burgled coffin

Chapter 41 Unsolved Confusion, the Last Madness.

The current situation is not bad. They still occupy a favorable defensive position, but Beckham is worried that it will be night.

If they drag on until midnight and become that kind of invulnerable monster, I'm afraid the three of them will really be in trouble.

"Bastard, this group of people is crazy." Yang Yu kicked a person, turned his head and shouted, "He didn't care about the cost of death at all. He rushed up desperately and was completely crazy."

Perhaps this is also good news, at least they can still kill.

Without the watch, none of the three know the time.

Suddenly, Beckham heard an unusual sound. It was not a human voice, but a slight sound, like many insects climbing up, dense and neatly. He wanted to attack teams one by one and rushed forward neatly.

He walked to the side and looked into the distance.

"I think I know why they are suddenly so crazy." Beckham put his hand on his forehead and said.


"Listen." Beckham booed and told them to be quiet.

The sound is getting closer and closer, like thousands of troops and horses rushing, shouting and rushing.

Finally appeared in sight.

It was an endless wave of insects, coming from all directions, stepping on the blown fragments and driving here.

"God, what is that!" Yang Yu was also stunned. He was almost pulled down by the people below. Fortunately, Ye Laosan pulled his arm and pulled him back. Yang Yu nailed the dagger into the palm of his hand.

"Wow, what the hell are these things? It seems..."

Suddenly, his eyes widened.

It is a mixed army, with a variety of reptiles, famous and unknown, all gathered together, and it seems that outsiders here have discussed to bury these people here.

Of course, these outsiders also include Beckham and the three on the platform.

Is there any agency here? Or? I don't know, everything is unknown, as if there is an amazing attraction to these bugs here, rushing forward one after another.

Several people below were covered and dragged into the worm tide before they could climb the steps.

That's a meat grinder. Beckham can clearly see from a high place that all the people dragged in have either become white cocoon or turn into a white bone, white shiny, white and scary. It looks like an ancient ivory tower carved with unparalleled brilliance and gradually went to extinction.

This is a sign of death. Someone has died, but it is by no means the last.

"These bugs are also crazy. They must have been something we did here that triggered something and caused these bugs to be attracted." Yang Yu stamped his feet in a hurry and had to deal with the people below.

After a while in a hurry, all three of them joined the battle. There was a black fog floating in the air. No one knew what it was, but Beckham and Yang Yu recognized it, even if they turned into ashes.

"Dat, where did these things come from? Didn't we lock it into the secret room? Moreover, there is not such a large number? This underground palace is simply a playground for bugs!" Yang Yu shouted in shock.

Yes, that black fog is a small black beetle that could completely burn the human body at the beginning. It floats in the sky and approaches little by little, making people nowhere to hide. Once it is touched, it is much more terrible than a nightmare.

Only genius knows what is hidden in this underground palace, but it is certain that he can't see it. Either he has successfully come up with a countermeasure or perishes!

However, they didn't know why, they suddenly stopped two meters away from the steps and began to sort out the formation, and the scattered sand table turned into triangles.

This is not a good omen. Perhaps, after just a few minutes, they will face another more violent impact.

The explosive power of people is really infinite, especially when there are pursuers who want to escape.

Xiaobei is fully aware of this truth.

Because there is an endless wave of insects behind them, they fill the whole space under the steps, and there is not even a place to settle down, and the people below have lost seven or eight people. When the rest of the people saw this terrible scene, they rushed up desperately.

Only this launch platform still has a little hope of safety for the time being, and the people in the west also think so. Therefore, after holding on for two minutes, even if Beckham and the others occupied a reasonable position, the three tired bodies could still resist the fierce attack below.

Finally, the people below attacked.

The housekeeper put a gun on Xiaobei's forehead, and Yang Yu was tied back again, but this time there was a Ye Laosan beside him.

Dead road, dead road. It's still a dead end. Is there no other way?

"You can't avoid it." The housekeeper opened his mouth leisurely and looked into Beckham's eyes.

Beckham felt dizzy, and it didn't matter whether it was because of excessive blood loss or lack of physical strength.

That sentence seemed to have been cursed and kept echoing in his ear.

You can't avoid it.

Yes, even if you hide at the ends of the earth, it is fate after all.

It's like Beckham's fate, which has been manipulated for a long time. Liu Xin and the fat man have said similar things. This is life, and no one can escape.

The housekeeper didn't mean that, but maybe there was another deeper meaning. Beckham didn't understand it. He was interpreting it in his own way.

Beckham seems to see the future.

That's his own fate. There are two roads, one side is the sea of fire and the other side is the ice cellar. There is no difference. Anyway, it's all death, but the way of death is different.

"Is there anything else you want to say?"


"You know I won't kill you, so I'm not afraid?"


Beckham closed her eyes, but she was thinking about another person. The person who doesn't know where he is now. Did he hide the last life-saving charm for everyone?

"You don't have to pretend like this. I hate your expression." The man in the golden mask interrupted.

"Enough, he doesn't belong to us now, and our mission is over." The housekeeper turned his head.

"What do you mean? We still have unfinished transactions! Do you want to break the contract? You know what punishment is!" The man with the golden mask roared in a low voice. Beckham couldn't see his hidden face, but he thought it must be distorted.

He wants to know what this deal is. He was just thinking about what the housekeeper had lost, and the explosion was not the only reason for him to leave without killing himself. He has enough time to kill himself to complete the inexplicable ceremony.

"Hahahaha." The housekeeper suddenly laughed and laughed loudly.

"Look, do we still have a way to live now? This is a dead end! This guy is no longer useful. He can't protect our lives. The people here will be buried. No one knows what happened!" The housekeeper pointed to the bottom.

"Or do you think you can escape?" This rhetorical question made the man with the golden mask speechless. Indeed, they had no way out.

Although Beckham didn't know what the deal was, he felt that behind the golden mask was an extremely old heart.

"We can't leave. We are doomed to die." He also began to meditate on this sentence.

"Since there is no longer a way to live, curse fate and get out of everything. It can't be solved!" The housekeeper suddenly laughed wildly and shot the head of the person next to him. The blood flowed strangely on the ground and slowly went down.

All the people present were stunned.

Is he crazy? Who will tell them what's going on?

"It's empty! Empty!" He said, and then pointed the gun at Beckham again. You, it's over. You lost. Let's bury it here together!"

Xiao Bei closed her eyes with a faint smile.

These dozens of people on the platform couldn't make a sound and watched this madman want to kill.

Beckham accepted it happily and quietly closed his eyes.

The other party's hand pulled the trigger!


Then the sound of falling into the water, and Yang Hui and Ye Laosan also disappeared strangely. The tide of insects below has begun to spread, and the rustling sound echoes in this mysterious underground palace.

Then, there is a collapsed world, dark, no noise, no roar, no life.

A large area of smoke and dust, indicating the end of everything.


Is it really over?

What is after the darkness?

I think, you know.


(Volume II, the end of Luoyang underground palace.)