It's wonderful to be calm

Chapter 0181 Do you have a girlfriend?

It turns out that drinking to the highest level is not to be drunk, but that no one drinks with him, and he pours a cup. Is this the highest level of drinking? Now Yang Xuan has done it. I just didn't drink. No, I drank three bottles of beer. Yang Xuan didn't have to fall to the ground directly, did he? And it seems that he slept very sweetly.

Looking at Yang Xuan lying on the ground, I felt helpless for a while. Yang Xuan thundered me today, but he is also drunk and unconscious now. If there is a prince's attack now, I doubt whether Yang Xuan doesn't know at all.

After a lot of twists and turns, Yang Xuan was put on my face**, and I was alone in pajamas to clean up the wine bottle on the table. Of course, I didn't have a waiter's occupational disease. I just let the doctor or nurse see a little bad tomorrow. This is the hospital, but Yang Xuan and I are openly. Drinking a lot will definitely make doctors or nurses angry. The hospital is not a place to drink - you should drink alcohol.

After putting the wine bottle in a black plastic bag and throwing it into the hospital trash can, I saw that Yang Xuan was still sleeping, and suddenly a burst of sleepiness also hit my mind. I knew that this was the god who urged me to sleep again.

After lying on the sick** face, I turned around and looked at Yang Xuan, then covered my body with a cover, and then I was ready to fall asleep.

I didn't turn off the light, because if Yang Xuan gets up at night and goes to the bathroom, he must not be able to find the light, so it's better to turn it on for him directly, so as not to bother me at night. I'm also tired.

I will see my brothers and sisters tomorrow, and after this time, two people will be added to the big family. Naturally, Taotao and his brother Taoyao. One of them is a nurse and the other is a master, which is also a fresh blood.

You don't have to go to the hospital for some simple injuries. Just go directly to Taotao, an angel in small white. Naturally, some medical materials should be prepared for Taotao. Otherwise, even if Hua Tuo doesn't have medical materials, he can't cure people.

I don't know what's wrong with me. I've just been a little tired, but after lying on **, my eyes are wide open. I don't know how to fall asleep. It's not because there is still Yang Xuan behind me, but I feel that there are too many things for me. If possible, then I would rather not know Suger, then everything It's all right. There is no need to find the prince to revenge on him, and there are not so many things now. Suddenly, I feel a little haggard. I really want to solve the current situation immediately and wait for the little boy behind me to grow up and live a plain life. How good it is that? Why do you have to fight and kill? It's annoying all day. I'm always annoyed, and my life is in danger at any time.

But now I declare war on the prince and Suge. Now that I have chosen this road, I will keep going until I or the prince fall, otherwise my heart will not let go of myself.

After going back this time, I didn't have any plans. Naturally, I finished the things before Jane and I had an accident. The first thing must be to go back to the bar, and then go to see Ge Lao and Nian to ask about the flowers, and then Jane will continue the unfinished things after she has recovered. I don't know who will win this time. After all, the strength of the flowers is rising every day, but Jane spends it in the hospital. In this way, the gap with Jane is gradually narrowed by the flowers. So who will really die - God knows.

That familiar sleepiness once again hit my brain, and then my thoughts entered a vacuum, and the things in my mind have shrunk countless times and slowly become blank.

Bang! I was pulled out of the blank mind by a knock on the door - I really want to curse three times now, which is a little too tricky. What time is it? There are still people knocking on my door.

"Who is it?" I shouted.

At this time, I can't figure out who will come to my room. Although it's just 11 o'clock, there is no one walking in the hospital at this time. This knock on the door suddenly made my hair stand up.

"It's me, Taoyao." The sound of Taoyao coming from outside the door.

After a sigh of relief, he took a look at Yang Xuan, who was still asleep, and then put on his shoes and got out of bed to open the door for Taoyao.

"Why haven't you slept so late?" I yawned and said to Taoyao.

I haven't seen Taoyao today, but Yang Xuan has told him that he will leave tomorrow. At this time, Taoyao will come here. I really can't guess what's going on with him coming at this time.

"When I saw that your room light was still on, I came to you." Taoyao entered the door and sat on the chair and said, "Are you leaving tomorrow?"

Taoyao's appearance is really a little gentle. He doesn't have the previous masculinity at all, but feels very tired. If I hadn't known this face, I really couldn't confirm that the person in front of me was Taoyao.

"Well, Yang Xuan told you today?" I stretched out and continued to say to Taoyao, "Are you ready?"

Taoyao protects us. I can't see him once or twice a day, and I just saw his back. I really didn't talk to him much, but this time I also talked to Taoyao.

"Well, Yang Xuan called me today." Taoyao took a look at Yang Xuan with a smile and said, "I just prepared my bags. It depends on when you leave."

After listening to Taoyao's words, my heart can finally be relieved, and I can finally set off and go back tomorrow.

"What's going on today?" I leaned lazily on the chair and said to Taoyao, "You look tired."

Taoyao's current appearance is really like just waking up, giving people a lazy feeling. If he didn't want to protect us, then I must think he had just woken up.

"I'm so tired every day." Taoyao grinned and said, "I need to protect your safety during the day, and I don't sleep soundly in the hospital at night. It's really terrible. After I go back with you tomorrow, you have to let me sleep all day and one night before talking about other things, otherwise I really don't know the world."

After hearing Taoyao's words, I also felt a little pain in my heart. A person who can compete with Jia, the current task is only to protect a few of us. If people outside know, they will definitely scold me - big talent is useless.

"Ha ha, I'll take your vacation when I go back tomorrow." After laughing, I said to Taoyao, "Do you have a girlfriend?"

I don't know why I have such a question, but I know that I'm definitely not fanciful. I just want to know the man in front of me. I know a little about my subordinates, and I will communicate with him in the future. I won't be so rigid.

"Then thank you first." Taoyao smiled and continued to answer, "I don't have a girlfriend yet. Taotao doesn't want me to find a sister-in-law for her so early, so I can only put it down first."

Although I have guessed that Taoyao doesn't have a girlfriend, I didn't expect that his reason was so loving. Unexpectedly, his sister didn't let him find a girlfriend early. What's more, I was surprised that Taoyao really didn't find a girlfriend. This is also a brother's love for his sister - selflessness.

"Sure enough, he is a good brother. No wonder Taotao likes you so much." I squeezed my lips and smiled and said, "Taotao is blessed to have you as a brother. If I have a brother and I don't let him find a girlfriend, he will definitely not do it."

Taotao is a very naughty girl, but Taoyao's modest way to his sister is also extremely doting on her sister. If it were me, I really couldn't stop looking for a girlfriend.

"I'll go back to bed first. Just call me when I leave tomorrow." Taoyao yawned and said to me.

Of course, I didn't stay in Taoyao. After Taoyao left, I went to my dear bed again...
