Tomb robbery

Chapter 082 Ghost Valley

After the old man shouted, the other men also shouted, "Grandpa Xie Shanshen and the ginseng ancestors enjoyed the meal and kowtowed..."

Eight men and an old man kept banging at the mallet. They worked so hard that I saw that the ground that had been hit was out of the pit.

At this time, our people also ran to the front. Everyone was stunned when they saw this scene. Liang Zi asked me in a low voice, "What's the matter? Are these people stunned?"

"Don't talk nonsense, people worship God."

"Then you don't have to work so hard, so that your head will be broken?"

I think these people are indeed too fierce. Seeing that they have no intention of stopping, they quickly greeted Liangzi to stop them. If it goes on like this, they have to be killed.

After we forcibly stabilized them, we saw that they were all in tears. The old man wiped his head and rubbed his face on the ground for two steps and knelt in front of me. After seeing him coming, the others also knelt down.

Damn... I'm stunned. It's too scary. I quickly came forward and helped the old man and said, "Grandpa, what are you doing? Get up quickly. Isn't this my life?"

The old man knelt down very firmly. I helped him twice but didn't help him up. He pushed my hand away and put his fists in my hands and said, "With the precious eyes of the nobleman, let us meet such a big goods. The old man, I have never seen Wupinye in the mountain for a lifetime. I kowtowed to you here."

As he said, the old man really wanted to kowtow to me. That's not too good. I quickly grabbed his shoulder and shouted to Liang Zi, "Don't be stupid. Help me quickly!"

Liang Zi and the archaeologists finally reflected and quickly came forward to stop their movements. If this really goes down, I guess I will be sad for a lifetime.

I didn't expect that a five-leaf mallet would make them so excited. After they calmed down for a while, they saw the old man suddenly stand up and shouted, "Qingshan, Qishen..."

"Roar..." The men shouted, and they all stood up. They took out their tools from their bags and began to clean up the small trees and weeds around the mallet.

We all couldn't help, so we all flashed aside to watch the fun. At this time, we heard Li Ruier say, "What's so stinky?"

As soon as she finished speaking, someone said, "Yes, where is the smell?"

"That's right, it's so stinky."

I saw them pinching their noses and looking around, and I also felt a stench coming. When I thought it was broken, I just pooped here.

I said awkwardly to the crowd, "This... I'm sorry, I just cleaned my stomach here."

Everyone understood and began to frown. Liang Zi said loudly, "Oh, damn, what poison have you pulled? Don't you need to smell like this? Go and deal with it quickly."

I think so. There is no way to stink like this. When I was about to get some dirt or something to cover it, I heard the old man shout at me, "Don't move, it's good to stink!"

"Ah! Uncle, why do you still have this hobby? Liang Zi asked in surprise.

The old man laughed and said, "You descendants don't understand, this shit represents the time, and our time is coming."

As soon as I heard that there was such a statement, I didn't dare to deal with it again, but there was nothing I could do about this smelly, so I asked our people to go further and came back to see it when the smell was smaller.

After the men cleaned up the exposed soil layer around the mallet, the old man called two slightly older people. Each of them took a special shovel made of horns and sat next to the mallet and began to dig a little bit.

And the other six people all dispersed. Some picked up firewood and some set up tents. It seems that they are ready to camp. I don't know how long this mallet will be dug out. What should we do if they camp?

Professor Li asked us to discuss whether to go and ask. Xu Xin was the first to say, "A group of stupid old hats, seeing that the mallet is more kissed than his own father, let's go quickly!"

I know that Xu Xin is still angry with the old man, but what he said does make sense. If this mallet has to be dug for several days as Erzhu said, we will never wait.

A group of us walked back with our noses pinched again. When we saw the old man lying on the ground very seriously, and we didn't dare to disturb him.

When he estimated that he was going to take a break, I came up and said, "Uncle, how long do you think this mallet will need to be dug?"

When he saw me, he immediately smiled and said, "It's hard to say. Such a baby must be cautious. I guess he can't get out in five or six days!"

As expected, it really takes such a long time. It seems that we have to part ways, so I said, "Grandpa, we can't wait for such a long time. Why don't you give us a direction? You dig here, let's go first!"

The old man probably forgot this matter. He suddenly realized that he patted his forehead and stood up from the ground and said, "I'm really confused. I actually forgot this. If you really want to go, just go in the west direction. If there is no accident, you can arrive before dark today."

He gave up digging ginseng for the time being and described the terrain on the way to us. There are still some things that need to be paid attention to. Professor Li wrote it down in the notebook one by one.

After saying this, the old man said to me, "Your honor, you found this mallet. It is reasonable to give you a part of it, but the old man, I have too little money on me. Leave an address and we will send it to you when we sell the goods."

If I had taken this money in the past, but now I am an ordinary rich man, and the old man has saved our lives, so I refused, "Uncle, I don't need it. If you weren't be here, I wouldn't be able to dig it out even if I met you. You keep the money and wait for me to visit your village in the future. Just get me something delicious."

The old man persisted for a while, and finally compromised when he saw me and said, "Well, I will thank you on behalf of the people in our village first. You must be careful on the way."

Before leaving, the old man gave us two firewood knives and dozens of small earthy explosives, which they used to scare the bears before.

We need these weapons, and I'm no longer polite. I put the explosives into Liangzi's backpack, and Liangzi and I each hold a firewood knife.

After the two groups said goodbye to each other and left their phones, our team began to move west.

After this incident, the archaeologists looked at me with new eyes. They spoke to me very politely all the way, and I inexplicably became the leader of this team.

Only Xu Xin was very disdainful. This old man was like an old child. Unexpectedly, he was angry because I and the old man were very good there. Liang Zi and I coaxed him for a long time to calm him down.

All the way, except for mountains and trees, my eyes are green after looking at them for a long time. Although there are no particularly undulating mountains here, the low slopes are one after another. Without the old leaders, we will walk slowly. Fortunately, we finally encountered no danger...

We went to lunch and continued to walk after lunch. The old man's estimate was very accurate. Towards six o'clock in the evening, we climbed a relatively high hillside. Everyone gasped and looked down and immediately stopped breathing, and each of them couldn't close their mouths in surprise.

On the other side of the mountain, a huge valley appeared in front of us. The area is really incalculable. From afar, we feel that this valley is very strange. It is completely different from the forest here. There is no green in the valley, and there are many huge stones standing gray.

It's still very bright in summer, but the valley looks very dark, as if it's two worlds with our current seats. I really can't imagine how such a ghost valley appeared in the depths of this dense jungle.

The archaeologists were naturally excited. Professor Li took out his notebook and looked at it, and then he actually took out a picture scroll from his bag and opened it. I smiled at a glance. It turned out to be the printed version of the 'Xianshan Fuhu Picture'.

I am familiar with this painting with Liang Zi and Xu Xin. I don't know how many times I have seen it, but now I still have to pretend to be ignorant and come forward to ask questions.

Professor Li was excited and excited. He held the picture scroll with trembling hands to show us. He kept changing the picture scroll angle, and finally stopped at an opposite and still oblique angle.

After I saw it clearly, I felt that it was amazing. I saw that the mountain in the painting seemed to suddenly change, and a gray valley shadow really appeared.

After Professor Li saw it clearly, he laughed and said loudly, "That's right, that's right. This valley must be the monument of the Mengsha nation. Oh, my God, it really exists..."

I saw that he was so excited that he was about to fall down, so I quickly helped him and said, "Professor, you have to calm down. It's hard to get to the place. Your body can't be fine."

Li Ruier quickly ran over and found two pills for Professor Li to take, and then he gradually stabilized his mood.

Although this valley is in front of us, there is still a long distance to walk there, and walking down is much slower than climbing up, so I asked Xu Xin for advice on whether to spend the night here first and go down the valley tomorrow.

Xu Xin also agreed with my idea, so he told everyone to camp here. Professor Li was probably a little eager, but he didn't dare to make any more decisions. He could only stabilize his emotions and resist the excitement for one night.

After sorting out the tent, everyone began to have dinner. The archaeological team members were obviously very excited. At this time when they usually didn't talk much, they kept talking. I don't know who found a bottle of liquor. After Professor Li asked Xu Xin's consent, everyone Unexpectedly, I drank a little.

I don't feel much happy. According to my previous experience, the closer I get to the target, the more dangerous it will be. Looking at the strange appearance of the valley, I really can't imagine what will happen after entering.

It's almost nine o'clock in the evening. We all lit small steam lights. The camp was brightly lit, but it was already dark around us.

It's convenient for Liang Zi to get up, so I followed him and prepared to come back to rest. Tomorrow's journey is also difficult.

Liang Zi walked in the direction of the valley. After entering the darkness, I was about to untie my belt when I heard Liang Zi in front of me suddenly shout, "Damn it, what's going on? Does anyone live in this valley?"