burgled coffin

Chapter 20 Deserted Forest and Dead Well

"Come and give me a hand and move this!" Yang Yu and Wang Chao greeted Du Qi. They are now in a forest, and there is a dead well covered with a big stone in front of them. Originally, after Wang Chao and Yang Yu came up, they told Du Qi about the situation, and then prepared to start looking for the footprints of Xiaobei and others, but suddenly found that there was no trace of footprints when they reached the forest. After exploring around, they found the dry well.

It's not that this well appears here, and it's normal to have a dry well in the mountains, but the problem is that there is a smell of blood in the well, which is something wrong.

Yang Yu wondered, "I said, there won't be any dead people here, right? Is it the abandonment of the corpse after killing?"

It was originally desolate and terrible, but now when he said this, everyone suddenly felt creepy. Although dead bodies are not rare, it is a little unusual in this strange place.

The stone was removed, and there was a black hole inside, and nothing could be seen clearly. The light was as dim as a street lamp late at night. Wang Chao asked, "What should I do now? Shall we go down and have a look?

Yang Yu was frightened, took a step back and stammered, "No... No way... This... Who will go down to have a look? ...The size here can only go down to one person..."

But unexpectedly, Du Qi, who had never spoken, suddenly opened his mouth. He came over, tied the rope to his body, tied the other end to the tree trunk, and said, "I'll do it."

Wang Chao is also slightly surprised. Although he and Du Qi are not old acquaintances, recently found that he is not an adventurous person, and he has always given people a very mysterious feeling. At present, he has suddenly changed his normal, which is confusing. After being surprised, Wang Chao still nodded and agreed to let him go down. Maybe he had his own ideas that needed to be confirmed, so he didn't stop him.

Watching Du Qi disappear at the mouth of the well little by little, and his figure gradually blurred in the dark, Wang Chao suddenly had a bad feeling.

At this moment, suddenly there was a rustling sound in the woods behind him, as if someone was running over the fallen leaves, and then gradually slowly and quietly, accompanied by the buzzing wind, which was very gloomy.

"Who?!" Wang Chao asked Yang Yu and others to watch here. He took out his gun and quickly got into the woods. The situation seems to be a little abnormal. Just now, he clearly saw a dark shadow passing by. Why did it disappear in a blink of an eye? He gritted his teeth, accelerated his pace again, and continued to walk forward. He didn't go far. He saw a wasteland with no trees or weeds, like a dividing line, circled a small area.

He walked over doubtfully and found traces on the ground, which were human footprints. Although it was not obvious, it could be seen at a glance that it had just been stepped on. But it's definitely not the shadow just now, because the footprints here seem to have been around for several hours. Whose? Is it Beckham? Calculation of time can almost get a reasonable explanation. Sweep away layers of fallen leaves and grass roots, revealing a hole, like a thief's hole?

This is not very far from the location of the dry well just now. Is there any connection? Wang Chao shook his head. How could he have such a strange idea? In the dark, there seems to be an invisible big hand that suppresses them. This feeling is really not very good. Maybe it's insane. I'm too nervous. Wang Chao took a deep breath, clumsily hugged the nearby tree trunk and slowly climbed up.

He thought that maybe he could have a general understanding of the vicinity by reaching the high point above. Moreover, it is not summer now, and the leaves have fallen out, and only the bare trunk. If it was really not an illusion just now, it would be clear at a glance if someone existed.

When he climbed halfway, he felt that he should stop. The trunk above was not very thick, and his body shape was a little unstable. Now his height can increase his vision three or four times. He believes that as long as he is a human, he will not escape from this range. He wants to see who is pretending to be a ghost. And when he looked around, he was surprised to find that there was nothing around.

What's going on? Is it an illusion? It was a little cold behind him, as if someone shouted below. His voice was very weak. Where did he come from? Which direction seems to be the dry well? His clumsy figure climbed on the tree and turned around, but when he turned around, his eyes bulged, because...

"Oh!" Xiao Beiyue and Yang Shaohua moved the mysterious big box to one side. There was a lock on it and could not be opened, but they were surprised to find that there was a hole underneath! This is undoubtedly good news. This hole is very deep, and it seems to be on the other side of the passage below. Where is it? No one knows, is it hell?

Xiaobei smiled self-deprecatingly, and then said to Chen Siwei, "We have no way to go, right?"

"Isn't there any hope now?" Chen Siwei looked at Beckham doubtfully and didn't know what medicine was sold in his gourd. Before Beckham could speak, the whole ground suddenly trembled and disappeared for a moment. A small stone fell from it and hit Beckham's head.

Looking up, I don't know when a gap was cracked. The wall is absolutely strong, and Xiaobei can feel it by touch, and he has just tried it with a dagger. After the wall was severely scratched twice, only two shallow marks were left. Even Yang Shaohua's shovel wheel will not be too damaged. .

"Can't we still go down now? Hurry up, all these bugs have come out. If you don't go down, it will be too late. Chen Siwei now makes Xiaobei feel that she is more like a real person. It turns out that she also has something to fear.

For a long time, from the encounter to now, Chen Siwei has always been glorious, devilishly beautiful, and proficient in everything and capable. In such a situation, especially in a woman, it is a little illusory, unreal, and makes people feel superior, although she has always been very easy. It makes people close, but in fact, no matter who it is, they will feel ashamed of themselves, otherwise they will approach easily.

And now, Xiaobei suddenly found that she is also a real and thorough person. She is not afraid of death, but that women's nature leads to fear of these bugs.

Yang Shaohua looked at the crack on it blankly and was stunned.

Xiaobei smiled, then shook her head, looked at Chen Siwei, and said, "You look pretty now."

Chen Siwei blushed and gave Xiaobei a big sanitary eye. She said andly, "What are you talking about? Now I'll tell you the business! What did you mean by saying there was no way to go?

Xiao Bei smiled cunningly and looked mysteriously, signaling her to bring her ears closer. Then he whispered in her ear, "Because of this, I may not have the heart to kill you."

The voice is soft as if you are exhaling in your ear, and it sounds like the smell of love words, but with these words, it makes people feel like being struck by lightning anyway. Chen Siwei's expression stiffened in an instant, and even Yang Shaohua's pupils suddenly dilated.

"What are you talking about, you..." Before she finished speaking, Chen Siwei looked down and saw that Xiaobei didn't know when there was an extra dagger in her hand, and then completely fell into her abdomen. She couldn't say the next words, and then looked straight at Beckham. Why?"

"Why? Ha ha." Beckham smiled, then pushed her away, pulled out the dagger suddenly, and the blood overflowed. Didn't I say that we have no way to go. I won't go into this hole, because there is still a new dead end inside.

Yang Shaohua looked at Xiaobei in surprise and forgot his body movements. He was completely stunned. Looking at Xiaobei with a slightly evil smile, he pushed Chen Siwei aside and watched her slowly fall to the ground. Is he really crazy?

The answer is no. Chen Siwei opened her mouth and blood flowed down the corners of her mouth. She looked at Beckham in disbelief, and then looked very sad and pitiful. Do you really want to kill me?

"Of course." Beckham did not hesitate at all, then threw away the dagger and fell to the ground to make a crisp metal cry.

"Why? Are you crazy?"

"Almost, because I actually believed in my eyes." Beckham replied.

"I don't understand what you're saying."

"There is no need for that." Beckham's voice seemed to come from Jiuyou, without any emotion.

Suddenly, he stepped on her body and pulled out his pistol and fired a shot at her head with his eyes closed. At such a close distance, you can know the absolute accurate hit even if you close your eyes.

After the sound of gunfire, everything was silent. Xiaobei opened his eyes and looked at the muzzle of the gun with blue smoke. He was relieved and slowly breathed a sigh of relief. Are you crazy?" Yang Shaohua looked at him and asked, but there was no other look, as if he didn't care about it at all, but his eyes flashed a little.

"Don't you ask me why I did this?" Beckham turned his head and looked at him.

"Because you must have your reason." Maybe he also guessed some results, but he was not sure, so he didn't say it.

"Ha ha, it seems that you have always been controlled by you before." Beckham stretched out his right hand with a smile, which was as clean as before. It was his previous hand holding the dagger, and the blood was slowly fading away. There was a "wave--" in his mind, and Yang Shaohua also saw it.

"Because it's all fake."

As Beckham's voice fell, the surrounding scene collapsed little by little, like broken porcelain, which began to produce cracks. Then, like a mirror, pieces began to become countless fragments, and the "corpses" on the ground gradually turned into smoke with the debris that fell on the two people and drifted away. In the apocalypse scene, the two stood in the same place, face to face without panic. It's like a stubborn stone standing still in the storm. They all smiled when they looked at each other.

Xiaobei thought that maybe he really can't do it again. Even if it's fake, he doesn't want to do it again. He doesn't have a special hobby or a psychopath. He won't be addicted to it. That kind of psychological pressure is still very great.

The surroundings finally dissipated. At present, he and Yang Shaohua are standing in a dark and narrow space, surrounded by a smell of wet earth, with a slightly disgusting smell of decay. Everything just now is gone, and the tomb with a blood pool does not exist. It's too fake to suddenly turn around when we are desperate. Beckham sneered, then turned around and said, "Let's go and see where the real companions have gone. What else will be unreliable?"