Single Soldier Alliance

Chapter 50 Kairega's Fury

Kettla family, the council chamber!

"Bum!" The huge sound quietly sounded in the silent hall. Keule listened to his report. His face was pale and his palms slapped fiercely on the tea table beside him. The tea table made of hard thousand-layer wood was instantly shattered into powder by the terrible force.

The hall was silent, and everyone dared not come out, except for silence for fear of angering the runaway lion!

"Master Jin is dead! The scar is also dead! The hard-won West Street is gone, and all the plans have failed. What do you think we should do now? Keall's roar lasted for a long time in the hall.

"The patriarch is angry! With the strength of the Lan family's escort, it is definitely impossible to kill the scars. I think the Lan family should have sent a master, so..." An old man was silent for a moment and spoke slowly.

"The Lan family sent a master?" Kaole sneered at the corners of his mouth: "As far as I know, not a master of the Lan family was touched last night, and I'm afraid they just know the disappearance of the scar death!"

"That's a master hidden by the Lan family's guard!" Another old man quickly spoke!

"Ha ha... Who is that master? Tell me!" The corners of Keol's mouth rose slightly...

"This..." Everyone was speechless.

"It's all a bunch of rubbish!" Kaolie snorted coldly and then said slowly, "Have you sent people to pick up Ahu and others back?"

"This...not yet!" A faint voice quietly came from the mouth of a middle-aged man...

"The patriarch... is not good..." At this moment, a hurried voice sounded outside the hall, and a middle-aged man rushed in with a panicked look!

"What's the matter?" Keori's eyes were cold and his fists were clenched!

"Brother Hu...Brother Hu and they were all killed in Sanyang Pass... The group of dead we bought were all destroyed!" The man stammered!

At the moment his words fell, the violent breath suddenly spread from Keall's body, and the tables and chairs around him directly turned into powder under this terrible pressure...

"Boom!" The terrible pressure set off a strong wind in the hall...

"TMD... have you found out who did it?" A murderous voice came from Keolie's mouth.

The middle-aged man's face showed a trace of panic and repeatedly said, "According to the investigation, four days ago, the Lan family's escort was roughly out of the city, and the direction was exactly Sanyang Pass..."

"Kka!" The sound of bone fracture quietly sounded in the hall, and Kaiale's body appeared in front of the reported middle-aged man in an instant. His powerful palm directly twisted his neck, and the murderous intention spread uncontrollably.

If the death of King and Scar has damaged a part of the vitality of the Keira family, the death of Tiger and others has touched the foundation of the Keira family, and the blow to the Keira family cannot be whispered.

Kaiolie's eyes were full of murderous intent, and then slowly said, "Get ready. I'm going to Berlin's home!"

Lan's house, the council chamber!

Many deacons are sitting quietly, and a touch of pride appears on everyone's face. Obviously, many deacons are very satisfied with the fact that the escort can kill scars and others!

In front of the hall, the elder's face was smiling, and his old face seemed to be a little young because of this smile. The two elders sat straight beside him with a trace of gloomy look.

After a moment of silence, a faint voice quietly came from the elder's mouth: "Ha ha, I didn't expect that Lan Feng's boy only went to the guard for a few months to take back West Street! Tut, even the scar was killed... This is the face of my Lan family!"

"Yes! Although Master Lanfeng has no achievements in cultivation, he is so excellent in management. I admire him!" A deacon opened his mouth with a smile!

"Ha ha, four deacons, you said this wrong! Master Lanfeng is both civil and military. Don't forget that he made Lanlin suffer from that boy last time!" An old man sitting at the bottom left of the elder said with a smile and ignored the second elder with a blue face!

"Isn't it boring for you to say this now?" After a moment of silence, the second elder finally spoke slowly and said in a gloomy voice, "Today, I think it's not just to let everyone praise the escort!"

"It is indeed a good thing for the escort to take back West Street in a sense! But will the Keira family give up so easily? The gloom on the face of the second elder disappeared: "Now the old patriarch, the young lady and the three elders are closed, and there is only our group of old people in the clan. What if Catella goes to war with us? Can we cope with our current strength? So I don't think it's a good thing to take back West Street! Maybe it's a fuse. Lan Feng is still young and recklessly can't consider these problems, but we are different from him... Do you think I'm right?"

Everyone was silent for a short time, and then discussed it. What the two elders said was also reasonable, and his worries may not be superfluous. Once the Keira family declare war on the Lan family at this moment, the Lan family will definitely be at a disadvantage!

"Yes... It seems that Master Lanfeng is indeed reckless!" The crowd immediately agreed, and some people shook their heads disappointed...

Seeing this, the elder couldn't help shaking his head. The guys below fell down with the wind. They were fooled by the two elders and believed it. At this time, how could the Keira family go to war with the Lan family before they were not fully sure?

"Don't worry, in the current situation, the Keira family will not go to war with the Lan family! And not long ago, Master Lanfeng led the members of the escort to Sanyang Pass to stop a group of dead men purchased by the Keira family and kill all the Tiger brothers and others of the Keira family. They have touched a trace of the foundation of his Keira family. Now they dare not act rashly!!" The elder smiled and said that his news was much better than everyone else. Naturally, Lan Feng could not hide his eyes when he led people out of the city to Sanyang Pass!

"Wan!" Everyone was in an uproar, and obviously shocked by the news from the elder. No one expected that Lanfeng was so bold that he rushed to intercept the things of the Keira family and kill Brother Hu and others...

The two elders beside him looked gloomy again. Even he didn't know the news, but since he could say it from the elder, it was absolutely true...

"These days, the escort has made a lot of great contributions to our Lan family! Da, send someone to send some good things to reward them!" The elder smiled and ordered, "Everyone should be careful these days. This time, the Keira family has suffered a great loss. I'm afraid the secret action is inevitable! Let's break up if nothing happens, right?

Everyone nodded together and then turned around and left!

With the departure of everyone, there are only two elders and two elders left in the hall! Looking at the gloomy face of the second elder, a shallow smile appeared on the elder's face, and a faint laughter came from his mouth: "Second, I'm looking forward to the confrontation between Master Lanfeng and Lanlin now?"

As the elder's words fell, his body disappeared in the hall strangely, leaving the two elders alone and clenched their fists.

Alan's Guard, Hall!

Lan Feng, Bao Bo and the captains of each team sat casually in the hall. There was a trace of fatigue on everyone's face, but more joy and excitement. Although everyone had a lot of injuries, Lan Feng did not ask everyone to be anxious to cultivate, but called everyone here. !

Looking at the look on everyone's faces, Lan Feng nodded with a smile, and then opened his mouth slowly in a slow voice: "After last night's battle, West Street was successfully recovered by everyone, and the scar was also killed by Uncle Bao Bo, which was a big blow to the Keira family. I'm afraid that I won't give up, so everyone should be careful these days and prevent them from neglecting at all!"

When everyone heard the words, they nodded together. There was no doubt about Lan Feng's words. In nearly three months, Lan Feng had established a strong prestige in everyone's hearts, which convinced everyone. There was no doubt about Lan Feng's words, and Lan Feng's analysis was completely correct!

Seeing everyone nodding, Lanfeng said again, "Next, please ask the captains of each team to report the injury!"

Many team captains report... (a thousand words are omitted)

Hearing this, a touch of solemnity appeared on Lanfeng's face, which was much heavier than he thought, although no one died! Lanfeng, who was slightly silent, said again: "The third, sixth and eighth teams were the most seriously injured this time. Their teams still have strong combat effectiveness. The problem of night patrol guards is the responsibility of several other teams in turn, and the others are taking the time to recover from their injuries! I believe that after these two consecutive wars, everyone has gained a certain amount!"

"Yes!" Everyone said in unison!

"Hmm!" Lanfeng waved his hand, and many team captains retreated one by one, leaving Lanfeng and Bao Bo in the hall!

"Uncle Bao, does your injury matter?" Lan Feng looked at the slightly pale Bao Bo and slowly opened his mouth!

"Hehe! It doesn't matter! I used to lose every time in the battle with Scar, but this time I laughed to the end! Thank you for all this..." Bao Bo smiled and said...

"Uncle should take the time to recover from his injury!" Lanfeng's face is full of concern and sincerity.

"Ha ha, young master, Miss Feng'er is coming..." Just as Lan Feng was talking to Bao Bo, the sound of the notice sounded quietly, and then a blue figure slowly appeared in the courtyard, walking slowly with broken steps, and his movements were as elegant as a lotus...