Daming Haiku

Chapter 21 Surprises for Jiannu

And those Ming people also saw the fire from the Yu family's army's position and heard the rumble of cannons. Many people closed their eyes in pain, waiting for the shell to fall on their heads the next moment and tear them to pieces.

However, they waited for a long time, but did not find that a cannonball fell in their crowd. Instead, they heard the Jiannu soldiers behind them shouting in the crowd and turning their heads, but saw that a piece of ** happened to Jiannu behind them. Then someone realized that something seemed to be wrong.

"Look, the shells hit the Jiannu crowd! Look at it!" Some bold people didn't close their eyes and had been observing the trajectory of the shell flying in the air. They saw a shell flying over their heads and finally fell into the slave soldiers behind them, so they suddenly shouted with ecstasy.

These people quickly turned their heads and looked at it. As a result, many people behind saw that many shells fell into the soldiers of Jiannu, beating many Jiannu with flesh and blood, and instantly tearing them into pieces.

The people are all dead anyway. At this time, they are not too afraid. Unexpectedly, many people made a cheering sound.

Jiannu was bombarded like this. He was angry and afraid. He was angry and had no place to vent. Hearing the sound of cheering from the Ming people in front of him, he was so angry that he immediately raised knives and guns to kill the last few people on the spot to vent their anger.

Yu Xiaotian stood on the military watch platform and always paid attention to the situation on the battlefield with his telescope. When he saw that most of the shells had successfully fallen into the enemy group, he put down the telescope, smashed the wooden railing in front of him with his fist and shouted: "Okay! Just fight like this! Good fight! Change the flower bomb! Keep hitting me!"

His order was instantly conveyed in the form of a flag, and the officers in the artillery position were ordered and immediately ordered: "All of them have it, a ruler of 400 steps!" Change the flower bomb! Keep filling and beat me hard!"

At this time, the artillerymen who completed the first round of shelling had quickly pushed the retreating artillery back to the gun position. The gunners were flying at an orderly manner to extinguish the remaining sparks in the gun room, clean up the gun room, and prepare to load it again.

After receiving the order, the gunner responsible for choosing the type of bullets immediately responded loudly and quickly took out the flowering bullets from the ammunition box of the car in front of the gun rack and handed them over to the gunner in charge of loading.

The gunmen shouted loudly and ordered a gunner to adjust the elevation angle of the muzzle and mark the firing distance. The ammunition package was quickly loaded into the gun mouth and pushed to the bottom of the gun mouth...

With the fierce roar of the officers, the artillery position of the Yu family army soon began the second round of shelling. The flowering bombs pulled smoke, roared out of the gun, drew arcs in the air, crossed the heads of the Ming people, and finally hit the crowd of Jiannu again, killing dozens of people in an instant. People.

There was a sound of exclamation and scolding in the group of slaves. It's not so playful. Obviously, you people in the Ming Dynasty are in front of you. How can you turn a blind eye and beat me? How did the military gunners do this? They really can't figure it out, but the fact is that other people's cannons seem to have long eyes. If they don't hit the Ming people, they have to fight the construction slaves who hide behind the people. These construction slaves have no choice but to stare.

But before their anger fell to the ground, Yu Jiajun gave them a huge surprise. More than half of the second batch of shells fell into their crowd, suddenly made a roar after a moment of landing, directly It exploded among the enemy.

Large shrapnel, roaring in the crowd, flying shrapnel, spinning and cutting everything they can touch along the way. Each shell explodes, and a vacant land will be cleared out of the slave soldiers. In an instant, some slaves around them will be lifted off and fall to the ground with flesh and blood.

Such a flowering bomb is new for the ignorant Jiannu. They can't figure out why it will explode after the round iron pimple falls to the ground and blow them up, so Jiannu's soldiers will suddenly become more **.

In order to avoid these terrible explosive shells, some Jian slaves had to quickly evacuate the formation, so that these shells would fall to the ground and explode.

In fact, the actual explosive power of these flowering bombs is not large. The thickness of the pellets cast by the spherical grenade itself is very large, and the thickness is uneven. In addition, the power is small. Even the power of gunpowder in grains can never catch up with the most common explosives. Therefore, when you explode, you can hear more noises, and you can't really blow up many fragments. Sometimes there are even a lot of blind fires, and even if it is an explosion, there will be a collapse of two halves.

But even so, this is shocking enough for the bun-like slave soldiers. Even if they are washed away by the waves, they will be scared to death. It is normal to think about it. Even if future generations magnify the thunder during the Spring Festival, if they collapses not far away, they will also make people's ears roar. , shocked, not to mention these slaves who have never seen a big scene in this era?

Therefore, the actual killing effect of these flowering bombs is not as good as people think, but the psychological deterrent caused is far more than their own lethality. They blew up Jiannu to seven meat and eight elements, and involuntarily tried to disperse towards the two wings and dared not squeeze behind the Ming people again.

The flowering bomb also had some impact on the Ming people. After all, the accuracy of the cannons in this era was limited. Some shells fell into the crowd, killing and injuring a small number of the people, so it also somewhat affected the Ming people in front of them, making them involuntarily spread towards both sides.

As soon as Jiannu saw the Ming people's crowd**, someone ran to both sides, and immediately rushed out of some cavalry, rushed to both sides of the Ming people's crowd, slashed them randomly, and circled these people back, forcing them to walk in the positive direction.

In this way, the slave army drove the Ming people forward while resisting the shelling of the Yu family army and slowly pushed towards the defense line of the Yu family army.

When they entered a distance of about 200 steps, on the left and right sides of the two brigade lines of the family army, the superior archers who had been waiting for them were finally ordered.

The officer suddenly roared, "Aim at the Jiannu on both sides and beat me!"

These * hands did not shoot by collecting fire this time, but lay on the chest wall in front of them, put the wolf-tooth rifle on the chest wall, adjusted the ruler, and began to aim at the star with a gap and carefully.

After they felt that they had firmly trapped a slave general, they chose to fire by themselves. They only listened to the front of the two wings, and there was a scattered but dense * sound.

The sound of beans-like * sounded one after another was due to the small mass of gunpowder smoke on the two wings of the family army front. At first, such sporadic shooting did not attract the attention of Jiannu, but soon they found that things were not as simple as they thought.

Because Jiannu was hit by flowering shells and unconsciously evacuated the formation, some of their soldiers and generals gradually emerged from both sides of the Ming people who covered them, and in order to block the Ming people from fleeing from both sides, there were also a group of Jiannu soldiers running back and forth on the two wings of the people's crowd, controlling the people. Forward.

So these people have become the targets of these excellent shooters. Although these shooters shoot scattered and do not have the shock of shooting, they use the method of accurate aiming and shooting, completely pursuing the accuracy of single-shot shooting.

Once the fire was fired, the exposed slave soldiers on the two wings soon fell to the ground one by one. The 200-step distance is the distance where the wolf tooth rifle can give full play to its power. Generally, * hands want to accurately hit the human-sized target at this distance, and it is still alive. It is quite difficult to move the target.

However, all the top shooters who were drawn this time are all the top shooters in the company of the family army. These top shooters are all sharpshooters. Although the number is not large, they are very good at shooting and the shooting accuracy is very high. For them, they want to accurately hit the human-sized activities in about 200 steps, or closer. The goal is not a big deal. Even if some people lose it, they still overturned a lot of slaves.

In a short time, Jiannu on both sides found that the people around them snorted one after another, or screamed and fell to the ground. At first, they were stunned for a while, but when they found that more and more people had been knocked over, they realized what had happened.

This is nearly 200 steps away! They dare not imagine that Yu Jiajun's * could fight so far and so accurately, shooting them one by one on the way forward like a name.

So the Jiannu soldiers were immediately afraid and quickly gathered in the middle to hide behind the crowd of the Ming people.

At this time, Jiannu had found that these Yu Jiajun really cherished these Ming people. Whether they fired or shot, they actually tried to avoid these Ming people and pick their Qing soldiers to attack.

This made the slaves angry. I finally came up with this method, but I still couldn't stand these Yu's army shooting them, so they had to drive these people desperately and go towards the Yu's army front. Many of them thought to themselves that since you are not willing to kill these Ming people, then let's see Look, when these raw mouths rush to you, will you kill them or not?

After some of the slave cavalrymen who had been scattered on both wings were knocked over, they also began to disperse and hide behind the crowd of the Ming people one after another.