It's wonderful to be calm

Chapter 0402 my hus0band

Finally, Yang Xuan walked out of my room very sadly. What should I say? In fact, I still wanted to flirt with Yang Xuan, but I didn't expect that Yang Xuan was self-aknowledge and went away directly.

A person's days, especially at night, there is no one to accompany me, which is called a poke. Sometimes I wonder if I should find a 'bed partner', but when I think about it carefully, now Taotao is accompanying Jane. As for Yang Yuxin, I don't think about it. How can anyone know that I'm beside the water now? --To be honest, 80% is with Xiaoling.

Well, Yang Xuan left, and I was left alone in the room. I don't have to ask for fun. I'd better close my eyes and continue the weekly meeting with my weekly convention. Yang Xuan doesn't want to talk about me. In fact, I don't want to meet with Zhou, but Yang Xuan is not by my side, so I can't help it. Zhou Gong is really my perfect partner sometimes, ah ha.

"Are you really ready to go to bed?" My unexpected voice appeared.

This sound is really familiar. It was just in the room.

"Why are you back again? Aren't they all gone?" I asked with some surprise.

This person is Yang Xuan. I'm a little envious of the unique ** - at least I'm not as arrogant as him.

"Alas, I can't bear to part with someone. How can I go by myself?" Yang Xuan sat by my bed and said, "I don't believe you can really give up me - you must have wanted to go on a date with Zhou Gong just now, right? Don't worry, I'm really jealous."

This guy, he can know everything I think. Thanks to Yang Xuan, a narcissistic person.

"Go back to bed quickly. You and Xiao Ling are going crazy these days, aren't you?" I said helplessly.

Of course, I don't want to find my Duke Zhou, but I really feel a little sorry for Yang Xuan.

"Then can I sleep with you?" Yang Xuan smiled and said, "Of course, if you don't want to, then I'll go to my mother Zhou now."

Zhou Po? Thanks to Yang Xuan's ability to figure it out, it's not bad to have a Zhou Gong in the dream. How can there be a so-called Zhou Po? But I'm a little angry.

"Go, you go find it." I said dissatisfiedly, "If you go to your mother-in-law, then I will go to my weekly convention every day in the future."

This, as long as it is a human, then you will meet Zhou Gong. Then you can lie in **, drooling and dreaming at night. How can you do without Zhou Gong? Zhou Gong, oh, I think I'm in love with you.

"Isn't my mother-in-law Zhou by my side?" Yang Xuan said with a smile.

This guy, am I that old? Or am I married now? Is it Yang Xuan or Zhou Gong? He doesn't appear in my dreams every night.

"You..." The idea just now was invalid, because I came up with a more likely idea.

The so-called father-in-law and mother-in-law, that's all. Yang Xuan and Yang Dazhu can't be like this.

"Ha ha, okay, I won't tease you-----Go to bed early." Yang Xuan's eyes are full of tenderness, which feels really good.

By the way, why is Yang Xuan so anxious to let me sleep? Is there anything else that can't be seen? Well, I have to doubt it.

"Well, stay with me for a while." I nodded, but shook my head again and said, "I'm asleep. You go out again."

Although it is a little domineering, Yang Xuan will definitely agree, right? Maybe this guy can't wait to be by my side and then supervises whether I really dream of Zhou Gong.

"Good." Yang Xuan answered, and then took off his shoes and climbed into my bed.

-Did I let him go to bed? Yang Xuan always does something very strange. Fortunately, it was me. If it were another girl, I would have kicked Yang Xuan under the bed earlier.

Well, I also admit that Yang Xuan climbed into my bed, and I was a little proud and sweet - he was really everything to me.

"Why don't you close your eyes?" Yang Xuan looked at me and asked with surprise when he saw that I hadn't closed my eyes yet.

Is there a rule that you must close your eyes in **? Why don't I close it? My eyes! Yang Xuan closed his eyes and I closed them.

"Suddenly I don't want to sleep. Let's talk for a while." I said lightly to hide the little excitement in my heart now.

In fact, there is nothing to be excited about. I just haven't talked to Yang Xuan lying on a ** for a long time, and now I just miss it.

"Good." Yang Xuan agreed again.

Can't Yang Xuan say a few more words? Every answer is so simple. I also admit that if Yang Xuan still answers me so simply next time, I will definitely kick him out of my bed - I'm not so easy to talk to.

"Can you say one more word?" I looked at Yang Xuan and said, "Your answer gives me the feeling that you don't care about me at all."

--If Yang Xuan comes 'good' again this time, then I will really kick him down without hesitation and get out of here.

"I'm nervous." Yang Xuan said.

Fortunately, there was no word this time, otherwise I really couldn't bear to kick him out of bed. But what is Yang Xuan nervous about? What's so nervous? Did he know that I was going to get him out of bed soon?

"I'm going to bed. You play by yourself." Turn around and don't look at Yang Xuan.

Women always have a little temper. Now I'm just when my temper breaks out - how can I be nervous when I sleep with a **? Is it possible that I will eat him?

"No." Yang Xuan shouted softly.

To be honest, Yang Xuan's soft shouting made me really feel a little wrong as if he had hurt children.

"..." But I didn't answer Yang Xuan's words, because now I play the sleeping princess. I thought I was a princess and waited for the kiss at that moment - well, I narcissistically compared myself to a sleeping beauty.

Seeing that I didn't respond, Yang Xuan hugged me in his arms. Just for a moment, I thought it was a picture of Champs-Elys, and the temperature rose rapidly. Well, I blushed.

"Can't you say a word?" I'm a little annoyed. Why doesn't Yang Xuan know how to talk? When talking nonsense, the words were like opening the gate, wave after wave, but at this time, I didn't know what to say.

For a minute, Yang Xuan did not answer my words. I was a little angry and turned around and stared at Yang Xuan. But what was imprinted in my eyes was Yang Xuan's sleeping cheeks.

"Is this guy asleep?" I muttered alone.

Isn't it because Yang Xuan can't stand the warm atmosphere, which leads to a short circuit of the brain nerves, and then the brain is temporarily closed? Commonly known as shock.

After this idea faded, he kept staring at Yang Xuan's cheek, getting deeper and deeper and more obsessed. This guy's face is so delicate that my family will be surprised by the beautiful woman who loves to see a flat tire.

But I was entangled immediately. Should I make a mark on his face without Yang Xuan's permission? Indeed, such things are hurtful, but I can't control my little desire.

"Today, in fact, I don't want to kiss you, but you let me see your beautiful side, and I will definitely give you a little kiss." I looked at Yang Xuan sleeping and said to him. Although it was a little funny, I also respected Yang Xuan and asked Yang Xuan's opinion.

"..." There is no sound, and I no longer hesitate. My goal is --- Yang Xuan's face.

I don't know what it will feel like to kiss that fleshy face. It's not that I haven't kissed Yang Xuan's face, but I haven't remembered that feeling before, so I want to remember that feeling in my heart today.

My mouth touched Yang Xuan, but that's not the feeling of kissing his face. My eyes were closed, but I couldn't open my eyes. Yang Xuan's bad smile was indeed reflected in my eyes - I didn't kiss Yang Xuan.

"Go to hell." I didn't hesitate to kick Yang Xuan, but I heard a muffled sound, because Yang Xuan had already fallen under the bed.

I just want to kiss Yang Xuan, but this guy even pretends to sleep for me? Let me humiliate in front of him, oh, I'm so ashamed.

"Okay, if you let me die, I'll die." Yang Xuan got up and looked at me and said.

But a very terrible idea immediately appeared in my mind - is it possible that this guy is really going to die? This can't be done. His life is mine. I just told him to die.

"Forget it, you'd better go to bed quickly. Get up early tomorrow and exercise for me." I don't care.

Forget it, I still don't want Yang Xuan to die for the time being. After all, Yang Xuan is also a piece of meat in my heart anyway. If I really die, then I will definitely be sad.

"Okay, my woman." Yang Xuan smiled and said, "I'll go first."

However, Yang Xuan is still a little self-aknowledged and knows that I am about to be angry. Well, I don't look good. When did I become his woman?

"Go to die or die?" I said angrily.

But by this time, Yang Xuan had already left my room.

A minute later, my deadlocked face finally smiled.

Am I Yang Xuan's woman? Am I Yang Xuan's woman? I just found out that I'm insane and seriously ill, which is not ordinary serious, but now I just want to have a good sleep.

"Yang Xuan, myhus0band."

