burgled coffin

Chapter 05 Night in the Desert Village

What did Beckham see? Only he knows it.

Because at his feet, in an inconspicuous corner, there is a piece of soil that is still fresh.

"Stop! Yang Yu!" Beckham exclaimed, and the panic on his face became stronger and stronger.

It's damn. How can it be like this? It's obviously something in a dream, how can it suddenly appear in front of you? He absolutely remembers it clearly that this is what he saw in his dream!

How can you forget when you wake up?! He hurriedly called Yang Yu to stop.

Xiaobei said silently in his heart.

"Don't let that terrible thing happen. Damn, what's going on with this dream? Why is it so weird?!"

Yang Yu turned his head, but the car did not stop and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Try the brake! Hurry up, I have a bad feeling. I had a dream just now. I don't have much time to explain it to you in detail. Try it now. Beckham wiped the sweat from her forehead and twisted the door again.

Fortunately, the door can still be opened, which is still a little different from the dream. I hope he guessed wrong.

"Xiao Bei, what's wrong with you?" Chen Siwei's voice came into Beckham's ear on the phone.

Bad! I was in a hurry to forget about this!

Xiaobei quickly shouted at the microphone, "Come on, ask someone to check your car. Is there any problem!" We may have been tamped. It's dangerous!"

"Stop and check if there is any problem." Xiaobei heard Chen Siwei greeting at the other end, but her heart was still hanging. I hope it would be too late.


With a rapid brake sound, Yang Yu stepped on the brake and stopped the car.

Wow, fortunately there is no problem.

"However, our fuel tank really seems to have been tamped..." Before Xiaobei finished exhaling, Yang Yu's voice came through the window.

"What's wrong?" Beckham walked out of the car while holding the phone, holding the iron wrench under the seat in his hand.

"There is almost no oil. There is no gas station in this wilderness. It seems that we are really in trouble." Yang Yu shook the fuel tank with a flashlight. A small hole in it was oozing gasoline little by little, and the pungent smell permeated the air.

Because the damaged place was stuffed with gauze again, it leaked slowly. Now because of the rapid braking, the inertial force brought the gauze into the tank, so it is flowing.

When he was anxious, Beckham looked up and looked forward, but was even more frightened.

There is no light in front!

There is no light to show that Chen Siwei's car has gone far away. Damn, how could this happen? Didn't he ask them to stop for inspection?

"Ah!!" A scream came from the microphone in Beckham's ear.

"What's wrong?" Beckham quickly asked loudly, and the sound kept spreading out in the night and there was no reply.

"The brake is not working! We are accelerating! It's not good that the road ahead is blocked and the mountain collapses! Open the door and jump!" Chen Siwei's voice has gone out of tune and gave orders hoarsely, but the situation is obviously not very good, and she has no time to talk too much with Beckham.

Beckham felt weak for a moment and sat on the ground with a bang.

"Fuck! How could this happen!" Beckham hammered the ground hard and smashed a deep pit.

Ye Laosan also got out of the car, rubbed his eyes and asked, "What's the matter? Now, what about the people in front of you?

It seems that Ye Laosan is also much more awake now, but he still has some his�y.

"We were plotted again. Damn, didn't I wake up from my dream just now? This is the nightmare. All our cars failed and rolled off the cliff..."

Xiaobei knew that it was useless to be anxious now, so he could only sit there and tell Yang Yuye Laosan about his nightmare.

"That means that you felt something was wrong when you saw the soil just now, and then asked me to stop?" Yang Qi rubbed his chin and asked.

Xiaobei nodded and looked at Ye Laosan.

"This is troublesome. Where are you now? We can't move forward without gasoline cars, so we can only walk to the village in front of us to see if there is anything we can do. Ye Laosan rubbed his forehead and looked around.

"It's impossible. Chen Siwei and others have been in trouble just now. They are the ones whose brakes really failed. The collapse of the front forehead mountain has blocked the way." Beckham gasped feebly.

Before the voice fell, there was an explosion in the microphone, which made Xiao Bei's ear buzz, and it took a long time to recover.

A fiery light rose from the darkness and gradually turned into a poisonous dragon, opening its teeth and claws in the night.

There was no more sound in my ear. It seemed that the car in front had exploded due to the impact, and the phone was also blown up.

The mobile phone slipped from Beckham's hand and jingled to the ground.

Yang Yu looked ahead and muttered, "What should I do now?"

Ye Laosan opened the trunk, took out his travel bag, then put on a cotton coat, and pulled up Beckham: "What else can you do? Go ahead, put the gun on your body and turn on the insurance."

Yang Yu took the backpack thrown by Ye Laosan again and put it on his back, turned out the pistol to open the safety, and looked around warily, but there was nothing wrong with the dark article.

He took out a cigarette and lit it, took a deep breath, and barely calmed himself down.

The dark red bright spot is particularly gloomy in the dark, as if it is heralding the coming of disaster. No one can resist it, just like this faint firelight, which will eventually be submerged by endless darkness.

The sudden firelight shone on Xiaobei's face, and the sweat on it had been frozen into white frost and hung on his eyebrows and nose. It looked like a Santa Claus who went the wrong way and was very embarrassed, but no one could laugh in this situation, and even Yang Yu could only smoke a big mouthful.

"Let's go, don't hesitate." Ye Laosan opened his mouth and then took the gun in his hand. After that, he carried a one-shoulder backpack. He didn't know what was in it. Xiaobei saw that he was very careful to put the backpack in the deepest part of the trunk, which seemed to be very important.

"Hmm." The three of them wore newly changed cotton coats and walked slowly in the dark.

The wind around seemed to laugh, roaring strangely, blowing quickly past Beckham's side, bringing up a awn of barren grass and staining it.

The cold wind blew on my face, and it was a little numb.

Ye Laosan bit a cigarette, changed the ragged slippers on his feet, and put on a pair of warm hiking boots. The dagger given to Xiaobei by Xing Mantian had been lost in the underground palace, and he had to put a pistol around his waist, but he still only held the strong iron wrench in his hand and hid it in his sleeve, which made his fingers more stiffer.

"Maybe it's a mistake for us to drive here." Yang Yu threw away his cigarette butt, stepped on his feet fiercely, and began to search around with a flashlight. He was about to arrive at the site of Chen Siwei's accident.

Half of the blown fragments fell at Beckham's feet. I don't know where the parts were, burning flames and burning red.

But what if you don't drive by yourself? We are not traveling. It may be dangerous at any time. Ye Laosan frowned and let the wind blow.

Suddenly, a glimmer of light flashed in the woods opposite, and Yang Yu quickly collapsed his nerves and quickly aimed the flashlight there.

"Be careful." Ye Laosan also held the pistol in his hand and may pull the trigger at any time.

"Hmm." Beckham nodded, stood beside him, found a big stone falling from the mountain to block his figure, took a step forward, shook his cuffs, and showed the cold end of the wrench.

Yang Yu held a gun in one hand and a flashlight in the other, and the cat raised its waist and slowly approached.

Ye Laosan turned his head farther away, and the car that had been smashed turned over beside the tree, igniting the whole tree trunk, and the fire was getting bigger and bigger. Wait, it seems that there are still people alive." Ye Laosan took Xiaobei's arm and then clicked some debris with his chin.

Nothing can be seen in the grass over there, but there is a rustling sound of friction, and the rustling in this gloomy and extraordinary night.

Suddenly, a humanoid outline appeared in the vision of the three people!

Who is it?!

Ye Laosan quickly raised the gun in his hand with a shout.

"Don't shoot! It's our own people!" Chen Siwei's voice came from a distance.

It turned out that they were still alive, and Beckham breathed a sigh of relief and hid the wrench in the cuff again.

I saw a figure coming from the forest in the distance. Yang Yu took a flashlight and took a look. Sure enough, they were now covered with scars. They should have jumped out of the car successfully. So what was behind them?

Xiaobei couldn't scream in his heart and turned his head, but found that there was no movement in the grass.

Chen Siwei and others also seemed to see something. They stopped talking and quietly watched Beckham approaching the grass.

The scene is quiet and strange. The grass in the wild is not trimmed, and it grows much taller than in the city, about half a person. Beckham disappeared in the blink of an eye and only showed half of his body moving on it.

Yang Yu has gone to the other side, and Chen Siwei's car has been smashed and broken.

After counting, there are still seven or eight of them, and two of them should have died.

The driver is bound to die. Maybe he has burned to ashes. What about one outside? Are there any miracles?

Sure enough, the driver has fallen on the driver's seat with blood, with glass debris on his face and half of his body, which looks particularly scary in the flames of the night.

Xiaobei has come back, but unfortunately he returned empty-handed and found nothing.

But they can be sure that someone must have been lurking in the grass just now, otherwise there would be no sound.

Is it an animal like a vole?

"No, it's a human footprint." Beckham seemed to see Ye Laosan's question and said. Someone ran away, but not one of us.

"How is it impossible?" Yang Yu suddenly turned around and said, "There is only one driver here, and one person is missing."

"So he was lurking in the grass just now? Is he not hurt? Chen Siwei was a little panicked, and her teammate suddenly turned into a mole, which must have surprised her.

"I don't know. I may be injured or fine. I don't see any blood." Beckham said it again.

He quietly picked up his backpack, then turned around and came back. His face was calm and he said faintly, "Let's go. It's meaningless to stay here. Since you have nothing to do, leave quickly. It's not safe here."

Ye Laosan agreed, nodded hard, and then followed Beckham to the other direction.

"Wait! Where are you going?! Is it going the wrong way?" Yang Qi put away his gun and shouted in the back.

Soon Chen Siwei, Yang Yu and Du Qi also followed.

Xiaobei looked back and said, "I remember that you seemed to pass by a small village just now. If you want to have a picnic here, don't come."

His and rapidly changing attitude make Chen Siwei a little overwhelmed. Does he no longer trust himself to wait for others? Chen Siwei followed nervously. Du Qi was still holding a pocket in one hand and resisting a large suitcase with gloves in the other hand.

Yang Yu's heart was also up and down. He didn't know what Beckham was doing. He frowned slightly and quickly ran to catch up with him.

Xiaobei and Ye Laosan muttered something in front of them. They stopped randomly and looked at the front. Yang Yu wiped the sweat on his face and bent down to complain, "You want to exhaust me, but my backpack is the hemothest."

The two ignored him and still looked ahead.

Sure enough, I saw a small circle of dim yellow lights coming through the darkness in front of me.

I found the village, and there is no need to sleep in the wild at night. The three looked happy and stood there waiting for Chen Siwei and others to follow.

"I'm sorry." Chen Siwei walked at the end and whispered to Xiao Bei.

Xiaobei turned her face, looked at her delicate face, said nothing, and then continued to move forward.

"I know there may be something wrong with us..."

"Don't say."


"I know, it's not your problem."

"I'm really sorry to have involved you."

"No, it's me. The other party came for me, and it has been designed for a long time, so you don't have to apologize.

"Then you?"

"I know. That's it. I'll go to the front first. Be careful."

Before Chen Siwei understood what Xiaobei meant, Xiaobei had gone far away, leaving her alone behind.

Does he know? What do you know?

Chen Siwei frowned and couldn't understand.

The whole village is particularly quiet and there is no sound at all. Only the dim yellow lights can tell that there are still people living here. Ye Laosan walked to the family and knocked gently at the door.

"Dong-dong, Dong-dong." But there seems to be no response in it. Is it sleepy? Didn't you hear it? Ye Laosan strengthened his hand again and knocked on the door, without even the sound of people getting up and walking.

There were about 300 families in the whole village, so he had to give up looking for another door, but no one responded to him. This group of people stood outside the door, and no matter how they called the door, no one came to open it.

But there is a light in it. Is it impossible that there is no one? Hesitating again and again, Yang Qi took his foot to the door of one of them. Ye Laosan didn't have time to stop him, and the door had fallen to the ground.

"Cough." The dust from the fall of the door made Ye Laosan cough violently.

Wait, dust? Ye Laosan raised his hand and looked at the dust in that hand. How can there be such a big dust? Normally, it should be cleaned often, but it is dirty here, only things are placed neatly. Are the people here lazy? How to explain the neatly arranged things?

"Come back!" Ye Laosan pulled Yang Yu and prevented him from stepping into the house again.

He looked inside again. Sure enough, there was no one in it, which seemed to have been abandoned for a long time.

Isn't it too strange for Beckham to walk here? Isn't it too strange that there is no one in a big village? Everyone else also knocked open the door, which was empty.

This scene is so scary at night.

The sound of insects chirping in the distance broke the strange silence. Beckham looked cautiously from the outside and inside and found that there was no danger. Then everyone went in and found a place to sit down.

Beckham patted the dust on the chair, and finally had no choice but to put a layer of newspaper on it.

"The whole village is empty, but why is the light still on? Where did everyone go? It's impossible for so many people to evaporate silently, right? Even if you go to the city, you have to stay some, right?" Yang Qi crossed his legs and lit a cigarette again.

"No, the rice jar and kitchen utensils here are covered with dust, indicating that no one has been inhabited for a long time." This sentence made everyone's scalp tame. No one, the lights are bright, and they are still on this mountain village.

Someone began to shiver, and a gloomy wind blew outside the door.

"I remembered a ghost story. It is said that there is no one living in a desert village, but then you can see things fluttering in the middle of the night..." Yang Yu's teeth trembling and suddenly said.

"Fuck you, don't talk about these things there." Ye Laosan kicked him away with dissatisfaction, but the cold sweat on his forehead had already left.

Uninhabited village? Beckham snorted coldly and then opened the door again.

"What are you going to do? Do you still open the door on such a cold day? Yang Yu jumped up and asked Beckham loudly.

"Sit there." Ye Laosan pulled him back again, looked at Xiaobei and said, "Stupid, he did this for safety, otherwise we wouldn't know if there was any accident in the house."

"Let's watch the shift vigil and watch the time. I'll watch it with Ye Laosan first. You have a rest. I'll wake you up as soon as I have something to do." Beckham knew that everyone was very tired now because of driving, and there was an accident, and it would not be comfortable.

Of course, he is also uncomfortable, but they must force themselves to maintain a full physical strength and spirit to get out of danger.

After this decision, Xiao Bei and Ye Laosan moved two stools to sit at the door and began to be on duty.

The cold wind blew, Xiao Bei wrapped his clothes tightly, and Ye Laosan pulled out a cigarette and handed it to him. Maybe we are too nervous to relax and talk about your opinion.

Beckham took the cigarette, took a breath of it, and said, "I still feel strange. Who was hiding in the grass just now? Will it be the one who framed us?"

He looked inside again at the people who had fallen asleep, then spit out a smoke and continued, "Didn't I tell you what I found in the grass just now?"

Ye Laosan leaned against the door, looked at the sky without stars and moon, and sighed. You don't really naive to think that the person behind the scenes will give up when you come out of the underground palace after knowing that you have solved his men, right?

"Of course not." Beckham shook her head, then smoked several cigarettes in a row, and then muttered, "The purpose of the other party is to provoke our group, divide our strength, and then break them one by one? But there is no need at all. His strength is not a little stronger than ours.

It turned out that Beckham did not get nothing in the grass. He saw that another person in Chen Siwei and others's car had died, that is to say, there were many people in their team! Others got into their car and tamped with it!