It's wonderful to be calm

Chapter 0102 Yang Xuan vs Jia!

The air around it feels like there is no oxygen, giving people a very suffocating feeling. Coupled with a demon-like face, it makes people think about it, just like a man and a woman entering ** at the same time.

But when I saw this face, it made me feel very disgusted. Because this person is - Suger!

I don't know why Suger appeared here. Has Yang Xuan already...

Miss Yang? Please come with me." Suger's voice is very good, and I don't deny it. But when I heard his voice, it was like hearing the sound of Yang Xuan lying alone on the ground with his heart twitching.

"Can I go to one side?" I didn't give Suger any face. Even the patients who passed by or the families of the patients were looking at me and Suger, because we were like a quarreling couple, giving people a sense of imagination.

Now I just want to wait for Xiaoling. When Xiaoling comes, I will take Xiaoling to save Yang Xuan. I don't want to go with Su Ge. Even if he wants to be strong, I won't leave - even if he wants to be strong, he has to choose the occasion. Now we are at the gate of a hospital with a large flow of people, so I don't worry that he will use it for me. Strong.

"It's useless for you to look like this." Su Ge shrugged his shoulders and said to me, "It's better to go and let Yang Xuan live."

If I really go back with Su Ge now, then - Yang Xuan and I will die, right? Even if Yang Xuan doesn't have anything now, then if I am controlled by Su Ge, then Yang Xuan's character will definitely protect me. At that time, Jia can do whatever he wants to do to Yang Xuan.

"Ha ha. Haha!" I laughed twice and attracted countless white eyes, but I continued to say to Suger disapprovingly, "Don't think about it, I won't go back with you. If you are willing to wait with me, then stand here and wait until Xiao Ling comes, you can go to Huangquan. Or, now you can turn around and bring me a word. If something happens to Yang Xuan, then I will let him know what is painful.

If Suger continues to stay, then after Xiaoling comes, I will definitely be the first to let Xiaoling down.

"Okay, I'll bring you a message first." Su Ge had no choice but to pat his forehead and turn around to leave, but I heard him shouting, "Why am I reduced to a messenger now?"

After I heard Suger's last words, the corners of my mouth cracked - because I was very happy to hear about Suger's current life.

Xiao Ling, why hasn't your young son come yet? Did you die somewhere...


One sword and three flowers, the essence of a soft sword.

Yang Xuan has used the soft sword in his hand to the extreme, but Jia, who did not have any weapons in front of him, shuttled freely in the track of the soft sword.

Jia has approached Yang Xuan's body, but Yang Xuan still did not give up the soft sword in his hand.

Yang Xuan folded the soft sword, but there is still a distance between the tip and the hilt of the sword, but it does not affect Yang Xuan's intention, because Yang Xuan's current idea is to ejected the tip and seriously injure Jia, if it can't be seriously injured...

Jia saw the change of the soft sword in Yang Xuan's hand and knew Yang Xuan's intention. Looking at Yang Xuan's eyes, there was already a little more joy of victory. Jia bowed his right hand and prepared to give Yang Xuan a fatal blow.

The bowed hand is about to approach Yang Xuan's restricted area, but the soft sword in Yang Xuan's hand has no intention of releasing it. Because Yang Xuan has not found a flaw in Jia now, he is waiting for Jia to think he is going to win and relax his vigilance.

20cm, 10cm. Even if the Heavenly King came, he would still be punched. There was ecstasy in Jia's eyes. He thought how difficult it was to complete the task given to him by the prince this time, but now Jia's feeling is that it's nothing more than that. As long as you kill the little ghost in front of you, there will be no one who can stop you. What can even if it is the master of coin death? At least it's much better than the kid in front of him.

But when Jia was happy, Yang Xuan's soft sword was released without any sign.

Jia saw the soft sword that was about to come to him, and the target of the soft sword was his carotid artery, and he suddenly couldn't let go of his hands and feet.

He took back his hand, which was about to reach Yang Xuan's face, trying to prevent Yang Xuan from ejected the soft sword.

Jia rotated his body 180 degrees in the air. Jia's body dodged the attack of the soft sword. The ejected soft sword was not as lethal as the usual soft sword, because the ejected soft sword was just a straight line, and at ordinary times, the feeling of the soft sword made you defenseless, although Jia He can avoid Yang Xuan's three flowers, but he also uses a lot of brains.

After Jia's body fell, it was less than one person away from Yang Xuan. In this way, Yang Xuan's soft sword really had no attack power, because the soft sword itself was a medium-range attack weapon. But now the distance between Yang Xuan and Jia is less than one meter. What effect can the soft sword play?

"Roar!" Jia roared and ran to Yang Xuan less than a meter away. Although the distance was short, Jia had exerted the impact of his body to the highest level.

His hand is the most aggressive fist and hits Yang Xuan's head. If Yang Xuan really gets Jia's punch, then Yang Xuan can be said to be not far from God.

But when Jia's fist was about to reach the target, Yang Xuan threw the soft sword to the ground without warning.

This shocked Jia and thought that Yang Xuan had any move. The hand unconsciously took a small step back, but it was this small step that determined Yang Xuan's fate.

Yang Xuan arched his body and kicked his right foot fiercely on Jia's body.

'It hurts!' This is the feeling in Yang Xuan's heart. Can it not hurt? The impact after Jia's acceleration can be said to be very powerful. Can Yang Xuan's thin leg kick Jia out?

But if that critical point is found, then there will be no suspense when Jiafei goes out.

"Roar!" Yang Xuan roared. Instead of looking for the critical point, he tried his best to kick Ga out.

Jia was angry, but now he was taken the initiative by Yang Xuan, so Jia also added strength to himself and didn't want Yang Xuan to kick him out.

The fight between the two masters is like a pair of reckless men who are competing with strength.

Bum! It was Yang Xuan who fell down - because Jia added strength to his body, Yang Xuan's body was half bowed, and suddenly felt a great strength to throw himself down.

Bum! This time it's Jia! Yang Xuan successfully kicked Jia out, because Yang Xuan's body had fallen to the ground, but this helped Yang Xuan. With a focus, it was easier to exert strength. That's why I can kick Jia out.

"You just stepped back." Yang Xuan picked up the soft sword on the ground and said to the Jia who was getting up. This also shows one thing - Yang Xuan is very vengeful, because Jia also said such a sentence to Yang Xuan just now.

"..." Jia really doesn't know what to say now. He really let a little ghost kick himself out. What if others see him? Even if you don't let others see you, your heart is very unbalanced. Are you really old? Can't even clean up a hairy child?

Jia is very angry and unconvinced. Why is every attack resolved by this child? They used these attacks before, and those people, not to mention resolved them - before they hit them, they were about to faint.

Can the child in front of him really defeat himself? Don't believe it! Absolutely not believe it!

"Come again!" Jia Hao roared and declared war on Yang Xuan. It attracted the helpless sigh of countless people in the hospital room - these two people are not finished yet?

The patient heard the sound outside but did not dare to go out, because they were afraid of affecting them.

Jaga rushed to Yang Xuan again...
