Tomb robbery

Chapter 014 Silver-squalled Python

Everyone immediately became nervous. I saw that Zhou Huan also took out a pistol and looked around warily. At this time, with the sound of the ghost crying and howling, I felt dark shadows flashing everywhere. I don't know how much it can be. I have an impulse to run. No matter how powerful the weapon is, if there are 180 strange monkeys, it is also fierce. There are few Doji.

The black-faced captain may also feel the power of the matter, and then gave up the attack and shouted to everyone, "Don't shoot first. This environment is not good for us. Run to the channel."

Zhou Huan turned around and ran forward. I pulled two older people closely. Others ran with guns and looked back. Not long after entering the front passage, there was a chaotic sound behind him. Obviously, those strange monkeys were chasing after.

The two old people and I were out of breath and heard the dense gunfire behind. It seemed that the black-faced captain had started working with the strange monkeys. Zhou Huan just paused for a moment and continued to run. Her physique was very good. I almost couldn't keep up with them. I just wanted to look back and see how the situation was going. Zhou Huan, who was running in front of him, suddenly stopped. I didn't notice and hit her directly. I hugged her and patted her on the stone door in front of me.

I didn't expect that this passage was a dead end. The direction was blocked by a stone gate. The black-faced captains retreated and followed while shooting. Seeing that the stone gate was also helpless, several people went up and kicked a few feet at the stone gate without any response. The sound behind them was getting closer and closer, and I turned back. You can see the shadow of a strange monkey.

At this time, the black-faced captain shouted to Zhou Huan, "Let's hold on first. You can find a way to open the door. If it really doesn't work, blow it up." After saying that, they took a few steps back and began to shoot.

These people's shooting skills are very good. They almost shot their heads with guns. The bodies of those strange monkeys died on the ground in a short time, but the crying still showed no sign of weakening. They continued to attack us with a steady stream of bullets, and I don't know how many of them.

I wanted to help, but I didn't have any weapons in my hand. I stood behind the black-faced captain and looked at it at a loss. At this time, one of the team members was caught by the strange monkey above his head without paying attention. In an instant, a piece of meat was pulled off from his shoulder. He shouted and fell to the ground in pain.

I quickly took the first aid kit from an old player's hand to stop the bleeding. He was seriously injured, and his whole left arm drooped weakly and kept bleeding. I almost used up all the gauze, including the cloth strip torn from his clothes, which was a simple dressing for him. I think if it can be dealt with in time. His arm can't be preserved.

"How's the door? If it doesn't work, just put explosives." The black-faced captain shouted anxiously to Zhou Huan as he retreated.

"No, there is no way to open this door. If we are too close, we will be killed together with explosives." Zhou Huan hurriedly turned around the door.

All of us squeezed together close to the door. The black-faced captain raised his hand and shot a jumping monster monkey and said, "There are not many bullets. If it goes on like this, we will definitely die. Let's release explosives. One by one."

Zhou Huan bit his lip and was ready to find explosives. At this time, I suddenly seemed to remember something, 'door, door, stone door?' I quickly shouted to her, "Wait a minute..." Then he ran to the center of Shimen and began to stop**. Others strangely didn't know what I wanted to do.

After touching it for a while, I took a deep breath. Sure enough, there was also a thumb-sized depression on the stone door, but it was almost filled with soil. Except for me, others would not pay attention to it even if they found it.

I quickly used my fingers to pry the soil in the depression. It hasn't been long since I was moved. There were a lot of sediments in it, which were firmly stuck to the inner wall. I felt it for a while and pressed my right thumb in. Everyone looked at me quietly. After a day, the door was unresponsive.

The black-faced captain shouted as he shot, "Don't think he's crazy. Hurry up and dynamite. He can't stand it."

Zhou Huan stared at me fiercely and began to pick up*. I was so anxious that I thought why it didn't work well this time. Looking at the depression, it seemed that there was also something like wax fat in it. I turned around and pulled out a dagger from the waist of a team member and began to pick it. After I felt it was scraped clean, I took it again. He pressed his thumb in and said, "God bless, Xu Xin bless, six treasures bless!"

With a burst of dizziness from my brain, Shimen finally creaked up slowly. Everyone looked at me like a monster. I didn't have time to explain and shouted, "Run..." Then everyone reacted and rushed into the door.

Everyone didn't dare to stop. When they entered the door, they continued to run forward. At first, I guessed that this should be another large space, but after we ran a distance, we felt that it was not right. This space was too big. We ran in so far that we didn't encounter any wall.

The black-faced captain called everyone to stop first, and then listened as if the strange monkeys had not caught up. Although they didn't know why, they were finally temporarily safe.

I feel that there is an indescribable difference in this space. It doesn't seem to be as dark as the place I passed before. I looked up and found a white circle the size of a fist on my head. I bowed my head and tortured it for a while, didn't I? Is it possible that this is a super huge cave, and the white circle is actually the moonlight? I looked up again. If it was really moonlight, I felt that this hole could be at least two or three hundred meters. Shit, where the hell did I enter again?

One of the team members's backpack seemed to be full of 'ghost wood'. He made some simple lanterns and put them around them. One went to reprocess the wound for the wounded, and the other took the map-like thing for a while and nodded to Captain Blackface and Zhou Huan.

I was even more strange at this time. Looking at the meaning of this group of people, it seemed that they absolutely did not enter here by mistake. The map clearly marked what the place was. I went over and asked Zhou Huan what we should do next? She smiled at me charmingly and only said one word, "Wait..."

After saying that, all the others sat down and began to rest. I thought that if you didn't like to tell, you would pull it. What a cool thing! Anyway, it's okay to go out alive, so I went to ask a team member for a cigarette and chat with two older people.

One of the old men said that they were professors of the archaeology team, and then asked me very kindly why I knew how to open the door?

I thought that I couldn't tell them about 'Jiting Village', so I replied that I also accidentally found the depression. I thought it was some kind of mechanism, so the blind cat opened the door when it met a dead mouse.

After saying that, I obviously felt that they didn't believe it at all, but the old professor didn't continue to ask, just nodded to me.

When I was bored, I wanted to get close to Zhou Huan, so I moved to her and sat down and asked, "Beauty Zhou, what on earth are you waiting for?"

Zhou Huan looked at me with that iconic charming smile and said, "I won't bother you to worry about these things. Your task is to save your life and save some strength to escape."

After saying that, she stopped paying attention to me. After a while, she looked at the watch, and then looked up at the top. I thought that this woman was very good-looking, but her personality was a little too pretend, so I didn't want to follow her anymore. I simply stood up and walked around the lanterns to see if I could find something.

I still couldn't see any famous hall except the blurred darkness in front of me. After turning around, I suddenly felt that there was something flashing in the distance. When I took a closer look, it disappeared. I thought it might be that I was dazzled and didn't care. I felt that it was boring, so I went back to the middle of the crowd to continue to rest. When I was about to sit down I looked in the shining direction again and faintly saw a silver line moving in our direction.

"There is a situation..." I immediately pointed to the silver light and shouted. These people reacted very quickly and immediately stood up. The black-faced captain looked at the silver light with a gun, and then seemed to ask Zhou Huan strangely, "What is this?" Is there any record?"

"I don't know, it should belong to the unknown range." Zhou Huan answered without hesitation.

Everyone was nervously facing the direction of the silver light, and it was too far away to see clearly. Slowly, the silver light began to grow slowly from the thickness of a rope. By the time it became about a bucket, I could clearly see its appearance. "My mother, the Dragon Lord is coming..." After shouting at the top of my voice, I turned around and ran back.

Other people also understood that it was a huge silver python and immediately followed me. An elderly professor reacted a little slower. I turned around and saw that the big snake's head came behind him in an instant, opened his blood basin and directly put his upper body into his mouth, and the professor's legs were exposed. After a few kicks outside, he was eaten into his stomach by the big snake.

This sudden situation scared everyone. The old professor who was chatting with me just now was eaten by the snake silently. I was almost scared. Then the black-faced captain took the lead in raising his gun and started to fight. Zhou Huan also began to attack the big snake with a pistol.

The snake was hit by a group of bullets and shook its head, but the weapon with such a big fire only made it stretch its neck backwards. I even felt that those bullets were tightly into its scales, which did little harm it at all.

I wipe it, what's going on? Has it turned on the invincible state? Everyone retreated as they shot. Later, it may have been that the bullets were basically out, so they gave up shooting and began to run. The big snake let out a dull roar and followed closely. For a moment, I felt that I was going to be caught up. At this time, I heard Zhou Huan shout, "Don't run in a straight line, run around."

When I think about it, the snake is so big that it must not be convenient to make a sharp turn, so the pace of a group of people turned into a Z-shaped route, and began to circle around the circle of lanterns like a child going crazy.

This move really worked. The speed of the big snake obviously decreased a lot, but it still didn't stop chasing our delicious meal. As I ran, I shouted to the black-faced captain: "shoot, shoot the snake's eyes."

The black-faced captain ignored me. At this time, he heard Zhou Huan reply, "It's useless. This snake has lived in the dark for a long time, and its eyes are about to evolve. It is completely chasing us with its sense of smell."