burgled coffin

Chapter 01 Kaka

When the unconscious Beckham woke up from the darkness, he found himself lying in a strange place opposite a small bamboo building, and a girl in ethnic costumes was drying something.

Xiaobei got up from the bed. In the middle of the journey, he was weak and his feet were weak. Finally, he fell to his knees with a "pump".

Maybe Beckham's sound shocked the girl and scared the other party. However, there was a smile on the other party's face and he hurriedly ran over.

She picked up Beckham and let Beckham lie down again**.

The sparrow on the branch is chirping, which is not noisy at all.

"Where am I?" Beckham asked feebly, and his face was as pale as paper, as if he had just recovered from a serious illness.

"This is my home. I saw you in the river. Later, you have been in such a coma since I was asked to fish you out. The doctor said that you were caused by long-term physical overload, but I didn't expect you to wake up until today! I'm going to call the doctor!" With that, the girl was ready to get up and go out.

Beckham nodded, suddenly remembered something, suddenly got up, and then groped.

When he found that his original clothes were no longer on his body, his face was extremely ugly. Have you seen what's on me? What about my stuff?!" And grabbed the other party by the way.

"Ah!" The girl was shocked by his sudden movements and exclaimed in a low voice. Are you asking about the beautiful jade in your hand? I put that bead on you. Oh, and a bunch of keys, I'll get them for you. She asked tentatively.

Xiaobei's face softened a lot and whispered, "Oh, that's good, that's good." The whole person seemed to have lost his soul and repeated the three words "that's good" over and over again.

"You, what's wrong with you?" Seeing Beckham's expression, the girl was stunned and thought that Beckham had been hit hard by her brain. She couldn't help but get nervous.

"I'm fine, alas. Don't take it yet. Just don't lose it. I thought I couldn't find it." Beckham sighed.

How can you lose something so important to you? Ha ha."

The girl covered her mouth and smiled. Taking advantage of the afternoon sun, the hairpin on her head was shining, and this teenage girl smiled with a special beauty.

"I was also shocked when I found you by the river the other day. At that time, you were like a dead body floating in the river. When I called someone to salvage you, I found that you were holding the jade. Uncle Ka took a lot of effort to pick it out from your hand." In this way, the girl told Beckham about the previous events.


At that time, the girl did not know whether the man was dead or alive, and the floating on the water was particularly scary. The little girl's closed eyes opened a gap, looked curiously again, and found that the man was still holding something tightly in her hand.

The girl left the flowers and soon came to a group of plain-dressed villagers and salvaged the man.

This man is very young, about 20 years old. His skin is a little swollen by blisters, and his body is full of scratches, some are scratched by sharp weapons, some are scratched by spike stones, and even some places seem to have been bitten by beasts, which is very frighten.

Surprisingly, this man is still breathing. Although it is weak, it proves that he can still be saved. So he carried the man back to the village.

And this dying young man is Beckham who jumped into the pool.


"He woke up?" Suddenly, a voice intervened and interrupted the conversation between the two.

This is a middle-aged man in his thirties. He is not very tall, but his dark skin is very strong. What is striking is his bright eyes, as sharp as a falcon. He carried a long cigarette pot bag in his hand, but it did not light up.

"Uncle Ka, you're here, so I'll go out first." The girl jumped out.

"Hello, my name is Mo Xiaobei. Thank you for your help. I'm sorry to trouble you these two days." Beckham moved up slightly, leaned against the head of the bed, and smiled awkwardly.

"No, no, I just came to see occasionally. Miyi has been taking care of you these two days. You have to thank her. If she hadn't found you, no one would have saved you, hehe. My name is Kaka. If you don't mind, just call me Uncle Ka like the villagers. Kaka knocked on the cigarette pot twice and then replaced it with a new cigarette.

This action reminded Beckham involuntarily of the fat man and the cigarette that the fat man had sniffed for a long time under the altar. Beckham's nose was sore, she nodded slowly, and finally buried her head.

"Many scars on your body seem to be fighting. What happened to you? If you don't mind, you can tell me. Maybe I can help you.

In front of this person, Xiaobei didn't know why she felt that he had five strokes of affinity, and the psychological defense line also completely broke the dike at this moment, so she told Uncle Ka about her experience.

Including the last part where the fat man left, Beckham was a little choked but did not cry. He tried to open his eyes. He knew that a strong person would not cry easily and could not even do this. How can he face future tests in the future? He buried his head again.

Uncle Ka beat the cigarette pot rhythmically, and then changed the tobacco again and again. He sipped and frowned into the "chuan" font.

"Xiaobei, there is a sentence that I don't know whether to say it or not."

"If there is anything, just say it. It doesn't matter."

"I think you should give up looking for the truth. It's too dangerous. You still have a good youth, and this jade pendant may not work for everyone's curse. Aren't you still fine now? Well, this is just my personal advice. If you really want to find out, I have another piece of information to tell you.

"Uncle Ka, I..."

Beckham didn't know what to say. Maybe he longed for peace. He longed for a normal life. Previously, he thought it was impossible, but after Uncle Ka's words, he was a little confused. He hesitated.

"I won't bother you now. It seems that you need to be quiet and think about it for yourself, alas, poor child."

There was a "squeak" sound of closing the door in his ear. Beckham slipped down drowsily and looked at the wind chimes outside the window. He didn't know what he was thinking.

In the next few days, Beck's mood gradually improved, his eyebrows were refreshed, and his body recovered much faster. He thought that maybe it was a good choice to live quietly with these simple villagers.

But can he really maintain this state of life?

Maybe the fat man was so hopeful at the beginning? Find a beautiful, comfortable and comfortable place to settle down. The quality of life is not very high, and it is enough to be self-sufficient, that's all.

The evening wind blew the wind chimes in front of the window and made a crisp sound. Dark clouds quietly covered the bright moon when it was not noticed, and people gradually fell asleep.

Beckham didn't know that there was a huge test lurking in the dark, waiting for him. Moreover, it is coming soon.