Daming Haiku

Chapter 133 Deadly Fight 2

However, when the rebels began to fight back, Xiong Wencan was immediately worried again. Yu's weapons were sharp, but it was a long distance, and they could bully people. However, at present, the rebels began to charge desperately. Seeing that the posture was still fierce, once they rushed to the front of Yu's army By the way, can Yu Jiajun be so majestic?

And he also looks at the formation of the family army, which is also very strange. The structure is very simple, mainly * hands and long gunmen. There are not many knives and cards, and the composition of the arms is too simple. If the rebels rush to them, can they still stand it?

Then he quickly rubbed his sore eyes, put the telescope in front of him, and began to stare at the war situation on Yu Jiajun's side.

The rebels went forward and were driven to the army like ducks. After a while of charge, they were really getting closer and closer to the army.

At this time, the red flag waved in the center of the Yu family's army. When the officers saw the red flag swinging, they immediately shouted and issued orders.

The Yu family's military formation, which was originally in a horizontal formation, then began to change dazzlingly in front of everyone. More than 3,000 military generals began to move as a unit, quickly from a loose formation to a dense square array.

At this time, all the long gunmen rushed to the edge of the phalanx, bent down and squatted down, stepped on the tail of the gun with one foot, grasped the barrel of the gun with one hand, and raised the tip of the gun diagonally outward. Almost instantly in the family army array, they turned into a hedgehog full of t, forming a dense gun forest on the edge of the array.

The sharp tip of the gun flashed with a little cold light in the sunlight. The knife player also quickly gathered on the edge of the array, half squatted and raised the rattan card, protected himself and the long gunners around him. He pulled out a single knife with his right hand and was ready to fight close combat at any time. Once some rebels squeezed into the gun forest and tried to rush In the battle, they are the last line of defense.

And * hands are gathered in the four corners and middle positions of the array, and the long shooters and swordsmen in front of them are in a state of squatting or semi-squatting, which does not affect their sight.

So these * hands continued to load for a moment and fought against the attacking rebels, and batches of rebels were cut to the ground by * bullets like mowing grass.

But the rebels are also anxious. Now they can't retreat. Anyway, they are all dead. Let's go! What's more, it's so close to the Yu army now that even if you run, you will be shot in the ass.

So the rebel generals, with red eyes and shouting strangely, rushed to the large array of the Yu family army. After some archers approached, they stopped to buckle the strings and arrows again, hid in the crowd, and threw bows and arrows at the Yu family army array.

Yu Jiajun finally began to suffer casualties. Although the arrows shot were not dense, they still effectively fell into their array. Some of them were simply blocked by the knife hand rattan cards, but the arrows that fell into the crowd of * hands could not resist, and they could only fight hard.

Some arrows were shot on the armor and were effectively blocked by the armor, but there were also some arrows that were shot into the soldier's body from low-protected or unprotected parts, causing a small number of casualties to the soldiers.

However, this kind of casualties had little impact on the Yu family army. The wounded were immediately rushed into the battle and handed over to the ambulances for first aid. The dead were immediately collected and not abandoned on the spot.

Yu's army was still full of gunfire, like a fire-breathing hedgehog, and the rebels were lying everywhere. Finally, after paying a huge price, the rebels rushed to the front of the Yu family's army, but they rushed to the front of the rebel generals and suddenly felt like they wanted to cry.

Grandma, is this still not allowed to live? Finally, they got here, but there was a dense long gun in front of them. The enemy didn't even have to raise the long gun to stab. They were pushed to the tip of the gun by the people behind them.

"Don't push... Don't push! Help...don't push...ah! ..." Many rebels screamed like women, looked at their bodies, and were pushed by the people behind them to the tip of the long gun in front of them until they were squeezed into the tip of the gun, and then pierced.

Unless it is plate armor, the general armor is not very effective against long guns. Even if it is the best bright light armor, as long as it is not the position of the heart mirror, it can still be worn.

What's more, where is the rebel equipment so good? At best, it's good to wear a cotton armor. Only the military generals have better iron armor. They can't stop the sharp gun tip at all. They can only watch their bodies slowly penetrate.

This way of death is undoubtedly the most frightening, but this kind of thing is constantly staged in front of the family army.

So some dying guys knew that they were not lucky and threw the knives and guns in their hands at the opposite enemy. In this way, they really hurt some soldiers of the family.

However, people have an instinct. Many people refuse to throw away their weapons even if they die. It seems that they have a sense of security, but as a result, they are still stabbed to death in front of the Yu's army.

Some smart guys quickly fell on the waist, half lying on the ground and tried to get into the army from under the long gun, but this did not return their lives. Immediately, the knife hand of the army rushed up and turned them to the ground with a ferocious knife.

Yu Jiajun's knife player usually focuses on training close combat skills, and what he has learned is the simplest but most effective killing moves. He only practiced a few moves day after day and year after year. Therefore, he has practiced these tricks very well, and he is no longer familiar with them. The speed of knives is so fast, even in the general world. The masters met them and were caught off guard, so when the rebels met them, almost most of them had no power to fight back.

What's more terrible is that when the rebels arrived in front of the Yujia army, the * hands in the Yu family's army never stopped firing. They still took turns to come forward and keep hitting the opposite rebels. Such a shot almost even if it stood up the forehead, which is more terrible than shooting and killing people from afar.

While dealing with the long gun forest in front of them, the rebels have to be constantly killed by * row guns. The death and injury have reached an unparallable level.

Even at the two positions directly connected to the enemy, the rebels took the opportunity and rushed to the Yu's soldiers holding "birds". They thought it was time for them to kill. In close combat *, their hands were all scum. Once the enemy was brought close, the "birds" in their hands became burning sticks and they could only wait to be slaughtered.

But what I never expected was that things did not go as planned. Just as they excitedly held knives and guns and rushed to the generals of the Yu family, these generals of the family suddenly became a trick and installed a sharp dagger on them. In front of the bird, he picked up the bird and roared and stabbed the rebels opposite.

This is the * of the family army, but it is not short. Coupled with a bayonet more than a foot long, the length catches up with the short spear. In addition, the * hands of the family army usually have the bayonet training, which is the most conventional subject, and every few days, there will be a small range of bayonet simulation within the first level. Martial arts competition, * hands should wear full body protective equipment and fight with wooden guns.

After a long time of exploration and some martial arts tips, they have summed up a set of simple and powerful bayonet tricks, which can fight with the enemy with knives and effectively restrain the enemy's gunners.

These movements are fast and fierce. They can not only fight with bayonet, but also use the butt of the gun body to fight with the enemy. They can be assassinated from a long distance and can also fight at close range.

Therefore, Yu Jiajun's * hand is not as bad as the Ming army's * hand. It can only shoot the enemy from a long distance. Once the enemy approaches, it can only be slaughtered.

So these * hands of the Yu family army also gave a big surprise to the rebel soldiers. Many rebel soldiers looked at each other and howled at the * hand of the Yu family army, a fierce and rapid thrust, which was stabbed on the spot.

These guys didn't figure out until they died. How could they put a dagger on the bird? Isn't this cheating? How can this Fujian soldier be so unreasonable and not follow common sense?

In a word, a large number of rebels crowded in front of the family army array and repeatedly attacked. At the intersection of the two armies, they presented a scene of a tragic battle. However, a large number of rebels were deadly to the family army array, but the family army array was always like a rock, allowing them to attack at will, but Don't move.

On the contrary, after a large number of rebels hit the Yu's military phalanx, they suddenly splashed blood like waves and fell in front of the Yu's army. Within a short time, in front of the family's army array, they fell down a pile of half-man-high corpses, which even hindered the progress of the subsequent rebels and hindered the * hands in the Yu family's phalanx. Shooting.

Under such repeated shocks, the rebels did not take advantage of it at all, and their last courage was completely exhausted. Finally, some rebels couldn't stand it. They looked at the accomplices who rushed in front of them and fell to the ground like grass mustard. A large number of injured people lay in the pile of corpses, let out a desperate scream helplessly. The sound, so they began to collapse.

Some rebel generals, regardless of the knife and axe hand of the supervisory team behind them, stared at them, turned around and began to escape. When the supervisory team raised the knife and axe to them, some rebels scolded, and also raised knives and guns to the knife and axe hand of the supervisory team in order to save their lives.

And the retreating rebels, like the plague, quickly spread among the rebels, and more rebels will begin to join the retreat.

(Obviously, today's monthly ticket is not good! It has been exposed several times in a row**, which is terrible! Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a monthly pass!)