It's wonderful to be calm

Chapter 0418 Cultivation

Although Yang Xuan had already guessed this answer, Yang Xuan was still very happy to hear Xiao Ling's words, so that there would be no regrets on both sides.

He hugged Xiaoling and kissed again and again. Although he hasn't kissed Xiaoling's mouth yet, Yang Xuan is already very satisfied - Yang Xuan is not a homosexual. Why do he have to kiss Xiaoling's mouth? That's all right. Don't go too much.

"Don't be excited. I'm afraid you'll be excited." Xiaoling grabbed a gap and pushed Yang Xuan's body to one side and said sweaty.

Excitement is not terrible. The terrible thing is that the object of a man's excitement is a man, so he is a little energetic. If he does something out of the box, the big pig will tear Yang Xuan off, and Xiao Ling will not be spared.

"Just promise. I love you so much." Yang Xuan said excitedly, "Actually, I also hope that you can take over the western suburbs after killing the prince. At that time, I have to go to school and the big pig will also go to work. Only you can be competent."

That's true. Yang Xuan has now seen the dawn of victory. At that time, only Xiao Ling can be competent. As for the others, they have Xiaoyong, but they have no management skills.

"No, I have to go home then." Xiaoling waved his hand and said, "I haven't seen my family for a long time. I'm going to miss me to death."

Although Yang Xuan doesn't know how long Xiaoling has been out, Ge Laotian hopes that Xiaoling will go back. Yang Xuan is also in his eyes. After all, no matter what, home is a harbor, and people will never forget to return.

"Let's talk about it then and do the things in front of you first." Yang Xuan said with a smile, "I'm optimistic about you."

-Are you optimistic? Well, it is impossible for Xiaoling to disappoint Yang Xuan. No matter how difficult the group of people make Xiaoling, Xiaoling has decided to let them know what the gap of strength is.

"So, can I go to bed now?" Xiaoling looked at Yang Xuan helplessly and said, "Go to Wang Chen to talk about today's results. I still want to sleep a little longer."

It's three o'clock in the morning now. Yang Xuan is still so energetic. Xiao Ling sometimes wonders whether he is getting old, otherwise why doesn't Yang Xuan feel tired at all?

"Don't sleep. Go to Wang Chen's place with me." Yang Xuan looked at Xiao Ling pitifully and said.

A very cute man pouted and told you not to sleep. What would you do? Although Xiaoling was a man, when he saw Yang Xuan's appearance, he couldn't bear to continue to sleep. He sat up and was ready to wear clothes.

"Little Zero is better." Yang Xuan said mischievously.

Yang Xuan is also a little embarrassed now. Today, he is a little too feminine in front of Xiao Ling. He is actually pouted and naughty. Yang Xuan felt that he was not him, but a super invincible beautiful girl. Xiao Ling didn't dare to refuse when he saw it.

"Don't say hello, I just don't want you to be violent." Xiaoling was dressed and shook his head and said.

Xiaoling still knows Yang Xuan. In fact, Yang Xuan has just been ready. If Xiao Ling still doesn't sit up and put on clothes, then Yang Xuan is ready to lift Xiao Ling's quilt and spank.

"Sure enough, Xiao Ling knows me best." Yang Xuan said with a faint smile.

After getting dressed, Yang Xuan and Xiao Ling walked in the corridor to find Wang Chen. It was quiet at night. If there was no Zen's cry, Yang Xuan and Xiao Ling would feel scared - Yang Xuan and Xiao Ling are very lively. Once there is no sound, they will feel it. Empty and feel buried.

"His room should be this." Xiaoling yawned and said, "Knock on the door."

Well, Xiaoling said it should be, but Yang Xuan still doesn't believe it. Otherwise, why didn't Xiaoling knock on the door by himself-

"Are you sure?" Yang Xuan asked.

Because it was too dark in the base at night, Yang Xuan was not sure whether this room belonged to Wang Chen or not.

"OK, knock on the door!" Xiaoling was in a bad mood because he couldn't sleep. Hearing Yang Xuan's question, he said helplessly.

Yang Xuan knocked on the door with an aggrieved face, but the door of the room was already open before his hand fell.

"Are you back?" Wang Chen asked with a surprised face.

-----It seems that Xiaoling is not lying. It is indeed this room.

"Yes, I'm back." Yang Xuan said with a smile, "But are you still sleeping now?"

Hearing this, Xiaoling burst into tears. Why didn't Yang Xuan ask him if he still needed to sleep? People are really more popular than people.

"When you come back, of course I can't sleep. Tell me about your results today." Wang Chen smiled and said, "Don't tell me that you were chased back by others, then it's a little fun."

Listening to Wang Chen's words, Yang Xuan felt that there was no warmth or sunshine in the world, but only darkness and abyss.

"Go to hell, do you think I might be chased back by them?" Yang Xuan said reluctantly, "I am now a veritable successor."

Hearing Yang Xuan say this, Wang Chen nodded. If Yang Xuan has not succeeded, then Wang Chen will doubt whether the man in front of him is Yang Xuan or not. Where is Yang Xuan, who will not give up as long as he does not achieve his goal?

"Congratulations." Wang Chen also yawned and said, "The next target is the whole western suburbs, right? Let me tell you, you can't do it without those two five tiger generals.

"I mean, you still need to let them lead that gang." Wang Chen said seriously, "You are the successor, but now is not the time to take over, and if you ask the two of them to help you lead the gang, they will also help you."

At once, Yang Xuan also came to talk about this to Wang Chen. After all, Yang Xuan is not familiar with people in the western suburbs now. How can he lead such a huge thing?

"So I came back. I just discussed with Xiaoling, and he also agreed to go to the gang of the five tiger generals to help them improve their strength." Yang Xuan said, "I can't go. Only Xiao Ling can be competent."

Hearing this, Wang Chen also nodded.

"Xiao Ling's task is very important. If necessary, I will also find some help from me now." Wang Chen said lightly.

However, when it comes to talent, Yang Xuan thought of those strange combinations.

"Do you have a computer in your base?" Yang Xuan asked.

However, Wang Chen looked at Yang Xuan confusedly and didn't understand what Yang Xuan was talking about.

"I mean, is there a hacker in your people, which is very powerful." Yang Xuan explained that Wang Chen was puzzled.

The obscene brother is a computer master, so Yang Xuan wants to see if there are any super hackers in Wang Chen's people and take him to teach him well.

"Well, I'll ask tomorrow, and I don't know." Wang Chen said with a smile.

Anyway, Yang Xuan now hopes to be faster. After all, if he promises others, he must do what he says. People don't believe him. Yang Xuan can play computers, but he hasn't played it to the point of shrewdness.

"Anyway, there are all kinds of people in that base. I'm an eye-opener today." Yang Xuan smiled and said, "There is an assassin. Although his body is very fat, his speed is very fast. There are also a lot of strange people. Xiao Ling will know when he goes there tomorrow.

Today, those people really surprised Yang Xuan. They were all a group of weirdos.

"Ha ha, if there were few very powerful people in a gang, it would have been dismantled long ago." Wang Chen said with a smile, "I can't sleep. What about you two?"

Is there any other activity? Yang Xuan is excited now. He must not be able to sleep. It would be even better if there were any activities.

"I can't sleep either." Yang Xuan said jubilantly.

However, Wang Chen just took a look at Yang Xuan, which was a little 'ungood'.

"How can I sleep after being pulled up by this guy?" Xiaoling said very aggrievedly.

Next, Yang Xuan has an impulse to touch the wall - if there is a layer of tofu on the wall, it will be more pleasant to touch it.

"Then let's ask Yang Xuan to cook supper for us? I'm a little hungry." Wang Chen smiled and said, "If he doesn't do it, you won't go."

Why? Why? Why on earth is this? Yang Xuan was sad in his heart. Didn't these two guys take advantage of the fire to rob? There is no such thing in the world, my God.

"So, Yang Xuan, what do you think?" Xiaoling turned his head and said with a smile.

If a man doesn't learn to cook, won't he starve to death when his wife is not at home? That's why Yang Xuan learned to cook, but if he learns to cook instead of cooking, won't he waste his skills?

--Well, Yang Xuan admitted that he cooked for Xiaoling and Wang Chen because he was afraid that his cooking skills would decline.

"What do you want to eat, two gentlemen? I'll do the small one for you." Yang Xuan said helplessly.

Next, Wang Chen and Xiaoling both burst into laughter, but thinking that there were still many people in the base meeting with Zhou, they hurriedly covered their mouths and didn't let them make a sound.

"Do what you are best at." Wang Chenqiang couldn't help laughing and said, and Xiaoling nodded.

However, Yang Xuan is a little embarrassed. He doesn't know what he is the best.

"The key is that I'm afraid there are not enough ingredients." Yang Xuan said with some embarrassment.

"Then make beef rice. I want to eat it again last time." Wang Chen said with a smile.

Yang Xuan's sad name is that he is going to be edified by oil and smoke, but beef rice is still convenient, which is also the only psychological comfort for Yang Xuan...
