It's wonderful to be calm

Chapter 043 This man is shy!

"Demon, when will he come back?" The prince said to the phone with an excited expression.

As for who he is - of course, he is the first general of the Eighth War.

"Brother Prince, I didn't say anything. Don't ask me. I don't know. I still have a sister that I love."

"He didn't say?" The prince looked a little disappointed and gloomy. As for why it is gloomy - naturally because of the demon's tone.

When he hung up the phone, the prince's eyes were empty and tears flowed blankly. Naturally, no one in the room saw it - even if someone saw it. No one knows why...


"Come on! Take a big bite, this meal is made for you!" I boldly touched a person in the flower - a sheep's leg. Just like drinking, of course, I will not allow drinking in this case.

Yang Xuan sat next to me and ate elegantly with a knife and fork - in contrast, I was a little barbaric, but I didn't care at all. This is eating with my brothers and caring about what they do - besides, I don't mind being outside.

I don't know where Xiao Ling got a bottle of liquor, and my face suddenly became gloomy.

Xiaoling picked up the wine and came over. He sat next to Yang Xuan and said, "It doesn't mean not to drink, does it? Let's have two drinks!"

Yang Xuan didn't say anything, just looked at me. I looked at Yang Xuan and didn't say anything.

The two heps drank and ate meat there. People with flowers won't ask for wine, because I'm here - even if I'm not there. And those newcomers didn't drink it when they saw the flowers, and they didn't drink it, but just ate meat.

"Yang Xuan, this wine is really good. I didn't drink it when I thought it was cheap, but I didn't expect it to be really good." Xiaoling began to slang with a bottle of Xifeng in 1515.

Yang Xuan looked at me like a thief and thought I didn't hear it, so he started to communicate with Xiao Ling - but will I not hear it? My attention has always been attracted by Yang Xuan. I don't know why.

Two people divided the bottle, and Xiaoling wanted to get it again, but Yang Xuan didn't want Xiaoling to go. Yang Xuan is also real, otherwise I will break the wine without hesitation! Maybe this thing made my memory so miserable that I really don't want to see it on this occasion now.

"Xiao Ling, that's all for today. Brothers are watching. We can't be special, can we?" Yang Xuan dissuaded Xiao Ling. However, this sentence really came to Xiao Ling's seven inches, and Xiao Ling never insisted on it.

"Well, good! Drink enough next time, brothers!" Xiaoling didn't drink much. Why does it make me feel like I can't stand it? Don't drink if you can't drink it! I thought angrily. Of course, this is also to energize your mood.

The dinner without wine broke up quickly, and in the end, only Yang Xuan and I were left alone.

"Yang Xuan, I'll go wash first." This guy is really good at selling people. I also know that it's wrong for him to be here now.

"Oh, okay, I'll go right away." Yang Xuan pointed to the half of the leg of sheep and said to Xiao Ling.

After Xiao Ling left, Yang Xuan did not say a word, but lowered his head to silently nibble on his remaining leg of sheep.

How did it make me feel that I was ignored? Or, am I not as attractive as this leg of sheep? This son really turned the corner and hurt me. I laughed angrily. I really want to give Yang Xuan a shiver.

"Hey, hey! I really don't have this sheep leg yet? I patted Yang Xuan on the shoulder and asked.

Still don't say anything and nibble on the leg of sheep.

"Your child doesn't speak, and I'll leave if you don't speak!" I threatened. Of course, I won't leave, because Yang Xuan has a question about me, and I want to calm this question down. I don't want Yang Xuan to think that I'm hiding from him.

Yang Xuan picked up the napkin and wiped his hands and mouth: "Tell me, I'm listening."

"________" Is there such a narcissistic person? Is there such a beautiful woman? Is there such a thing for your sister? Do you have such a good friend? Or - is there such a lover? Although not yet. But we all know in our hearts...

"Can I not say it now?" I asked tentatively, it's not that I really don't want to tell him, but I really don't want to bear the pain again. When I come out one day - maybe Yang Xuan asked me to come out. I will give Yang Xuan an understated description of my story.

Yang Xuan cracked his mouth, and I saw the blood stains on the corners of his mouth. My heart may have really been pry.

"Good! Then wait until you want to say it." Yang Xuan's smile was bitter, and the blood stain made me feel the unwillingness in his heart.

"Well, then eat quickly. Let's go up together and stay here today." I smiled cruelly and didn't let him feel my heartache - although it was impossible.

No echo, no sweet words, nothing - only a gentle touch, not a touch, Yang Xuan just wiped off the remaining seasoning from the corners of my mouth. But my tears came out. I don't know why the brightness of the moon is not as bright as Yang Xuan's pale smile to reveal the brightness of his white teeth! What is this - dawn? I'm cheating on myself. I dare not immerse myself in it, because my shoulders are still pressed by many things - revenge for Suger...

Maybe it's silly sometimes, but isn't everything so hypocritical? I just pretended to be stupid to hide the pain in my heart.

"Weep on, it's cold." Yang Xuan changed his clothes four times - it was Xiao Ling's sportswear on me, and he was naked and had only an iron cross I gave him a year ago around his neck.

In fact, I know that Yang Xuan just wants time to stop until this time, but after all, the earth is rotating and people are alive. He was so cold that his lips turned purple, but he still silently nibbled on the leg of lamb that was no longer warm.

Unconsciously, it was autumn. It was really cold at night, and I couldn't help shivering.

Yang Xuan showed pity and proposed to go back to the room. I have no objection.

When Yang Xuan and I lay on a **, looking at Yang Xuan's delicate cheeks, they were still a little confused. Wasn't he as big as Yang Xuan at that time? We also lay together - there was a bowl of water in the middle of the bed. Thinking of the young ignorant, I really wanted to laugh, but the memories after that broke into my imagination like a crazy cow.

At that time, the tender shouting was still wandering in my ears, and the scene of him lying in my arms with blood in his mouth was still vivid. At that time, everything happened again in my eyes - I wanted to scream, but my mouth couldn't open. Tears couldn't help but stay. When I left it on my chest, the wet feeling was really uncomfortable.

A magic claw appeared on my chest, but it did not stay on my chest. It just hugged my waist, and the owner of the magic claw imprinted his mouth on my mouth. I couldn't help crying more - because he was naked again!

I'm not crying, I'm just resisting - but his kiss is so domineering that I can't resist the domineering - bastard! I slowly immersed myself in this kiss - I silently said to myself that this was the last immersion! But my heart is trembling. I can't let go of this boy - this man.

The tears slowly dried up, and the pain in my lips passed. I just wanted to have a good sleep - nothing else to ask for.

I have a warm hand caress on my cheek, which is very comfortable. I curled up in this person's body and never want to come out. But I obviously felt that the person next to me was stiff - it had always been stiff!

I won't have superfluous feelings - and I don't want to. This man is shy. If I don't remember this, I will definitely make fun of him, but now I don't have the mind. I just want to raise my own wounds in the arms of my beloved little boy - or a man. I will be fine until tomorrow morning.
