It's wonderful to be calm

Chapter 0368 Active

The next day, the weather was good. It rained heavily yesterday. Today's sky is very blue, and the clouds are gone, leaving only a blue happy sky.

Yesterday, Yang Xuan and several people have been crazy for a long time, at least Yang Xuan and others have not got up yet.

In the room, Yang Xuan touched his head and it hurt. In the future, I will never drink liquor and beer together. It's life-threatening! I have a headache.

rubbed his forehead and felt the ability to think independently. He immediately climbed out of bed, put on his shoes and was ready to go out to call Xiaoling. It's really a waste of time to stay here now! If you don't do anything, it's better to call the people in the base to deal with the move now.

But as soon as Yang Xuan left the door, he encountered a troublesome problem--he didn't know which room Xiaoling was in. At least this row of rooms has made Yang Xuan a little dizzy.

"What's wrong with you?" Taoyao held a bowl of anti-alcoholic soup and saw Yang Xuan standing at the door. He hurriedly said, "Now go back and have a rest for a while. I don't know how much you drank last night."

Now Taoyao is a little regretful. If I had known that I wouldn't have given those two dozen beers to Yang Xuan yesterday. Otherwise, three people would not have got up yet.

"I don't drink much, but I feel a little dizzy when drinking liquor and beer together." Yang Xuan explained, but thought of Xiaoling again and hurriedly asked, "Where is Xiaoling now?"

After all, Yang Xuan doesn't know whether Xiaoling has woken up now, and he doesn't know which room Xiaoling is in, so he can only ask Taoyao.

"He's next door to you." Taoyao smiled and said, "The three of you drank too much yesterday, so I can only put you all in **---- I wanted to let you sleep in the same bed with Xiao Ling, but forget it."

After listening to Taoyao's words, Yang Xuan was also speechless for a while. If Taoyao really arranged for him to sleep with Xiaoling last night, then he would have screamed more this morning, plus the sound of his body hitting the ground--the sound of Yang Xuan kicking Xiaoling out of bed.

"For good that you didn't make such arrangements, otherwise Xiao Ling would go to the hospital today." Yang Xuan shook his head and said, "Go and get him up. Now we're going back---- Will you go back? Everyone is thinking about you."

In yesterday's war, although the flowers didn't say anything, Yang Xuan knew that the flowers were still a little strange why Taoyao was not there. If you can't see Taoyao again today, you really need to ask.

"I won't go back. Anyway, you have to come over later. I'll wait for you here." Taoyao smiled and said, "After all, it's still a little dirty here. I also need to clean it well."

Yang Xuan's heart warmed when he heard this. Taoyao is still a good brother in the end! Flowers attach great importance to the living environment. Although they sweat every day after training, they must take a hot bath before going to go to bed. Otherwise, the pillow will be sleepless at night. Of course, this is also the rule given by big pigs to flowers. Although men can be a little bold, they must not be unhygienic, because If you are unhygienic, you will get sick.

"Well, I'll leave it to you." Yang Xuan smiled and said, "Forget it, Xiao Ling is in this room, right?" Yang Xuan pointed to the room next to him and said to Taoyao, "Go and take care of Wang Chen now---- this guy will be handed over to me."

Under Taoyao's ambiguous eyes, Yang Xuan entered Xiaoling's room last night.

"Little Zero! Get up!" Yang Xuan walked to Xiaoling's bed and saw that Xiaoling was still sleeping. He smiled strangely at the corners of his mouth, learned Taotao's voice, and said loudly in a delicate tone when Taotao spoke, "If you don't get up, I won't pay attention to you today!"

After saying that, Yang Xuan resisted the impulse to cough---- It turned out that it was so hard to learn from girls to speak! Then staring at Xiao Ling, Yang Xuan didn't believe that Xiao Ling had no reaction at all.

"Xiao Ling..." Yang Xuan pretended to be the voice of Taotao's resentment again and called Yang Xuan.

But when he saw that ** still did not respond, Yang Xuan couldn't help but be disappointed. However, just three seconds later, Xiaoling miraculously sat up, staring at Yang Xuan--he hadn't reacted yet.

"Damn it, I just seemed to hear Tao Tao's voice, which scared me." Xiaoling saw that the person beside him was Yang Xuan, and immediately breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Why are you in my room?" Er! Why are you still wearing pajamas? Did we... did you make the sound just yesterday?

It's not to blame Xiaoling's misunderstanding. After all, anyone who sees a person around him will also think like Xiaoling. But it is associated with the sound just now---- could it be that Yang Xuan was killed by Xiaoling last night?

"Hahaha!" Yang Xuan couldn't help laughing loudly.

However, Xiao Ling has not understood what happened so far. At least looking at Yang Xuanxiao, he still looks confused.

"What are you laughing at?" Xiaoling asked cutely.

However, when he said this, Yang Xuan's laughter was a little louder--it's so cute that he hasn't figured out what happened yet.

"I laugh at you for being so imaginative!" Yang Xuan gasped and said, "I got up in the morning and was worried about whether you slept with me last night, and you got up when you heard Tao Tao's voice? Your eyes are so wide-----Try about how you just felt.

After saying this, Xiao Ling understood and looked at Yang Xuan angrily, but didn't say a word for a long time.

"I put up with it." Xiaoling held out such a sentence for a long time, and it seemed that Xiaoling was almost angry to death by Yang Xuan.

Originally, Yang Xuan came in just to ask Xiaoling to get up, but who knows that he suddenly felt cute when he saw Xiaoling's sleeping, so he made Xiaoling happy-----Of course, Yang Xuan's thoughts are also a little evil. It's not good to learn from anyone and he has to learn Tao Tao. Don't you know that Xiaoling is the most listening person now? ?

"Get up quickly!" Yang Xuan said angrily, "It's almost nine o'clock now. Big pigs are waiting for us."

It has been more than ten hours since I came out last night. If I don't go back, then the big pig will inevitably be worried.

"You go out, I'm not dressed." Xiaoling said in embarrassment, "You can't see me dressed, can you?" Then you are really a pervert."

Well, in fact, Yang Xuan also likes to sleep naked, but the key is that there are often 'uninvited guests' in Yang Xuan's room in the morning, so Yang Xuan can only endure the pain and never slept naked. Today, Xiaoling actually did such a thing, and Yang Xuan felt unbalanced--w why can Xiaoling sleep bare?

"No, no, no, your brain is in a chaotic stage now. I want to protect you by your side. You can wear your clothes---- Don't worry, I won't let you be responsible for me." Yang Xuan looked at Xiaoling with strange eyes and hurriedly said, "Of course, don't let me be responsible for you. You are responsible for this matter. You can go to the person who makes your stomach big. You don't need to come to me."

After saying that, there was a sharp voice in the room - belonging to Xiao Ling. The signal brought by that sound is--get out of here!

He came out of Xiaoling's room in a good mood, as if he had an affair, and his face was moist and red.

"The leader asked you to go there." Taoyao had been standing outside the room and saw Yang Xuan coming out, and the smile on his face could not be concealed.

In the morning, Yang Xuan didn't know what Wang Chen was looking for, but he thought that Wang Chen would have nothing to call him, so he directly ignored the smile on Taoyao's face and led the way to Wang Chen.

In fact, Wang Chen's room is not far from Yang Xuan and Xiaoling's room, but after walking through a few rooms, he arrived at Wang Chen's residence.

"What did you want from me in the morning?" As soon as Yang Xuan entered the door, he smiled at Wang Chen and said, "Isn't it lonely?"

After listening to Yang Xuan's words, Wang Chen shook his head helplessly---- Yang Xuan is the most talkative person, and his mouth is not ordinary and hateful, but sometimes he is also loved.

"Fuck you." Wang Chen said angrily, "I came to you just to make a handover with you. I will take my brothers to get off in a moment. Do you need me to give you a few trucks to pull your people over?"

Originally, Yang Xuan was quite moved to hear it, but when he heard Wang Chen's words behind him, his eyes widened--when will Wang Chen be talking? There are still a few trucks. I really thought it was the chief moving.

"You'd better keep the truck for yourself." Yang Xuan said angrily, "Xie Ling and I will go back in a moment----- Although they are all a group of big men, they are old-fashioned! I suspect we won't be able to live in tonight.

In fact, the person Yang Xuan said was him. He was really nostalgic and made him suddenly leave the base. He was really a little reluctant. Naturally, you have to say goodbye to everything in the base, but it takes time to say goodbye, right?

"Well, call me if you need any help." Wang Chen smiled when he saw that Yang Xuan didn't need his help and said, "I heard that he has been very active recently?"

After listening to Wang Chen's words, Yang Xuan almost didn't recover, but he was immediately relieved again.

"Yes! Not generally active." Yang Xuan smiled and said, "Don't tell me. Are you going to do it today?"

What is active, what Wang Chen says is active refers to the tassels. The old man who named a girl - recently the tassels are indeed a little active and unite with the prince...
