Daming Haiku

Chapter 85 Decade

"Holy! After listening to Weichen's words, does the emperor still think that my China is still the best in the world? Not bad! My China is indeed the best in the world, because our Chinese nation has created the most brilliant culture, has the largest population in the world, and produces many exquisite goods.

We have the best porcelain in the world, with the most beautiful silk, the best raw silk, the best tea, the best lacquerware, the best paper...

These things have made those Thai people crazy, and each of them is attracted to these things, so we also have the best resources in the world.

But if we miss this era, we will be gradually left behind by those Thais, and even far behind.

The Hongyi cannons we have seen now are actually not a good thing in the eyes of the Thai people. The dozens of Hongyi cannons presented to the imperial court by the Fulang people in those years were only caused by a small country called Britain in Taixi, and they were only loaded on a warship that was very ordinary with them. Asia, that is, the coast of our Daming, tried to seize the trench of Australia from the Frang machine people.

But the ship later sank in the shallow water of the trench Mirror Australia, and the cannons on these ships were salvaged out of the water by the Frang machineman and sold to the court.

And in the hands of the Taisi people, there are cannons far more than these things, which are sharper than these cannons. If we Chinese continue to be so muddle-headed, one day when they divide up those homeless places in the world, they will keep an eye on us, and then they will use their more powerful cannons to Open the door of our country, and then China will be lost, and the country will become the fat meat they divide up.

This point can be seen from the repeated crimes of the Red-haired people over the years that our Daming warship is no longer their opponent, and our Daming army is no longer their opponent. Although Nancheng expelled it from Penghu in those years, it cannot be said to be a complete victory. The troops sent by Fujian are more than ten times that of the Red-haired people. However, it was difficult to attack a small red-haired city with heavy casualties.

This is the power of science and technology, that is, what you often call Western learning. Nowadays, the Thai people have begun to surpass us in many aspects. The quality of the firearms made by the Thai people far exceeds that of the birds made by the Ming Dynasty. It can be said that their military warships have gradually begun to be fully firearmed. But what about us? Our Ming officers and soldiers are still using big knives and spears, and they still use the oldest tactics.

This is the reason why the army under a certain command is invincible, because the soldiers and horses under Weichen's command are all Westernized equipment and also use Western-style tactics. After previous wars, it has also proved the power of these new weapons and the effectiveness of these Western tactics.

If the Ming Dynasty continues like this in the future, not to mention whether the Ming Dynasty can continue to prosper, I'm afraid that if it goes on like this, it will definitely be defeated by the rising civilian army! At that time, I'm afraid that the holy country will no longer be the river of the Zhu family, and I'm afraid that our Chinese nation will become an eternal land.

So Weichen came, because no one knows better than Weichen how to revive my Chinese majesty. Now Weichen has done it. On the southeast coast, those Thai people dare not do anything wrong to me Ming. In front of Weichen's water masters, they can only tremble. Everything should be done according to my rules, otherwise Weichen can do what he can, drive them away from this sea forever and cut off their financial path!

But with the strength of Weichen alone, he is still unable to conquer more land and strive for more interests for our Chinese nation in the future. Don't many people want land?

There are still many places in the world. There is a lot of land. No one cultivates and no one occupies it. Why do you want to fight for it in this small Ming Dynasty?

They want land. As long as they drive the warship to those unruled places, they can divide the endless land for them. In this way, will there be people in the world to rebel and rebel?

Everyone has land and food to eat. Who is willing to raise his head to rebel? Others can't do this, only Weichen can do it!

What Weichen needs is for the emperor to hand over his power to Weichen. If Weichen can't do this within ten years and the next peaceful and prosperous era tomorrow, then Weichen is willing to return the power to the emperor again, and then take his family away from the Ming Dynasty. How about never set foot in the Ming Dynasty again?

Chongzhen bowed his head and said nothing. In his heart, he was still shocked by Yu Xiaotian's words just now. At this time, he seemed to be a little unable to react to Yu Xiaotian's words.

But after a while, he still realized what Yu Xiaotian wanted and suddenly said angrily, "Whether your words are true or false, your intention to usurp power is still obvious, ten years? You want me to give you royal power for ten years! If you continue to take full power after ten years, and you will have controlled the Ming Dynasty by then, will you still return the power to me?

What about the ten-year appointment? If you really calm down the world, will I give up the throne to you?"

Yu Xiaotian touched his nose and said, "There are virtuous people living in the world. If Weichen will return a peaceful and prosperous world within ten years, then this means that Weichen will be stronger than the emperor. If the emperor wants to let the virtuous with me, then it is not be impossible!

But if Weichen can't do what he said within ten years, then it means that Weichen doesn't have this ability! The great saint of the world has also been clear. When Weichen arrives, he will take a fleet to sea. What's the harm in creating another world? Is it that the world is so big that Yu can't find a place to settle down with his own ability? What's the matter if the Ming Dynasty is still in the Holy?"

"Shameless! Shameless! You are the most shameless person I have ever seen in my life! You have tried your best to do so many things, but it's still just to cove my world! You, you... Even if I die, I won't let you do what you want!" Chongzhen was so angry that he didn't know what to do about scolding Yu Xiaotian. He pointed to Yu Xiaotian and scolded tremblingly.

Yu Xiaotian said solemnly, "This is wrong. This world is not the holy world, nor the world of the Zhu family, but the world of the people of the world! In more than 270 years since the founding of the Ming Dynasty, how many territories has Daming opened up in the past 200 years? How many things have the emperors of the Ming Dynasty done for the people of the world?

When it comes to the generation of the emperor, look at the next day, the people are hungry everywhere, and people eat each other everywhere. I don't know if they can see the sun tomorrow!

There were civilian troops everywhere, and the construction slaves outside the customs coveted the inside of the customs day and night, trying to enter the customs and replace them, and put our Chinese nation under its slavery!

The Ming officials do not think about politics, but only know how to fight with each other. The wind of greed sweeps the officialdom. It can be said that the treatment of the people is a bone and marrow-absorbing. The people are suffering from famine. In addition to escaping the famine, how much relief has the imperial government ever given? They supported the Ming court and officials, but when they were in disaster, who had considered helping them?

The Ming officials and soldiers could not resist the bandits outside, and could not calm the internal chaos internally. When they met the enemy, they were unable to move forward. They plundered the people for the generals and killed them! Military discipline has been corrupted to an unbeaten extent.

Hundreds of thousands of officers and soldiers, no one can stop the invasion of Jiannu, but they are rampant in the countryside, doing worse than Jiannu! Is this the way of the Holy Land?

I know that even if I say it, the emperor will not believe it. Even if there is no appearance of Yu, the Ming Dynasty and the generation of the emperor will end up. At present, under the internal and external troubles of the Ming Dynasty, in a few years, the Ming Dynasty will become the past, either destroyed by the hands of the exiled civilian army or taken away by Jiannu!

Yu Jucai didn't want to see my Chinese people go on so miserable at this time, so he brazenly took the rage of the world and entered the side of the Qing Dynasty. The emperor said that I coveted the Ming Dynasty or said that I was a rebel. Even if Weichen was accused by thousands of people thousands of people thousands of years later, as long as Weichen could save the Ming Dynasty in the water In the fire, what can you do even if you are scolded by the world?

Weichen respectfully ask the emperor to think twice, whether the saint will hand over the power or not! Can't Weichen lead the army to fight the world by himself? At worst, it's just to kill more people. If you have achieved great success, who has achieved great achievements since ancient times will not be stained with human blood?

Weichen Jingsheng is an emperor of diligent government. Although the emperor is not able to turn the tide, it can't be regarded as the fault of the emperor. Now the Ming Dynasty has rotten from top to bottom, and it really needs to be rectified! If I rely on the saint's character, I'm afraid I can't do it at all. Without some thunderous means, I'm afraid it will be difficult to reproduce the glory of my China!

Yu has said everything that should be said today. As for how the emperor should make a decision, please think twice before doing it!

However, Weichen is a person who has said that he will never harm the emperor, so he will do what he said. Please rest assured. Now 40,000 soldiers and horses of the Shaanxi army led by Hong Chengchou and Sun Chuanting have entered the area of Baoding Prefecture. If the emperor still has hope for these officers and soldiers, then Wei minister will let the emperor have a look. , these Ming officials are not enough!"

Yu Xiaotian was also a little impatient. What he said was that his mouth was dry, but Chongzhen was like Wang Ba eating weights. He was determined that he refused to give up power to him. This was simply playing the piano to the cow and wasting his tongue for nothing! So he finally couldn't help getting angry and issued an ultimatum to Chongzhen loudly.

Chongzhen is so angry that he doesn't even know his surname. He pointed to Yu Xiaotian and said angrily, "Traitor! You have such a wolf ambition! My ancestors passed on this Ming Dynasty to me. How can I give this country to you such a villain! Even if you kill me, I will never give you this power! Don't dream again!"

Yu Xiaotian sneered and said, "Well! Since the emperor said so, Yu went to fight by himself! If anyone doesn't accept it, then Yu will convince them! No matter who wants to block my way, then I will kick him away! Weichen left! Please take care of yourself!"

After saying that, Yu Xiaotian involved the fragments he showed on the table into the box, closed the suitcase with a click, and shouted, "Liu Wang! Let's go out of the palace!"