Daming Shuanglong Biography

050 [on the way home]

* The combined navy fleet returned to various places in three routes, and Ye Da also returned to Lishui Port with Li Shunchen. Ye Da has thought about it on the ship this time and made contributions (although he is a person hundreds of years later, he is also concerned about repaying kindness and integrity. Take the work as an example, you are embarrassed to change jobs without doing a few great contributions under others.) He also greeted Li Shunchen in advance, and this time he will go back to Li Shunchen said, go back to the Ming Dynasty!

There are two roads back to Daming, one land road and one waterway. The land road leads to the Yalu River, and the waterway should go straight to the coastal area of Zhejiang. However, if the safety factor of taking waterways is very low, there is no guarantee in hurricanes, storms and rains, and there is not much food. Of course, if you can take away a board house boat, you can also consider taking it by waterways. However, this is a delusion. Does Li Shunchen have few big ships that can take one?!

It seems that you can only take the land road, and it is also quite dangerous to take the land road. After all, it is in a war now. Who knows where the Japanese army has a garrison, but it is much safer than the waterway, and it has no choice but to pretend to be an ordinary resident, but you should have a plan in advance and arrange the route. Talk.

Jin Qianbaht was surprised to hear that Ye Da was leaving: "General Li treats you well!"

"It's not because of this. After all, I'm a Ming Dynasty person. My strong homesickness has driven me crazy."

"This..." Jin Qianbaht said, "Let me think about the route carefully. It's not clear where it's safer to go."

"Well, I'll give you a few days."

Ye Da didn't know that this was a slow-back plan. He told Li Shunchen about this matter behind Ye Da's back. After all, he still listened to Li Shunchen.

"I have already thought of this matter. The last time the Celestial Empire sent reinforcements, he was determined to leave. This time he made contributions, and I have promised him to let him go as long as we win a battle with the 'hewing array'. I have no excuse to keep him!" Li Shunchen said helplessly.

"Is this the way to let him go?"

"But there's nothing I can do. I can't lose my trust with him!"

"Why didn't the general imitate Cao Cao in the Three Kingdoms? He kept hiding from Guan Yu. As a result, Guan Yu didn't see Cao until he left."

Li Shunchen shook his head and said, "This still can't keep him. They are all in the same camp. In the end, they have to meet, and he still has to leave in the end."

"But we can delay it as long as possible. It's better to drag it until the victory of this war, or until he changes his mind!"

"That's too difficult"

"How do you know you can't succeed if you don't try!"

"Well, just do as you say!" Li Shunchen thought: There is nothing we can do about it.

Ye Da was eager to return home. He kept urging Jin Qianbaht, but Jin Qianbaht kept procrastinating, "Wait a minute, it's almost ready." Ye Da didn't feel anything wrong at first, but 10 days have passed, and the golden baht hasn't been finished yet. Ye Da couldn't calm down. Are you okay or not? If you can't do it, I'll find someone else!"

"Give me two more days! This is the result of my discussion with everyone. It's not that simple. In fact, Jin Qianbahi didn't think about the route at all. He has been perfunctorily answering. Anyway, he can delay as long as he can.

Ye Da originally wanted to get everything ready to talk to Li Shunchen about leaving, but he was only a picture of thousands of dollars, and he didn't seem to have seen Li Shunchen in the past few days. Although he did not specifically go to Li Shunchen, Li Shunchen was always very close to the sailors in the past. Why don't you hide in your tent now?

"Hey, have you seen General Li these days?" Ye Da caught a sailor and asked him.

The sailor shook his head and said, "It seems that I haven't seen General Li since the last time I came back from Angupu."

"What about you?" Ye answered the other sailors.

"No" sailors said with one voice.

Why do you feel so bad? Did Li Shunchen know that I was going to leave and deliberately hid? Isn't it so? Does such a large navy command him and ignore his fleet? Besides, how did he know that I was going to leave? It was Jin Qianbaht! Oh, no wonder this boy didn't draw a map for more than ten days and deliberately perfunctory me. The two must have collusioned! This is the trick Cao Cao used against Guan Yu during the Three Kingdoms period! Li Shunchen should know that this is just a helpless move that should not work. Let me verify it myself.

Ye Da came to Li Shunchen's tent, and two guards stood on both sides of the camp.

"Is the general there?" Ye answered.

"The general is not here," the two guards said in one voice.

Ye replied: Where can he go in such a big place without his own camp? Ye Da opened the curtain of the tent and broke in.

The two guards of "Teaching Ye" hurried up to stop him.

But Li Shunchen is really not in there. OK, play hide-and-seek with me!

"Where did General Li go?" Ye answered and asked the two guards.

"We don't know either. He only told us to stay here as usual and specifically told you to stop you in."

"Ok, you still use this trick to confuse me", but it's really a big problem that you can't find Li Shunchen. It's not good for you to leave like this. Besides, without the help of * people, you can't want to crash like a headless fly all the time. There is no good way now. Let's wait and see: "I don't believe you can hide for the rest of your life!"

In the next few days, Ye Da has been urging Jin Qianbaht, but Jin Qianbaht has been dragging again. Ye Da also ran to Li Shunchen's tent countless times, but every time Li Shunchen is not there.

After more than ten days like this, Ye Da couldn't help it. He made up his mind to leave directly like Second Master Guan!

Just as Ye Da packed his bags and was ready to leave, things took a turn. A messenger sent by Yuanjun came to Lishui, and the messenger was bumped into Ye Da while looking for Li Shunchen. Of course, I'm afraid that only Jin Qianbaht knows where Li Shunchen has hid, but Jin Qianbaht will definitely not tell Ye Da. But this time is a good opportunity to take advantage of it. In terms of national affairs and the appointment of talents, the overall situation should still be put first.

"Come on, General Li doesn't know where he has gone for the time being, so you can come to live with me first." Ye Da was very enthusiastic about this messenger, and at that time, Ye Da was the head of the navy under Yuan Jun. Few soldiers did not know Ye Da. This messenger also respected Ye Da and agreed.

Jin Qianbaht originally wanted to quietly lead the messenger to Li Shunchen while Ye Da was away, but Ye Da lived with the messenger and was inseparable. There was no chance at all! Ye Da concluded that Jin Qianbah must know the whereabouts of Li Shunchen, so he deliberately approached the messenger to see what you do. It's impossible to delay the military situation for me!