It's wonderful to be calm

Chapter 011 Organization: Flowers of the Motherland

"Sure enough, hehe, it's on guard!" Su Ge, lying on the sofa, looked at the two subordinates and couldn't help saying. A man tasted XO carefully, and the red wine wandered in the goblets like blood. Suger's expression was chilling, like a vampire tasting the purest blood in the world, smiling faintly. I'm tired. Go down and use your brains more in the future!" The two men thanked each other and ran as fast as a mouse saw a cat. Suger sat up and put the goblet on the table. He said lightly, "How happy can you make me? Xiaoyun." Stretch your waist and walk to the bedroom...————

Who are they? Why are you looking for? I have to say that Yang Xuan's words made me feel like a piercing my heart. Did Suger take action against me? I can't believe it. But I was soon relieved, because this Su Ge is not the previous Su Ge, isn't it? Yang Xuan looked at me with doubts and pity, but more anger. But I can't say that it's another creator in my stomach, right?

"Maybe I drank too much and broke in." I was inexplicably guilty when I said this, but when I saw Yang Xuan's relieved expression, maybe he thought of something - smart child. Maybe it's my excuse to muddle through. I don't want to think about anything more.

Yang Xuan didn't even look at me and went to drink and sing with Wang Chen. His grandmother didn't take the village head as a cadre. I looked at what happened in the past few days indifferently. Maybe it's time to go there. Tut... I joined them, but I was in a bad mood.

When the time came, we went out of KTV, and I waved to them one by one - goodbye. But Yang Xuan wanted to send me back. There was nothing I could do. In order to make him a gentleman, I had to put things behind - although I'm not a lady, Gaga!

Yang Xuan walked in front of me and looked at his back, but his nose was a little sore. I don't know why, the temperament of his back is empty, helpless and a little thin. I quickly ran over and put my arms around his waist. Maybe it was a little overseas, but now I just want to warm him. Because of this child, I care very much.

"Do you have anything to say?" He turned around and put his arms around my waist, looked at me firmly, looked at my mouth, and waited for me to say the answer. Naturally, I knew what heart he was going to give me. Of course, I also wanted to tell him everything between me and Suger, including the declaration of war, to Yang Xuan.

Yang Xuan lowered his head and was silent. I don't know what he was thinking, but it would be best if he could let go like this. Of course, I knew that this hope was zero. Because of his stubbornness. He lit an X girl, smoked silently, walked to me, walked forward step by step, and didn't say a word. I knew he was very sad - maybe he was moved by my feelings for Suger. So I followed his pace and slowly walked forward side by side with him...

When I arrived at the door, Yang Xuan looked at my face with pity and said, "I will accompany you." Then turn around and walk away, - Shit! What's the matter! But I have to say that my moved nose was sore. Watching him slowly walk out of the alley, I returned home and jumped to ** and cried loudly. Maybe I have found the person who loves me - but the fucking fate won't let us be together.

Counting the time, when Yang Xuan got on the car, I sat up, looked at myself in the mirror indifferently, and then dialed a phone...

I took a bus to the suburbs, looked at the shabby dog farm, and walked firmly in. Maybe I will never extricate myself when I walk in this time? But I don't regret it, for the sake of my beloved Suge... I went back to this road again.

"U, welcome back!" Looking at the companions who used to break into the world together, I was excited. Although these people are all my subordinates, I treat them as my companions, because these people are my former life and death brothers, although I am a woman..." Uh-huh! It's back!" I gave this person a hug excitedly. This person is loyal to me. When I didn't want to fool around, I just told him once, and I evaporated in their world. He helped me keep this organization, and he always thought I would come back. I didn't know what this person's name was at first. All I knew was that his code name was " Jane".

"Our goal this time is the northern suburbs, and I won't say more about anything else." Looking at them, they looked excited. They knew what it meant when I came back, and it meant that they could go out.

"Roar, OK, no problem."..."

Of course, I'm going to take them to my stronghold now, right? Otherwise, what are you doing here? - How much is the price of the car? It cost a lot of money this time! All of them are taxis, with more than 40 people. It's terrible! But now that the management of the bar is in my hands, I naturally don't care about such a little fare, right?————

The name of this organization is "Flowers of the Motherland" - I don't know what the nerves were committed at that time. Are these people the flowers of the motherland? Kill and hack people. I suspect that if this can become the flower of the motherland, I don't have to live. If Yang Xuan knew, would he make fun of me? Oh.. Shake his head. If he knew, he would not laugh and lie down. - This organization was established when I was 17 years old. At that time, the western suburbs were very chaotic, and the country was not strictly controlled, and everything was done. - I remember that once when I had to go home from the northern suburbs, the taxi driver did not dare to come in the middle of the night and said that he was afraid that I would rape him first. Kill and rape again - can you see what the chaos is like? Of course, to get back to the point, I am the product of that era. I fight and do everything, but who wants to do this?————

When we arrived at the bar, it was almost evening. Of course, I wouldn't worry about where they lived, because the bar was so big that they could act as security guards to stay. We went to the backstage of the bar together and watched these childhood playmates grow up one by one! - What did we play? I don't think I need to add more instructions. That is, fighting, killing and killing, what are you doing--

"Everyone let go of the drink today. I'm glad to see you!" Bar, what are you doing without drinking? It seems that I will drink with them to death today. I'm worried! I have to say that they are all the people who followed me after the family split at that time. These people are all fearless people, because they are collected by me one by one. There are beggars and orphans. Of course, I can't afford to support them, but they can use them to make money, cut people and grab money. Do nothing. Of course, that's not what I mean, because they just want to have a mouthful of food? They are absolutely loyal to me. Because the organization can give them the feeling of home, hehe, sometimes I think, what is home? They are with us for the feeling of home, and I am sad for the world... They are my last strength, not to deal with the prince. I won't let them appear, because they are all pitiful. I feel that I am too selfish to let them work for me alone.

I don't know when Jane stood by my side. He was the only one with a family, but for that reason, he followed me - although I knew he liked me. He said, "Let's come out. I think it's a big deal, right? The northern suburbs are also princes, right? Awesome, this guy just knows what I'm going to do based on the location. Well, it's him." I didn't hide it. I looked at it and said, "If not, you can go away." Someone in your family wants you to raise!" Looking at his clear eyes, he said nothing but picked up a bottle of wine and handed it to me. He picked up a bottle and dried it with me. I smiled faintly, this guy!

Everyone drank almost, and I sat alone at the door and looked at the stars all over the sky. It was so beautiful. Like Su Ge's eyes, they are full of light. I looked at the stars alone, but I didn't know that Jane had stood beside me: "I will always be by your side, maybe just the role of a bodyguard."

The two of us looked at each other and smiled. The hands are held together. Soge, I'm ready. Shouting.