It's wonderful to be calm

Chapter 0238 Then look forward to it

When Xiaoling returned to the room with Yang Xuan just now, he opened the door, and a fragrant smell came to his face.

Yang Xuan has just drunk wine in this room. There should be some wine smell. It seems that Yang Yuxin sprayed some air freshener after cleaning up the room.

After turning on the light, Xiao Ling took a look at the room. ** is no longer what it was just now. The bedding and so on have been paved on **. The quilt that existed in the room before was a big pig. There is also a quilt neatly spread on **. Xiaoling knew that this quilt should be Yang Yuxin's.

Although the quilt and so on have been settled, Xiaoling still has a little regret. Because the beauty is no longer here now.

But Xiaoling is also stupid enough. Yang Yuxin brought the cover for you, and you should be angry if you are not here. But Yang Yuxin still helps you with the bedding and so on. If you can't come back, will she still be waiting for you in the room?

Xiao Ling gently stroked Yang Yuxin's quilt - very soft and warm.

"Hey!" A familiar voice came to Xiao Ling's ear...


"How did you go with the piglet?" Yang Xuan couldn't wait to sit up straight and say, "I didn't want to ask you this, but I'm still a little curious."

When Yang Xuan first appeared in front of Xiaozhu with Wang Chen, it seemed that the relationship between the two had progressed very fast. At this rate, there should be something right now, and when he was just in Wang Chen's base, Yang Xuan joked that they were all family and relatives. Wang Chen also did not object, and now Yang Xuan finally couldn't help asking questions.

Wang Chen is also dishonest. He didn't tell Yang Xuan when he dated the piglet before. The little pig called Yang Xuan in person, otherwise Yang Xuan might still be in the dark. Now when I see Xiaoling, I have such a question.

"Cough." Wang Chen coughed twice, a little embarrassed, but some girls were shy and said, "Can you not answer?"

When Yang Xuan saw Wang Chen like this, he also snorted and looked at Wang Chen as if the wolf had seen the sheep.

Didn't Wang Chen's expression have betrayed him? Yang Xuan knew that there was still something between Wang Chen and Piggy, otherwise Wang Chen didn't need to be like this at all. Shame was revealed when girls were shy - of course, who said that a slightly sultry little man would not have such an expression in love? After a while, Yang Xuan has defined Wang Chen as passionately in love.

"No." Yang Xuan shook his head resolutely and said, "This question must be answered. That's my sister. Where have you been? I also have the right to know, don't I? Why don't I call my sister now?

Now Yang Xuan is very happy, not ordinary happy, but the most in his heart is still the abuse, because Wang Chen in front of him is a little too kawaii to encounter this topic.

But there is still some happiness that is really happy for Wang Chen and Piggy, because it is predestined to be able to walk together. Yang Xuan said selfishly that this is equivalent to Wang Chen and himself tied together. As long as there is something wrong with him, Wang Chen will be obliged to help.

"Don't call, she's already asleep." Wang Chen was a little at a loss when he heard that Yang Xuan was going to call Xiaozhu, but after seeing Yang Xuan's abusive eyes, he said calmly, "We are just a pure relationship between men and women, not what you think."

Yang Xuan now has more sadistic elements in his heart - Wang Chen can't even speak now. What does it mean that we are just a pure relationship between men and women? Just say that you are still friends. Everyone can associate with the pure relationship between men and women, right? Who knows whether you two will be pure or not in the future.

"Well, I won't make fun of you." Yang Xuan shook his head helplessly and said, "I'm just such a sister. Be kind to her."

Yang Xuan really has only one sister. Of course, if he wants to, there will be a sister, who is a big pig. But Yang Xuan has defined the big pig as his girlfriend. How can he define it that way?

Of course, to get back to the story. Yang Xuan still loves Piggy very much, because when Yang Xuan was alone before, the person who accompanied him the most was Piggy, and he went out with him and took him to meet the big pig. Of course, we still need to emphasize this problem for Wang Chen. After all, whoever it is, they all hope that their sister's boyfriend will be better to their sister - of course, they don't want their sister's boyfriend to break up with their sister as soon as possible, so that they will have a chance to get involved. Of course, they are small. After all, legs will not succeed.

"Ha ha, that's natural. Women are used for pain, not for anything." Wang Chen smiled and continued, "How are you and the big pig now? I haven't heard you tell me about the recent situation between you recently.

Yang Xuan knows that Wang Chen is changing the topic. Of course, what if Wang Chen doesn't change the topic now? Do you still listen to Yang Xuan continue to nagging about some common things? For example, my sister likes to sleep in in the morning. If she disturbs my sister, she will be anxious with anyone. For example, my sister likes to sleep at night.

"We are fine, but I hope we can go shopping with you two faster." Yang Xuan smiled and said, "My sister is not so talkative. If she has a grudge, then you have to coax her well. Of course, you can't be too weak. She will be angry."

Looking at Yang Xuan talking, Wang Chen suddenly felt a little helpless. Naturally, he knew that Piggy was going to stop Yang Xuan, but when he saw Yang Xuan like this, he was also embarrassed to interrupt Yang Xuan's words. After all, Yang Xuan also hoped that Wang Chen and Piggy could be well.

"And she likes to drink water at night, er!" Yang Xuan felt wrong when he said this and hurriedly said, "I mean when you two get married in the future."

Yang Xuan was overjoyed to see that Wang Chen did not interrupt his words. But in the end, he said something a little off track. Yang Xuan is very embarrassed now. Of course, Wang Chen also feels a little embarrassed now - marriage is a far away thing, isn't it? As for putting it on the table for an interview now?

"You'll be fine." Wang Chen smiled helplessly and said, "I will remember these, but aren't you tired?"

Now the moon is about to be told by Yang Xuan. After the moon sets, the sun is destined to rise, and then the sky will be dawn. Yang Xuan doesn't feel tired now, which is also said to be Yang Xuan's ability.

Of course, this sentence also has a meaning, that is, you won't be tired if you say so much.

Of course, Yang Xuan knows what Wang Chen means. He hasn't slept well for almost two days. Naturally, Wang Chen refers to this.

"I'm tired, but I still want to say, right?" Yang Xuan smiled and said, "Big Pig and I will wait for you two to go shopping with us after we have a relationship."

Yang Xuan's words eased the awkward atmosphere. Wang Chen and Piggy first met when they went shopping. If the two really established a relationship, they must go shopping with Yang Xuan and recall the scenes, characters and plots when they first met. Of course, at that time, Wang Chen and Yang Xuan will no longer wear school uniforms - it's really bullshit. I didn't know that two women abducted and sold two Zhengtai.

"Haha, then look forward to it." Wang Chen laughed and said, "Don't say that. When you go back, tell the big pig about our meeting today. She must know that we are already in the alliance. Otherwise, if you don't respond in time, the situation will be a little bad. After all, one step may affect the whole war situation.

Wang Chen said righteously.
