It's wonderful to be calm

Chapter 0137 You can't drip yourself with candles!

The weather is very good, much better than that in the south, although this is in the north.

I don't doubt that if the sun shines on me, I will go crazy - it's almost October, but the weather is still more than 30 degrees. Is there anyone more wronged than Dou E?

People often say that it snows in June, so it must be that Dou E is back again.

But it's October, but it's comparable to summer weather. Isn't Dou E's grievance comparable to this person?

You can be sure that this person is a man.

If it was not a man, she would also choose to snow to inform everyone of his grievances.


Yang Xuan hasn't been home for nearly ten days. Of course, if going home is the most important thing, then he hasn't gone to school for ten days.

I don't know what Yang Xuan's teacher thinks. Yang Xuan hasn't been to school for so long and hasn't called Yang Xuan to comfort him. This is also a small matter. Didn't Yang Xuan's mother even call Yang Xuan to comfort him why he didn't go home?

Well, I admit that I said so much to show that Yang Xuan is now by my side, which is very annoying, not ordinary annoying. Yang Xuan can make you continue to be helpless after his helplessness in a day - anyway, as long as Yang Xuan is by my side for a day, I will not have a peaceful life.

Looking at Yang Xuan sitting next to me and dialing oranges for me, I felt funny. I still had to use violence to deal with Yang Xuan, otherwise Yang Xuan would not have eaten any of your methods.

I thought that after Yang Xuan was violently solved, I asked him to play with mud, but seeing that Yang Xuan's attitude of admitting his mistake was still sincere, he almost hugged my thigh and sang and conquered, so I still let him stay in my ward. Of course, it was not in vain to let Yang Xuan stay with such a beautiful woman as me. The price is what Yang Xuan wants to do - including what Yang Xuan feeds me with oranges now.

"Well, that's good. Let's go down." After taking a bite of oranges, I said to Yang Xuan, who was still plucking oranges.

Now I'm in a good mood, so I'm going to tease Yang Xuan - I found that I'm also a cheap bone. Knowing that if I talk to Yang Xuan, Yang Xuan's tail will go up to the sky, but I still can't help speaking.

"Little Yangzi wants to serve the old Buddha and can't retreat." Yang Xuan looked at me and immediately became overjoyed and continued to say to me, "If the emperor knew, he would kill me."

I have no choice. Sure enough, I shouldn't give Yang Xuan any sweetness. I will be the next person to suffer. Although it has been verified countless times, I still can't be cruel to Yang Xuan - if I ignore him, he will be in a bad mood, and if he is in a bad mood, I will be in a bad mood. What if I am in a bad mood and have an endocrine disorder? As a woman, you should take good care of your body, right? If there are really a few pimples on my face, it makes me more crazy than Yang Xuan.

"Get out of here. My family is fine now. Go out and tell your emperor that I'm going to leave the hospital!" I shouted at Yang Xuan.

It's impossible to say that I'm not afraid of Yang Xuan's nagging, so it's better to suppress Yang Xuan now, so that I don't feel uncomfortable for a while.

As for who their emperor is, in fact, there is nothing, just likened the doctor to the emperor. Because I have said countless times that I will be discharged from the hospital, but the doctor has always kept me on the pretext of observation. If I don't spend money in the hospital, I won't say anything, but I not only spend money, but also a lot, thousands of yuan a day.

"The emperor said that you can't leave the hospital yet." Yang Xuan gave me a helpless look and said to me, "What if you are discharged from the hospital and faint again? What if we don't rescue it in time? If... anyway, you can't leave the hospital now."

Looking at Yang Xuan's words with tears, I was also very helpless. Now that the matter has become clear, it is impossible for the doctor to stop me from the hospital, but it was with this guy that I have not been discharged from the hospital yet.

"I can't leave the hospital, but can you go down? I'm going to bed." Looking at Yang Xuan's eyes full of anger, I said helplessly to Yang Xuan.

I don't know where Yang Xuan's anger came from, but he was discharged from the hospital. Isn't Yang Xuan like this? If I leave the hospital without his consent, then I won't be nagging him to death?

"I'm sleepy too. I'll be with you." Yang Xuan said to me awkwardly.

I don't know how to say Yang Xuan, because he wants me to make mistakes, but why does he look like he wants to be **? Am I so miserable? Is it my fault not to make mistakes?

"Who do you want to be with?" I said to Yang Xuan with a smile, full of murder.

After listening to my words, Yang Xuan rushed out of my ward at the same speed and didn't forget to tell me to have a good rest when he left.

If Yang Xuan really dares to take my words, then he will die today.

After he was abused by me when he told Xiaoling that he wanted to linger with me a few days ago, he didn't say the word lingering again, because he had an inexplicable fear of this word. Maybe it's my fault. In fact, I didn't do anything to Yang Xuan, just from my bag. A candle was taken out of the bag, commonly known as dripping wax.

So Yang Xuan will tremble when he sees the two words candle and lingering now, which was shadowed by my wax dripping that day.

As for what wax is, I won't say more. Anyway, it's just some tricks for the husband and wife to play in **, but I didn't do anything against Yang Xuan. I just used candles to drip him.

"Hey, didn't you say you wanted to be with me? How did you get out?" I shouted outside the ward, but the abuse in my tone was very obvious.

If Yang Xuan appears in front of me now, there is nothing I can do, because I said this sentence. But Yang Xuan will not appear beside me, because I have left a shadow on him.

Well, I admit that I said so much to prove that Yang Xuan's handle is in my hand now, but this handle is dispensable. Only this handle can be used in front of us to threaten Yang Xuan, but if there are many people, I'm embarrassed to say it. People want face, don't they? If others know what wax I played with Yang Xuan, what face would I have to see them?

Of course, Yang Xuan has been scared away by me now, so I can do whatever I want - don't think about it, I just don't want to sleep. I can't drip myself with candles, can I? You are a little too evil. How pure am I? How can you look at me like this?

If Yang Xuan is by my side now, my thoughts must be entangled with Yang Xuan, and it is impossible to separate a trace of thoughts to think about something.

I was wondering who saved the person, because the dean came to my ward a few days ago and told me that my Rangxian saved a person and expressed his deep gratitude to me. Of course, it was just that his dean expressed his deep gratitude to me. I have never seen the so-called person who saved my life to say thank me from beginning to end.

Of course, I won't say anything, because after all, he has just been saved and can't appear in my ward. Maybe he is still in a coma. Since he is in a coma, it is impossible to say thank you to me with his eyes closed, right? Moreover, he can't say it. If he can say thank you to me in a coma, it would be a medical miracle. In the past, a man vomited blood for several days but did not die from too much blood loss, and a few days later he jumped up on the street to go shopping, which is called a medical miracle.

I don't deny that I am a little thirsty for talents now. Now the available talents in the world have been dug up by willing companies or somewhere - of course, many scum have also been poached away, but they can't make any waves.

If this person is a useful talent, then I have a much better chance of using him for me. After all, I am the person who indirectly saves him. He wants to thank me, and he is embarrassed to refuse some of my requests. If he really refuses, then there is nothing he can do...
