burgled coffin

Chapter 09 Curse (5 Update! Collapsed! Go to the list!)

It was three months ago, in the dog days, and the air was stuffy like putting people in a steamer.

The fat man took out a batch of bright weapons in the black market. On the way back, he met an acquaintance. The two went to the restaurant for a meal and poured two glasses of cold beer. The man mysteriously took out a half a palm-sized ancient jade from his pocket. Although the fat man had been fighting for so many years, he was stunned to see what dynasty it was.

The fat man asked him where he came from. His friend said that the antique market had been vacated. He looked like a good thing and bought it with a little money.

At that time, I still felt that it was a treasure, but I didn't expect that no one dared to take it. If I wanted to make a difference, I couldn't make a difference. I also put it here. If I have time, let the fat man get it out. Just don't lose. The extra money after the action belongs to the fat man.

The fat man thought that he would not lose anything, so he agreed. He picked up the glass and was ready to do it, but the other party waved his hand and told him to remember to take action. Then he called him and left in a hurry. The fat man patted his chest to guarantee that he would never lose money as soon as he took action, and he left after eating.

I didn't expect this to cause big trouble.

Soon he sold the ancient jade to a rich merchant in Dalian who loved to collect. After resting at home for two days, he was approached by the police. The fat man thought that he had not washed anything and dropped the handle. He thought, the sewer had overturned!

But on second thought, I have always been cautious, and it is impossible to be * visited! Make up your mind to beat him to death and admit it. At worst, he will be detained for a while. You can't do anything about yourself without showing evidence. Unexpectedly, the police said some amazing news, which scared the fat man to death.

The policeman led by

said, "Do you know Zhang Xing?"

The fat man thought for a long time before he remembered that the boy who gave himself Gu Yu always called him Zhang Laoer. He couldn't even remember his real name. So he nodded and agreed, "That's right, what's wrong?"

The policeman said, "He is dead. He died at home and was almost dry when he was found by his neighbors. The doors and windows were locked back and died strangely. We found in his mobile phone that the last call was your mobile phone number.

That phone call was made to Zhang Laoer after Gu Yu got rid of it.

The fat man was shocked. This boy was fine two days ago. Why did he hang up?

The fat man asked, "No way? I drank with him two days ago. Even if there is an accident, I can't become a man in two days!"

The police frowned and asked the person behind him to record the conversation with the fat man and said, "The result of the forensic examination showed that he died a week ago. His blood completely coagulated, but there were signs of poisoning. The virus has not been detected yet."

Death a week ago?! So the last time you drank? Thinking of the wine and vegetables that the other party had never moved, and the strange behavior, the fat man's cold sweat flowed down his back!

The fat man couldn't remember the following things and vaguely sent the police away. Naturally, he can't talk about his deal with Zhang Laoer. Maybe he can really go in and squat down.

After the police left, he sat on the sofa, and his mind echoed with what the police said. In the end, it turned into Zhang Lao's ferocious voice.

But what does a fat man do? Captain Mojin, who fights and makes a living! After touching the fake gold charm on his neck, he immediately came to his senses and wanted to find something strange in his memory.

Not to mention, he really made a terrible guess, so he called the rich businessman who bought the jade. The number was that he asked him to have good goods before contacting him. After the mobile phone was connected, there was a female voice. She cried and told the fat man that it was the wife of the rich businessman, and her husband had died in a car accident just yesterday!

This news undoubtedly blew a bolt from the fat man's head.

It seems that his guess has been fulfilled. There is something wrong with the jade!

Asked about the address of the rich businessman, the fat man didn't pack up his things and immediately set off to Dalian. After obtaining the consent of his relatives, he found the ancient jade in his study.

The next day, the fat man went to the police station to get an autopsy report, which was written in black and white: An unknown virus was found in the deceased's blood!

What does this mean?

All people who have come into contact with ancient jade die strangely!

But why are you all right? With such doubts, the fat man returned to Luoyang with the ancient jade and immediately had a physical examination. Unfortunately, there was also that kind of virus lurking in his body!

The fat man really panicked this time and locked himself at home for a month. Until the bad news came again.

This time, an old man from an antique shop died. Cause of death: Suicide.

The unsold fat man went to a small courtyard in private and quietly visited the family of the deceased. He learned from the old man's son that the old man was once an archaeologist and started an antique business after retirement. After hearing this, the fat man took out the ancient jade he was carrying.

Unexpectedly, when the old man's son saw the ancient jade as if he had seen a ghost, he immediately turned his face and roared and pushed the fat man out of the door: "Let's go! Go! Go now! Don't come here! Go far away!"

The fat man knew that something must be strange. The old man's son must know something, but no matter how he knocked on the door again, the old man's son ignored him and finally moved away quietly.

In desperation, the fat man inquired about the old man and finally learned a piece of information - the old man had participated in a local archaeology activity before he retired, and then began to retire.

As for what kind of activity it was, the fat man didn't find out. But this jade must have fallen into the hands of the old man in Luoyang, otherwise he could not suddenly retire.

Following this clue, the fat man found the names of several old students who had worked with the old man.

But the result made the fat man not know what to say. Unexpectedly, but also expected.

Because these people are all dead.

The frustrated fat man didn't expect that there were still people incusing about these people, and this person was full of stars. After finding Xing Mantian, he learned that the two of them were for this ancient jade that seemed to be cursed.

After discussion, the two went to the small courtyard where no one lived.

There are still traces of the old man's family leaving in a hurry in the yard, and the door is also tightly locked by a big lock. When the two wanted to pry open the door and check again, a cat suddenly jumped out of the window.

To be precise, it is a black cat.

At that time, the two didn't care. They just regarded this place as a wild cat as a new nest.

The black cat quietly dragged out a piece of paper from it, and its sensitive action attracted the attention of the stars. That's the remnants of a book.

After seeing the pattern above, it was struck by lightning and was stunned on the spot. He handed the broken page torn from the book to the fat man. A half-slap-sized ancient jade is painted on it, which is exactly the same as the one in the fat man's hand!

There are only two handwritten pen characters below the

pattern, Lijiang.