
Chapter 19 Accident

Crazyly vented his emotions, and it took a long time for the dragon to break the star to stop. The strong dragon breath originally exhaled from strenuous exercise gradually returned to calm.

The light flashed, and when the white and golden light disappeared, the dragon broken star in the sky finally recovered from the long dragon body to a human body. Behind it, a white-gold dragon "trick" covering the whole body of the dragon broken star gradually disappeared under the skin of the dragon broken star until it completely disappeared.

In the sky, the clouds that were shattered by the Dragon Broken Star are still tenacious like a small rain, as if to express their small dissatisfaction and indignation with the Dragon Broken Star.

After changing his clothes, the refreshing Dragon Broken Star slightly identified the direction and walked forward. At this time, if someone sees the state of the dragon broken star, he may be stunned and take a breath of cold air. There is nothing else, but the Dragon Breaking Star will take dozens of feet away with every step.

That's all. Although few people can do it, there are about a dozen people known in the whole underworld. However, if you look carefully, you will find that although it is very similar to shrinking, it is by no means.

shrinks into an inch, as long as you can touch the edge of the mystery of the space, and the deeper you understand the space, the farther the distance will be. As for the dragon breaking the star, it is not only that. At every step, the back foot is still here, but the front foot has appeared in the distance. If you don't pay attention, you will even think that there are only remnants left in the place, but this is not the case. That's the real Dragon Broken Star himself.

All of this can only explain one problem. The Dragon Broken Star has groped to the edge of time. If this matter is inadvertently spread, I'm afraid that not only the underworld, but also the four worlds will be shocked, especially those strong people who are well-to-grounded, and I'm afraid that the endless pursuit of the dragon broken stars will follow - the endless pursuit.

Everyone knows that if such a person is allowed to grow up, he is afraid that the consequences will be unimaginable, especially those powers in the fairy and demon world will be even more afraid - the threat is always best to nip him in the bud.

Long Poxing is also well aware of this, so he has never shown this ability outside. Even in the battle that brought him down from the early stage of Panxuan to Nirvana more than 30 years ago, it was almost the battle where he lost his life. From beginning to end, he did not use this ability. Furthermore, he did not After this idea, I don't know whether it's self-confidence or conceit.

It's just that this is the world he built. If it hadn't been for the understanding of the world in the underworld and the fact that his body in the human world could not withstand the huge power of heaven and earth because of that breakthrough, he would have taken away this world and would not be left here when he returned to the human world more than 30 years ago. Free development.

Now, all this is no longer a problem. First of all, Long Poxing has regained his imperial level and even improved cultivation through more than 30 years of retreat. Secondly, this month's retreat has completely fit his soul with this body and made this body have undergone a nearly new baptism. Moreover, with the departure of the heart demon, he The soul is also inadvertently more pure, not to mention that the soul level has been sublimated, and it is much stronger than before in terms of power alone.

Combining all this, this time the Dragon Broken Star does not intend to put this world into the space dimension, but intends to incorporate it into its own soul. Naturally, this decision was made after careful consideration.

Although the space dimension is very large and messy. But who can guarantee that there will be no accident? If one day a great power accidentally finds this world and forcibly takes it away, he will cry without tears. In addition, there is another advantage. After incorporating this heaven and earth into his soul, with the self-development and maturity of this heaven and earth, the soul of the dragon breaking stars must be able to slowly understand the mysteries of the evolution of heaven and earth in its continuous development, such as the understanding of the origin of time. In the world, outside the dragon broken star, who can touch the source of time now?

Of course, this does not mean that as long as you understand heaven and earth, you can understand the origin of time. Time is everywhere but unpredictable. The creatures in the world live in the world intertwined with time and space. According to reason, since someone can understand the mystery of space, it should be possible to understand the origin of time, not to mention those who understood the world at the beginning.

It's just that theory is a theory after all, but the fact is that no one has succeeded. Over time, although people know the existence of the origin of time, they no longer have extravagant expectations for it. Therefore, with the passage of time, people have unconsciously neglected it.

Now, since the Dragon Breaking Star is lucky enough to touch the origin of time, it will naturally not give up, and will do anything to understand it and uncover the mystery that has existed since the beginning of Taichu. Not to mention, Dragon Breaking Star is lucky to touch the origin of time when it understands the construction of this world. If the two have nothing to do with it, Dragon Breaking Star will never believe it.

With this thought in mind, Long Poxing naturally has no delay, so after slightly identifying the direction, he can't wait to go straight there - that is the foundation of this world.

In a moment, the Dragon Broken Star has arrived at its destination. Looking at the small round ball with only half a fist-sized light in front of him, Long Poxing swallowed his saliva fiercely.

At the beginning, it took nine cows and two tigers to force it out of his soul. Now he wants to reintegrate it with his soul. Thinking about the dragon broken star, he has a sad face.

"Alas, you still have to taste the bitter fruit you planted in the end!" He sighed helplessly. Long Po Xing pooh thought that his hand spit a little, and then rubbed it. There was quite a momentum of a strong man who was gone forever.

With a rage, Long Poxing's hands shrouded down. As soon as I approached the ball, I felt a huge repulsive force constantly coming from my hand. Dragon Breaking Star didn't pay much attention to this.

As Long Poxing's hands kept approaching, Long Poxing felt that this repulsion was getting bigger and bigger, and gradually there was a feeling that he couldn't bear it. Quite shocked to find this, Long Poxing gritted his teeth and continued to go towards the ball with both hands.

"Futa, I don't believe that I can't handle you." The painful dragon broke the star grinned. Suddenly increased the power poured into his hands, and the dragon broke the star and held it to the ball.

Fengshui took turns. At the beginning, the dragon broken star finally forced the world out of the soul. Now this world also refuses to integrate into the soul of the dragon broken star, which is unexpected by the dragon broken star.

"Boom~~~~" ball vibrates violently with its hands against the Dragon Breaking Star, and has expanded to tens of millions of miles of the world that have contracted violently to only a million miles at this moment. Fortunately, there is only Dragon Breaking Star so far, otherwise I don't know how many creatures will suffer.

At the same time, the endless power of heaven and earth began to converge sharply towards the ball, and the power of resistance increased several times in a moment. The unprepared Long Po Xing was directly bounced out.

The sound of "bang~~bang~~bang~~" echoed in this world. I don't know how many towering trees were broken. Finally, the dragon broke the star and spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Cough~cough~~~" kept coughing, Long Poxing only felt that the whole internal organs seemed to be severely burned. Obviously, this rebound had hurt the internal organs of Long Poxing.

Angry, a huge anger filled the heart of Long Poxing. Long Poxing stared at the round ball hundreds of meters away and slowly got up. He wiped the bright red blood from the corners of his mouth with his hand, and the dragon broke the star with a smile.

"The power dares to resist its master. Since you want to die, then I will complete you. At worst, it doesn't matter if I don't want this world." The huge evil breath penetrated the body and went straight to the ball.

seemed to feel the anger of the dragon breaking the star, and the ball, which was the origin of the world, trembled even more, and even the world began to shake.

Continuously shrinking, almost in the blink of an eye, the dragon broken star that was originally in this world has appeared in the dimensional space. In this regard, the dragon broken star did not pause at all, and its body was shrouded in a layer of blue flames. The wind in those dimensional space was burned out by the blue flames before they approached.

The dragon broken star in blue flame walks in the dimensional space like a king from afar. In front of us, the wind that blocked the dragon broken star and the source of heaven and earth did not know when it had disappeared. In the strange vacuum zone, the ball gradually turned into a sword no more than three feet long, and the faint light flashed on the sword body. Unlike the dragon broken star burning the wind, more and more winds began to wrap around the hilt of the sword and gradually turned into an arm.

Holding the hilt of the sword, the tip of the sword trembled slightly and pointed straight to the dragon breaking star. Looking at this, it seems that he wants to kill the dragon broken the star here.

Seeing this scene, a flash flash flashed in Long Poxing's eyes and muttered to himself, "Sure enough, where is the wisdom you have been born!"

"It seems that you have complained a lot about leaving you here in those years." Looking at the three-foot sword not far away, Long Poxing said, "It's just that this will not be an excuse for me to forgive you anyway."

Power, the foundation of the practitioner, try the power you have worked hard to cultivate. If this power produces wisdom in the end and wants to eat you back, what is the use of such power? Therefore, in the heart of Long Poxing, the power level of wisdom is higher than before, but there is no harm in destroying such a power of forgetting the original.