xie Lian, Zhu Wannian and others to be unable to effectively judge whether Kong Youde's ultimate purpose should accept Kong Youde's surrender or not.

Although Yang Yubo and others insisted that Kong Youde could never be trusted, could not be fooled by him, and could never go out of the city to accept his so-called surrender.

However, Xie Lian and Zhu Wannian think that it may not be appropriate to do so, because if Kong Youde really wants to surrender this time, then if they don't go out to be surrendered, won't it mean that they have a God-given opportunity to force Kong Youde to continue to continue the chaos?

In addition, Xie Lian also believes that Kong Youde will suddenly surrender at this time. If it is not good, it is because he can't attack Laizhou City for a long time and has a retreat. He knows that if he continues to fight, he can't capture Laizhou City. If he can't capture Laizhou City, then they have no way out, so they may be afraid and want to pull back the cliff. , chose to surrender to alleviate their guilt of rebellion.

Therefore, Xie Lian and Zhu Wannian think that they can't sit back and watch Kong Youde want to surrender this time, but ignore it. As long as there is a little chance, they must try. If they dare not go out to be surrender this time, Kong Youde may take this opportunity to publicize that he is willing to surrender. But these officials did not dare to be surrendered. He continued to rebel and was forced by them.

I'm afraid this will be enough for them, so no matter what, they have to try to see if Kong Youde really wants to surrender this time.

Yang Yufan, as a general officer, can't decide on this kind of thing. In addition, Yang Yufan is also relatively young. Although his ability to lead the army is not weak, he can't influence the ideas of Xie Lian and Zhu Wannian in many things.

And Xie Lian and Zhu Wannian did have their difficulties in this matter. Even if they knew that Kong Youde was cheating, they could not be surrendered, because if they did not go, they would be honest. Therefore, they negotiated and decided that Xie Lian would stay in the city, and Zhu Wannian would go out of the city to surrender outside the city.

According to the agreed day, at three o'clock on the morning of Qixi Festival, Kong Youde led a large number of rebels and began to gather outside the south gate of the city. This time, the rebels did not seem to attack the city. All the cavalry walked, did not ride horses, did not take their swords out of their sheaths, and the flags were also rolled up, including the generals of the army. They all gathered in front of the battle and walked outside the south gate of the city and began to gather. Kong Youde even carried a bundle of thorns behind him, naked, made a look of pleading, and led the rebels to line up outside the south gate of the city, waiting for Xie Lian and Zhu Wannian to come out of the city to surrender.

Xie Lian and Zhu Wannian had already led their troops to observe the actions of the rebels on the gate of the south gate of the city. When they saw that the rebels began to gather and had a different posture from the previous siege, they showed a respectful and dejected appearance, which was indeed a little like they were about to surrender.

However, Yang Yubo still insisted on his opinion. The rebels' move was fraudulent and purely fraudulent. They wanted to control Xie Lian and Zhu Wannian and others when they were surrendered and threatened the defenders in the city to open the gate.

Zhu Wannian still agrees with Yang Yubo's worries at this time, but Xie Lian's attitude is relatively swinging and he hesitates again and again to ask Zhu Wannian to go out of the city to be surrendered.

Zhu Wannian gritted his teeth and ordered Yang Yubo: "This time, I went out of the city to be surrendered. If the rebels really surrendered, they would stop, but if the rebels were cheated and I was held by them, you should focus on the overall situation. Don't be embarrassed by me, guard Laizhou City, and fire fire immediately! Mr. Yang, you personally supervise the battle, load the cannon, and lead the army to prepare. Once things change, fire immediately! Leave me alone!"

Yang Yufan listened to Zhu Wannian's instructions. Although he was reluctant to give up, he also knew that he could not stop Zhu Wannian. In fact, Zhu Wannian was ready to die when he left the city this time. He had already put his personal safety out of danger. Such integrity moved him very much. He nodded with tears and agreed, saying that he would live up to Zhu Wannian's trust. Please take care of yourself after Zhu Wannian goes out of the city.

As the gate slowly opened, the suspension bridge began to slowly fall, until it roared heavily on the wide moat.

Zhu Wannian rode on a horse with more than a dozen soldiers and slowly came out of the gate. Many people shouted: "Zhufutai... Take care! ......”

Zhu Wannian's face was solemn, and he repeatedly saluted the people around him, then gritted his teeth and walked out of the city with more than a dozen soldiers without hesitation.

(Wow! Today, I saw the rewards of the shrimp and pervert brothers. In addition, I also saw the rewards of the long-lost Xinli brothers, and of course, the rewards of the spear fish brothers, the manm brothers and the desert laughing west wind brothers! It made my little heart really beat a few times, hehe! Thank you very much! Thank you for your strong support!)