burgled coffin

Chapter 06 Beads

He lay there, struggling to get up from the ground.

But he soon found something wrong.

His right leg was completely unable to move and lost control little by little. This is undoubtedly dangerous.

He barely sat up with his hands and pulled up his trouser legs.

Beckham found a black blue on his right leg, revealing a strange black. It doesn't seem to be caused by a bump, and there are three clearly visible wounds on it.

It turned out that he was scratched by the claws when he was fighting with the monster just now.

The sweat on his forehead flowed down.

"Daw! This strange thing is poisonous on its claws!" He found that if he continued to drag on like this, he would die here sooner or later! God, how could this happen!

There was an itching on his arm and a scratch on it!

No! You can't wait like this! Anyway, go to the light source in front of you! Beckham suddenly had an intuition in his heart, and there was his hope in front of him.

He crawled on the ground and crawled forward little by little. Climb, you have to climb there.

The most fearful thing is not to face danger, but to know that the danger is that you can't do anything and can only wait to die desperately!

The soreness from the arm is getting less and less, which is not a good omen, indicating that my control over the arm is also coming to an end!

No, no! Beckham tried to crawl forward like crazy. However, how fast can you climb? Although he used all his strength and no longer saved his strength, he could only speed about one or two meters per minute. What are you doing with the extra energy at this time? Waiting to die?

He found that his speed was getting slower and slower. The despair was like the depression before the night fell, and the breath of death came to his face and sprayed on his face, with piercing coldness.

The torch was about to burn out, but he could only look at the distance from more than ten meters ahead, and finally completely lost the command of his arm. He fell down and completely stuck to the ground.

He can speak, but he can't call for help. In this unknown tomb, he lost the ability to protect himself. Calling for help was an act of looking for death. He resisted the fear of spreading like a tide, and only grabbed the extinguishing torch with one hand.


A cat call woke him up from the shadow of his heart. He raised his head and was at a 50-degree angle to his body, with a small black shadow in the light. A pair of green eyes glowed faintly in the dark.

That cat! Beckham's heart was shocked!

Yes, this is the cat seen in the photo, that is, the black cat that climbed the window of Beckham's house the other night. How did it appear here at this moment!?

"Meow~" shouted again, and his whole body slowly came out of the darkness. His body was black and shiny, his tail swayed behind him, and there seemed to be a playful ridicule at the corners of his mouth, which made Beckham very angry.

It's all this damn black cat, which made him restless for a while ago and came to this damn place!

An unknown tomb, a strange black cat that appeared repeatedly, suddenly walked out leisurely at his most desperate time, such a long distance? How did it appear?

After Beckham's anger, a burst of cold air rose from his spine, stimulating his brain and causing a cold sweat.

It's weird, so weird!

Especially its seemingly expression under the light!

"Ghost! What the hell do you want to do!? Are you fooling me?!" Beckham roared.

But the black cat can't speak and doesn't know whether he can understand his words. Still walking slowly, approaching Beckham step by step.

"Get out of here!" Beckham drank angrily.

Suddenly, he was stunned and rolled. Although he couldn't climb, he could still roll over with his body! The desire to survive urged him to turn his body and roll and move.

The black cat seemed to be shocked by his behavior, screamed sadly, and suddenly jumped away and returned to the shadows.

In this way, it undoubtedly narrowed the distance between Beckham and the black cat.

Only then did I see that the black cat's mouth seemed to contain something bulging into a strange arc. The distance was too far to see clearly just now, which made Beckham mistakenly think that it was laughing. However, it's really creepy to see this expression in various scenes.

However, without the appearance of this guy, he could not think of a way to move his body. He, who was overwhelmed by despair and fear, could not escape the fate of being buried here in the end. I have to thank this beast, Beckham snorted.

He dared not relax his vigilance.

The ghost knows what else will happen unexpectedly.

Xiaobei rolled his body and finally arrived at the light source, and the black cat was also within two meters away from him, closely following him, but did not dare to come forward.

The original light source was a tomb, and the walls were full of glowing gems. The light blue soft light unconsciously relaxed the muscles all over the body. The smooth lines were not ordinary at a glance.

It can be seen that the owner of this tomb is also extremely luxurious. There are at least 40 beads on the wall, surrounded by gold and silver, which are messy and seem to have been moved.

But who can come in and not take away the gold and silver?

Soon he knew the reason, because there was a humanoid skeleton near the pile of gold and silver, and his clothes had already rotten, leaving only a pair of broken cloth hanging.

Beckham guessed that this man should be a grave robber and died here for some reason. This skeleton is a movement of straightening forward with both hands, and ten * is also an inexplicable poison like himself. It is not known whether he is fighting with the monster.

But the toxicity is too strong. Taking away the control of the human body makes people unable to move. When the food is consumed, they can only wait desperately to die.

Fortunately, you can't rely on air transmission, otherwise you really don't know how to die.

While Xiaobei was thinking, a faint fragrance floated into his nostrils, making him dizzy. Not good!" Beckham secretly shouted that it was bad. He was really afraid of something. This tomb is really strange, and there is ecze in the air!

The black cat, which had been following him, suddenly had an attack, jumped hard, and drew a perfect parabola in the air and rushed to Beckham.

With a crisp click, a light yellow bead fell from the cat's mouth. The style is similar to the glowing pearl on the wall, about the size of a table tennis ball. Anyway, it is not very good-looking. No matter how you look at it, it is an extremely ordinary glass ball.

It was unexpected that the cat did not launch an attack.

This bead rolled in front of Beckham and didn't look special, but why was it carried over by this cat? Beckham doesn't think this cat will do such a boring thing, because the black cat shows its extraordinary everywhere.

Suddenly, the black cat's tail hung behind him and stopped moving. He put his nose against the bead and arched it on Beckham's face little by little. The cool touch is like cold jade, stimulating Beckham's skin.

What does it want to do?!