Tomb robbery

Chapter 045 Skull Grass

Liang Zi grew up in the dean of the military region. He was no stranger to the gun. I saw him click, loading bullets and checking bolts, and his face was actually proud.

After packing up, Zhou Huan actually asked Zhang Zhuang to take out the "Xianshan Fuhu Tu" from a backpack confiscated by Zhang Zhuang, and the black face carefully checked it.

Every time I see this picture, I feel very uncomfortable. Everything that has happened recently is caused by this picture. I really don't understand what this picture is for. After looking at it several times, I don't find it strange.

After Zhou Huan and Blackface finished their research, we dug a hole and buried all the rest of the equipment that we couldn't take away. On the one's, we didn't want to leave any hidden dangers, and on the other, we could use it when we came back.

Next, we didn't follow the previous path, but walked to the river again. In fact, my body is particularly dirty now. When I see the water, I really want to wash it. I just think of the horrible strange fish and dare not approach the water source at all. Everyone moved forward again along the beach.

kept bowing its head and moving forward, and there was no accident along the way. When it was past two o'clock in the afternoon, the river began to turn to the left, and there was an open space in front of us. There was not a single tree, all of weeds that were more than half a person high.

Looking forward in the direction of the open space, a very majestic peak appeared in front of you. The trees on this mountain are not thick, basically as thick as the thighs, but very dense, and it is estimated that it is also difficult to walk in it.

When I looked up again, I was stunned. The mountain wall was so steep that I couldn't see my head at a glance. The middle of the mountain was all shrouded in thick dark clouds, and I didn't know how high it could be. It seemed that the mountain was directly inserted into the sky.

The sun is very bright now, which is a typical scorching sun. I really can't explain why there are dark clouds above the middle of the mountain, but if I guess correctly, it must be the so-called old mountain.

As soon as I wanted to ask other people's opinions, I found that Liang Zi was there with his neck up and his mouth wide open. Obviously, he was also shocked by this strange and majestic mountain.

"How, you didn't expect it! How high do you think this mountain can be? I asked with a smile.

"Ah, how high should it be to play?" Liang Zi didn't look at me and continued to raise his head and ask.

"Are you crazy? I'm asking: How high do you think this mountain can be?"

My voice was relatively high this time. Liang Zi reacted and turned his head to look at me. I found that his mouth was still not closed and his eyes were wide open.

"What are you doing? Can the mountain scare you, or do you think you can't get up?" I asked angrily.

"I'll wipe it, Mr. Qiu Ye, can't you not see it!"

"You think I'm stupid. Halfway up the mountain is full of dark clouds."

"Damn it, what the hell!" Liang Zi seemed to be very eager. He put one hand on my shoulder and pointed to the huge peak and said, "Take a good look. Isn't this the mountain in the painting..."

After listening to him, I was excited and went to check it carefully. I was surprised to close my mouth. I only looked at the dark clouds and didn't pay much attention to the shape of the mountain. Now it seems that as Liang Zi said, I have seen the painting many times, and the picture is really the same as the scene in front of me.

The most important thing is that the open space without trees in front of him is typical of the place where the old man strokes the fox in the painting. I wiped it. For half a day, the painting was not just an antique. It turned out to be a map. I said why so many people with identities are desperately fighting for it. .

"How's it going? Do you understand?" A voice came from behind him.

As soon as I heard that her voice was Zhou Huan, I turned around and found that she was rolling the picture proudly. I guess she had just read it again.

"Miss Zhou Huan, isn't it too much for you to do this? Why didn't you tell me the real purpose of this painting before? Do you really treat us as our own?" I asked angrily.

Zhou Huan didn't care about my tone at all. He rolled up his words and put them into his backpack and said to me leisurely, "Of course, it's his own people. It's not that I don't tell you, but you have never asked me!"

I saw that the woman had returned to her cunning and treacherous appearance again, and she couldn't get angry. She sat on the ground and asked, "Well, then I'll ask you now, how shall we go next? I don't think this painting will bring us here. Where is the destination?"

When Zhou Huan saw that I began to play tricks, she continued to smile and said, "It's not bad. You suddenly became much smarter. Don't worry, I'll try my best to hide it from you in the future. Of course, the next place we are going is there."

After saying that, Zhou Huan stretched out her hand and pointed to my head. I saw that the place she pointed was indeed in the dark clouds on the top of the mountain. When I saw the dark forest, I felt that there would be nothing good. Next, I guess there would be another crime.

At this point, there is no need to think about anything after that, because I don't know what will happen next.

Everyone rested in place and added some food and water. Although I was a little depressed, it was not easy to attack Zhou Huan. The weather was so hot. After eating a few bites of food, I lay on the ground with Liang Zi and wanted to accumulate some physical strength for climbing for a while.

Zhou Huan did not urge us. Anyway, it was impossible to reach the top of the mountain tonight. We rested for about an hour and felt that the temperature had weakened slightly before we got up and prepared to go up the mountain.

If you want to climb the old mountain, you have to walk through the grass in front of you. I feel panicked when I look at the weeds that are half-person tall.

The ground in the woods is basically rotten leaves. Although it is not easy to walk, at least the surface can be seen. But there is no gap in the dense grass. I really don't know what will happen in it.

I'm afraid, but the road still has to go. Liang Zi and the black face opened the road in front of them. While walking, they cut down those weeds with daggers. The speed of progress is very slow. When I walk on it, I feel that they are either soft or hard and uneven, and I don't know how it was formed.

Liangzi is not as nervous as me. While cutting grass, he chatted with the black face without saying a word. I found that he has been with the black face for a long time, and this person is not particularly annoying. At least now he can communicate with Liangzi normally, and occasionally says 'um' or 'ah' to Liangzi.

As I walked, I found that although the ground was covered with grass roots and could not be seen clearly, there were obviously some hard small earthen bags on the road that were cut down, and there were a lot of them, and there were still some feet on them.

When I was about to take a closer look, I heard the beam walking in front shouting, "I wipe, what the hell, oh, my feet..."

Quickly look up and find that Liang Zi was sitting on the ground and cursing to take off his left shoes.

I quickly stepped forward and asked, "What's going on? I won't leave."

"What, I don't know what pierced my foot." Liang Zi took off his shoes as he spoke, and immediately emitted a super strong smell of feet.

"Ah, this, I'm sorry, I haven't washed my feet for days, oops..." Liang Zi originally wanted to explain the problem of foot odor, but it was estimated that the soles of his feet hurt badly and he was looking at them with his hands.

I don't think he seems to be pretending. He pinched his nose and squatted down to check, and saw a small hole in the soles of Liang's feet, and streams of blood were flowing out of the hole.

When Zhou Huan saw that he was really injured, he took off his backpack and took out a small first aid kit, found the hemostatic powder and bandages, and resisted the strong stench to treat his wound.

"I'm sorry, sister-in-law, I made you wrong." Liang Zi may also feel that his feet are facing Zhou Huan's face and say with red faces and embarrassment.

Zhou Huan ignored him and didn't seem to have a serious wound. She treated it as soon as possible, then stood up and raised her head and took a few breaths. I guess it suffocated her.

I saw that there was nothing wrong, so I asked Liang Zi how he was stabbed?

Liang Zi also couldn't understand. He said that something had been pricked, so I searched along the place he had just walked and found that there was indeed a two or three centimeter protruding object like the tip of a pen in the weed rhizome on the ground.

I picked it with a dagger a few times and felt very strong, so I simply reached out to pull out the remaining half of the grass roots and found that there were not many grass roots growing on the ground, and I pulled up a large area of grass roots connected to the soil.

Throw the grass roots in your hand aside and look at the ground, because there was only one sharp object exposed on it before, but now several of them appear, connected side by side.

What is it? I squatted down again and inserted the dagger into the soil to pry it. Then a particularly horrible thing was pried out by me. After I understood it, I was so scared that I almost didn't sit on the ground and got up quickly and retreated.

I didn't expect this thing to be a skeleton. The shape should be a person's upper body skeleton, and it was a hard rib exposed that pierced the feet of the beam.

In fact, for me now, I am not particularly afraid of this skeleton, but what happened just now was so sudden that I didn't expect it at all, which shocked me.

Liang Zi found that it was a skeleton, and he was so scared that he got up and retreated to the side. He scolded, "What a bad luck. This will be a bone shelf."

Zhou Huan and Blackface obviously did not expect it. It can be seen that these two are not afraid of the skeleton, but more curious about its appearance.

The black-faced captain walked to the skeleton and squatted down. He didn't even need a dagger. He reached out and went to pick the ground next to him. The time was not long, and a complete skull was dug out by him.

I thought the next one should be the arm or leg bone, but I didn't expect that the black-faced captain dug out a second skull from the soil.

I wipe it, what the hell? Did the husband and wife die? I was also a little anxious. I went to squat down and wanted to help, but I didn't dare to use my hands directly, but held a dagger to dig the land next to me.

After digging twice, I felt wrong. When the things in the soil in front of me appeared, I was completely dumbfounded and shouted, "What's going on? How many skeletons are there?"

As one person's skull was dug out, I felt that something was wrong, and I began to sweat coldly behind my back, because I vaguely felt that the hard small earthen bags I met after entering the grass were all skeletons.

The more I thought about it, the more I felt it was possible. I got up and ran for a while on the way I came. I squatted down and casually found a small dirt bag to dig. Soon my idea was confirmed that there was also a skull under the dirt bag.