It's wonderful to be calm

Chapter 0316 Everything can be learned

I'm speechless, Xiao Ling is really speechless. He knew that if he continued to stay here, he would be mad, so he walked out of the room decisively. Although I'm wearing a pajamas now, it's much better to be crazy than to go out and be treated as a pervert, right? Moreover, the possibility is not very high.

Xiao Ling's speed is amazing. Yang Xuan often sees it, so he doesn't care. After hearing the sound of closing the door, he took off all his pajamas, revealing only his strong body.

After taking up the neat clothes, Yang Xuan quickly put them on his body. Because the weather was not very cold during the day, Yang Xuan did not wear a coat, but a T-shirt and a pair of jeans on his upper body - of course, Yang Xuan was not a superman and would not wear underwear. I didn't take off my underwear when I just took off my pajamas.

I got up and put on my shoes. After opening the bathroom door, I pulled out a towel and began to wash up. Today is a grand event for Jane and flowers. Yang Xuan doesn't want to be absent.


When Yang Xuan sat at the table, Yang Yuxin had already bought breakfast, and it was one for each person. If you have more, don't eat if you don't have less.

"I hope Xiaoling won't spray again today." Yang Xuan took a look at Xiaoling sitting next to him and said jokingly.

What happened yesterday morning is still fresh in Yang Xuan's mind. Xiaoling sprayed it directly, and it was sprayed in Yang Yuxin's rice bowl, which was really spectacular.

"Cut, even if you spray it, spray it into your meal." Xiao Ling said with an angry 'cut'.

Yang Xuan didn't continue to say anything, but just looked at Xiao Ling with ambiguously, and then Yang Yuxin. But why is there something wrong? Yang Yuxin is such a simple person. She should be shy when she sees Yang Xuan's ambiguous eyes. Why doesn't she react at all?

"Eat quickly." Yang Yuxin squeezed her lips and smiled, looked at Yang Xuan and Xiaoling, and said, "You must have something else today."

How can Yang Xuan and Xiao Ling, two busy people, have nothing to do? There must be something to do, but I don't know if it's a good thing or not.

"Hmm." Xiaoling nodded obediently - what kind of person is this? As soon as his girlfriend spoke, she agreed directly.

Yang Xuan despised Xiaoling countless times in his heart, but he still grabbed a deep-fried dough stick and stuffed it into his mouth. He said greasyly, "Don't mention that although I ate this yesterday, it tastes another taste today."

Of course, how can deep-fried dough stick bean curd be tasted one day? This is what Yang Xuan's patriotic heart is doing - he doesn't eat jam bread, but only fried dough sticks and bean curd brains. Yang Xuan still has some resistance to foreign lifestyles in his heart.

"Ha ha, then eat more." Yang Yuxin smiled and put two of the three deep-fried dough sticks in front of her to Yang Xuan. She continued, "Actually, I don't like to eat foreign food either. I always feel that it's not as delicious as the food in my hometown."

Look, Yang Xuan has finally found a person with a common language. If it were changed to Xiaoling, it must be a sarcastic blow. However, Yang Xuan's sarcastic blow to Xiao Ling has always been regarded as thunder and farting.

"Hmm." Yang Xuan nodded like a chicken pecking rice. There was nothing he could do. Who let Yang Yuxin make sense?

Xiaoling sat alone and didn't interrupt. When he didn't interrupt, he suddenly felt a bad feeling when he saw Yang Xuan and Yang Yuxin.

"Why are you talking so much nonsense? Eat your meal." Xiaoling stared at Yang Xuan angrily and said.

If it were normal, Xiao Ling would not do this to Yang Xuan. But today, because Xiao Ling had a little jealousy in his heart, he was teased by Yang Xuan when he just got up. I'm upset, that's why it's like this.

"Yo, is Xiaoling still angry?" Yang Xuan said with some gloating, "Okay, okay, I'll eat."

Yang Xuan and Xiaoling stopped quarreling, and the table suddenly became much more lonely. The atmosphere is a little stiff. Yang Yuxin bit the deep-fried dough sticks and said, "That happened last night. Is the bar still open today?"

In fact, Yang Yuxin didn't know who to ask, so she didn't deliberately say it to Yang Xuan or Xiaoling. Just said with a meal.

"Of course." Yang Xuan's mouth was full of food, and his pronunciation was a little inaccurate, and he said, "It's fine as usual. There won't be yesterday's kind of thing."

Actually, what happened yesterday could have been defined as a farce, but it seems to have a big impact, so Yang Yuxin should be uncertain.

"Well, I'll inform the employees to come to work in a minute." Yang Yuxin said with a smile.

In fact, if the bar doesn't open today, Yang Yuxin is really not used to it. After all, if she stays in a position for a long time, she will have occupational diseases. Unconscious nature hopes that the bar can open.

"Hmm." Yang Xuan nodded, glanced at Yang Yuxin, thought for a while, and said, "I have an idea that I don't know whether to say it or not."

Xiao Ling looked up at Yang Xuan, and then fell into the food again. Yang Yuxin looked at Yang Xuan with some confusion.

"What do you think?" Yang Yuxin asked.

wiping his mouth, Yang Xuan said, "There is also a lack of a person who can be in charge in the bar now. The boss is very busy, so he has no time to manage. Naturally, I also have to go to school, so I hope you can manage the bar.

Since I had an agreed with Xiaoling last night, it must be done - besides, there is a lack of a person who can really take charge in the bar, so you can't call the big pig for instructions at everything, right? So how many calls do you receive in a day?

"Me?" Yang Yuxin pointed to herself in surprise and waved her hand and said, "I haven't worked in the bar for a long time, and I don't know much about managing some things - if you really want to find a manager, it's a little reluctant to find me."

Yang Xuan had already guessed that Yang Yuxin would say this and said with a smile, "Don't be afraid, you can learn anything. That's how it was settled."

It is decisive, but it does not give Yang Yuxin a chance to continue to shirk.

"Yes, you can learn anything. I also think Yang Xuan's suggestion is good. Xiao Ling, who had never said anything, hurriedly said.

Yang Yuxin took a look at Xiao Ling and knew what had happened...
