It's wonderful to be calm

Chapter 0149 How twisted--

People can be arrogant, but it depends on who is arrogant.

Xiaoxiang now has obvious arrogant capital in front of us.

It may be a little wrong to say that Xiaoxiang is arrogant. It's just a joke about us, but I don't know why I just feel that Xiaoxiang's current momentum is very arrogant or arrogant?

Anyway, there is no word that can correctly describe Xiaoxiang's current momentum. His momentum really can't be described in words.

is a little desolate and a little helpless. This is the correct description of what Xiaoxiang is emitting now. Maybe there is really a story about Xiaoxiang becoming a soldier.

"By the way..." Xiaoxiang cleared his voice and said, "Let's talk about the years of Kangxi."

Why do I feel wrong? What year has it been now? More than 2,000 years ago, right? It's still a serious mistake during the Kangxi period.

"Well, I suddenly forgot how to say it." Xiaoxiang smiled shyly at Yang Xuan and said, "Anyway, I was less than 18 years old when I joined the army."

Yang Xuan couldn't help looking at Xiaoxiang and didn't say anything, but quietly listened to Xiaoxiang's words.

I suddenly found that Xiaoxiang had ignored me and Taoyao, because what he did was around Yang Xuan alone and didn't care about me and Taoyao.

I really don't know what magic Yang Xuan has. He can make him alone in the eyes of a big man, and he completely ignores Taoyao and me who are very close to him.

"When I joined the army before I was 18 years old, I didn't have any money at home..." Xiaoxiang seemed to have entered that realm and quietly told the three of us about him.


Jane looked aggrievedly at Taotao with her waist and angrily.

Our classmate Jian is really aggrieved now. Jane has never seen such a tough girl. Even if she kisses herself, Jane won't say anything, but you can kiss her. Why do you still feed Jane's mouth? This is bad behavior.

Jane glanced at Taotao with her waist crossed and said aggrievedly, "Miss Nurse, can you respect my human rights? You did this to destroy my heart, and my first kiss has not been contributed yet, but just now, my first kiss was taken away by you.

Jane is really much more lively now. She is not as rigid as when she was in flowers, because now Jane can still make fun of her.

Taotao blushed and said, "Who asked you to ignore me? I thought you agreed to let me feed you."

agreed, Jane doesn't deny it, but is this called feeding? Is there a mouth-to-mouth feeding? I really haven't seen it yet. Jane is wronged now. Of course, this is also a cheap seller. What's wrong with a yellow girl? People still think highly of you. If you look like a crow, they may not even be a bird.

"Well, I fell today. Go out. I'm going to bed." Jane waved her hand and said to Taotao, who was still blushing aftertaste, with a little impatience in her tone.

Of course, that kind of impatience is Jane's childish side in Taotao's eyes. Didn't anyone say that Xi Shi came out of the lover's eyes? Now Taotao really falls under Jane's pomegranate skirt - well, Jane doesn't have a pomegranate skirt, but this is called a metaphor.

"You can't be like this, can you? You haven't finished your meal yet. I'll go out after you finish eating. I won't cause you any trouble. Jane is childish in Taotao's eyes, but after hearing Jane's words - everyone will be anxious.

No one wants to kick out their beloved, right? After all, Taotao is still a naive girl. Suddenly, her eyes have been covered with a layer of 'gauze'. Of course, it was a layer of tears.

"..." Jane took a look at Taotao, who was about to cry, and did not go out. By the way, there is a love for beauty in the world, and even Jane will not be exempt from vulgarity. If Jane doesn't have anything about Taotao, it can only prove that Jane is a person with sexual failure or sexual indifference.

Jane didn't say anything, but faintly pointed to the overnight porridge on the table beside her, and then put her hands down.

Taotao was happy when she saw Jian pointing to the porridge on the table, but she did not express it on her expression, but slowly picked up the porcelain bowl full of porridge.

In fact, Taotao is about to be happy in her heart, because she didn't believe that tears could do anything before, but today after trying Jane, she knew that tears worked for men, especially men who pretended not to care.

"Come on, open your mouth." Taotao put the spoon on Jane's mouth and said with a little favor.

Incredibly, Jane really opened her mouth to let the porridge enter her mouth. Now we can be sure that Jane is also a person with low defense against women.

While Jane was still closing her eyes and enjoying the nurse's porridge, Taotao smiled mischievously and turned her eyes, as if she had thought of something to deal with Jane.

"Come on, ah... open your mouth." Taotao's voice is very beautiful, and Jane is completely intoxicated, but I don't know that Taotao has now figured out how to 'whe' him.

After Taotao pulled the spoon out of Jane's mouth, he smiled and said, "Jian is really good. I will feed you porridge every day in the future."

After listening to Taotao's words, Jane shook her head slightly and didn't say anything. She just opened her eyes faintly and looked at Taotao, who was still smiling, shouting in her heart, but it was too late.

Tao Tao seemed to be tripped by something under his feet, and then rushed to Jane's body at a wind-like speed.

The speed is too fast. Even if Jane has realized what Taotao is going to do, she has no time to resist.

Taotao fell on Jane's body. After a 'er', Jane closed her eyes with her fate.

"Come on, do whatever you want. I will never resist." Jane accepted her fate and said, "But can you stop doing this in the future? My heart can't stand it."

The two are like falling in love, but only the two of them know that this is just a prank.

Jane naturally knows that this is Taotao's prank, and there is nothing to hide it. Anyway, I have accepted my fate. You can do whatever you like. Anyway, you can't rape me first and then kill me. What am I afraid of?

"You are shameless, you are despicable, you are dirty, you are a bad guy anyway, your sister, your sister, your second sister, your third sister, your countless sisters!" After listening to Jane's words, Taotao was so ashamed that she was not at all ladylike. She clenched her fists and hit Jane's body hard, and her mouth did not leave the word 'your sister', as if Jane's sister was really by her side.

Jane did not stop Taotao from hitting herself with her petite fist, and arched her chest up, so that Taotao's fist efficiency could be higher.

"I don't have a sister, haha, I'm so angry with you." Jane continued with a smile, "Don't you like to bully me? Why don't you bully now?"

Tao Tao took a close look at Jane's bad smile, and finally wanted to stand up.

This should be what Jane expected, but for some reason, Jane's arm inadvertently wrapped around Taotao's slender waist.

"What are you doing?" Taotao asked Jian warily.

Taotao knows that she is suffering now. Although she is a little careless, she is very conservative when she is really involved in these things. If Jane really wants to do something with her, then Taotao will definitely kill Jane.

"What are you going to do?" Jane also reacted and felt that she didn't look like herself now, and her voice trembled a little and asked Taotao.

Taotao did not answer Jane, because Taotao doesn't know what she is doing now. She will fight with Jane, who has always been indifferent to her, but she still summoned up the courage to say to Jane, who is less than ten centimeters away from her cheek, "Can you let me go first? Anyway, I'm also a big yellow girl.

How twisted...
