Daming Haiku

Chapter 172 Natural Enmity

Yu Xiaotian's men gave such an order to him, which is quite puzzled. Yu Xiaotian has never given such an order before. People who are familiar with him have long found that Yu Xiaotian seems to be born with a strong hostility to the Japanese. Generally speaking, Yu Xiaotian grabs the words of the real Japanese on the coast of China and goes to In the past, they ordered to torture and torture everything, and after forcing them out, they were killed by the most cruel means, and even took them to let the recruits to train their courage and stab them with bayonets.

This method is very different from Yu Xiaotian's usual style. It seems that Yu Xiaotian hated these Japanese and did not kill them quickly. Now he has issued such an order, so some people are puzzled and asked Yu Xiaotian the reason.

After listening to his men's inquiry, Yu Xiaotian sneered and said, "You don't understand the nature of this Japanese. When he sees you strong, they can be your dog, but when they see you weak, they will show their ferocious faces and come up and bite you at any time!

In the prosperous Tang Dynasty, the Japanese invaded the country of Korea, but were attacked by the Tang army and almost annihilated. So they knew the power of the Tang Dynasty and immediately changed their faces. They sent envoys to pay tribute every year, and sent Tang envoys to our Middle-earth Tang Dynasty to learn various technologies and knowledge.

However, in the Song Dynasty, they found that the Song Dynasty was weak, so they hooked up with Liao Jin, regarded Liao Jin as Zheng Shuo, and stopped paying tribute to the Song Dynasty, but they still sent people to Middle-earth to steal all kinds of things.

After the founding of the Ming Dynasty, the Japanese thought that China could be bullied, so they condoned a large number of Japanese pirates to come to burn, kill and plunder along the coast, and do all kinds of evil, forcing the Ming Dynasty to adopt the policy of sealing the country and stifling the strong Chinese sea voyage.

If this is not removed, it is a big problem in my heart. Sooner or later, he will bite us fiercely! So now that I have the ability, I naturally need to add some obstacles to them. This is just the beginning!

When I free my hands, I will lead an expedition to Japan and slaughter them all. As long as they are public, I will not stay! He is a young man who is demoted to slavery and works to death! Women! Then you can do it at your end! You all remember what I said today!

If I can't do it for some reason, then you have to do this for me at any time. In short, as long as there is me in the world, I will never allow this Japanese to survive! This is my national policy in the future! Those who are not of our race will have different hearts, and those who violate our heavenly power will be killed even if they are far away! This is not only for the Japanese, but also for anyone else who is disrespectful to me! He is only one of them!"

Only then did everyone know that Yu Xiaotian really hated this Japanese. After hearing this, the military generals all said that they had buried the idea of slaughtering the Japanese sooner or later in their hearts!

No one is a soldier, but when the Ming treated the Han people, even many other ethnic groups, Yu Xiaotian strictly ordered not to kill innocent people indiscriminately, so the military discipline of the Yu family has always been very strict. For this reason, many military generals who could not control their anger and were originally very promising and capable. In some battles, He was punished for committing taboos.

Now Yu Xiaotian has opened an opening for them. One day, when dealing with this Japanese people, they can be allowed to harm them casually. In this way, they will lose those scruples. Although Japanese women are not very beautiful, one by one is short and shruggish, and many of them are circled legs, but they can still play with a few. It's cool!

This time, some soldiers who were punished for killing indiscriminately this time actually got a chance to make a comeback, filling them all into the plunder fleet, and clearly ordered them to treat the Japanese. Qi, it is not wrong to kill a lot. On the contrary, they can get rid of their previous sins. As long as they do well enough, sooner or later, they will be given a chance to return to the regular army.

So after these guys went to the coast of Japan with the fleet, they were all cruel and killed people without blinking their eyes. In the past two years, they have taken thousands of young women back to Taiwan from Japan, most of whom have been filled into brothels. However, they have always lacked women for the sea wolf department and found a A channel for venting.

This is a little off topic, but it also shows Yu Xiaotian's personal point of view. In this regard, many civil servants in the sea wolf system such as Lin Yiyang have some objections to Xiaotian's practices. Someone once wrote to Yu Xiaotian to advise Yu Xiaotian not to do so, but whenever someone mentions this matter, Those who wanted to persuade Yu Xiaotian were immediately severely reprimanded by Yu Xiaotian, so that this voice of opposition soon disappeared completely.

In a word, all the sea wolves and other people now know that killing Japanese is a good thing. The more they kill, the happier they will be! So when dealing with these Japanese, the sea wolf members will never be polite!

In fact, another reason why Yu Xiaotian did this is because Chinese people's thoughts have been greatly influenced by Confucianism and Buddhism, and they like to talk about what to repay kindness and compassion.

As a farming nation, most Han people have gradually wiped out the fierce instinct in their hearts between farming in the fields. However, this situation has led to a serious lack of blood in many Han soldiers when facing foreign aggression, which is not for Yu Xiaotian to want to expand significantly in the future. What a good thing.

So now he deliberately does this, so that his men can form a habit of killing externally and being gentle internally. One day when he waves his teacher to expand globally, he must know what to do at that time! Colonialism itself is an extremely bloody and cruel road. There is no room for any mercy when you embark on this road. If your subordinates are kind, God knows what will happen to the colony in the future.

So the Japanese are also unlucky. He first used it as an experimental field, and his reason is very sufficient, that is, in the 200 years of the Ming Dynasty, the Japanese pirates have done a lot of things to harm the Chinese people, and now it is a matter of course to let their men retaliate against them.

Although Yu Xiaotian has not been able to completely block the export trade of monopolizing the Japanese, now he can first repay his own way and harm these damn little devils. When he waits to free his hands one day, he should let these damn Japanese pirates know that they will offend the Chinese. What's the consequence?

In a word, today's commercial monopoly has made the sea wolf eat enough benefits, and also made the sea wolf group make enough money. Although this is a little unfair, it has brought another benefit to Chinese businessmen. Chinese businessmen have never known what unity is. Although there are also some similar guilds in various places among merchants and peers Forms of groups exist, but their purpose is very narrow, just to control the local supply and price.

However, once some of the same goods are produced everywhere, these merchants immediately adopt the method of selling at a low price to compare the price with each other, and the final result is that those outsiders take advantage of it.

Similar to raw silk, merchants in Jiangsu and Zhejiang and Fujian have this problem. For decades, the export price of raw silk has not been rising, and it has always hovered at a low price, making the Spaniards, the Dutch and the Frang people take advantage of it.

This is not only a problem in this era, but also exists in later generations. Take the simplest thing, for example, China exports Japanese disposable chopsticks in later generations. In order to seize the market, Chinese businessmen continue to push down prices with each other, and even keep the price to the point of loss. Japanese businessmen also took advantage of this characteristic of Chinese merchants and made huge profits. They even collected the used disposable chopsticks, pulped them into paper, and then sold them back to China at a high price.

Yu Xiaotian was angry when he saw such a stupid thing, so when he monopolized the business, he also made up his mind to completely solve this problem. He set a minimum price for many goods that Westerners like, requiring all merchants to abide by this lowest price and deal with those Thais. Wait, it is never allowed to lower the price and break through the lowest price for the sake of competition.

He has now sent a lot of detailed works in Manila, Dayuan, Batavia, Trench Australia and other places, that is, spies similar to later generations, collecting all kinds of intelligence there, and also monitoring the prices of commodities traded with these foreigners.

Once a businessman is found selling goods at a price lower than the lowest price set by the Seawolf Group, immediately submit the information back to the Seawolf headquarters.

The sea wolf headquarters will immediately arrange people to come to these merchants to interrogate the crime. The lightest thing is to impose a huge fine, and even directly cancel their right to go to sea and prohibit them from doing sea trade.

So after a few years, these businessmen have learned to be obedient and can only trade with those Thais in strict accordance with the lowest price set by the Sea Wolf Group. In this way, it also protects the interests of Chinese sea merchants and makes the Chinese to make more money.

This Spring Festival, after learning the news that Yu Xiaotian returned to Fujian, both local officials and sea merchants rushed to Weitou Bay to see Yu Xiaotian and give some gifts before the Spring Festival. In addition, Yu Xiaotian had to arrange his men to take his greetings and make some places.

The news that Yu Xiaotian returned to Fujian this time and had a conflict between Fuzhou and Zou Weiyan on the spot quickly spread all over the country. Some people realized that Yu Xiaotian and the governor of Fujian may completely stand on opposite sides in the future. At this time, naturally, they will choose to stand in line.

In terms of officials, naturally, most people choose to stand on Zou Weiyan's side and take this opportunity to fight against Xiaotian, so as to show their goodwill to Zou Weiyan. Therefore, during this period, Fujian officials can be said to be a curse for Xiaotian.

(Thanks for the reward of the three brothers who laughed at the west wind in the desert, passer-by Chun and green back V! In addition, if you have anything you want to say to me, you can join the group 101682380. I will often find time to meet you in the group in the future! I logged in to the group last night, and almost no one spoke, which showed that it was very unpopular! I hope to communicate more with big guys in the future!)