Daming Haiku

Chapter 105 The End of an Era

In another later generation of history, a dynasty has some positive propaganda for Li Zicheng because of ideological reasons, but for people living in this era, he is a thief and a giant bandit. Although he has a positive influence on this era, more of it is killing. Killing and destruction.

Once upon a time, when Yu Xiaotian read a book about Li Zicheng when he was a child, he admired and even admired Li Zicheng. However, with the increase of age and knowledge, he gradually gained a new understanding of Li Zicheng, Zhang Xianzhong and others.

Especially when he came to this era and learned about the scenes of this era, he had a new understanding of Li Zicheng, Zhang Xianzhong and many exiled military leaders.

Although many of these people were born with hardships (Zhang Xianzhong), after they embarked on the road of uncovering rebellion, because of their different angles and narrow vision, they could initially think of the people and gradually began to embark on a cruel and unkind road. Their existence is for this The society of the times has completely had a negative impact and gradually lost its justice.

They returned to the thinking mode of feudal monarchs more for their own glory and wealth, or power status, and no longer thought about the so-called nation. Even after Li Zicheng invaded the capital in history, he had completely betrayed his original intention of rebellion.

And Zhang Xianzhong later entered Sichuan in history, established a great western country, and became a murderer. It can be said that he was extremely cruel, and even stood completely on the opposite side of human beings, and each of them had committed heinous crimes.

Now that the Ming Dynasty has fallen into his hands with Xiaotian, and his ideals are about to be realized, so for Li Zicheng and Zhang Xianzhong, they have also completed their historical mission and should be swept into the garbage heap.

It can be said that Li Zicheng, Zhang Xianzhong and others have made great contributions to the current stage. Without them for causing trouble to Daming all the time over the years, then Yu Xiaotian would not have the opportunity to quietly expand his strength in a corner of Fujian and quietly until he Yu Wings gradually became rich, and he suddenly conquered the Ming capital and successfully stole the Ming Dynasty.

He is very clear about his identity now. In the eyes of many people who understand Daming, he should be an absolutely negative and rebellious character. As a minister of the Ming Dynasty, he was unfaithful to the Ming Dynasty. He supported the soldiers and stole the Ming Dynasty and took the emperor to order the princes. The whole replica of Cao Cao Wende, while Chongzhen was Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty.

But what about this? Yu Xiaotian didn't care about this reputation. What he wanted was the result. He suddenly went north to control the capital, imprisoned Chongzhen, and grabbed Daming's head with lightning, which made Daming immediately lose his mind. The local government and officials did not know what action to take to face this. The same situation.

This made him seize the world, save too much trouble, and reduce too much killing. If he hadn't used this strange move, although he was confident that he could rely on his force to defeat the world and seize power step by step, this process would be a long process.

Although Daming's officialdom is corrupt, extremely inefficient, and court officials are incompetent, after all, the hundred-legged insects are dead and not stiff. With Chongzhen, the boss in the town, Daming still has a strong counterattack power. At that time, even if he beats the world, I'm afraid that the world will be destroyed. Half of them, I don't know how many Ming people will die in the disaster of war.

The reconstruction of a country will consume too much time and money, which is not in line with his demands. What he wants China to restore calm as soon as possible, and then give him the strength to turn his eyes to the sea and the undeveloped land farther away, instead of wasting his life rebuilding the country. Above, it is about maintaining the stability of this country.

A person can only live for decades. He has come to this era for more than ten years. God has not given him much time left. If he miss it, then for the Chinese people, they will miss this era. With the inertial thinking and cultural accumulation of the Chinese people, the Chinese people do not Good at expansion, once everything may stagnate when he is away, then the Chinese may lose this rare opportunity forever.

This is the reason why he bravely went north to control the court, and even did not ascend to the throne for the time being. He made up Chongzhen and continued to keep the shell of the Ming Dynasty. As for his merit, it is up to be commented on by the later generations a hundred years later.

The defeat of Li Zicheng represents the basic end of the era of the exiled army. Only the remaining exiles who are active in the area of Yinghuo Mountain, such as Ma Shouying, Ge Liyan and He Yilong, after losing all their colleagues, the fall is also in an instant. They only need to gather the essence of Huguang, Henan, Nanzhili, Shandong and other places. Soldiers, completely surround the area of Yinghuo Mountain and give them a strong wall and clear field, then they can't continue to persist at all.

So the civil strife in the Ming Dynasty has basically come to a relatively perfect end. Although there are still a small number of people in many places that have not been finally calmed, these are just some small fights, which is not enough to make a big moth.

After Yu Xiaotian controlled the government, the whole Sea Wolf Group became completely busy, and the navy and merchant fleet all took action. A large amount of grain that would spare no effort to reserve in the past few years before Xiaotian began to be shipped to the north.

Yu Xiaotian can be said to be prescient and has stored so much food in advance. Otherwise, even if he controls the government, it is difficult for a clever woman to cook rice without food to calm down the chaos in the north.

The reason why Chongzhen has had no choice but to take the exiled civilian army for so many years is not that the officers and soldiers can't really defeat the exiled army. There are not many fierce generals and capable officials such as Lu Xiangsheng, Hong Chengchou and Sun Chuanting, but a fundamental problem is still lack of food.

In history, both Yang He and Xiong Wencan have recruited and surrendered many exiles, but it didn't take long for the exiles to surrender and rebel, causing Yang He and Xiong Wencan in history to lose their heads.

In fact, the most critical problem is that the court can't afford to settle these surrendered gues. Even if they are reluctant to raise some, once they are finished, the surrendered gues have no food and can only choose to continue to make trouble.

However, Yu Xiaotian is different from Chongzhen. He saw these problems clearly in advance and made full preparations. At the same time, he made several major moves. First, he severely punished the profiteers who hoarded goods and raised grain prices, and suppressed grain prices in the north;

The second is to vigorously implement the new policy, reduce the burden on the people, and eliminate the continuous additions of the Ming Dynasty in the past, so that the people can return to their land to farm without worrying about the problem of making ends meet.

The third is that he reorganized the procurai and the Jinyiwei, went all out to clean up the officialdom, vigorously arrested and killed a large number of corrupt officials, fundamentally rectified the atmosphere of the officialdom, and stopped the corruption of Daming officialdom with powerful means. In a relatively short period of time, the officialdom began to show a clear scene, and the people's roots It can be less subject to a lot of unnecessary persecution.

Through these means, he killed many profiteers, local squires, local magnates and dignitaries, and nobles, and deducted a large amount of money and food from them, so that he has the economic ability to invest in helping the disaster victims.

After the implementation, it can be said that it had an immediate effect and soon won the hearts of the people, so that many rafts who had lost their hope and embarked on the road of rebellion saw hope and chose to return to their hometown and start farming the land again.

But these things all need a process and time. The most important thing is that if you want these exiles to return to their land, you must first solve the problem of their meals. Even if they don't have enough to eat, they can just live. However, the years of war in the north, coupled with natural and man-made disasters, the whole social structure and agricultural production It has suffered great damage, and a large number of farmland has been abandoned. Even if the people are willing to go back to farm, the problem of eating still can't be solved before a new grain is harvested.

Even if Yu Xiaotian hates to extract some food from some rich and unkind people through the method of raiding the house, it is far from a drop in the bucket to meet so many needs.

This is also the reason why he has spared no effort to hoard food in Fujian Taiwan, Shandong, Jeju Island and other places for so many years, buy food like a starving ghost, and then store it like a mouse.

Now these preparations he made in advance have finally been used. Hundreds of large ships, full of all kinds of grain, are continuously transported from the sea to the north. First, they unloaded the goods in Shandong, and stabilized the situation in Shandong and Beizhili for the first time.

Then after he controlled the coast of the Yangtze River, a large number of sea ships entered the Yangtze River, forcibly conquered a large number of ships in the Yangtze River, and transported grain to the hinterland of the Central Plains against the current. Soon Nanzhili, Huguang, Henan and other places received a large amount of grain replenishment.

In this way, in a short time, those hungry people get the most basic food supply. Although Yu Xiaotian can't make all the hungry people eat well, or even only get a small amount of food every day, after all, this still gives the hungry people a rare respite. Opportunity, they can find their own ways to get some wild vegetables or something to add, at least it's not a big problem to survive.