It's wonderful to be calm

Chapter 092 Must the operation be performed?

Although I am very indifferent to Xiaoling.

But my hands are shaking. Jane is really the one who grew up with me. If anything happens to him, I will definitely go crazy.

"Are you all right? Let's go!" I shouted at Xiaoling - this young man's hair is not stunned at this time, is it?

It's about Jane's life. I didn't linger a little, but when Yang Xuan saw that I was going out, he wanted to follow me. After twisting for a while, he didn't force himself to see that he really wanted to go.

When our group of four walked out of the door, people who didn't know the flowers had been following us...

The weather is still a little cold, but the feeling of sunshine on our body fills us with a little warmth...


I looked at the man lying on the ground, and I was reluctant to admit that this person was Jane.

Because Jane doesn't have the characteristics of Jane I know. His slender fingers were covered with muddy water, but they were dry.

The dry muddy water wrapped Jane's fingers, but it looked so rough.

There was no unique bad smile on his face, and he frowned as if it was very painful.

After the muddy face, there are some scratches, and blood is permeated outside, dyeing the dry mud into a red color.

"Hurry up and take him to the hospital. What are you waiting for now?" Xiaoling saw that I was still in a daze and poked me with his elbow and said.

I really don't believe that this person is Jane. I really can't believe it. Because he is not like this.

I don't feel it, and even there is only one person in my mind during this period - Jane, who lives with me.


After Yang Xuan and Xiaoling sent Jane and the big pig to the hospital and let the doctor diagnose it, they were still relieved when they knew that both of them were fine.

"What do you think?" Xiaoling asked Yang Xuan, who was walking in front of him.

Yang Xuan did not answer, but just walked forward. I don't know when there was an extra cigarette in my hand - the hospital did not allow smoking, but the doctors and nurses didn't say anything when they saw Yang Xuan's ferocious expression. After all, everyone is afraid of death, right?

Walking to the public seat outside the hospital, Yang Xuan sat on it without any mud and water.

Xiao Ling saw that Yang Xuan was not in good condition, so he didn't say anything and sat next to Yang Xuan.

In fact, Yang Xuan is in a very chaotic mood today, not something else. It's because Yang Xiaoyun fainted...

"What do you think?" Yang Xuan's sudden words caught Xiao Ling off guard. He hurriedly sat upright.

Xiao Ling asked what Yang Xuan thinks about Jane's matter.

"J Jane." Xiao Ling only said one word - the conversation between smart people doesn't need many words.

Jane left without saying goodbye this morning, and there was no trace left. And it was already like this when I came back. This is also incredible.

"I don't know." Yang Xuan flicked the cigarette ash and said to Xiao Ling, "There is no trace."

After all, it is not the scene of the incident. If there is anything else at the scene - but Jane obviously crawled back from somewhere, so finding Jane's place is not the place of the incident at all.

"Can you think of who did it?" Xiaoling asked reluctantly.

In fact, there are only a few enemies now. Xiaoling also understands it in his heart, but he doesn't want to say it himself.

Yang Xuan shrugged his shoulders and took a gentle breath of the cigarette. The smoke exhaled was not a pair of confused eyes, but a pair of vicious eyes.

"We all know it." Yang Xuan still answered Xiao Ling's question.

Yang Xuan elegantly put his legs on the seat, exuding something that outsiders couldn't understand.

But Xiaoling can understand this, which is pride, which belongs to the fourth of the Eighth War.

Xiao Ling knew that Yang Xuan was really angry this time. Otherwise, it won't exude such arrogance...


"Are you the patient's family?" An old white-haired doctor came to Yang Xuan and Xiaoling and asked.

Yang Xuan's psychological light was on, and he thought of something...

"Yes, how about the two of them?" Xiaoling asked the doctor first.

Although Yang Xuan did not ask, he still listened attentively.

"In the advanced stage of breast cancer, surgery is necessary--"

"..." Yang Xuan and Xiao Ling almost fell down.

Looking at the old doctor still talking, Yang Xuan and Xiaoling looked at each other and saw the deep helplessness in each other's eyes.

"That, doctor. Did you find the wrong person? Xiaoling smiled at the old doctor and said, "We are the family members of a man and a woman just sent here."

This can be wrong. I have to say that the doctor still needs to find a younger one, otherwise there is no guarantee that there will be misdiagnosis.

"Oh? Is it?" The old doctor took his reading glasses and took a closer look at Yang Xuan and Xiao Ling and said, "I misunderstood."

After the doctor left, Xiao Ling and Yang Xuan smiled bitterly. Then he walked to Jane and the big pig's ward.

A small episode took Yang Xuan and Xiaoling's mood a little better.


"Doctor, how are they two?" This time, Yang Xuan couldn't help asking the doctor who really diagnosed and treated Jane and the big pig.

After all, if your friends go to the hospital now, you will also be anxious, won't you?

"The girl is fine, but she fainted temporarily because of emotional excitement." The doctor nodded to Yang Xuan and Xiao Ling and continued, "But there is a little problem with the boy. His body is full of wounds caused by fists, and the injury is a little serious, so I suggest you still be prepared."

"What are you going to prepare?" Xiao Ling said with a little excitement.

Although he and Jane are a little unpleasant to each other, what is revealed at this time is concern and brotherly affection.

"Of course, I'm going to be hospitalized." The doctor looked at Xiao Ling with a little surprise and said, "The patient has a slight concussion. What if he is not hospitalized?"

"..." Yang Xuan and Xiao Ling are really helpless now, within a day. No! I was misled by the doctor twice in an hour - by the way, do you still dare to trust the doctor in the future?

But after being helpless, Yang Xuan and Xiaoling were left to laugh secretly - Jane was also a miserable child. Did she pass the last concussion? Now there is another concussion. Is Jane a dedicated user of concussion? Cerebral concussion every day?

"Oh, thank you, doctor." Xiaoling reacted and said, "I'm going to go through the hospitalization procedures now."

After the doctor left, Yang Xuan and Xiaoling looked at each other and laughed.

Now nothing has happened to Big Pig and Jane. They can also feel at ease. They laugh, just laugh at Jane, an unlucky child!

"Xiao Ling, do you have money?" Yang Xuan couldn't help asking when he saw that Xiao Ling was going to spend money to be hospitalized.

After all, Yang Xuan's heart still has a little apology for Xiaoling - now it's a little ugly to spend money on others.

"Oh, I forgot if you didn't tell me. I didn't think of bringing money when I came out." Xiaoling touched his pocket and said shyly to Yang Xuan.

I just received a phone call and heard that Jane had an accident, and Xiao Ling didn't pay so much attention, so he didn't bring any money.

But Yang Xuan has a habit of taking money with him.

I don't know if this is a bad habit, but now it seems to be the best thing.

If you don't have money to call the hospitalization fee, go to a hospital to see if they let you in. Therefore, today's society focuses on money. Human feelings and so on are just bullshit.

Here you are. Go and come back quickly." Yang Xuan handed a bank card to Xiaoling and told Xiaoling.

Xiao Ling didn't have overseas Chinese feelings, so he grabbed the card and ran away.

When Xiaoling left, Yang Xuan said to himself with a confused expression: "Attack with bare hands--?"

Yang Xuan sat in the public seat next to the ward and couldn't come out of his mind for a long time.

"I said, you are our rich man." Xiao Ling ran to Yang Xuan's side and said breathlessly.

But Yang Xuan didn't have a bird at all...
