It's wonderful to be calm

Chapter 082 Something different

"Eat a fart! Did you forget what you came back for? I bit my lip and said to Yang Xuan with hatred.

Well, I admit that I just don't like the appearance of Yang Xuan's second uncle, so I accidentally burst out swearing. Auntie, I am well educated and qualified in the new century - unlike Yang Xuan! I was angry when I saw that there was no love at all.

"Oh, just ask in advance, don't be angry." Yang Xuan raised his legs and looked at me contemptuously - is it really me to be cheap? Otherwise, how could he despise it?

"Damn you, go wash the dishes with Xiaoling!" I stood up and shouted at Yang Xuan.

"..." It's so annoying. Did I let Xiao Ling get out of here? Do you think you are safe? Go and wash the dishes. When my mother is going to bed, you can go to warm the bed for my family - you want to be a little man standing silently behind me, right? Otherwise, what's the use of you?

Yang Xuan saw that I was really a little angry, and disappeared a little faster than Xiao Ling just now - which made me feel that what is happening now is an illusion.


"Thank you, Xiao Ling." Yang Xuan poured some detergent into the bowl that the big pig had just eaten and said to Xiaoling.

Yang Xuan now doesn't have the relaxation of being with the big pig in his heart, and he is more dignified - but he doesn't know what he is solemn...

What does it mean?" Xiaoling rolled up the corners of his clothes and wiped the sweat on his face and said to Yang Xuan with a bad smile.

After all, if you count it, Yang Xuan really owes too much. As long as Yang Xuan has action - have you ever seen Xiao Ling not by Yang Xuan's side? These are Xiao Ling's silent efforts to Yang Xuan. So today Xiaoling still wants to make fun of Yang Xuan.

After Yang Xuan glanced at Xiao Ling, he said, "It's not a crime for a man to cry. A man doesn't feel tired of washing dishes~!"

"..." Xiao Ling was really speechless by Yang Xuan's behavior.

Don't mention the singing is very good. Yang Xuan's voice was so loud that he just wanted the big pig to hear it.

"Nothing, thank you for helping me buy food today." Yang Xuan looked at Xiaoling's stunned by his singing voice, shrugged his shoulders and said, "But your level of work is really not good. You don't even know that my big pig doesn't eat ginger."

Xiao Ling now really knows what is shameless and invincible - what does it mean that his level of doing things is not good? Didn't I buy you the food? How could I know that Big Pig doesn't eat ginger? You didn't tell me! Is there such a person? Xiaoling is not a prophet. How can he know that Big Pig doesn't eat ginger?

"Get out! You are messing around!" Xiaoling scolded Yang Xuan with a smile and picked up a bowl and continued to wipe it. Yang Xuan didn't even look at it.

Yang Xuan also picked up a bowl and brushed it - not to mention, there are really enough bowls today. The combined bowl of two meals can make Yang Xuan and Xiao Ling brush for a while.

"By the way, will Xiaoling really compare with the people you trained tomorrow?" Yang Xuan remembered something and asked Xiaoling.

Tomorrow, Jane will test her skills with the representative selected by the flowers - but Jane has been hospitalized recently and I don't know if her skills have declined. If she is really abused by the flower people tomorrow, then Jane will have no face to live in the future.

"Of course, the flower people are training hard today, just waiting for the comparison with Jane tomorrow." Xiao Ling raised his head arrogantly.

Xiaoling still has a little confidence in the people he has trained, because the intensity and way of his training come from the way Ge Lao trained him. After all, Jane can't beat Xiaoling now.

But the only shortcoming now is that the training time is a little too short - otherwise it is inevitable that people with flowers will become strong people like Xiaoling!

"Oh, I just want to tell you not to let others abuse your people tomorrow." Yang Xuan joked with a smile.

"Yang Xuan!"

Huh? Turn down the voice.

"Get out!"



When Yang Xuan finished washing the dishes, I stood beside me but didn't find it.

I'm wondering what the match between Jane and Flower will be tomorrow - and of course, whether the prince and Suger will make any moves.

"Brother! I have finished washing the dishes." Yang Xuan's very resentful voice came into my ears.

Yang Xuan is generally ignored by me or I tease him. He will definitely call me brother and then attract my attention with a very sad voice.

But now I'm not in the mood to pay attention to Yang Xuan. Because of tomorrow's everything - and my eyes are jumping. I don't know which eye jumps what it means, but I know something must have happened.

I waved my hand gently and motioned Yang Xuan not to quarrel.

"Brother, the dishes have been washed. I'm going to warm your bed. I'll wait for you." Yang Xuan saw that I didn't pay attention to him and left without saying anything else.

Uh! This problem is very serious. What is he going to do? Warm the bed for me? What's going on? Did he really take my words today seriously?

"Come back!" I don't know why I stopped Yang Xuan, but now I don't think it's suitable to go to bed now, right? It's less than eight o'clock.

What if someone comes to Yang Xuan later? Let's not talk about this. Let's talk about what others would think if Yang Xuan was found out before eight o'clock at night. What if my name is destroyed by Yang Xuan? What if I secretly raise Xiao Zhengtai if I am misunderstood by others? Didn't I jump into the Yellow River and wash it out?

"Brother, I know what you're going to say. The bed will be very warm for a while. Yang Xuan's happy appearance made me really want to punch him directly! The more Yang Xuan looks like this, the more strange I feel. Will someone really come to see him later? Now go and warm my bed and let others misunderstand me?

It's not that I'm too cautious, because Yang Xuan's tossing technology really gives me a headache!

To say nothing else, let's talk about the last time - Yang Xuan saw a man coming to talk to me and sat directly on the man's body, which made him faint. When it was in the bar, Yang Xuan pretended to be a tragedy after being pushed by others!

"Get out! Come and talk to me." I ordered to Yang Xuan. I'm really afraid of Yang Xuan, but I can't let him know my intention now, can I? Yang Xuan's face-changing speed is really a compliment to me.

"Oh, then wait." Yang Xuan's happy appearance immediately became a little angry - which made me suspect that he had any intention. Is it true that someone is coming later?

"Tomorrow, Xiaoling will be compared with the flower people." I said to Yang Xuan, who didn't know when he had been sitting next to me, "But my eyes are jumping. I don't know what will happen tomorrow, but I have a hunch - it's not a good thing."

I shook my head gently and didn't look at Yang Xuan. Because now I just regard Yang Xuan as my confidant, and I don't think he can help me solve my doubts. Because he is still a little too young.

"I don't know what will happen tomorrow." Yang Xuan put his hand on my shoulder and said, "Maybe it's a good thing. For example, Jane won't be abused by the people in the flowers tomorrow."

Looking at Yang Xuan talking, I also felt comfortable for a while. Because the baby hasn't changed because it happened today. This is a little different between us.

No matter who gets angry with anyone, we will not change each other. This is also something that is different from other couples. We are very generous to each other, unlike other people who quarrel with each other like enemies. Although Yang Xuan has much more tolerance for me now - but I'm a girl, aren't I? Do you want me to tolerate a man? So why should I still be a woman?

Now I paranoidly think that forbearance is unique to men. And I just want Yang Xuan to coax me for the rest of my life. Now my heart is only so small...
