Tomb robbery

Chapter 058 Rejuvenation

After Zhou Huan finished speaking, everyone searched carefully for a while, but the jade coffin really had no gap at all, as if it was a whole.

Liang Zi was a little irritable at this time. He got up and looked up to Zhou Huan and said, "Sister-in-law, listen to me, or can you carry it out as a whole?"

Zhou Huan seemed to be surprised and said, "It's really strange. It's impossible. How can this happen?"

"Don't look for it. I've looked for it several times. Hurry up and smash it." Liang Zi completely lost his patience and slammed the butt of the gun.

Seeing this, Zhou Huan quickly stood in front of him and said, "Can't you calm down? If the contents are smashed, we will come for nothing this time."

Seeing that these two people are getting more and more fierce, I feel that something is wrong. According to reason, Liang Zi should not be like this. He has always respected Zhou Huan, but looking at his current expression, I can't wait to hit Zhou Huan's head.

I couldn't figure out what was going on, so I was ready to persuade him, but suddenly an accident happened. I saw Liang Zi shouting, "Get out..." Then he pushed Zhou Huan to the ground, and then raised the butt of the gun to the jade coffin and smashed it down fiercely.

I heard a crisp sound, and a crack in the middle of the jade coffin cracked. As the gap got bigger and bigger, a dazzling white light came out.

I was stunned by this move and completely set it on the spot, but Liang Zi seemed to be really crazy. He completely lost control and continued to smash the crack.

"I'll wipe it, stop it so quickly." After I reacted, I quickly came forward and hugged Liangzi to prevent him from continuing to smash it.

Unexpectedly, Liang Zi didn't listen to me at all. He stared at me fiercely with big eyes. Then he threw away his gun and lifted me up directly and fell into the open space beside him.

"I said, er..." I was unprepared for a moment and fell to the ground with my face down fiercely, directly piercing my nostrils.

"I'm here to save you, I'm here to save you, ah ha ha ha ha..." Liangzi has completely lost control. Now the gap in the jade coffin is very large. Liangzi simply doesn't need a gun and stretches out his hands to break it.

This paragraph is troublesome. In fact, it was connected in an instant. Zhou Huan was also a little angry. He got up and directly picked up the gun thrown away by Liangzi and drank it on his temple: "I think you are looking for death. I'll kill you with a shot."

Liang Zi didn't care at all. He shouted and took the gun in Zhou Huan's hand, and the two tore together for a moment.

I wipe... What's going on? I was completely fooled by these two people's behavior. How can they still fight? This is so strange!

I didn't have time to think about it. I got up and wiped my nose a few times, and immediately some bright red blood stuck to my hand. I didn't pay attention to it. I ran forward and was ready to pull the frame. If I went on like this, I had to do something.

"Don't fight, are you two sick?"

I shouted and ran two steps forward, and felt that my eyes were shaken by a dazzling light. I blocked the light with my hand and disappeared, and I immediately had a strange idea...

Although these two people are usually a little unmanable, they will never get a situation to do it. The only possibility that they will become like this is that they have been affected by something else.

But the only difference around us now is that the jade coffin was smashed by the beam, and there was some dazzling white light shining on everyone.

Thinking of this, I no longer care about the two of them. I jumped directly on the jade coffin, jumped up and stamped my feet fiercely. Immediately, the previously cracked gap was reunited by me, and the light disappeared.

At this time, Liang Zi had taken the gun in Zhou Huan's hand and was holding the gun to Zhou Huan's forehead, and his ferocious face might shoot at any time.

But as the light disappeared, the two of them were all fixed on the spot. I saw Liang Zi's facial expression slowly recovering. He blinked and asked, "Well, this, sister-in-law, what are you doing?"

Zhou Huan also returned to his previous posture and said, "What's wrong with you? Why are you holding a gun at me?"

"I, this..." Liang Zi quickly put away the gun, and his face was full of uncertainty.

I saw that both of them recovered and stood on the jade coffin and didn't dare to leave. I was afraid that the light would come out again, so I simply sat on it and rested. I felt that the jade coffin was really cold. As soon as I sat down, a chill flowed into my body.

When I was enjoying the cold excitement, Zhou Huan looked at me and asked in surprise, "Qiu Ye, what are you doing? Come down quickly."

"W wipe..." I don't like to talk to her either.

Liang Zi also said, "Oh, what are you doing? There is a dead person in there, you can't sit!"


The two people looked at each other inexplicably, and then Liang Zi went straight to me, touched my forehead, and then said, "I wipe it. It's cold. Isn't it sick?"

"Get out of here. I'm fine. You two are sick and mentally ill." I cursed and told what had just happened.

Liang Zi didn't believe it at all after hearing this and said calmly, "You can pull it down. No matter how reckless I am, I can't be like what you said. Just bullshit."

"Then let me ask you, why did you raise a gun at Zhou Huan just now?" I retorted.

"This, I..." Liang Zi couldn't explain it for a moment and was stunned on the spot.

Instead, Zhou Huan was relatively calm. After coming to ask what was going on, he said to Liang Zi, "I guess what he said is true. I vaguely remember that you are going to smash the jade coffin. By the way, how about the jade coffin?"

Zhou Huan said and wanted to push me away. I immediately stopped and said, "Stop. Before, it was because the light in this coffin made you lose your mind. This coffin is very open."

Liang Zi still didn't believe it after hearing this and said, "Well, why are we crazy, but you are all right?"

Yes, why am I okay? I was immediately asked by Liang Zi and couldn't figure out what was going on.

Zhou Huan stared at me for a while and said, "What's wrong with you? Why is your face full of blood?"

I reached out and touched it, didn't it? Now my nose was still bleeding, and I immediately pointed to Liang Zi and scolded, "Fuck, it's not him. He almost killed me just now."

As soon as Liang Zi wanted to refute, he heard Zhou Huan continue to say, "I guess I understand. You can see that the blood on your face is everywhere, including your eyes and eyelashes. It must have been that your blood worked and blocked the light, so you didn't lose your mind like us. "

I thought about Zhou Huan's words. Although it was a little strange, I had to believe it when I remembered my special constitution, so I nodded to him in agreement.

As soon as Liang Zi heard the effect of my blood, he immediately cheered up and shouted, "Look, it's thanks to my fall to you, otherwise the three of us would have to die here."

I didn't talk to him anymore. Although Liang Zi was messing around, he also talked about the root of the problem. Now there is no other way. If you want to continue to open this jade coffin, I guess you must use my blood.

The three discussed it, and finally decided that Zhou Huan should stay away from the light as much as possible, and Liang Zi and I opened the coffin.

After the decision, Liang Zi directly stretched out his hand and wiped it on my face. The nose that had just recovered began to bleed again. He didn't care about this and directly applied the blood on his eyelashes.

I was scolded angrily by him, but Zhou Huan was amused by us. He came to me and said, "Well, thank you for your hard work. I'll borrow a little!" With that, she also wiped it on my face.

I'm so angry that I thought: Can't you two be light? When I'm a tap water!

After all three of them are ready, they all become big faces.

Zhou Huan stepped back a few steps just in case, pointed the gun in our direction, ready to shoot at any time.

Liang Zi and I put the dagger into the previous crack one by one left and one right. The two looked at each other and heard Liang Zi shout, "Open..."

The dagger in my hand was hard to the side, and the jade coffin was opened again, and immediately a very dazzling white light came out.

Everyone did not move. After waiting for a while, they said a few words to each other, saying that it was normal, Liang Zi and I continued to pry, slowly divided the jade coffin into two halves and opened it completely.

We turned our heads to avoid the dazzling light and waited for a while. After the light darkened, I quickly turned back to the jade coffin to check.

At this look, I was stunned on the spot again...

Now the jade coffin has become a kind of faint white light, which is no longer dazzling. Zhou Huan also rushed over to check. After she saw it clearly, she also opened her mouth and said nothing.

I never dreamed that there was a 'child' corpse in this coffin, just over a meter tall, wearing a set of silver armor that did not match the white light, and a mask that could not be seen the material on his face. Most importantly, the 'child' looked like he was sleeping and closed peacefully. The eyes don't look like a corpse at all.

The three people didn't know what to do for a while, so they heard Liang Zi say, "Sister-in-law, did you take us to the wrong place? How can there be a child here?"

Zhou Huan waved his hand to him to say that he should not make trouble. He squatted down and checked carefully. I was just stunned by the body of the 'child', and now I also squatted down with Zhou Huan.

After looking carefully again, I felt that this 'child' must have a corpse. Although the skin has not decayed, the color is really white. I think it is impossible for a living person to have this color.

Zhou Huan looked very carefully and gently played with the body of the child corpse with the handle of the dagger. After a while, she stood up and breathed, "It's incredible. I think this should be the body of the 'hand of ten thousand insects'."

"No way, is he actually a child?" I asked quickly.

"No, look at his hand." Zhou Huan said and pointed to the hand of the child corpse with a dagger.

I feel uncomfortable all over at a glance, because although the body in the jade coffin looks like a child, his hands are even bigger than those of adults. There is no dry water at all, all dark black, which does not match the color of the corpse at all.

After I understood it, I asked, "What's going on? Why did his body become smaller?"

Zhou Huan also frowned and thought about it for a while and said, "I just checked it. In addition to the spiritual jade wrist protector, the other six things on his body are also there, but they are replaced by other jade. Although they did not bring him back to life, we also saw that he was still rejuvenated after his death. This is really amazing. It's amazing."