burgled coffin

Chapter 08 Cave

The surroundings were silent, all looking at the direction in which Beckham and the others were drifting away. It seems that there is a flag there that attracts everyone's attention. Suddenly, it rained heavily in the sky, and the rain wet everyone's clothes and wet the heat in their hearts.

Ye Laosan took the lead and said, "Let's go and continue to move forward."

Yang Yu shouted, "What are you kidding? Beckham and others were washed away by the flood! Did we just leave like this?!"

Ye Laosan's voice is still flat, which is his performance when he is emotionally excited. It's terrible to be calm. Listen, I'm talking about moving forward. I believe he won't die so easily, at least not now. If we still want to see each other again, we have to keep moving forward. He will wait for us in front."

After saying that, he took the lead in turning around and walking to the mountain road in front of him with the branches.

Yang Yu was stunned there and carefully recalled Ye Laosan's words. Finally, he had to lower his head and walked forward with his fists. No one knew what he was thinking now.

The team lost its leader, and Ye Laosan and others also lost their companions. However, they lost their direction and could only walk up the mountain road.

A string of muddy footprints were left on the ground, as if to verify a scene that had happened here.

----(I am the legendary dividing line)-----

Tick, tick.

is the sound of water. In the dark, Beckham slowly opened his eyes.

"Where is this? It seems that it hasn't died yet." Beckham sat half on the ground with his elbow in front of the ground, surrounded by cold like an ice cellar. He recalled what had happened to him and hurriedly looked back.

There is Chen Siwei, who is still in a coma, lying on a large gasoline barrel. Her hair has lost its luster and it is full of rain.

There is also a person beside her, the team member that Beckham was going to save.

Xiaobei walked to him and saw a rainbow under his body. He turned over and his face was pale and scary. He put his finger under his nose to test it. Sure enough, there was no breathing.

He had a headache and remembered that Chen Siwei also fell down after being pulled into the water. The two struggled in the waves. Fortunately, he often drilled into the pool. Now he can swim and barely pull up Chen Siwei. In addition, the man had no strength to struggle any more, so he lay on the driftwood and gasped weakly.

I don't know where the driftwood was broken, and it could only maintain the weight of the two people. Xiaobei turned his head and looked at Chen Siwei. He couldn't leave the man who almost fell into the hands of death because of saving himself.

What should I do now? Just as Beckham was about to run out of physical strength and despair, suddenly he saw a big iron bucket floating on the water not far away, sinking and floating around.

Xiaobei threw Chen Siwei on the driftwood, and he struggled to swim to the big barrel. In this harsh environment, the waves came layer by layer, which seriously hindered his breathing and made him swim with great difficulty.

But fortunately, when the second wave hit, Beckham jumped around, hugged the bucket, and stayed safely on the water. It's so close that it's almost washed away.

He tried to row, close to the driftwood carrying the two, and then drifted along the current without a fixed direction.

This big barrel seems to be a gasoline barrel, with a faint smell of gasoline, which is also very large and can fully carry the weight of three people, but Beckham is not going to pull other roots over, because now is not the time to consume physical strength to do these meaningless things.

has been saved, and his mind is no longer a mess.

Suddenly, it rained heavily in the sky, which seemed to laugh at their overpower, but Beckham still drifted hard to prevent himself from hitting the huge gravel that could damage the big iron barrel.

Bum! A sharp turn, the water flow suddenly accelerated, which was also related to the heavy rain, but Beckham still tried to avoid the sharp stone, but Chen Siwei and the team member were not so lucky. No one controlled the driftwood and directly hit the sharp stone.

It's really time for this heavy rain to come, making his clothes stiffer. The weather in the south is not good, but it's strange that it will rain in this weather. Beckham muttered and pulled the two up with difficulty, but because he did not have the energy to control the direction at the same time, a large stone in the shape of a "door" flew quickly from a distance and was about to hit the three people. Beckham leaned over and pressed Chen Siwei and the team member under him, trying to resist with his body.

He has made the consciousness of death, but God seems to have played a joke on him again. It was this branch that saved Beckham's life because he held the branch handed to him before fainting in his hand. And the team member with glasses was not so lucky. The branch was stuck in a depression, which made him suddenly stop for a second. One second was enough for the big stone to hit his head before pulling him back to Beckham!

With a roar, the iron barrel shook violently for a long time, and a large irregular shape was sunken. Beckham successfully dodged from the gap in the big stone, and a pile of floating objects behind him kept hitting him, scratching his arms and thighs.

I don't know how long it took, and the heavy rain gradually stopped. Beckham's physical strength had been completely exhausted. When he closed his eyes, he saw a cave pouring water into it, and they were also overwhelmed by the protruding gap.

This is like a small whirlpool, sucking everything that can be pulled into and swallowing it into the abdomen.

Xiaobei was no longer weak and lay softly all over. He watched himself hit the hole and two boards stuck on it. The water flowed too fast, which was no less than driving a car into a big tree. In front of him, he didn't know anything, and he couldn't feel the pain on his head. He fainted directly.

Yes, he remembered that he was there, and it seemed that this was the interior of the cave.

No wonder it's so dark. It turns out that there is no light to penetrate.

He pushed away the white dead body around him, and then aimed at Chen Siwei's pretty face. He slapped him cruelly. He didn't have time to wait for the other party to wake up here. Besides, she was blocked by herself and didn't seem to have suffered any substantial harm.

Chen Siwei woke up and saw that Beckham's face was getting clearer and clearer, and there were still some small scars hung by debris on it. It had scabs and looked like it was stained with dirt and was very embarrassed.

Beckham wiped the drops of water on his face, and then got up to see if there was anything to eat around. He remembered that before he fell into the water, he also had a backpack containing a lot of vacuum-packed beef jerky.

Unfortunately, he has no time to take care of those things in the big water. Now he can't find his backpack. He only has a pistol at the back, twelve bullets, a magazine, and the small flashlight tied to his calves.

"Wow, fortunately, I have foresight and leave this thing for later." Beckham smiled bitterly, rolled up the trouser legs that had turned into seven-point trousers, and took out the flashlight.

The light here is so poor that you can't see anything clearly except the outline of people. With a click, he turned on the flashlight, and the soft light was particularly bright here. Unfortunately, it's just an ordinary flashlight. If you are more professional and can see farther away, there may be new discoveries.

He sighed and looked for the scattered backpack without saying a word.

Unfortunately, in the end, he only found a sausage and two bottles of mineral water.

"Ah!" Suddenly, Chen Siwei's exclamation scared Beckham and quickly turned around. He didn't know when the pistol was held in his hand. It seemed that the continuous distress was really training. This kind of speed of drawing a gun was comparable to that of a western cowboy.

Chen Siwei leaned awkwardly against the wall behind her. In front of her was the body of the dead team member, and a deformed face looked blankly at the place where Chen Siwei was.

It turned out that she saw that there were still people around her who wanted to see it, but she didn't expect that the team member had already been out of breath. Now she suddenly turned over and naturally scared Chen Siwei. Even if she often sees dead people and deals with them herself, she is still a woman. In the dark, she can't help screaming in this gloomy and horrible environment.

The sound came so suddenly that Beckham thought she had an accident. What dangerous creatures are there here?

Since she was not safe, Beckham put away her pistol, bent down to pick up the body, carried it to a corner in the distance, found two pieces of gravel to block it, and then covered it with a broken board, which was a simple tomb.

The corners of Beckham's mouth bent inexplicably and smiled. Ha ha, in order to save people, and then I was also involved in the wave. In the end, I didn't expect that what was saved was just a cold, soaked corpse.

However, he thought he would not regret it, because even if there was only a glimmer of hope, he would not give up saving people. As the fat man said, because it is a team, it cannot be abandoned and ignored. Isn't Chen Siwei the same? Knowing that there would be danger, she subconsciously took her arm and involved herself in the whirlpool.

"He...he... died? ..." Chen Siwei asked tremblingly, her teeth were trembling.

"Well, my head was holed by a stone when I turned the corner and died a long time ago." Beckham replied lightly. Then he whispered to the buried body: "May you rest in peace." Alas."

"So...where are we... now? ..." she continued to ask.

"I don't know, I just remember that we were sucked into a hole and then fainted." Beckham took a flashlight, approached Chen Siwei step by step, and handed her sausage and mineral water. Eat something, and we have to continue to find the way."

Already know the current situation, Chen Siwei also regained her strong character, nodded, took over the food and began to look around. Just now, she was really scared. Suddenly, a dead face appeared, which almost hit the top of the stone above. The stones here are marble-like, very strong, and have not been carved and polished. They are all raw stones with edges. Once they hit it, they will open an opening.

ticking, the rain is still seeping down, and Beckham slowly walks deep. Unfortunately, the ground here has been soaked with water, and there are still six or seven centimeters high, miscellaneous stones and wood thorns everywhere, hidden in the soil, which is very difficult to walk.