Daming Haiku

Chapter 25 Soft

This time, with their smooth journey, they went straight down more than 2,000 miles without any danger, and plundered back into the hinterland of the Ming Dynasty. In the past six months, the slave army rarely encountered enemies and rarely suffered any defeats. Even if they occasionally encountered a sneak attack by the Ming army, it was still a small battle, and it was nothing to suffer a little loss.

They have never suffered a decent defeat, so that these slave soldiers have long been full of nostrils and have reached an invincible level. Their self-confidence can be said to be bursting. They think that they are invincible in the world, even those Mongolian Eight Banners and the Han soldiers who surrendered to them I think they are already too amazing.

This is a very good phenomenon for an army, which can make this army full of self-confidence, not be afraid of any enemy, and allow the generals to play the strongest combat effectiveness on the battlefield. In a derogatory sense, this is arrogance, but in a positive sense, it is a sense of honor for soldiers.

However, the self-confidence and sense of honor they have established have been dissipated by the Yu family army in the past few days. The invincible self-confidence they have just established is shattered in front of the family army.

In the past two days, as long as Dorcon pointed to someone's name and let him go to war, the faces of these soldiers immediately turned pale. Although they did not dare to disobey, the expression like going to the execution ground sold their inner fear.

What makes Dornon and Dudu most uneasy are not these, but the Mongolian Eight Banners that have gone out with them. The reason why these Mongolian tribes are willing to be driven by slaves is not that they forget the glory of their ancestors, but that they themselves are not united. In addition, they are far away in the grasslands and have low productivity. All kinds of things are missing, and it is impossible to fight against organized build slaves.

They were unable to fight against Jiannu. In addition, they also saw the weakness of Daming, so they could only benefit from each other and mix with Jiannu. In fact, are they really willing to be driven by Jiannu?

The answer is yes. These Mongolians are not willing to be dogs for Jiannu. The reason why they follow Jiannu is that they can't beat Jiannu. If you follow Jiannu, you can get some benefits from Daming. Even if Jiannu eats meat, you should give them some soup!

So over the years, Jiannu has repeatedly entered the customs and looted, and all the Mongolian departments are very enthusiastic about sending elite cavalry to follow the Jiannu army into the customs, so that they can also follow the looting to meet their material needs.

In fact, the Mongolian parts of this era were very poor. The grasslands they lived in were also because of the great influence of the small glacier period. The climate was very cold, and they graze grass for a living. Although there are many cattle, sheep and horses, they can't eat these things all day long. They also need to eat food, and they can't live without tea and salt. Even they can't get ironware, because they don't have the skills of mining and iron smelting, and can only rely on the output inside the customs, so even the pot they eat must rely on the inside output.

Daming has always been highly vigilant against the Mongolian departments, limiting the trading volume of the mutual market, and the officials who manage the mutual market have tried their best to exploit the Mongolian departments and raised the prices of exported commodities very high. However, the prices of the things used by the Mongolian departments to trade have been very low, so the Mongolian departments have not Full.

Later, Jiannu rose, so many tribes in the Mongolian tribes turned to the arms of Jiannu, but just wanted to follow Jiannu and get more benefits.

Over the years, they have been a lot of dog legs for Jiannu and helped Jiannu to deal with disaster, but in fact, they are not loyal to Jiannu, but just an exchange of interests.

This time entering the customs, it is easy to say that these Mongolian tribes who followed Jiannu to enter the customs have also fished full of pots through this six months of looting, one by one happily.

However, after a few days of fierce battle with Yu Jiajun in Tianjin Wei, these Mongolians began to become less obedient, because Dorgon has always been self-interested and often let these Mongolians do the first things. In the face of the sharp firearms of the Yu family army, although the Mongolian cavalry are brave and good In battle, they are good at riding and shooting, but they can't give full play to their advantages at all. Every time they ride a horse and rush over, a row of guns and cannons. These brave Mongolian cavalry were beaten on the spot turned over and suffered heavy casualties.

In the past few days, Mongolian departments have suffered the most casualties. Of course, not to mention the Han army that has always been used as cannon fodder. The Han people's clothes and Han soldiers who have accompanied the army in the past few days are almost been filled in.

The Mongols came out to get a bargain, but they didn't come to play with their lives. When they met soft persimmons, they were asked to rush up and pinch them. They were willing to do it, but when they met Yu Jiajun, a hard stubble that could break their teeth. They were capable once or twice, and three or four times they also stood up, but they took him every day. They went to fill the pit, but they quit.

These Mongolian soldiers are the most elite people among all ministries and the mainstay of the tribe. They feel sad when they die, not to mention that the groups of people who hulala every day were shot by the Yu family army?

So the Mongols began to quit in the past two days, which obviously showed their dissatisfaction. Although they have not yet reached the point of pulling the pole to escape by themselves, they have also proposed that instead of being blocked here, it is better to simply discard these goods and raw mouths, change places and rush out of the customs and pull down quickly. This time compensation That's it, but you can't fold the old capital here.

This is also the reason why Dorgan began to send a large number of slaves to build the Eight Banners to fight in the past two days, mainly for fear of being too tight. These Mongolians of the Eight Banners have turned against them.

After the fierce battle in the past few days, Dorge also felt that they were in big trouble this time.

This group of Yu Jiajun is really powerful. They have repeatedly hit the wall and tried their best, but they still can't break through here. It's not that Yu Jiajun blocked all the way out, but with Yu Jiajun is stuck in the Tianjin Wei area, even if he gives Dorgan a courage, he dares not lead the troops to take a detour across Tianjin Guard to escape. Go.

Once they took a detour and wanted to cross Tianjin Wei, Yu Jiajun suddenly stopped them, and then they really didn't have time to cry.

So as long as Yu Jiajun is still blocked here, Dorge will not dare to take a detour, and the two sides will be deadlocked here.

It is said that it is deadlocked, but in fact, they are too high on the Jiannu side. They are exhausted at this time. At this time, they are unable to fight again. Although Yu Jiajun is also under great pressure, Yu Xiaotian has constantly ordered the brigades to adjust and change their defenses in recent days, and always let his soldiers get a certain degree of rest and make up. Charge.

These days, the second batch of recruits from Zhifu Island and Fushan have arrived in Tianjin Wei. Although the number is small, it is enough to make up for the war losses of various departments in recent days and let each department replenish new recruits in time. Although the combat experience of the recruits is poor and the training is not sufficient. However, there is still no problem for several veterans to lead a new recruit. As long as these recruits are allowed to fight a few battles, these recruits will quickly grow into fierce veterans.

And with the arrival of the second batch of material personnel, Yu Jiajun also quickly replenished sufficient ammunition and replaced those weapons consumed by continuous fierce battles, especially some wolf tooth rifles. Under high-intensity use, the bald line and the power range has plummeted. The arrival of the second batch of materials has made These hands can quickly replace the barrel and replace some damaged accessories to restore the weapons in their hands to the best condition.

The second batch arrived with the ship and a temporary armory, with a total of more than 200 people. Most of these technicians were transferred from various arsenals, but they belonged to the militia system. This time, they were also recruited and directly arrived at Tianjin Wei. In the Tianjin Acropolis, they used the simple tools they brought on the spot to make a A temporary repair house.

Many weapons and armors damaged in battle do not need to be sent to the Fushan Institute for repair, let alone withdrawing to Taiwan, Fujian for repair. Many armors can be repaired directly in the Tianjin Acropolis after the arrival of the repair institute, and can be returned to the army at the fastest speed. Use.

Another few days of high-intensity shelling has caused some losses or failures in the artillery of various artillery battalions in the army, because the cultural quality of soldiers in this era is low, and it is good to teach them to use them. Even with some simple failures, it is not easy for artillerymen to discharge themselves.

With the arrival of the repair house, dozens of mechanics were also transported here, quickly rushed to the quarters of the artillery battalions, and repaired directly on the artillery positions, so that some of the failed artillery quickly regained their ability to use.

Dorge, Dudu and other slave chiefs gathered together and sat in the city of sorrow. Why can't they think of a better way to defeat the Yu army in front of them? Let's take a detour. What if these hundreds of thousands of people still have a large number of livestock and those mountains of goods? It is impossible to take it away.

They have seen the fighting power of Yu Jiajun. It is impossible to take these people and goods and want to slip away from their noses! Since Yu Jiajun has made up his mind to prevent them from leaving the customs, he will not let them slip away.

So they discussed and lost these people and goods, and escaped from the customs alone. These guys are reluctant to give up, but if they don't lose these goods and people, they can't leave.

In the end, Dorcon had to be soft and proposed to negotiate with Yu Xiaotian, the commander of the Yu family army, to give them some benefits, even if they were given 230,000 taels of silver and a batch of livestock, as long as they could give up Tianjin Wei and let them go.

So far, these slave chiefs have no better way, so they agreed with Dorcon's idea. On that day, Dorgan sent a general who had been outside the customs and asked him to go to Yu Jiajun to negotiate with Yu Xiaotian on behalf of himself.