Daming Shuanglong Biography

162 [Hai's Change] Wu

"Ye Da, I know that three wives and four concubines were normal in ancient times. Now we don't have to take this risk for Buxiya's mother." Huo Fangyi felt that it was too dangerous to sneak into the city. Once caught, there was no possibility of retarding.

Huo Fangyi didn't know Ye Da's idea at all. For Ye Da, Tong Xiaoxing and Wisdom, even Qianyue Xingzi and A Lian passed by him. Now do you want to separate from Bu Xiya Ma? The Gege of this virgin clan gave his life to him. How could he leave like this! There is one thing that must be done, which is a man's responsibility!

Ye Da looked at the distance and asked, "Huo Fangyi, you just need to wait for me outside. I'll go to the city by myself!"

Huo Fangyi sighed, "Since you have made up your mind, then save it, but I have to go in with you. Huo Fangyi is not a bastard who abandons friends!"

Ye replied, "Well, we have more or less taken care of you outside. Once I am caught inside, you can rescue me again, right? If both of us are arrested, it won't work!"

Huo Fangyi thought for a moment and said, "What you said makes sense, but I'm really worried if you go in by yourself!"

"It's okay. I'll be careful myself!"

The two came to the foot of Yehexi City. They did not take action quickly, but waited for a few days. After waiting for Dalam's guards to relax, Ye Da began to find a way to enter the city.

In the winter of 1595 AD, Ye Da wrapped his body tightly with animal skin, revealing only his face, so it is not easy to tell whether he is a Han Chinese or a real woman.

At noon on this day, the gate of Yehexi City opened, and the female real woman came and went from the city. Ye Da also quietly followed the flow of people into the city. Ye Da did not know that the situation in the city was relatively tense now. In order to prevent the people of the Yehe tribe from taking advantage of the opportunity to escape, they only need to enter the city at will, but if they want to go out, it is There should be tokens, and these tokens are exactly what the Yehe tribe can't get.

Ye Da didn't find out until he entered the city. He felt that it was too simple to enter the city. No one questioned him, but he soon found that it was more difficult for him to go out, but he can't worry about this now. His first task is to find Bu Xi's mother.

Ye knew that Dalamu must have occupied the original house of Buzhai, and Bu Xiya Mara must have lived in the original place, so he went straight to the front of Buzhai's house. The house was still the same, but it was already different. There was a row of soldiers standing around the house, and it seemed that it would take a lot of effort to get in.

Ye Da quietly passed by the outside of the house, but there were still soldiers staring at him, which made Ye Da uncomfortable. He pretended to be calm and came to a corner. First, he stood against the wall, stabilized his mood, and then secretly circled around the hospital. He was observing which part of the defense was weak. It seemed that he could only enter by climbing the wall. Fortunately, he finally found a towering tree growing outside the yard, but the branches of the tree stretched out to the yard. This is a good passage, but there are two soldiers standing under the tree. It seems that Dalamu also knows that this place is dangerous. However, considering that Yehexi City has been completely controlled by him and the troops have been destroyed, there are only two soldiers guarding it under this tree, which also shows his attitude of attaching and neglecting importance.

Ye Da's action undoubtedly shocked the soldiers. A soldier came towards him and wanted to ask him what he was wandering around here.

Ye Da saw the soldier from afar. He knew that he could not be caught. He spoke Chinese and would be exposed as soon as he came out. At present, the best way is to walk away quickly.

Ye Da turned around and walked quickly in the opposite direction.

The soldier saw Ye Da preparing to "run away" and shouted from behind, "Sh on!"

"Bad!" Ye Da knew that he could no longer run away anymore. He was surrounded by enemies. It seemed that he could only use the art of hiding the sky and the sea!

Ye Da turned around and looked at the soldier who came towards him. The soldier was extremely cautious. He held the knife in his hand tightly for fear that Ye Da would suddenly attack him.

Ye Da didn't dare to move. He lowered his head, and the soldier slowly came over: "Who are you?" Why have you been spinning here?!"

Ye Da's head is spinning rapidly, and now he can only pretend to be mute! He pointed to his mouth and made a ah ah sound. Then he suddenly knelt down in order not to let the soldier look at his face carefully. As he made a ah sound, he kowtowed to the ground and then pointed to his stomach.

The soldier looked at Ye Da's performance, thought for a long time, and finally determined: "It turned out to be a mute and a beggar. Get out of here! There is nothing to eat here!" With that, he kicked Ye Da's body.

Ye Da rolled to a corner, and then lowered his head and pretended to cry. Taking the opportunity to peek, the soldier has returned to his post.

It's not easy to do anything now, so I can only wait until the evening. However, after this battle, Ye Da could curl up in the corner and quietly watch the movements of the two soldiers.

Until late at night, the location of the big tree was relatively hidden. It was at the corner of this courtyard, opposite another courtyard. The aisle was very narrow, and generally no one passed through here. Ye Da didn't know how often their class changed. He had to wait for the right time.

During this period, someone brought them food, and Ye Da also took the opportunity to come up again to pretend to be very hungry and was bombarded away by two soldiers. In fact, this move is to make the two soldiers more vigilant.

The two soldiers have now undoubtedly completely regarded Ye Da as a beggar.

After nightfall, the two soldiers had been playing dice and slowly couldn't stand it. They began to feel sleepy, and then they completely leaned against the corner and snore.

When the opportunity came, Ye Da took out a dagger from his arms and gently walked to one of the soldiers. He covered his mouth with one hand and gently scratched the dagger over his neck with the other. The soldier died and did not even make a sound. Then Ye Da solved another person in the same way. No one is blocking him now!

Ye Da climbed up the tree three steps, and then climbed to the roof next to the wall. He knew where Bu Xi's mother's boudoir was. Although he was not sure that Gege was in it, there was no good way now. He had to find one room after another.

He glanced down on the roof, and there were two soldiers standing outside the house. It seemed too difficult to enter the house. Because the distance between each room is very close, the soldiers can see each other. Ye Da thought about it on the roof for a long time and didn't come up with a good way. In fact, he didn't expect that there was a shortcut that could not disturb the soldiers, that is, to enter the house from above the roof, but Ye Da was a little nervous and did not turn his head to the point for a moment. At this time, two shift soldiers found the dead bodies of their subordinates. One of them stayed where they was, and the other rushed into the yard to report to Dalamu.

Dalamu is now in Bushia Mala's room ** Gege, and the soldier ran outside in panic and shouted, "Second brother! No, someone broke into the yard!"

Dalamu turned over and got up from **, rushed outside, and shouted, "Mobilize everyone and search for the assassin!"


The yard suddenly became chaotic. Ye Da was worried to death on the roof. Now it's over, and he can't run out, let alone save Buxia's mother.

The anxious Ye Da finally thought of breaking a hole in from the roof. Before the soldiers realized that he was on the roof, he quickly went to Gege's boudoir. Now that Dalamu came out of it, Buhia Ma's mother was probably inside.

Ye Da came to the roof of Gege. The house was built of tiles. Ye Da easily took off a few tiles and looked inside.

The boudoir is still the same, but things are wrong, ** messy. A woman sat against the wall with tears in her eyes, and her hands tightly pulled the quilt in front of each other. The door was closed. Dalamu must have gone out to organize the arrest.

Ye Da was very distressed to see Bu Xiya's mother. He had to save her from this fire pit. He gently shouted, "Bu Xiya's mother?"

Bu Xiya's mother was still immersed in the humiliation just now. Suddenly, she heard a familiar cry. She looked around excitedly and was empty.

"Buhia Momlah! I'm up there!"

Buxi's mother looked up. After seeing Ye Da, he did not show an extremely excited expression, but buried his head in the quilt and cried more violently.

Ye Da's heart was about to break. He didn't care about the danger. He lifted the tile and jumped down from it.

Ye Da's movement undoubtedly shocked the guards outside, but now that Dalamu is not there, they dare not enter the house easily and can only wait for Dalamu to come back to make a decision.

Ye Da rushed up and hugged Bu Xiya's mother tightly: "It's all my fault, it's all my fault, you suffered!" Ye Da also choked. He gently stroked Bushiya's mother's hair and said, "Let's go and leave this damn place!"

Bu Xiya's mother didn't say a word, just buried her head in Ye Da's arms and cried bitterly. Ye Da found Bu Xiya's mother's clothes to put on her. He knew that it was useless to say anything now, and he should hurry up to escape! He had already figured it out, set up the table and ran from above, because it was already an abyss outside.

Bu Xiya's mother finally said, "I thought you weren't coming back, woo-woo."

Ye replied, "I won't leave you alone!" It's okay, everything will pass! Get dressed quickly and let's get out!"

Bu Xiya's mother nodded and said firmly, "Hmm!"

At this moment, the door was kicked open, and Dalamu appeared outside the door with a group of soldiers: "Do you want to run away? It's not that easy!"