Daming Shuanglong Biography

075 [Burning Dragon Mountain]

As soon as Liu Chenglong entered Pyongyang City, he got the news that the Ming army had been launched. What angrily! But there's nothing we can do. Li Rusong can't convince him. Let's do business first. I hope it will go well this time.

As soon as Li Rusong's army was stationed outside Pyongyang, the good news from the front line came: "The Japanese army's grain and grass are in Longshancang, and the troops stationed are under the banner of the Lihua family. It is said that the two generals are Anton Changjiu, the important minister of the Lihua family, and the number of soldiers is about 5,000."

The remaining task is to wait for the opportunity to attack. This has been waiting for nearly half a month.

For half a month, the Japanese pirates and guerrillas near Seoul have not stopped, especially those Japanese pirates sent heavy troops to attack Xingzhou City near Seoul in order to establish a defense line to defend Seoul. Xingzhou is a mountain city, bordered by the Han River. It is surrounded by water on three sides and a steep slope, which is easy to defend and difficult to attack. More importantly, Xingzhou City overlooks the key point between the Bishu Hall and Seoul, guarding the throat of the Japanese army going north or the Ming army going south. The importance of its strategic location is self-evident.

However, the Japanese army paid a heavy price here. The few troops led by the governor of Xingzhou relied on natural danger to repel Japanese attacks again and again. The crazy Japanese army continued to send more troops and used countless shells to almost blow up the walls of Xingzhou and failed to capture Xingzhou. Commander Yuxiduo was so angry that he was ill on the bed for three days. It was when the Japanese army attacked Xingzhou, Li Rusong saw that the opportunity had come. The Japanese pirates now focused on the battle of Xingzhou and had no time to take care of their rear. If they lost this opportunity, they would not have another chance!

Li Rusong immediately ordered: "Huo Fangyi!"

Huo Fangyi was surprised: "Yes"

"Here is * and a local guide, be sure to take down the Longshan warehouse!"

Let me go? This is the first time that Li Rusong has sent himself to do serious things independently!

"Recomm on the order!"

"You are my guerrilla now! Do it well!" Li Rusong suddenly changed his words and seemed to have changed. It seems that he still miss Gong Zijing's death, which at least shows that he is a good leader who loves his subordinates.

Huo Fangyi said confidently, "Leave everything to me!"

"Would you like to go together?" Huo Fangyi asked Ye's answer.

"Nonsense! Now I'll follow you!"

After a simple equipment, it is said that it is not simple. Everyone carried three days of rations in case they don't have a chance to start and need to squat. He brought two fire saltpeters for ignition, brought a knife, and put on a black night suit.

Just as Huo Fangyi was preparing to act, Li Yi led his * soldiers to the Daming barracks.

"General Huo, Lord Liu Chenglong asked me to cooperate with you."

"That's good, let's go"

Li Yi took 1,000 people with him. Huo Fangyi had long wanted him to lure the Japanese army stationed in Longshan, and then he and Ye Da took the opportunity to go around his back and set fire to him.

They kept crossing the Linjin River, crossing the Huiyin Mountains, and hiding at the foot of a small mountain not far from Longshan Mountain in the night.

"Sure enough, there are no Japanese guards along the way. It seems that Yu Xiduo has decided that we will not attack again in the short term, and dropped all the troops to attack Xingzhou."

Huo Fangyi and Ye Da'an's stable army and Li Yi stood halfway up the mountain and looked in the direction of Longshan. There is nothing clear about the blackness of the mountain, but there are many fires halfway up the mountain, which are 100 meters apart.

Li Yi said: "There are many caves in Longshan. These caves are very damp and not easy to make fire. I think the Japanese army must store grain and grass in those caves. Those fires should be the location of every cave.

Huo Fangyi nodded. This time he was the commander-in-chief and listened to him.

"Okay, it's very simple. Li Yi leads your soldiers to attack from the front and can retreat when necessary, but must contain the Japanese defenders. Then leave the rest to us."

"Okay, good luck!"

The area of Longshan is not large, so the Japanese army surrounded the foot of Longshan Mountain in order to better prevent enemy attacks, and even a fly could not fly in. Li Yi's role is obvious, which is to attract all the Japanese troops to him, and then give Huo Fangyi time to go up the mountain and ignite.

As expected, as soon as Li Yi's troops arrived at the foot of Longshan Mountain, all the Japanese army rushed here like a great enemy. The night was very dark, and they could not judge how many people there were on the other side. They could only concentrate their forces to compete with it.

When all the Japanese troops gathered in the direction of Li Yi, Huo Fangyi took his 500 soldiers from the back mountain to the mountain.

In fact, some Japanese soldiers were stationed on the back mountain. At this moment, they were also uneasy when they saw the killing at the foot of the mountain, but the general once told them that their duty was to protect the safety of grain and grass, so they did not dare to act casually.

Therefore, Huo Fangyi's troops met these Japanese soldiers stationed on the last line as soon as they climbed the mountain.

Now it is a frontal confrontation. Huo Fangyi and Ye Da waved the knife in their hands and rushed up first. Only by killing these Japanese soldiers first can they have more time to ignite these grains.

The number of people guarding grain on the mountain is also about 300, but it is still nearly half less than Huo Fangyi's army. However, as soon as Huo Fangyi's troops climbed the mountain, they were discovered by Anton Changjiu, a Japanese general who was resisting Li Yi at the foot of the mountain. He left a small group to continue to resist the * army and led more than 1,000 people to the mountain. Those food and fodder were the key to the war. Once destroyed, the whole war of aggression against North Korea may be reversed, so it must be confirmed. Guarantee food and grass is foolproof.

Originally, Huo Fangyi wanted to secretly kill all the defenders on the mountain and then quietly lit the torches, but things were far beyond his control. He didn't expect Anton Changjiu to come so quickly, but it was not the careful arrangement of Anton Changjiu, because he muttered in his heart when facing Li Yi's troops, because Li When he rushed over, he shouted, which meant that the more people you came, the better. This is nothing. Sometimes war depends on who shouts loudly, but his position is relatively special and he has to think more. Just as he inadvertently looked back at the mountain, he suddenly found a faint shadow moving on the mountain.

It is impossible for the activities of 800 people to be motionless, but because of the louder shouts of more than 5,000 people at the foot of the mountain, the sound of the mountain is buried, but the stupid images under the night can still be seen clearly. Anton Changjiu shouted, "It's not good!" So he took people up the mountain.

At this time, Huo Fangyi and Ye Da took the soldiers halfway up the mountain and had already fought with the 300 guards.

Huo Fangyi arranged in detail, 500 people, 300 people fighting, 200 people ignited! Three hundred and three hundred just dragged the guards, and the remaining two hundred began to grab the torches at the door of the cave. For each one, they threw the torch into the cave.

Although the cave was wet, the grain and grass were ignited in an instant. These flames slowly increased and shined in the night.

Andong Changjiu saw the firelight of the mountain when he led his troops up the mountain. He shouted and rushed to the mountain. Once the grain and grass are lost, it is a death penalty for losing his head!

Huo Fangyi killed a Japanese bandit with his own hands. He found that a team of people at the foot of the mountain were quickly going up the mountain, and now that half of the grain and grass had not been burned, he must be delayed!

"People nearby come with me! The rest of Ye Da's command!" Huo Fangyi greeted more than 100 people around him and rushed in the direction of Anton Changjiu up the mountain.

It's only that the night is too dark. Anton has been riding a horse for a long time and can't see his feet clearly. Huo Fangyi stopped in front of Anton Changjiu's rushing horse, and then cut off An Dong Changjiu's horseshoe with a knife (because it was a raid, Huo Fangyi did not bring his usual long-handed knife this time, but an ordinary knife).

An Dong Changjiu fell off his horse unexpectedly. At this time, Ye Da suddenly appeared from nowhere and led to the Japanese general with a knife.

Huo Fangyi said, "Didn't I ask you to command others!"

Ye answered pointed to the soldiers behind him and said, "They are burning Zhenghuan, and they don't need my command at all."

"Then come with me!"

The general was killed from the beginning, which is a great psychological blow to the Japanese army, because they don't know how many Ming army there are on the mountain, and now there are fewer commanders, so they are much softer to cut down, and the Ming soldiers are more comfortable with one enemy and three. With the efforts of the two leaders, the soldiers behind quickly lit all the food and fodder.

All the fire has been lit, but it is not the time to retreat. You have to wait until the fire is too big to be extinguished at all. Therefore, Huo Fangyi reminded his soldiers with high decibels: "Hold on!"

Huo Fangyi has completely grown into an independent military commander in this battle. In terms of wisdom and martial arts, they may be similar, but Huo Fangyi's more advantages than Ye Da are his ability to command and grasp the situation.

Li Yi at the foot of the mountain is also insisting, and he dares not rush up the mountain, but looking at the growing flames, he knows that Anton Changjiu must have been dragged down. It seems that a thousand people are not enough. He left a thousand people to continue to fight with Li Yi and took the remaining 2,000 people up the mountain. What he did was undoubtedly correct, but it was too late.

Just as soon as Xiaochuan Chengzhong took people up the mountain, Huo Fangyi issued an order to retreat, because he had found that a large number of Japanese troops had come up at the foot of the mountain, and this part of the Japanese army was obviously much more than the number of people brought by Andong Changjiu. He could not stay for a long time. Anyway, the task was completed.

The Ming army began to retreat from the struggle one after another and returned from the original road behind the mountain at night. The small string had no time to chase them at all. When he saw the body of Anton Changjiu lying on the ground, he felt extremely painful. What was painful was not Anton Changjiu's death, but his end after these grains were burned!

"Quick! Fire out! Put out the fire!"

Ming soldiers went down the mountain smoothly, and at the same time, Li Yi also retreated with * soldiers.

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