burgled coffin

Chapter 28 Deadly Insertion

After helping Beckham relieve a lot of pressure, Yang Yu got up and walked up this staircase.

In fact, he has noticed this staircase for a long time, but it is also strange. Normally, it is abnormal to arrange stairs in the passage. Unexpectedly, this staircase is still a dead end, and there is nothing at the end!

There is no tomb, no coffin, nothing, only a long lamp is alone embedded in the wall. It looks indescribable, but I can't find any clues.

But Liu Xin has been walking around the world for so long, how can his eyes be compared with ordinary people? Immediately said, "Measure the height of this bright lamp."

According to convention, the Changming lamp will be at the position of three feet and three inches, but Liu Xin can see that there is something wrong with the position of the Changming lamp at a glance. As expected, after Yang Yu finished measuring, the answer was that the long light was higher. Although it was not much, it made the angle of the lampstand slightly deviate and tilted a little upward.

One of Beckham's leg had been bandaged, and the other leg had just been cut open for congestion. There was nothing to do for the time being, so Liu Xin helped Beckham aside, stood up and walked up the stairs.

He gently pressed the lampstand and pulled it down, and there was a "karakara" sound behind the wall.

"Sure enough, there is a secret room." Behind the wall is a tomb only a few feet wide, in which there are only a few boxes and a mouthful of jewelry that has been opened and sprinkled on the ground.

Next to the opened box, there is a dark thing, which looks extremely prominent and incompatible with it.

"It seems to be a personal shape." Yang Yu looked at it for a while and said.

"Don't pay attention to this for now. Let's take care of Beckham before we come in." Liu Xin turned around and walked to Xiaobei's side. He saw that the blood in Xiaobei's legs had almost gone. His head was sweating coldly and his face was as white as gold paper.

The pistol stuffed by Yang Yu in Xiaobei's mouth also fell to the ground with a bang.

After Liu Xin helped him bandage, he pressed the wound with the two broken boards he had found, and then pulled off a piece of hemp rope and tied it into a simple splint to fix it.

Finally, Yang Yu ran to the secret room and brought out a long rod of unknown material for him, so that Beckham could barely walk.

"How can this secret room be repaired here?" Beckham was particularly curious about this and asked Liu Xin.

"This is an ancient organ. It is often used in ancient tombs to hold the tomb owner's funeral goods. We all call this kind of secret room 'in-ge'. Even if the ancient tomb is stolen, the things hidden here are not easy to be stolen." Liu Xin paused and continued, "But it's the first time I've seen such an obvious 'plugging grid'. The person who built it must have his reasons. We can't learn more about it until we go in."

The three walked into the dark room together. When Beckham found the dark humanoid object, it was also strange.

"What's going on? Is there something that caused a dead person here?" That's indeed a dead man, but it's completely out of sight, and it can't be seen from which era it is.

"I guess it's some unlucky captain who touches gold. He is black and must be poisoned." Yang Qi sighed.

"It seems that it's better to take less unjust wealth." Beckham responded.

Liu Xin looked around and didn't find anything special. That's strange. Why was it built so obvious? Not a trap?

"Forget it, let's go. I want to see what's important here and let them have to bring us here." Beckham was ready to leave with a long pole.

At this moment, the vision suddenly emerged.

The dark body suddenly moved!

The three of them shouted bad at the bottom of their hearts at the same time, but it was too late. They saw the dust flying above the stone wall and layers of black fog spreading. The man was not poisoned, but something stayed on him! I don't know why, after opening the flip stone door, these things did not float immediately, and when they entered for the second time, they were alarmed and made them rise in an instant.

It may be insects or other strange things. There is nothing impossible in the ancient tomb. This is Beckham's experience of these two expeditions. Therefore, the three people are careful, dare not increase their stride, and dare not stay where they are, so they maintain a slow retreat.

When those things were completely separated from the body, Beckham's face was already extremely ugly.

There is only one skeleton left on the body, which is not very complete. It is pale and exposed in the air. They can imagine that if it is stained by those things, I'm afraid it will be this miserable.

Those things have completely occupied the sky above the secret room, condensing together like floating black flames, approaching Beckham and the three little by little.

Only then did everyone see that it was the size of some rice grains, flapping their wings, a little like ladybugs, but only small things covered in darkness.

Beckham has pasted his whole body on the stone wall, and his cold sweaty clothes are sticky behind him. It seems to be connected to the wall and there is no way out. The only hope is that they are fast enough to run out of the flip door and close the mechanism to block these things inside before these bugs attack.

Beckham felt an inexplicable sadness.

The corpse is afraid of extreme pain, because he is a victim of being abandoned and abandoned by his companions.

More than one person may come in, and when these worms come from all directions, others see that they can't dodge, so they want to lock them inside like Beckham and others, and this body is probably the first person to be attacked, or the slowest person to walk, trapped in and can't get out of it.

The feeling of being abandoned by your companion and waiting to die in despair is probably worse than being wrapped in strange things by insects, isn't it?

The builder of this ancient tomb is really vicious. He took advantage of other people's curiosity to completely control people's psychology, led the trespassers to approach the secret room, and then let people die painfully.

Those bugs surprisingly did not take the next step, as if they were staring at the three people and did not dare to act rashly. The two sides were so deadlocked until Beckham saw half of the brocade exposed under the skeleton, and there seemed to be something drawn on it.

Looking at the insects hovering overhead, Xiaobei winked at Liu Xin and Yang Yu. It seemed that the two of them also noticed it. He quickly poked the long pole in his hand, turned over the body and cleverly picked up the roll of brocade cloth and took it back.

Suddenly, Beckham only felt a burst of suffocation, and the overwhelming tide of insects swept in, which seemed to be a signal, a signal of war, and all the insects rushed to Beckham.

Yang Yu and Liu Xin took the opportunity to run out of the door and shouted at Xiao Bei: "Come on! Hold on to the pole and pass it to me!"

Xiaobai waved the long pole in his hand and scattered some nearby bugs, but there will be new ones to fill this gap immediately, but Beckham has won a short respite for himself.

Yang Yu and Liu Xin sweated anxiously and even wanted to rush over to bring Little Bella back.

Xiaobei held the brocade book in one hand, handed over the pole and held the other end. He doesn't know what's on this brocade book, but he knows that if Yang Hui doesn't push the mechanism up, these insects will follow up together, and the human speed is definitely not as fast as flying insects. What's more, he has injuries to his legs and is inconvenient to move, and the result is self-evident.