Daming Shuanglong Biography

079 [Dongying talks about peace] full

"Once we attack in this way, our army will inevitably suffer heavy casualties!" Ye Da has participated in the * navy and is deeply aware of the strength of the Japanese navy (although he continued to win when he was in Li Shunchen's fleet, it is said that Li Shunchen's last attack on Busan suffered extremely heavy losses and failed to take Busan.)

After the defeat of the Bihou Hall, Li Rusong has now calmed down a lot. Although Liu Wei has been asking for a strong attack, he decided to temporarily suspend his troops after listening to Ye Da's suggestion. And in order to prevent the Japanese counterattack, the army was divided into five and defended on the periphery of the Japanese defense front. Among them, Liu Wei led Sichuan soldiers in the center and his own commander behind the army. In this way, the Ming Dynasty allied forces formed a semi-arc state of opposition with the Japanese army.

At this time, Yuxi Duoxiu, the commander-in-chief of the Japanese invasion of North Korea, wrote an angrily letter to Li Rusong in Busan, scolding him for why he kept his promise and why he launched another war. Li Rusong replied, "Didn't you say that you wanted to return to Busan? Why did you set up an ambush along the way and occupy cities such as Daegu, and the two princes and captive ministers who returned * in the last negotiation did not come true. Since you didn't abide by the agreement, it's no wonder that our heavenly army!"

"Your behavior will bring disaster to yourself!"

"It doesn't matter. Your Majesty said that all the Japanese pirates must withdraw*, otherwise I'll see you on the battlefield!"

Japan had no response and waited for Xu Jiuyu to send his envoy to meet Li Rusong, which meant that the negotiations would be restarted and the content of the agreement would be re-negotiated, and this time the Ming envoy was invited to cross the East Ocean to negotiate with Toyotomi Hideyoshi in person. Li Rusong immediately agreed. He didn't want to fight in the first place. As long as the Japanese army was willing to cease fire, let's make peace.

"Let me go with the two imperial envoys!" Ye Da volunteered because he had an incomparable advantage: he could speak Japanese!

"Ye, this is a good idea. If the language barrier can be solved, the conversation between the two sides will be relatively smooth." Therefore, Li Rusong agreed to Ye Da's proposal. Huo Fangyi also wanted to go, but considering that the number of people should not be too large, he broke his heart. In this way, the negotiation team to Japan was reached, two imperial envoys: Xie Yongzi and Xu Yi (that is, the two who pretended to be in the last negotiation), plus Ye Da. Shen Weijing also knew some Japanese, so he stayed in Busan as a messenger between the two armies. Because Ye Da can speak Japanese, this time the team leader of the trio is Ye Da. It's not okay not to let him be. After all, he can understand what the Japanese side is saying. If he deliberately hides it, no one knows. Li Rusong thinks so, but he is also surprised by this young man who can speak Japanese. Sometimes he sees Ye Da and Huo Fangyi standing together. I really think these are two young people with a real dragon smell. They will definitely set off a lot of storms in the future.

Li Rusong only had one command: "Don't break my power!"

After saying goodbye to Li Rusong and Huo Fangyi, the Ye Da trio set foot on the Clipper to Dongying. The owner of the Clipper is Teng Tang Gaohu!

What a narrow road for enemies! The first battle Ye Da participated in was against Tengtang Gaohu, but fortunately, he did not show up at that time, and Tengtang Gaohu had never seen him at all. Coincidentally, Tengtang Gaohu himself is responsible for transporting grain and materials. This transportation ship is under his control. Of course, he has to carry the work of transporting the distinguished guests of the Celes of China himself.

However, this time he was only responsible for transportation, accompanied by Hideyoshi's most trusted subordinate, President Xiaoxi. Ye Da also observed the little Xi President closely for the first time. This Xiaoxi is also a handsome man among the Japanese. He is about the same height as Ye Da. He has super thick eyebrows, a super thick eight-character beard, a high bridge of his nose, and is just less than 40 years old. The braids are tied straight to the top of his head, which seems that this is also a Japanese style.

Ye Da became the leader of this peace talks. Xiaoxi naturally communicated with Ye Daduo. There was no language barrier in the first place, and he was proficient in speaking.

"Have you ever been to Japan?"

Ye Da shook his head: "I want to see Japan after a long time."

Xiaoxi thought that Ye Da had made a mistake a long time ago, and he didn't take it seriously. How did he know that Ye Da deliberately said it for a long time, because his idea was not available a long time later. When he traveled, time was reversed.

"Adults are very fluent in Japanese. Where did they learn it?"

"Oh, the teacher taught it."

Xiaoxi nodded: "It seems that the adult teacher must also be a multi-talented person."

"He" Ye Da remembered his Japanese teacher, a thin Japanese with glasses: "He is Japanese."

Xiaoxi is very proud of the four words "Japanese". It seems that the people in our country are still awesome!

Ye Da looked at Xiaoxi's mouth slightly raised a lot. He asked, "Xiao Xijun, what are you laughing at?"


Ye Da knew that President Xiaoxi was very loyal to Toyotomi Hideyoshi. He asked tentatively, "Xiaoxijun, what do you think of the Tokugawa family?"

Xiaoxi seemed to be very surprised by Ye Da. He didn't expect that Ye Da also knew the Tokugawa family, but since his teacher was Japanese, it was not surprising. However, Xiaoxi had a heart, and he did not tell the truth: "Oh, the Tokugawa family is a big family, but now they are all under the hands of Taige, and no one dares to rebel against His Royal Highness."

Ye Da sneered and said, "What if Taige dies?"

Xiaoxi said angrily, "How can you say that, Your Highness, whether you are an official of the Celestial Empire or not!"

"Okay, but I advise you that Tokugawa is ambitious and needs to be eliminated as soon as possible!"

"..." Xiaoxi was silent. The young man in front of him actually had an abnormal understanding of the situation in Japan. Ye answered correctly. Tokugawa Ieyasu was indeed ambitious, but even the four elders did not dare to act rashly. And Tokugawa is only obedient on the surface now. Who knows what he is secretly thinking.

"Yes, there is another suggestion. As far as I know, Tokugawa Ieyasu did not send troops to participate in the * war this time. He is taking the opportunity to rest and wait for a counterattack!"


Why did Ye Da tell Xiaoxi these things? He just wants to see to see to what extent he can affect the development of history and whether Japanese history will change because of his two sentences.

"Thank you very much. I will go back and report it to His Royal Highness." Xiaoxi has been moved by Ye Answer, but Xiaoxi also thought of the question Ye Answer said, but the war was tense, and then he slowly forgot it, but Ye Da reminded himself.

The two stood in the bow together, looking at the warm afterglow of the sunset. The undulating sea under the boat was swallowing and sending their boat to the east.

Japan in the Warring States period, I, Ye Da, are here. Famous people, generals, what will you look like? They should not be as handsome as described in the game!

Futang Gaohu chose the best transport ship in his team this time, one to ensure speed, and the other to ensure the safety of himself and the three "apmiral messengers".

According to Fujido, Toyotomi Hideyoshi is now in Japan's famous house. This guard house was built by Hideyoshi for the invasion of North Korea. Its location is close to the Sea of Japan, directly across the sea from the * Peninsula. First, it can directly mobilize and command the invasion of North Korea. Second, it can also form effective surveillance of those who are ready to move in China, which is of great strategic significance!

Xie Yongzi and Xu always look about 40 years old. After all, they are direct subordinates of Song Yingchang, chairman of the Military Commission. This time they actually want to listen to a small young man. They are a little unconvinced, but there is nothing they can do. Who let Ye Da speak Japanese?

Originally, Fujido had been traveling in the Sea of Japan for some time and had never made a mistake, but this time he was hit by a hurricane at sea. The fierce hurricane raised the waves more than five feet high, and everyone hid in the cabin, thrillingly listening to the crackling raindrops hitting the overhead deck. The sailors lowered the sails in the rain and fixed them. The ship could not move forward without the sails.

The boat swayed back and forth in the ruthless push and pull of the waves. Ye Da stood in the cabin and only felt dizzy. It was difficult to stabilize his body. In this way, it took about half a night for the hurricane to slowly subside. Ye Da collapsed on the ground. What a strong force. This person really had no choice in the face of the natural disaster. Ye Da couldn't help thinking about what had happened before he crossed, and he didn't know what had happened to his original world.

Once the hurricane passed, Tengtang Gaohu and the sailors quickly began to repair the hull. Fortunately, the hull was relatively strong and there were not many leaks.

Ye Da walked from the cabin to the deck, and the sun after the storm was particularly bright.

"How's it going?"

"Oh, it's generally good. If the hurricane is stronger, we'll be finished this time." Tengtang Gaohu said with lingering heart.

Ye Da also remembered the three hurricanes encountered during Kublai Khan's expedition to Dongying in the Yuan Dynasty. It is said that the three hurricanes annihilated all the Yuan army in the sea without exception, and he did not know whether the wind was too strong or the ships of the Yuan Dynasty were too weak. The Japanese call the three hurricanes "divine wind" because the "divine wind" has fundamentally changed the history of East Asia. If it hadn't been for the three "divine winds" in history, I really don't know what Japan would be like now. It must have been a subsidiary island of China long ago!

Now the sea is calm, and the ship continues to sail east for about five days. Finally, Ye Da can see the continuous coastline. Of course, there are also many large ships and warships outside the coastline, which should be the basic naval fleet left by Jiugui Jialong to guard the island of Japan.

Before that, President Xiaoxi had sent the war report to the famous guard house, but what is written in this war report is different from the actual situation. This is also a common trick used by ordinary generals to report good news without news. The war report is very simple, that is to say, through this war, the Ming emperor was finally willing to recognize the status of the Japanese emperor, realized his mistake (this mistake is to despise the Japanese army), and was willing to be on an equal footing with the emperor and always make friends in the future. This time, the imperial envoy was specially sent here to discuss the details of friendship, mainly the lifting of the sea ban and other aspects.

***Please collect, autumn red ticket, thank you very much ***