rice flower ten miles of fragrance

Chapter 127: The Secret of the Zhou Family

"Do you still need to listen to this?" Xue Jian wanted to say that the common sense known by modern people changed to the mouth: "You can also think about it with your knees, and you still need to listen to others!"

Zhou Bo was helpless and repeatedly told Xuejian, "You are Hu Qin all day long. This disaster comes from your mouth. After all, you still have to be more careful. Don't do this when you go out."

Xue saw his nose facing the sky and said, "Yes, Master Zhou, Xuejian still understands this common sense."

Zhou Bo raised his eyebrows and said earnestly, "I'm afraid you'll get used to it and go out to talk."

Xue saw himself and laughed at himself. Is he really that bad?

Opening the Go box on the table, Xue Jian's hand pulled the chess pieces meaninglessly and said, "Isn't it just the two of us who dared to say it?"

Xuejian couldn't help but be dazed at the chess pieces. The chess pieces are black and white. If all the worlds in the world are so black and white, it will be much simpler.

It can be seen that this person is better to be confused, not only for men to be confused, but also for women to be confused.

Zhou Bo gently took her hand: "I understand. You have to remember it."

Xue Jian stopped talking. She gently snuggled into Zhou Bo's arms, thought for a moment, and turned her eyes. "If I forget, you don't be annoyed with me."

Zhou Bo twisted her mouth after all, and the snow flashed in his arms and twisted his waist with his backhand. In this meeting, Zhou Bo's face slowly calmed down. He calmed down and thought about what Xue had just said. The excessive tension just now was a little funny.

"Xuejian, before the Zhou family, he was an imperial merchant." Zhou Bo said slowly, his voice was bitter and dry.

Ah, Xue saw his elbows and his eyes widened. He used to be the imperial merchant, so the later forced..., it's not right. She peeked at Zhou Bo and was whispering. According to her simple common sense, if something happened to the imperial merchant, it should be raided or exiled, right?

For Zhou Bo's rare patience, Xue Jian cheered up and listened carefully.

Zhou Bo frowned and looked ahead, but seemed to be looking farther away. His voice was also a little empty and helpless. "This imperial merchant is also different from the imperial merchant. In fact, the Zhou family can only be regarded as one side of the imperial merchant..." In the past, he was still young and did not think about many things very clearly, but later slowly Think clearly.

My father has been in business for a long time, and he can't help but be moved by this glorious family.

Zhou Bo pinched the teacup with one hand and didn't drink it. His hand shook slightly.

Xue saw that he took the cup in his hand and saw that he looked miserable. He couldn't help stroking his face and said, "Dalang, don't say it if you don't want to say it."

Looking from the window, it was slowly raining in the sky and did not call Xiaomei. Xue saw herself close a window.

"You are my wife. I will tell you about the Zhou family sooner or later." Zhou Bo put his finger on the table and said slowly.

Xue saw a nod and whispered, "Okay."

Some people who have real power and are inextricably related to the imperial city will have some special licenses for proprietary goods. They do not do business themselves, but they can find one or several such merchants to provide a source of goods. They deduct high profits from them without paying a penny of capital. And the Zhou family was hooked up with the great housekeeper of the Wude Hou family at that time.

Xue Jian's eyes lit up. This is the first time he has been so close to a person at the level of the marquis since he wore it! She looked up at Zhou Bo quietly, "The seventh grade officer of the prime minister's gate, this housekeeper is also very powerful."

Zhou Bo couldn't help raising his eyebrows, "Now that I think about it, of course."

Later, Wu Dehou was dismissed on the spot by the current saint who ruled the world with filial piety because of his taboo things at the Empress Dowager's birthday party. Just when everyone thought that Wudehou would decline from now on, it happened that the border was Rouran and invaded the border again. Dashun joined hands with the Daning Kingdom in the north and was defeated by Rouran, and Rouran Khan was also seriously injured and died in this battle. The young new Khan became a law and wanted to make peace with Dashun. Wu Dehou offered to marry his daughter, Princess Jinyang.

"It's really good to lose the pawn and protect the car." Xue Jian sighed that no matter how noble a woman is, her life is in the hands of a man.

"You're right." Zhou Bo himself has been able to figure out so far. When Xue saw only one word, he broke the sky.

This Jinyang princess is known as the most beautiful woman among the noble women in the capital. It is said that Cheng Lv came to the capital to show her sincerity. I accidentally saw her beauty, but I was shocked. At present, I became a minister to Dashun, and then took the princess back to China to get married. Who knows that she had just stepped into Rouran's territory on the way back and was attacked by an unknown assassin. The princess died to save Cheng Lv. After Cheng Lv narrowly escaped, he inquired about it from many parties that he knew that it was Daning who was not happy and surrendered to Dashun and wanted to implement a separation plan with this sneak attack.

"What a pity, princess." Xue saw that she was fascinated leisurely. Since then, she has always been a storyteller. This time, she finally listened to the story, and it was still a legendary acting, and then said: "The flag was lowered on the king's city, and my concubine learned it in the deep palace." He also felt that he was not in a good way, and then said, "Your girl came to make peace, and there are no men thousands of miles on the border."

"Nonsense again!" Hearing Xuejian's words, Zhou Bo was also annoyed by her. As soon as he raised his hand, Xuejian immediately surrendered, then gently patted her head, and then nodded and said, "Since then, Rouran and Daning have begun various intermittent border conflicts for several years, and Dashun has fallen into peace."

Wu Dehou's great achievement, he also had the pain of losing his daughter, and he was given a lighter punishment for committing a taboo. Several imperial merchants involved at the beginning were just the master's imprisonment, and his family property was confiscated.

"In this way, my parents and aunts are involved in this incident..." After all, they have never met. Xue saw that there was only sympathy, but it was not much sad.

Zhou Bo said with a straight face, "The family property has been confiscated, and my father is imprisoned, but my mother and aunt refuse to come back with us. There is more or less private money. I have to stay in Beijing secretly so that my father can suffer less."

Xue suddenly understood and leaned sideways on the pillow. "This kind of thing is big and small, but those noble people keep their mouths shut. Father asked you all to go back to your old house to protect the blood of the Zhou family!"

Zhou Bo said slowly, "I don't have the ability to save my parents." Close your eyes slightly to prevent tears from falling.

Xue Jian shook his head: "First save your brothers and sisters, and then your brothers and sisters have a chance to save your parents!" Dalang, I believe that God will definitely open his eyes.

Yes, I can only hope God will open his eyes! Zhou Bo smiled bitterly. Some of these things came from Zhou Bo and Wang, and some of them were slowly figured out over the years. The Zhou family only supplied the Wudehou Mansion, and then turned a corner to get the imperial merchants in Da Nei. From beginning to end, they were beaten. And this so-called taboo and taboo, now naturally understand that there is another universe behind it. As Xue said just now, the Zhou family is just a scapegoat.

In this way, the pain was uncovered again, and Zhou Bo's handsome face twitched slightly, "Let Brother Wang inquire first, and then help with one or two. After this matter is completely forgotten, Sanlang will have a chance to participate in the scientific examination, then the Zhou family will have hope!"

Xue was stunned and listened. She was not a thoughtful person. There were many things she didn't understand before, but now she finally woke up and looked at Zhou Bo's painful appearance. She muttered, "Dalang, believe me, everything will be fine." It turns out that not only accompanying you is like a tiger, but also accompanying a marquis is risky!