It's wonderful to be calm

Chapter 0330 from head to toe

Provocation? These two words echoed repeatedly in the minds of the prince and the tassel for a long time.

If someone really provokes the relationship between the two giants, who will that person be? Who reported the news to the tassel yesterday, then that person is the one who provoked the relationship.

I don't know if Su Ge is really unlucky, because the person who told the news of the tassel yesterday is just like Su Ge's position on the prince's side - he doesn't betray the gang for ordinary things.

So, Suger's words, the tassel is the first to believe it. As for the prince, smart people are people who don't talk. Just like Liu Bei in the Three Kingdoms era.

"How can you prove that someone came to provoke the relationship between our two gangs?" The tassel asked with interest.

Su Ge shook his head and said, "Even if it can't be proved, I have my reason to say so."

"Who is the last to see the union of our two gangs? Naturally, it's the gangs that are hostile to us. And do you think I'm really likely to betray the prince? What conditions can impress me? I'm equal to ten thousand people under Prince's hands - I'm not self-motivated, so I still want to live a good life for a few years. Suger said lightly, "As for saying that this is a provocation, please also ask your men where yesterday's news came from."

After saying these words, Su Ge sat on the sofa, rudely took out a bottle of red wine and two go glasses from the cabinet next to the sofa, and poured a goblet full of red wine and tasted it. Even if the tassel has its own intelligence department, it may not be able to guarantee that every information is true or accurate, right? Now there may be a lot of spies in the tassel intelligence department.

"Brother Suger, don't be angry." The tassel smiled and said, "I can't help it. A lot of things have happened in the past few years, which makes me a little too vigilant."

Su Ge heard that the tassel attributed everything he said before to those things that happened before. As for what happened, Su Ge didn't know and disdained to know that it was not a good thing anyway.

"How dare I be angry, hum." Suger pretended to be angry and said, "I dare not be angry with you."

The prince sat aside and looked at the development of things and immediately said with a smile, "Suge, don't be angry. Boss Liusu is also thinking about our safety--Since you have an explanation, it proves that you didn't go anywhere last night."

After the prince finished speaking, he turned his head and winked at the tassel and said, "Big tassel, don't be angry. Su Ge is also my subordinate. I believe he won't do that kind of thing."

Seeing this, Su Ge breathed a deep sigh of relief and passed the disaster.

"However, the prince and I have something to do now. How about you stay in my company?" The tassel suddenly said to Suger.

Su Ge's heart sank---- in the final analysis, I still don't believe it...


What will be the result of the collision between the spinning fist and the fist that gathers all the strength of the whole body? No one knows that even Xiao Ling and Nian, who are sitting next to me, are confused.

As for Yang Xuan, he is sleeping on my shoulder now---- Anyway, I asked him to watch the game. As for whether he sees it or not, what does it have to do with me?

"This confrontation should be won or lost." Xiao Ling, who was sitting next to me, couldn't calm down and said lightly.

In fact, everyone knows it in their hearts, but Xiaoling's words made everyone concentrate on the confrontation on the stage.

"Drink!" Jane shouted loudly and pushed her fist out.

The fist that gathers the strength of the whole body, even the eagle that turns the fist feels a little dangerous----

"Eagle!" Jane roared, and as soon as the scream fell, their fists collided.

I closed my eyes and didn't see this scene. I didn't want anyone to fall. It's better to close your eyes and listen to fate.

With a bang, I still opened my eyes - well, I didn't stand **. The key is that no one will close their eyes in this case, right? Unless it's a very timid person.

Speaking slowly, Jane and the Eagle's fists collided, as if they were about to rub out sparks. But there was another 'bang', and the eagle was beaten out by Jane.

"In the first game, Jane won!" Nian didn't know when he was no longer on his seat, but walked to the stage and announced the final result: "The eagle was defeated!"

"Good job, Jane's leader. It seems that this gift must be prepared today!"

"Eagle, I hate you! My daughter-in-law upstairs, why did you lose? It's over. My daughter-in-law is obsessed with Jane's leader!"


No wonder the man downstairs was so obedient just now. It turned out that he was still a strict wife.

"The second person is ready." After taking a look at Jane and getting the answer, he said, "The second game will start in ten minutes."

The venue that has been boiling for a long time has become much quieter when Jane stepped down from the stage. Everyone doesn't want Jane to be affected by their noise, so she will lose the next competition - of course, people who whisper now are generally members of flowers.

"How did you do it?" After Jane came to me, I asked excitedly, "He is running away. He is much stronger than you. How did you beat him out?"

Although I don't understand this at all, I still know that people's momentum will increase after running. At that time, the strength of hitting people with fists will be much greater.

"It's very simple. I've exhausted all my strength." Jane smiled and said, "I concentrated my strength on my fist. Even if he doubled his strength, I can let him fly out."

Yang Xuan 'cut' next to him and muttered something: There is nothing, I can do it.

Of course, I just ignored it. Little boy, don't get involved.

"Borrow your strength?"


"What is that?" I finally said a professional term, but I didn't expect to be denied by Jane, so I inevitably asked angrily.

"His strength is great, but he can't control it himself." Jane said, "My strength is concentrated from head to toe, and naturally it is much easier to control than his..."
