Tomb robbery

Chapter 100 Mythical Beast Help

After the truth came out, I fell into a long-term meditation. Huang Hu helped me deal with my foot injury and rested. His eyes were very indifferent. It seems that the 'savage' life over the years has made this once brave grave robber learn to calm down.

"Uncle Huanghu, what are you going to do next, or what do you want me to do?" After a long time, I couldn't help asking.

"Alas..." Huang Hu sighed again, "Although your father and I were both tomb robbers, he would rather die than work for the Japanese, so I think you should continue to go on. Even if you can't kill the traitors, you will disturb their plans. The so-called artifact is an ominous thing!"

After learning about my life and my father's painful experience, I didn't feel too sad. But Huang Hu's words made his blood boil and said loudly, "In this case, you can go back with me. Let's form a new team and finish the next thing together."

He looked at me deeply. This time, I couldn't see the human face, but I felt a trace of love.

Huang Hu said in a flat voice, "I'm old, and I can't see anyone like this. Let you finish the rest!"

"But I'm an ordinary person. I'm afraid I'm dead before I get to the end." I said anxiously.

"Hehehe..." Huang Hu smiled more easily this time, and then said, "Of course, you are not an ordinary person. You are unique in the world. Next, it is time for people from all walks of life to appear. Don't worry, people will scramble to protect you in order to achieve the ultimate goal. "

I'm a little puzzled. I was just about to ask why? Seeing that he stretched out his hand to stop my question, he said, "I won't go out with you, but my friend can help you all the way."

I'm guessing who his friend is? Huang Hu pinched his right thumb and forefinger together, put it in his mouth and blew a loud whistle.

'Hula'! The big bird, who didn't know where it had gone before, appeared in front of us in an instant. It leaned gently on the yellow tiger and made a strange cry in its mouth.

I have always treated this bird as a mythical beast, because it has indeed saved my life several times.

Now listening to Huang Hu's tone, is he going to lend me this magical big bird?

"Uncle Huang Hu, what kind of bird is your friend?" I asked curiously.

A very proud smile appeared on Huang Hu's face and stroked the big bird and said, "In fact, I don't know what kind of bird Xiaohei is, but according to my guess, it looks like a mythical big roc bird."

I was suddenly shocked. I remember that when I was in Wanchong Mountain, Zhou Huan also guessed that it was a big roc. At that time, I didn't believe it very much. Now it seems that even if this bird is not a big roc, it must be a great god bird.

"Little Black, Little Black." I tentatively shouted at it twice.

The big bird looked at me and turned its head back, as if it was a little disdainful.

I don't know why, but I saw Huang Hu laughing and said, "Your boy is too rude. Xiaohei is humane. He is much older than you. You should call him Uncle Hei."

"Uh..." I was speechless by him. Although I knew it was a divine bird, it was really awkward for me to call it uncle.

But soon I thought of a better name. I immediately moved forward with a few steps with a smile, reached out and gently stroked its shiny feathers, and said sincerely, "From now on, I'll call you Uncle Bird!"

I know that whether it is this divine bird or a yellow tiger, they should not know what the so-called 'Uncle Bird' means, but now it seems that the big bird is quite satisfied. After hearing me call him Uncle Bird, it actually rubbed its head on me, and its cry looks much happier.

I saw it. I opened my teeth and claws excitedly, and my face was full of smiles, and I didn't know what to say.

Huang Hu caressed Uncle Bird's feather reluctantly. After a while, he said, "It's too big to be seen easily. Let it send you out of the mountain first, and then you go back alone. Xiaohei can be regarded as a spirit beast. He has remembered your smell. When you go on your next trip, it will be hidden around you. Remember, don't call it out unless you have to.

"But how can I call it out? Can it understand people's words?" I hurried to ask.

"Since you call it Uncle Bird, just call it Uncle Bird. It is very spiritual and will be easy to understand what you mean. I hope..." Huang Hu said, looked at me deeply and continued, "I hope it will help you and complete the mission that you and your father failed to complete."

I was a little sad to hear it. Originally, one person and one bird depended on each other in front of me, but I had to separate from my appearance, which inevitably made me a little uncomfortable.

But when I think about it, I feel a little excited. It's really cool to be helped by a mythical beast like Uncle Bird. There must be many dangers on the next road. With it, I can be much more comfortable psychologically.

"Uncle Huanghu, don't worry, I will definitely do things well. Even if I die, I won't let the traitor succeed." I said firmly.

Huang Hu let go of Uncle Bird's hand, nodded to me and said, "Okay, okay, it's not too late. Let's go now!" Remember to think twice about things in the future and don't trust others easily.

"Are you... really not going back with me?" I asked tentatively again.

"Hehehehe!" Huang Hu smiled sharply again, got up and walked to me, stroked my hair with his dry hand, and said, "Good boy, I know your heart, let my old ghost die here. I think this is my destination."

I suddenly remembered another thing and quickly asked, "Then I took Uncle Bird away. How can you leave this cave?"

"It doesn't matter. This hole has another exit on the ground, but I rarely use it." After saying that, Huang Hu helped me up with his hands.

Uncle Bird also seemed to have felt that he was about to leave. He shook his big body and came to Huang Hu's side, lowered his head and kept rubbing against him, making a sad cry in his mouth.

"Go... From now on, he will be your new master." Huang Hu said and gently pushed Uncle Bird. The big bird came to me and nodded as if he were greeting me.

I don't know how Liang Zi is doing at this time? He didn't dare to waste time. After saying goodbye to Huang Hu, he walked to the mouth of the cave with Uncle Bird.

Now it is mine. I don't think it needs to be caught and fly around, so I learned from the appearance of a yellow tiger and took a long time to climb on its body.

As soon as his arms put their arms around his neck, he heard a 'hula', and Uncle Bird jumped out.

"Ah...ah...Damn it!" It jumped so suddenly that I almost didn't get scared to pee in my pants.

Although Uncle Bird flew very fast, it was quite stable. After closing his eyes and adapting for a while, I felt more comfortable, but my heart still beat violently for fear of accidentally falling down.

It's a little too bullshit. I didn't expect such an experience. At this time, it's like Yang Guo in the Condor Heroes. Riding Uncle Bird has a feeling of returning as a hero...

It seems that Uncle Bird's physical strength is very good and has not stopped all the way. After flying out of the Greater Khingan Mountains, he came to the boundary of the grassland.

After flying for a period of time, I saw a stationary car from afar. It looked like Xu Xin's Mercedes-Benz, but I didn't know where Professor Li and those people had gone?

I didn't want them to find my Uncle Bird for the time being, so I patted it gently on the neck and said, "Uncle Bird, let me down first!"

It seemed to really understand me. After turning around, it really fell down slowly.

The moment my feet landed, I felt that my legs were weak. The flight on this road really scared me. Although flying in the sky is more awesome, I still think it feels better to land.

I gave Uncle Bird a big hug and told him to leave first. He actually nodded to me and flew away with its wings.

At that moment, I was really a little scared. I was afraid that the baby would never return. If I think about it carefully, I don't think it will. Such a spiritual mythical beast should keep his word!

After running forward for a few minutes, he gradually got closer and closer to the car. From afar, he saw Liang Zi leaning against the car and looking around, and Xu Xin was probably in the car.

After knowing his father's identity, I still feel a little hateful, but Liang Zi has nothing to do with this matter. He is completely passively involved. In contrast, he is actually very pitiful.

I adjusted my mood and shouted loudly, "Liang Zi, Liang Zi, I'm back..."

"Damn it!" When Liang Zi saw me, he was shocked. He ran a few steps with me and punched me on the chest. He laughed and said, "I knew you weren't so easy to die, hahahaha."

"That's, how blessed I am!" I joked with him.

Liang Zi seemed to suddenly remember something and asked excitedly, "Tell me, where did the big bird take you? Have you encountered anything strange?"

On the way here, I had already thought about the answer and said without thinking, "Oh, it's so scary to fly in the sky. The big bird threw me on the edge of the grassland and I fainted. After waking up, I kept walking with my feelings. Thank God, I finally found you."

Liang Zi did not show any suspicion and said with some regret, "I don't know who raised the big bird, but it's really awesome. If we can have one, it would be so cool."

"You Xiao Zi are thinking about beauty!" On the surface, I refuted disdainfully, but in my heart, I was secretly happy and said to myself: I really let you say that I really have one now.

"Where is Xu Xin?" I changed the topic and asked.

"I'm sleeping in the car. This old man is heartless and doesn't care about the life and death of his comrades-in-arms at all. Unlike me, I'm so worried that my heart is broken." Liang Zi was very happy to see me come back, so he reached out and pushed me two more.

"Then why aren't Professor Li and his group together?" I continued to ask.

"Hey..." Liang Zi immediately showed a disdainful expression and said, "That group of nerds were probably scared by this incident. They damaged so many people, but they didn't get anything. Professor Li said he was eager to go back to plead, so he left early."

I feel sad when I think of the deaths and injuries of their people, but at this time I already know most of the truth, and I secretly pray that their archaeological team has nothing to do with this matter!