Dao Shuai

Chapter 35 The birth of the magic dragon

"Here you are!" When Prince Molongji saw Hua Wutian again, he unexpectedly regained his composure and said in a tone of a confidant for many years.

Hua Wutian was calm and looked up in the direction of Moon Lake. Suddenly, she stared at Prince Ji and said quietly, "Why?"

"Do you remember what you promised Qingzi? Why did you do this?" Hua Wutian shouted suddenly, and the sky flashed with a lightning, and the black clouds began to condense above his head.

Prince Ji looked up and laughed wildly, and his laughter was full of sadness. He said, "Poor my stupid sister, who was willing to be used by you, betrayed his family, and did not forget to threaten me until death, let me swear not to take revenge... Hahaha... This is what you did...

"You should know that your grandfathers were used. Thirteen years ago, and still are still, you should have stopped them..." Hua Wutian was shocked, and the eternal scar in his heart was stabbed again. Then, he restrained his emotions and said.

"Enough! I hate you and hate all of you. The Ji family and the Hua family are all dog-blooded families... Can they sacrifice other people's happiness and lives without scruples for the interests of the family and their own ambitions?!

The more Prince Ji said, the more excited he became. His face was ferocious. His eyes were red and he roared, "I want to revenge and kill all the people who have killed my sister. I want the whole moon lake to bury my sister, and then Kyushu..."

A north wind blew, and the flowers and handsome face looked paler. He said with a trace of sickness, "If you want to kill me, wait until you save your sister, I will go to find you in person and let you kill me as a murderer. However, before that, I hope you don't make any more mistakes and put down the butcher knife. ......."


Prince Ji waved his hands and shot a black fog Optimus Prime from his body. In an instant, the magic fog covered dozens of miles.

"Let's fight! The magic dragon is born!"

yin! Roar!

A roar that seemed to come from the underworld resounded between heaven and earth, and the magic fog rolled, and a pair of blood-colored eyes the size of copper bells shot out two blood lights, looking at the flower that was not as big as his head.

Hua Wutian was also shocked, but when he saw the breath clearly, he still sighed deeply: "The world is demon-free, sigh Prince Ji... Qingzi, what should I do!"

At this time, Prince Ji had already lost his human form. His whole body was a magic dragon, swinging steel-like meat wings, his legs were as thick as old pine trees, his muscles were knotted, his eyes were shining with red light, and his whole body was full of desire to destroy.


Suddenly, the black clouds on the top of the dragon's dragon roared, and a trace of rain began to fall. One person and one demon stood quietly in the heavy rain and looked at each other. No one did it first, as if they were waiting for something.

The breath of the magic dragon is still rising, and hatred is like the flame mountain that is about to erupt, accumulating the power that will destroy everything...


A series of white-purple lightning suddenly covered the sky, and the magic dragon suddenly roared. A black "thunder ball" began to gather in his mouth, and his throat kept whining.

"Is this...?" The ruthless flowers and fallen leaves of the East Gate were also awakened and looked at the spectacular scene anguly.

A hundred miles, the thunder is all over the void, and the void flashes with a strange lightning grid in all directions, and the power of thunder constantly converges in the mouth of the magic dragon.

Hua Wutian's robe hunted in the strong wind. His face was cold, his snowy hair fluttered, and his eyes turned into a crescent moon, like a demon lord, standing in the lightning wind, ready to subdue this demon dragon.

When Hua Wuqing looked at Hua Wutian, she was shocked and said, "Xiao Wu opened the 'Invite Moon Fairy Pupil'!"

Inviting Yue Xiantong, one of the flower family's forbidden immortals, has eyes that can see all the false world, and can quickly calm down the caster and find the enemy's weaknesses, which is an extremely useful auxiliary skill.

Hua Wutian looked up and shouted, "Prince Ji, are you going to enter the demon realm, don't you want to die?"


"Kill! Eight parts of the consonant!" The magic dragon answered him with this peerless magic sound. The black thunder ball shot out like a cannonball. When it met the wind, it suddenly dispersed and turned into a thunder and lightning cobweb covering the sky. With the power of thunder and lightning of heaven and earth, it shrouded the people.


At this moment, even Hua Baizhan, who was far away in the ancestral hall, suddenly looked up. His eyes flashed with a silver light, and then sang gently, "The wind is rising. The devil is coming. It's time for the children to go home..."

His singing is full of a kind of fatherly love, a kind of regret, a kind of missing...

Wind and thunder are intertwined, heaven and earth are intertwined, and everything is like the end of the world. With the power of heaven and earth, the magic dragon can definitely threaten the strong.

When Hua Wuqing and the fallen leaves of the East Gate were about to escape, they found that they had been far away from the center of the battlefield, and then they were blown thousands of meters away by the huge heat wave.

"Cough...this?" Dongmen held Third Sister Hua in his arms. When he looked at the battlefield, he was already shocked and speechless.

"Little Five!" The flower was ruthless and could climb up and roar anxiously.

Just a moment, Hua Wuqing and Hua Wutian performed the unique skill of "moving flowers and grafting wood" at the same time, so that the four people were safely away from the center of the thunderstorm.

On the battlefield, the magic dragon also shakes its body, and its body is also full of blood stains. This move is obviously very costly to himself. Thunder and lightning into the body is not so easy, not to mention thunder on rainy days.

The surroundings were charred and black, and the sand was not spared. Behind the magic dragon, there was also a trace of blood on the corners of Hua Wutian's mouth. Although the robe was ragged, he looked fine.

"Ah! Roar..." Prince Ji looked at Hua Wutian, who was still alive, roared and waved his wings, turning into a black light, and killing Hua Wutian.

Hua Wutian wiped off the blood stains from the corners of his mouth, made fingerprints on his hands, looked calm and pious, and shouted, "The bright moon forbidden spell, open!"


A pair of his "inviting moon fairy pupils" suddenly gathered, and the void suddenly shook. A round of bright moon with a diameter of thousands of meters suddenly appeared behind the magic dragon, and at this moment, the magic dragon was fixed in that action, like Jesus being tied to a cross and slaughtered by others.

This is a shocking picture. The earth is burning, the bright moon is falling in the west, the magic dragon is bundled, and a fairy-like white-haired man exudes a moonlight.



The demon dragon princess prince's magic spirit soared to the sky, constantly shaking and struggling, resisting the binding force from the "bright moon".

Hua Wutian slowly came to the magic dragon, smeared his blood on Prince Ji's arms, and said coldly, "I will punish you on behalf of Qingzi. The bright moon is forbidden to curse, seal!"

The bright moon lit up the night. The blood painted on Prince Ji's arm emitted a red light invisible to the naked eye. The moon was as bright as the tide and integrated into his arms one after another.


Prince Ji's demon body was broken and restored to his human form. He stood there in a daze, his arms as if drilling into two black snakes, and his arms quickly turned dark and fell down softly.

With the disappearance of the magic dragon, the sky returned to clear again, but at this time, the bright sun was about to fall on the west mountain, and the golden light shone over, and there was a scene of defeat. Prince Ji didn't wait for Hua Wu to speak. He looked back in great pain, and his wings appeared behind him and disappeared in an instant.

"Puff!" As soon as the prince of the dragon girl left, Hua Wutian couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood fog, and her face looked paler.

"Qingzi, you asked me to take care of him, but... If you see him now, will you blame him..." Hua Wutian used three forbidden immortal techniques in one breath, even if his physique was a little unaffable, especially the forbidden art, which was originally the method of attack. Every time these were performed, there was a very high price.

At this moment, the sun shines and the death desert is peaceful, which makes people have the illusion of heaven on earth. Hua Wutian looks up at the sun and bathes himself in the warm golden glow, full of sacredness.

Suddenly, he smiled...

It is said that Liu Rushi was escorted away by nine red moon guards. Less than an hour after they left, they were one after another by the crazy resistance of the Meiji people.

Phantom Mei's family has a strange "spider bloodline", and its family is female-oriented, a maternal family, and most of the men are fleeing heroes from Kyushu.

Liu Rushi has been awakened. She has removed her hair from a little messy position, and it doesn't seem to be a big deal. In the distance, there are continuous vigorous fighting sounds, which is creepy... Surprisingly, a woman as weak as Liu has no fear expression...

"Madam, the road to Salt Lake has been cut off by Meiji... According to the current situation, Meiji will come soon..." Liu Rushi was surrounded by three moon guards, one of whom looked around nervously and kept reporting their situation.

Salt Lake is an important base of the flower family in the southwest of Moon Lake. As early as three days ago, the flower family had been sent here one after another.

Just half an hour ago, 300 direct children of the Demon Dragon Ji family led more than 300,000 soldiers and more than 100,000 wandering warriors hidden in the Meiji family for many years began to launch a thunderous attack on the Hua family.

The first legion of the Hua family and the Malong Legion have also begun to fight desperately guard. The 30,000 flame armies are led by Zhao Yin, plus 40,000 "beast armies" led by Hua Wu (Lao Si) and 30,000 "hundred armies" led by Hua Wuming (Lao Jiu), and 100,000 land and air forces began to fight back crazily.

The street was defeated and empty. The restaurants were empty, and the beasts ran around, and only a team of evil purple warriors came and went.

A trace of blood began to converge, forming a small stream of water, slowly flowing to the moon lake not far away...

Hua Wuming is Laojiu of the Hua family. At this moment, he is carrying out a crazy blocking operation with 30,000 troops composed of underworld warriors from Kyushu. His task is to kill all the generals and direct children of the Ji family.

A crazy monk with a ** upper body and a height of two or three or four meters roared, as black as a hell Buddha demon. He grabbed one person and two feet in both hands and shouted "My Buddha's mercy". The blood splashed several feet, and the two half of the bodies were also used by him as a weapon and hit the enemy.

Hua Wumei has red blood hair, holding a three-pointed and two-edged knife in his hand. A horse takes the lead, and the divine front is like a phoenix dance, and destroys the leader. Suddenly, she frowned, and a figure with a red moon mask appeared beside her.

"Master Jiu, the seventh team has been surrounded by the phantom charming family and is asking for help..." Moon Wei nodded slightly and immediately explained his intention.

As soon as the flower lifeless knife was collected, his eyes were red and bright, and he said unhappily, "Mei family? If Meiji is not here, you can't deal with 900 people?!"

Moon Wei slowed down and then said, "The Mei family has secretly summoned 100,000 Kyushu wandering warriors by various means. At this moment, they are all arresting Mrs. Seven. It's urgent..."

"All the way! Go back, I'll be right there!" Hua Wuming stopped the other party, turned to a scholar with a colorful feather fan, and said, "Damn, you lead the rest of the people to deal with them for the time being. I'll come as soon as I go!"

Saying that Hua Wuming ordered 5,000 troops and shouted loudly, like a divine dragon, jumping up one after another...