burgled coffin

Chapter 15 Bloody Battle of Wolves [ Supplement]

Just as the three were surprised, Beckham suddenly pulled them up and began to run to the main tomb room that she gave up first.

Chen Siwei and Yang Shaohua didn't know why, but Xiaobei leaned against the wall and gasped as if he had escaped the disaster.

This tomb is not very big, but it gives people a strong pressure. It seems to be stuffed with two lead blocks, which is heavy. Xiaobei finally straightened up, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and said to Yang Shaohua, "Are you sure it's this tomb?"

Because the modeling structure of the tomb in the tomb is similar, and the channels are complex, even if there is a mistake, it will not be found for a while, so Xiao Bei asked Yang Shaohua to confirm it.

"Yes, it's here, and there seems to be no tomb here except here, and the route is also very simple." Yang Shaohua understood what Xiaobei meant and nodded and replied.

When Chen Siwei saw that Beckham had recovered, she asked, "Didn't you just say you wouldn't come here? Why did you suddenly turn around again?" Is that road dangerous?

Speaking of this, Beckham's face became heavy again, nodded hard, then raised his left hand and rubbed his nose with his index finger, and frowned, "I don't know, but it must be very dangerous."

At this time, Yang Shaohua also raised doubts and looked at Beckham: "Why?"

"The smell." Beckham put down his hand and sniffed his nose, which was very impressive, but no one present could laugh at this time. My nose is very ** for a lot of things I remember. I smelled the fishy smell just now.

Chen Siwei tilted her head puzzled, as if to say to herself, "The fishy smell?"

Chen Siwei was nothing, but Yang Shaohua's face suddenly changed greatly and said, "The smell of blood!"

Yes, just as they hesitated, Beckham suddenly smelled a faint blood, which slowly overflowed from it, making him feel like vomiting. At the same time, the sense of crisis was getting stronger and stronger, so he chose to return to this tomb.

Suddenly, a low voice sounded, and Beckham's ears moved again. Beckham had his back against the tomb door. Because the sound came from the front, Yang Shaohua and Chen Siwei had to turn around stiffly, and their faces were extremely ugly.


"What kind of sound is this?" Ye Laosan asked.

Yang Yu said, "This sound is really creepy. I'll go out and have a look."

Because of the heavy fog, everyone entered the room and waited. Yang Yu walked out of the room and looked at the thick fog from afar.

"What is that!" Yang Qian was shocked.

In the dense fog, there is a fine sound, and from time to time there is the sound of dead branches being trampled off. At the same time, a pair of green eyes suddenly emerged from the fog, which seemed to be as gloomy and horrible as the ghost of harvesting souls in the dark night.

Yang Yu's words immediately woke up Ye Laosan and others. They came to their senses and walked out of the room.

Du Qi said in a low voice, "It seems to be a beast."

At this time, it is no longer time to consider the issue of trust and distrust.

Ye Laosan and Wang Chao also realized the seriousness of the problem. In this barren mountains, it is not a troublesome thing to meet wild animals, but they also have to deal with what they encounter.

If you meet pheasants and hares, you don't have to be afraid. It's a good thing to add meals to your belly. But if you meet a beast, it will be terrible. Especially the flocks of beasts are more horrible.

"Whatever it is, leave first," Wang Chao said immediately.

Ye Laosan and others packed up immediately.

"Wow! ~~~~~~”

Suddenly, I only heard a long roar. The sound of the quiet night spread far away, and the whole mountain village echoed the roar.

Du Qi's face changed: "This is a wolf roar. No, we encountered a group of wolves."

As soon as he finished saying this, there was a sudden sound of hitting the door. There was a small sound outside the door. Yang Yu jumped over the wall and almost fell off the wall.

There are hundreds of wolves outside the house, each of which is twice as big as ordinary domestic dogs. The thick body and powerful claws are covered with gray hair like iron thorns all over the body. The big mouth of the blood basin reveals their sharp tusks. When Yang Yu jumped up, hundreds of wild The wolf's scarlet eyes stared at him, almost scaring Yang's legs to fall down on the spot.

"Go from the back of the house, my God, there are so many wolves!" Yang Yu jumped down from the wall in shock.

After hearing this, Wang Chao and others immediately packed up their things and walked through the house to the backyard. The backyard was also surrounded by a wall, and several people were good at it. They turned over from the wall as soon as they turned over.

"Da Damn, why are there so many wild wolves here?" Yang Qi cursed while holding the hanging trouser legs.

"There's nothing strange about it. This is a deep mountain, not a town. It would be strange if I didn't have it. Hurry up and jump down. The road ahead is not easy to walk! Let's move quickly!" Ye Laosan urged below.

"No, I mean, how can there be so many wolves here, and they suddenly appear? Is it possible to stare at us early and gather and wait for the fog to attack?" Yang Yu jumped down above the wall with one hand, and a small cut cut on the leg of his trousers. Obviously, it was the boy who pulled it hard in the end.

"You asked me who to go. Anyway, I know that if we don't run quickly, we won't see the sun tomorrow!" Ye Laosan is now running wildly without any demeanor at all.

On the way to escape, the special backpack suddenly fell off and hurried back to pick it up.

"Hey, brother, there are gold bars in it, or life is more important. Hurry up and save your life." A team member behind ran over with a smile and patted Ye Laosan on the shoulder before leaving.

Seeing that the person is only more than 20 years old, he is barely a few years older than Xiaobei and Yang Yu, but he is still much worse than Ye Laosan. He uses the tone of his elders to educate the younger generation, which makes Ye Laosan eat two mouthfuls of cow dung.

Damn, I'm too lazy to talk to you now. Ye Laosan was so angry that he ran forward with the backpack in one hand and cursed at the bottom of his heart.

However, it is obviously not the time to care about these. They must quickly reach a favorable position.

The wolves behind have reacted and chased behind. The road in the mountain village is not paved with big stones, but a simple street sprinkled with some sand and soil mixture on some small gravel on the mountain. Everyone ran like this, and with the wolves behind, it seemed to have blown a sandstorm, painted a small sand. The storm opened the way, and the tornado swept behind it, and the place where it went was like the battlefield that had just been bombed.

In addition, it was originally placed neatly, and was tossed by everyone, with dustpans and bamboo baskets flying all over the sky. Even the short wooden fences were trampled on and thrown into the back of the wolves.

"There is a hill ahead, about two or three hundred meters!" A team member roared as he ran.

Sure enough, except for a small hillside behind the village, there is no bunker in such a situation. If it hadn't been for the buildings and debris in the village that prevented the movement of the wolves, this group would have been reimbursed long ago. Now this hillside is undoubtedly the best place to defend.

But the wolves behind have caught up. How can people run past the wild wolves? Or is it the kind of wolf that often hunts rabbits, goats and other animals in the mountain forest?

But at present, there is no other way to go except this road, and there are no buildings, and they are also in a difficult situation.

Leave a desperate fight? There is no doubt that he will die. Keep moving forward? Nine deaths.

Now is the critical moment of life and death, so what should we do? At this critical moment, Du Qi said again, "If we go on like this, we will definitely die. We must think of a good way."

But there is no way. What can be done to stop the footsteps of the wolves behind? Suddenly, Ye Laosan looked awe-in and his footsteps slowed down. She said, "Have you ever heard a story about animals?"

Yang Yu had an ominous feeling when he saw that his ecology was not normal. He really wants to slow down and habitually kick Ye Laosan's buttocks. He and Xiaobei's favorite thing is to do this. At this time, why are you kidding? How can there be such an empire time to tell stories! Hurry up! Hurry up!"

But now he can't do it anyway, because Ye Laosan has interrupted him. That's a story about antelope. I haven't seen it, but I've seen similar behavior with my own eyes. It's a flock of deer.

The air flow around slowed down, which is not an illusion, but really becomes liquid. At least Wang Chao thinks so. He already knows what Ye Laosan is going to do. It is undoubtedly a dangerous move, a 100% deadly move.

"You can't imagine the magnificent scene. What a great picture it is. No photographer or painter can describe it. I just stood on a rock opposite and looked at them. The deer were chased by lions to the edge of the cliff. They were unable to resist. At this time, they made a strange move, as if the lions behind them did not exist.

Yang Yi also knows what Ye Laosan wants. He has seen this story in primary school textbooks. He shouted, but couldn't make a sound. Some kind of ** turned around his eyes and blurred his vision. No! Come back soon! Hurry up! Don't!!!" But his behavior is useless, and his cry is so helpless to those who can already pursue death.

He began to regret what he had done. He didn't know what this feeling was. Maybe he had never experienced it. No, maybe he knew it. He had deeply experienced it in Beckham and Liu Xin.

It was a kind of faith, a fiery will, the brilliance blooming with life, which left a deep impression in his heart.

Yang Qian didn't know when he had stopped. He suddenly had an impulse to stay with Ye Laosan!

"Come back quickly and don't let him down! Be quiet! Fuck!" Wang Chao unconsciously couldn't see the scene in front of him. He hit his elbow on the back of Yang's neck, knocked him unconscious, and dragged him uphill.

Ye Laosan ran in the opposite direction, took out his gun and fired three shots at the head wolf in front of the wolf group. The sad bullet roared out. What was it carrying?

The wolves were obviously angered by him. The head wolf in his hand desperately turned around and rushed to Ye Laosan. The person in front of him was going to make a final struggle. He ran hard and turned back from time to shoot from time to time. Every time a gunshot, a wild wolf would fall down. The wolves' eyes began to brighten from green to scarlet because of anger, which was to fight for their lives and tear each other to pieces.

It's hard to imagine that the beast will also have expressions, and Ye Laosan smiled. But not only beasts, but also human emotions are much richer than them.

Ye Laosan couldn't help shooting. He didn't shoot the last bullet. Maybe it would be for himself. In this case, he didn't have time to change the magazine, but he still held the handle of the gun and then spread his legs and ran farther away.

He wants to create opportunities. Only in this way can he save the team with the smallest loss. This team is very important to Beckham. He hopes that Beckham can succeed. Anyway, he, like Liu Xin, has been a damned person for a long time. Half of his body has been grounded. This is a good place to go, but not yet. It's time for him to use his last bit of strength to lead most of the wolves farther.

The thick fog still stays in this valley, and a small number of wolves have caught up with the hillside where others are located, but these more than 20 wolves will not be the opponents of adventurers with firearms, and the battle has begun.

A wolf rushed up, and the fishy smell in his mouth was clearly heard. Du Qi's hand, and a sharp dagger somehow reached his dark and dry hand, and his backhand cut the wolf's throat with a knife.

Blood splashed on a man beside him. A wolf threw him to the ground and was soon kicked away with his foot, made a shot, struggled in the pool of blood, and finally was trampled under the feet by his companion behind him.

People and wolves have red eyes and fight each other for such a chance to survive.

Wang Chao held a gun in one hand and a mountaineering pick in one hand. There were already five wolf corpses at his feet. Now he is really crazy and began to harvest the lives of these beasts. At this time, no one will think about why everyone is fighting desperately here for food? To fill your stomach? Or is it to protect the short moment exchanged by others with life and steel-like will?

He kept waving the weapon in his hand, and the bite marks on his shoulders were still bleeding, which stimulated everyone's desire to fight.

Yang Yi has woke up, and he actually began a hand-to-hand fight with the wild wolf. He didn't even pull out the dagger capital, so he punched the wolf's abdomen. No matter how sharp the other party's teeth are, no matter how painful his body is, none of this is as uncomfortable as the knife that jumps up somewhere in his heart. He needs to release it. Suspected of venting gates began to erupt crazily.

The battle was over, only one person died and seven people were alive, but more or less injured. Yang Yi was still biting the wolf's neck, and the blood of the artery had stained his whole body red. Now he is simply Shura crawling out of hell. This most primitive way of fighting shocked the nerves of everyone present, and even Du Qi was almost attacked by him when he wanted to pull him up.

In the end, everyone had no choice but to hold him down and knock him unconscious again before making him quiet for a while.

Ye Laosan's words are still echoing in his ears.

"The deer group began to jump to the opposite side one by one under the command of the leader, and below is an abyss of ten thousand feet. The distance in the middle is like the Tianhe River. The jumping power of the deer group obviously does not reach the opposite shore, and it still jumps with them. Is it death? No, they are making a final effort for the rest of their companions. The deer group divided into two groups. Just as the first deer was about to fall into the abyss, the other group of deer behind moved. It sprinted quickly, jumped up, and then stepped on its companion fiercely and successfully reached the other side. However, this is silent, without whining or howling. They all began to silently build a bridge to the other side with life and flesh, which is more beautiful than a rainbow.

I don't think about whether I can succeed. Since I have chosen the distance, I only care about the wind and rain.

I don't think about whether there will be cold wind and rain behind me. Since the target is the horizon, I can only leave the back of the world.

I don't think about whether the future is flat or muddy. Everything is expected...

The surviving people, whether it is Wang Chao, Du Qi, or other team members, or Yang Yu, who fell into a coma on the ground, have the same heart, but they hide it better.

The six people except Yang Yan stood up together and looked at the disappearing horizon. Tears had unconsciously flowed out. Even if they tried to control and endured it, they still couldn't help it. It's like a dam that broke the levee.

At this moment, no man has tears. They just use this most primitive way to express their respect to their truly recognized companions.

Yes, no one does not love life, no one can face death calmly, let alone make sacrifices under such circumstances. Maybe he can't even expose his body in the wilderness. They are all cowards and do not have the will to give up their precious lives.

However, Ye Laosan did it. He used his body to attract most of the wolves in exchange for a chance for the team to survive. His last calm smile remained in the thick fog, which made everyone present ashamed and could not raise their heads.

They bent their bodies to 90 degrees and bowed deeply.

"Go ahead, there are still people waiting for you to tell the little rabbit that I don't seem to be able to run." This is the last sentence left by Ye Laosan. He really can't run anymore, no matter how fast he runs, he can't. Because he left his power to others.

The fog has dissipated. There are also sporadic wolf howling in the distance. The wind is roaring and sad, is it the last elegy?

Wang Chao carried Yang Qian, and everyone walked in the opposite direction.

The dead leaves dyed red are called "sacrifice".

No one spoke, and everyone walked forward without saying a word. They know that there is still a longer way to go, and they still have something to do. Even if they once thought about retreating, they have to grit their teeth and return now.

Because there are two people waiting for them not far away.