Dao Shuai

Chapter 62 Golden Flame King Beast

The sun rose as usual.

The smoke floated out of the roof again.

Now Hua Wuxin and Du Haitang have lived in seclusion here for more than nine months, and it has reached the end of October. However, there is still a green scene of mountain flowers blooming.

At this time, in the valley, a large group of black bees are constantly changing their formation. Hua Wuxin and Huang Moral look at this scene and have a joy of success.

No one would have thought that Hua Wuxin would take the "Transformers" of the previous life as a "array" and give it to the Black Bee King, especially when these bees turn into a black dragon head, making Hua Wuxin's blood boil all over.

Which Chinese man is not excited to see the dragon?

Hua Wuxin asked Begonia to help her comb her "Einstein" hairstyle and turned back into a young and handsome young man.

"How's it going, Black Bee King?"

The Black Bee King had already been shocked and stunned. Looking at the scene in front of him, not to mention a bee, even a person, he was probably very scared.

Begonia was completely fascinated by bees. After learning a few beast words, he began to seduce the queen bees and let them move.

After completing the promise of the queen bee, Hua Wuxin is going to start practicing "yellow morality" again. He wants this cow to practice "bullyin golden body", which is actually "dragonyin iron cloth shirt". This is not a small job. You know, he has slowly started from his teens.

With the help of Hua Wuxin, Begonia refined three red fruits, and all the meridians of the whole body were opened up. In particular, these red fruits have changed the physique of Begonia, and Begonia has also reached the peak of the acquired. As long as you feel it in the future, you will have the opportunity to become a congenital martial artist.

Hua Wuxin told Begonia about her progress and experience. Although Hua Wuxin has little hope for Begonia, she still needs to teach.

On this day, Hua Wuxin found the Black Bee King and asked them to search for some strange flowers and plants within ten miles.

Including Huang Daode, they began to prepare to cultivate the auxiliary herbs of "Niu Yin Jin Body".

For half a month, Hua Wuxin has been going deep into the vast forest. According to the guidance of the queen bee, she has collected many fruits and herbs for more than 500 years.

That night, Hua Wuxin also tried to soak a wooden barrel and tried it himself. I felt no problem, so I asked Begonia to try it by the way.

Hua Xin saw that the begonia absorbed too slowly, and then taught her a kind of "Wudang Mountain toad fishing power" spitting method. In this way, the effect was obviously much stronger.

Begonia is shrouded in the fog, with lotus-like arms**, snow-white necks, wet hair sticking to the delicate red face, exuding a charming smell all over the body, especially the naked part, soaked in water below, making Hua Wuxin's heart shake.

After about half an hour, Haitang woke up and looked at Hua Wuxin sitting next to him like a bitter monk with his eyes closed and meditating. Suddenly, his heart was cold and he thought that Hua Wuxin was not interested in her.

Suddenly, she burst into tears and laughed, because although Hua Wuxin sat cross-legated, the baby below held her head high. Begonia couldn't help laughing when she saw Hua Wuxin's appearance of Liu Xiahui.

"Don't laugh. I've never been a gentleman. Be careful to eat you." Hua Wuxin's face turned red. It was too shameful and threatened.

Although Begonia is only eighteen or nine years old, she entered the flower house early because she was born in poverty, but she showed the charm of a mature woman early.

"Little brother, I'm very lonely. Come on... eat me!" The begonia's green silk was shaken, and the eyes were charming.

Hua Wuxin doesn't want to be a saint, but for the moral reasons of the last life, it is really difficult for him to accept that his smelly little boy crawls on a woman's belly.

He opened his eyes and everything returned to calm. He said slowly, "You don't want to ** me anymore. Sooner or later, I will accept you. You dress and I'll go out."

"Fat..." Hua had no intention to let the queen bee protect the begonia, and she ran to the waterfall to calm down.

Compared with the cultivation of Huang Tao Te, Du Haitang is simply enjoying happiness.

Hua Wuxin held a thick-armed greenwood stick in her hand and banged on Huang Daode.

"According to the skill route, run Zhenyuan, fast!" Hua has no intention to practice his skills without mercy. He is in control of his strength. With the help of these drugs, he believes that he will soon achieve results.

In the future, Hua Wuxin asked Begonia to come out to fight Huang Dao, but in some important parts, Hua Wuxin personally helped Huang Dao practice.

Unconsciously, the new year has passed.

Hua Wuxin also came into contact with more monsters and had a great understanding of their physiological structure and habits.

Because she mastered the animal language, Hua Wuxin temporarily said goodbye to Begonia as early as a month ago and entered the depths of the forest alone.

He is making new "children" every day, especially birds. Hua Wuxin knows more than 100 innate monsters and becomes friends with them.

At this moment, a blue-feathered electric bird scratched the sky and landed on the unintentional "bird's nest" and said proudly, "Flower is heartless, run quickly. I found a flame monster. There are human warriors who went to kill him, and they are all dead."

"What?!" Hua Wuxin has already stepped through 80% of this area in a month. Unless she climbs over the cliff mountains in front of her, she rarely encounters big monsters beyond the innate.

The blue electric bird chirp said, "I don't know. The monster seems to have flown from the other side of the mountain. Its strength is too strong. It should be similar to the virtual master you said."

"Let's go and have a look." Hua Wuxin turned over and jumped up and directly transformed into a wisp of breeze dissipated.

Since he advanced, he has also cultivated the "wind and cloud decision" to the fourth level. Although there is always only one move, the power is not the same. Under one leg, Hua has no intention to believe that there are not many innate golden elixirs who can take over it.

The rest of the boxing skills such as "point general finger", " Jedi no more chopping" and "image boxing" have also been improved to varying degrees, but the biggest one is the "Yellow River cannon (roar)" of water attribute.

"Flower has no heart! This stinky boy, that's the virtual monster king is fighting. The blue electric bird was dissatisfied with the carelessness of the flowers and chirping in the same place.

Hua Wuxin now not only integrates the "connate Taoist body" and Dacheng's iron cloth shirt, but also has an average of more than 300,000 pounds of physical strength, not to say that the body's own repair and defense have long been comparable to the master of Qizong's secret land.

Dozens of miles away, a large forest has already collapsed.

Three men in white uniforms are facing a monster covered with golden flames.

A man in his thirties was a little anxious and said, "Brother, what should I do? Why hasn't the master come yet?"

"Yes, it seems that the golden flame king beast is going to be angry. If several elders don't show up, the three of us will be in danger." Another tall man with a tall nose also showed concern.

The brother was about 40 years old and seemed to be a master of virtual world. When his face was ugly, he roared, "Shit! You two cheer up. You know, your brother is also a virtual martial artist. If the three of us can catch this monster, go back to the master, and even the door owner will meet us. There is no need to think about the reward.

However, I also know from the appearance of the two. I'm afraid that this brother has just broken through the virtual world, and even has time to fully master the field.

Although Hua Wuxin was confident, he was not crazy. He did not dare to approach the battle of three beasts, but found a 1,000-meter-high mountain as a viewing point.


The Golden Flame King spit out fireworks, and an inch of flames came out of his eyes. Suddenly, he roared, stepped on the air and rushed to the virtual warrior.

"You two attract its attack, and kill this beast!" The brother's sword crossed the sky and stabbed out with a sharp sword spirit.

Hua Wuxin sat on the top of the mountain, her eyes emitted two red lights, and scenes of battle in the distance were clearly presented in front of him, as if using a telescope.

In a while, 20 or 30 birds gathered around Hua Wuxin, the largest of which was a tiger-headed golden eagle.

"You guys be quiet!" Hua Wuxin roared impatiently. These birds were not disciplined at all and chatty.

"Hua Wuxin, I think those three human beings are in danger. Don't look at them. The Golden Flame King is the hegemon inside." The tiger-headed golden eagle is more than one meter in size, similar to a ten-year-old boy, very handsome.

The blue electric bird also said, "Yes, those kings are very powerful. We are too close."


Suddenly, the earth shook, and the golden flame king flew high into the sky like a small sun. He roared and bit half of the human body in his mouth, and blood kept dripping.

"Ah! Teacher...brother...help..." King Jinyan spit out magma-like saliva in his mouth, which instantly melted the martial artist in the secret place of Qizong.

The brother has already sweated, and the sword in his hand is trembling. He is just a general virtual martial artist. To put it bluntly, he has not yet transformed into the belief of a master in his heart, and he was scared and trembled by the monster for a moment.

"It's over, now I'm going to die. I just became a father..." Another Qizong secret martial artist has long been desperate and stunned.


Hua was shocked and said, "Hide quickly."


In an instant, the Golden Flame King released its field, and it fell into a huge hot pressure range within eight or nine miles.

Hua Wuxin and a group of birds and beasts were just on the edge, but they were instantly bombed into the land by inexplicable pressure.


A mouthful of soil spit out, Hua Wuxin felt a hot pain in his skin, and his hands also showed a pair of fiery "purple dragon claws".

Only the blue electric bird among them escaped from the field, and the bird's hair was burned a lot.

"Is this the field?" Hua Wuxin gradually got used to this pressure. After all, they are just on the edge.

"Hmm, innate Taoist body, seal!"

I saw that Hua had no intention to sit on it immediately, and the operation was naive. In the sea, hundreds of thousands of spiritual ideas quickly operated and analyzed, and began to copy this field.

This is a new function of his innate Taoist body, with strong adaptability. He was developed and utilized by Hua Wuxin, and forcibly copied a certain state or simple skill of the enemy in his body with the help of spiritual thoughts.

is actually the process of psychoanalysis, Taoist epiphany, and copying.

If it hadn't been for Hua Wuxin's support of a long spiritual river, he would not have dared to decompose and copy a field so crazily. Anyway, his actions were definitely unprecedented.


PS: During the strong promotion period, Mumuxi is going to explode. Click to add more than 1,000 a day, add one more chapter, collect 100 more every day, and add one more chapter... Friends who like it, hurry up and collect it.