Daming Shuanglong Biography

044 [Cranewing Array]

Ye Da followed Li Shunchen's troops back to Lishui Port. The last time he came to Lishui Port, he only cared about watching the turtle boat, and he didn't take a good look at this beautiful place. Lishui is located in a small boot-shaped peninsula protruding from the southern part of the peninsula. Li Shunchen's water camp is on the heel, and to the north is the southern coastal town: Shuntian City.

Li Shunchen's navy is stationed in the navy camp and will never enter the city without special circumstances. There are many forts along the coast to resist the enemy.

"The cool sea breeze is really comfortable!" After days of fighting, it was not easy to take a rest, and Ye answered with a feeling.

"General Li, can I go to Shuntian City?" After traveling to ancient times for so long, Ye Da has indeed never been to the city.

"Our navy battalion has rules, and sailors can't go to the city at will." Li Shunchen said seriously.

"Is there nothing we can do? Strictly speaking, I'm not your sailor.

"Well, this afternoon, you follow the fire to the city to buy necessary medicine and food. He has my oracle and can go to the city.

"Hehe, thank you very much."

After lunch, the firehead took Ye Da into the city. There are also army soldiers stationed in Shuntian City. The residents in the city don't walk around much, and there are few people who go to street to sell things. It doesn't feel like a big city. It seems that this war has frightened the soldiers and civilians all day long, and they are afraid that the war may burn here one day.

Purchasing things is a boring job, and the firehead does not bargain. It directly depends on what to buy and leave. It seems that the public money is not painless. Ye Da's journey to the city can summarize his feelings in two words: silence!

"How's it going? Is it fun in Shuntian City?"

"It's not fun. It's time for war. It seems that no one is in the mood to play."

"Okay, don't talk about that. There is something I want to talk to you about."

"What's the matter?"

"I've been thinking about how to make our fleet play a stronger combat effectiveness these two days. Do you have any good ideas?"

Ye Da thought that the fleet is equivalent to a collective project, just like playing football. How to let the players in their respective positions exert their greatest strength is the guarantee of success, which is the same as commanding the navy fleet. First of all, there should be good players. The turtle ship is Li Shunchen's good players. Secondly, there are good coaches. After the baptism of these battles, Li Shunchen has fully proved his potential as a good coach. Finally, there is the formation, such as 4-4-2, 3-5-2 and so on. By the way, Li Shunchen's fleet is missing now. It's a formation.

"I think the key is that our fleet should have the right formation and tactics!"

"The formation?"

"Yes, just like the 'herule wing array' used by the Japanese army in the Battle of Tangpu is a good reference."

"But wasn't it easily broken by us?"

"That's because we have a turtle ship. They can't hurt the turtle ship at all, and we adopt the strategy of returing the king, otherwise the loss will not be so small. If we adopt the 'herule wing array', it will be very beneficial. First of all..." Ye Da took a piece of paper and a pen to explain to Li Shunchen while drawing pictures.

"First of all, our turtle boat can be in the chest of the crane, which is the deepest center. The trick of thieves and capture the king is not suitable for turtle ships with a hard shell. Secondly, the two wings of the crane are unfolded. Our board house boat can make the wings of the crane, and other small speedboats are the feathers of the crane. The role of wings is to sink all enemy ships that dare to enter the encirclement, and the role of feathers is to destroy other fallen Japanese troops who try to escape. Moreover, the two wings of the crane can cross and change the formation, and the tortoise ship can also burst into and impact.

Li Shunchen was excited to hear this. He patted Ye Da's shoulder excitedly and said, "Brother Ye, I'm really right! How can a talented person like you fall here? Well, no, no, it should be said that you are the hero sent by God to save me!"

Li Shunchen bumped Ye Da into the sky, and Ye Da smiled shyly: "No, the general is flattered. I just got some inspiration from the Japanese military's tactics. I just borrowed it."

"Come on, let's practice!" Li Shunchen called the captains of all the warships and began to allocate positions.

Three turtle boats are in the middle, two rows of board houses are on both sides, and small Baozuo boats are scattered around the board house boats.

"Ye Da, you have done a lot of effort on my side. Well, I'll give you a board house boat and 200 sailors under your command. How about that? From now on, you will also be a small leader of my Quanluo sailors!"

"Thank you for respecting the general, then I'd rather obey than obey." In fact, Ye Da wanted to command the turtle ship, but there were three turtle ships, and they were all the commanders of these Li Shunchen's confidant generals. Being able to give a board house boat command also fully demonstrated Li Shunchen's trust in Ye Da.

After the position was divided, Li Shunchen asked Ye Da to start explaining the tactics.

"The 'Crane Wing Array' unfolds according to the position, and then listens to the general order. Look at the flagship of the turtle ship, the red flag fluttering, and the two-winged board house boats fired at the same time. The yellow flag fluttered, and the small speedboat quickly attacked and killed the enemy. The blue flag fluttered, shrinking from the two wing tails to the middle, surrounding the enemy. The green flag fluttered, and the two winged house boats crossed, confusing the enemy. The white flag fluttered and the gold was withdrawn. If it is a black flag, it is to pursue the enemy with all its strength!"

"Have you heard it clearly?" Li Shunchen shouted.

"I heard it clearly!" The generals will drink together.

"Good! Exercise at sea!" Li Shunchen personally led his troops to sea for drills.

Li Shunchen stood in the bow of the turtle boat with a knife, next to several sailors holding flags of different colors. The result of a battle depends on how well your command is!

Ye Da commanded the board house boat for the first time, and it felt quite fresh. He called all the sailors on the ship over, "Would you like to follow me and follow my command?"

"Teaching Ye, tell me, we all listen to you." A man who seemed to be the leader of these sailors said.

Why is this sentence so awkward? Ye Da thought to himself, it seems that they still listen to Li Shunchen. Seeing that no one is talking to this group of sailors, they should all listen to this person. This person is a hundred-person. Although Li Shunchen handed them over to his command, they seemed to support Li Shunchen at the critical moment. Forget it, who makes himself a foreigner, and he has been with Li Shunchen for many years, so he simply pushes the boat.

"What's your name?"

"My name is Jin Qianbaht"

"That's a golden baht, you can be the deputy leader of this ship and help me command these sailors."

Jin Qianbath smiled and said, "Thank you, Teacher Ye"

"Is it still called Teacher Ye?"


Li Shunchen's turtle ship kept changing its flag, and his subordinates also understood the meaning of the commander-in-chief, constantly changing the formation, launching attacks and encircling and annihilating. In a few days, * the navy has been very proficient in practicing the crane wing array!

"The next step is to test the theory with practice!" Ye Da also stood in the bow with a knife and shouted, "Kill!" Addiction, I seem to be playing a nautical game, which is indeed more realistic and exciting than the game!

While the navy was busy training, a bad news spread to Li Shunchen's navy camp.

"What's wrong?" Ye Da and other captains asked.

Li Shunchen frowned and said sadly, "Pyongyang fell, and our king 'hunted in the north' again!" This news is not as devastating as the last news of the fall of Seoul. The key is that the generals already have immune mechanisms. Pyongyang and Seoul are now the capitals of * and South Korea. At that time, they were also the first choice of capitals. Seoul fell and Xuanzong chose to flee to Pyongyang. This time Pyongyang fell again. I don't know where to escape!

"Where will the king go this time?" Luo Daying asked

"Hanyang, Pyongyang and Kaesong have all fallen, and there is no city that can be used as a capital in our country, but I heard that the king will go to Yizhou this time, where the north is the land of the Celestial Empire!"

"Yizhou is already very safe compared with other cities. Alas, as ministers, we can't protect our country, and how can the king repeatedly 'hunt' the ancestors!"

The captains present bowed their heads and said this sentence. It seems that the generals under Li Shunchen are relatively loyal and righteous, * the revival depends on them!

"But there is one good news, that is, the reinforcements of the Celestial Empire have finally arrived!"

"What?" The most surprising thing about Li Shunchen's sentence is Ye Da. Ye Da has always wanted to go back to his motherland, but there is no chance. This is a good opportunity!

"However, the Celestial Empire seemed to underestimate the Japanese army and only sent 1,000 people," Li Shunchen shook his head and said.

Ye Da is also a little frustrated. How can 1,000 people fight? Don't find the organization yourself, this organization has been destroyed by the enemy. However, if he gives up this opportunity to find an organization, will he never have a chance? However, although Ye Da is not very clear about the details of this history, he knows that Daming's reinforcements must have helped restore the country, that is to say, there are still other reinforcements, well, wait and wait until the large army comes, and then go to them.

But fortunately, within half a month, the second reinforcements of the Ming Dynasty also officially arrived*. In this way, Zu Chengxun led 6,000 people to station in Yizhou to protect Xuanzong and also launched a counterattack against the Japanese army.

"General Li, there is something I want to tell you."

After thinking for a long time, Ye Da finally decided to find an organization. As a latecomer who traveled through time and space, his strong homesickness is difficult to erase from his heart. Although he can't return to his real hometown, there is still Daming as his spiritual sustenance.

"What's the matter?"

"I want to go to Yizhou."

Li Shunchen frowned slightly and said, "Do you want to go back to China?"

Ye answered and nodded. Of course, Li Shunchen will not let Ye Da go. How important such a capable person is to himself and the whole *! But it is Ye Da's freedom to come back and go, and it is not realistic to stop it.

"I can understand your homesickness, but now that I am facing the crisis of subjugation, can't you stay and help?"

Ye Da knew that Li Shunchen would definitely not let him go, but he was already determined: "I will go to the Ming reinforcements, and I can also help you drive out the Japanese pirates." If history does not change, * is not in danger of national subjugation, and it is not important whether you stay or not. Besides, the safety of * is none of your business.

"This..." Li Shunchen really doesn't want to let people go, but there is no good way. He can't tie up Ye Da, and what Ye Da said makes sense. What should he do?

"Brother Ye, why don't you do this? Look at the simplicity of our 'hewing array' that has not been practiced yet. You can leave in a few days, and I will send someone to escort you."

"This..." At this point, Li Shunchen has given him a lot of face. If he insists on leaving, it may make the atmosphere very embarrassing. Anyway, there are still Ming reinforcements one after another, and he is not in a hurry. And this can be regarded as a preventive injection for Li Shunchen. When he mentioned leaving again, it was difficult for Li Shunchen to refuse again.

"All right!" Ye Da reluctantly agreed to stay for a while.