Daming Haiku

Chapter 201 Where to hit first

So Lin Yiyang stood up and bowed his fist and said, "The lord is well-intentioned and sincere. Although we can protect them for a while, how can we protect them for generations? Children and grandchildren have their own blessings. What the lord said is that they will not be buried if they are virtuous and capable, but those who are immoral and incompetent don't care about such unworthy descendants!"

After listening to Lin Yiyang's words, everyone was gradually relieved. They followed Yu Xiaotian and already knew that Yu Xiaotian had plotted greatly. This big tomorrow is just one of them. The world is still big! As long as their descendants are willing to work hard, how can they not have a chance to get ahead? It's ridiculous to think about these unimportant things now, so everyone got up again and said they would obey your order!

Yu Xiaotian breathed a sigh of relief. In fact, he also said these words today. He was afraid that these men would only think about his ancestors and one day replace those powerful people in the current dynasty and become the next generation of social moths.

That's why he raised this matter quite inappropriately at this time, which is regarded as beating these guys in advance so that they don't have to think too much.

Yu Xiaotian nodded and asked everyone to sit down again. He turned around and waved his hand. The bodyguard immediately pulled off the big curtain covering the wall and immediately presented a huge map of Daming on the wall.

When everyone's eyes lit up, their thoughts suddenly returned to reality and focused all their attention on this bright map.

Yu Xiaotian stretched out his hand and picked up a baton in front of him, walked to the map, pointed to the map and said, "Please look, this map is the map of Daming!"

At present, the place marked with the small red flag is the area that we have secretly controlled. Needless to say, Fujian is still under the jurisdiction of the imperial government, but you know better than me who has the final say!

Two Guangzhou! In the coastal area of Guangdong, we already have enough voice. Although we have not yet made use of the local government, as long as we want to replace it, it is just a matter of hand!

In the coastal area of Zhejiang, our power has been basically entrenched. Although it is not as strong as here, the local forces have done nothing about us, and we have actually controlled Hangzhou Bay and coastal islands, taken Zhejiang, and can't use too many of our troops.

In terms of Nanzhili, we have not spread enough power at present, but we have also penetrated into all aspects. As long as we need it, we can go against the river and go straight to Nanjing!

And Shandong is our most important base in the north. At present, Denglai and other places have been basically controlled by us, and the government has basically been ordered to go out of the city..."

Yu Xiaotian first briefly described the actual control area and sphere of influence of the sea wolf. First, let the people present know the specific distribution of power, so as to avoid deviations during the next discussion, which includes the current situation of troops and equipment in various places. Yu Xiaotian clarified these situations. Moreover, it took more than half an hour to explain the whole situation clearly.

After everyone looked at the map and listened to Yu Xiaotian's introduction to the current distribution of their power, they were very excited. Many of them only knew part of the situation before and did not have the opportunity to understand the current distribution of sea wolf's power so clearly. Today, after listening to Yu Xiaotian's introduction, they understood that It turns out that over the years, Yu Jiajun has controlled such a large territory and ambushed such a huge strength in so many places under the secret transfer of Xiaotian.

It turned out that they thought that Yu Xiaotian's uprising must be from Fujian and use troops against Zhejiang and Liangguang first, but they didn't expect that in the north, now more than half of Shandong has also become the sphere of influence of sea wolves, which is not far from Beijing. The place!

So after listening to it, everyone felt extremely excited and began to carefully consider the current situation.

"Nowa superficially, the Ming army has indeed achieved small success and achieved some results in the elimination of the exiled civilian army, but these exiled forces have contained about 200,000 officers and soldiers!

If the civilian army is not eliminated, the Ming government will not be able to draw enough strength to deal with us!

I initially predict that in the second half of this year, after the beginning of winter, the northern Jiannu is likely to enter the customs and plunder the south again. If it is not my expectation, this time I am afraid that this Jiannu will mobilize most of the troops to enter the customs, and is likely to reach Jinan Prefecture, Shandong Province or even further!

According to a preliminary estimate, the number of soldiers of the Eight Banners of Jiannu, plus the Eight Banners of Han and the Eight Banners of Mongolia, may reach about 100,000 to 150,000. According to the habits of Jiannu, they may claim to have 300,000 troops to enter the customs, so the strength of the Ming army in the north of the whole customs is not dominant.

In addition, with the current combat ability of the officers and the morale of the officers and soldiers, the officers and soldiers can't stop the construction slave army from going south at all, so once the construction slaves enter the customs this time, it will be quite fierce.

"At present, I plan to take advantage of this time when the construction slave and the tar enters the customs to give a fatal blow to the Ming Dynasty and destroy the Ming Dynasty as soon as possible, so this dispatch of troops is a decisive battle!

Make sure to determine the universe in World War I, so that there is no possibility of repeated Ming Dynasty, and make sure to achieve a fatal blow! Now that I invite you, I want you to brainstorm and come up with a complete way to ensure that this goal is achieved!"

After listening to this, everyone suddenly burst into a burst of excitement, and their faces showed excitement. They had been holding back for so long. In fact, some of them had long been impatient and thought that with their strength, there was no need to lie with Daming any more.

And at present, everyone has felt the strong hostility of the Ming court and government towards the sea wolf group and Yu Xiaotian. In the past two years, they have made a lot of small actions to try to curb their sea wolf group.

At this point, many of the sea wolf's subordinates privately believe that the time has come. Yu Xiaotian can immediately take them to rebel. With their strength, it doesn't take long to win the world and kick the Ming Dynasty to the ground.

However, during this period, Yu Xiaotian still did not make a clear statement, and has always suppressed the aggressive thoughts of his subordinates, making all departments calm down and waiting for his decision.

Now that they have finally put aside all distracting thoughts and decided to rebel against the topic, how can they not be excited?

Although the Jiannu army has not yet broken through the pass and went south, Yu Xiaotian said that in the winter this year, the Jiannu army may swing south, so there will be no problem with this matter.

If this is the case, then Yu Xiaotian's choice to start an army at this time is undoubtedly a very good time. The entry of slaves in the north will certainly shock the court, and will certainly contain most of the officers and soldiers in the north, making the officers and soldiers have no time to separate themselves and go south to deal with them.

So at this jucle, Yu Xiaotian chose to raise an army to rebel, which was the most appropriate opportunity, so everyone immediately began to think and put forward their suggestions one after another.

The opinions put forward by the public were that they went south first, captured Guangdong and Guangxi, then turned around and went north, first occupied the south of the Yangtze River, and then went north until they went straight to the capital.

Some people also put forward that there is no need to consider the two Guangzhou side now, because there is a third fleet and some army Chen stationed in Hong Kong. Even if they do not go south to take Guangdong and Guangdong, with this part of the sea wolf army, it is impossible to pose any threat to the nest of the sea wolf Fujian.

Therefore, since the army has started, it is best not to delay. It is best to fight Zhejiang directly to the north, from Zhejiang to the south Zhili, and defeat Nanjing. As long as the transportation of Daming is cut off, even if the capital in the north does not take it, Daming will eventually completely collapse and disperse.

After this idea was put forward, it was immediately supported by many people, because it is indeed safer to do so. Under World War I, as long as Nanjing City is taken down, Yu's army has the absolute initiative. To the north, it can continue to enter Shandong along the canal to attack the capital, and to the west can go straight to Huguang and take down Huguang. After all, at this time, there is a proverb, "The lake is well-known all over the world."

As long as Huguang is removed, the world can basically be settled, and Daming will be unable to turn over again.

This proposal made most people feel more reliable, so it quickly overwhelmed other voices. Some people even put forward more radical proposals, and even Zhejiang did not fight first, because Zhejiang is close to Fujian, which is equivalent to the flesh of Yu Jiajun. You can take it whenever you want.

Since you want to fight Nanjing, you should simply take advantage of the advantages and convenience of sea wolves at sea, directly use many sea boats to transport a large number of soldiers and horses, go straight into Songjiang Mansion, go up the mouth of the Yangtze River, and directly kill Nanjing. Don't give Daming any chance to react, first attack Yangzhou and Zhenjiang Prefecture, and then go straight to Nanjing City. You can directly cut off the canal and kill Daming.

As soon as this argument came out, it was immediately supported by the navy and won the recognition of many people. They felt that it should be faster to do so.

And Yu Xiaotian sat in the first position, smoking a pipe, listening without saying anything, silently calculating in his heart.

Everyone scrambled to speak first and put forward some of their specific suggestions. Someone next to them was specially responsible for recording and sorting out the suggestions made by these people, and then submitting specific things to Yu Xiaotian for review them.

The meeting lasted for a whole day. Seeing that it was getting late, Yu Xiaotian did not immediately state his position, but ordered the kitchen in the house to prepare meals, let everyone eat first, and pick up the lights to continue to discuss at night.