Dao Shuai

Chapter 64 came to collect~~

Liangzhou is located in the southwest of Kyushu, and further abroad is the famous "barbaric land" of Kyushu.

Nantianmen is located on a peak in Nantian County.

Li Jian took Hua Wuxin and flew fast. He had been flying for two hours. Hua Wuxin tore up a piece of clothes as a mark for each distance, so that the "bird friends" behind him knew where he had gone.

Roar! Roar! Roar!

Suddenly, seven "little suns" flew out behind the mountain in front of them. In an hour, the surrounding kilometers were illuminated, like day.

"Is this...?"

Hua Wuxin had already been stunned, and the momentum was so amazing that seven small suns suddenly rose on the opposite side, and he could even feel the hot temperature.

Jiang Fei's face changed and shouted, "No, the companions of the Golden Flame King Beast have been found."

The Golden Flame King Beast Group soon surrounded the three people. The leading Golden Flame King Beast was significantly larger, and the golden hair on its neck emitted purple fire.


Li Jian's eyes wrinkled and said, "Young master, the other party wants us to release the golden flame king beast, otherwise..."

Jiang Fei suddenly thought of something, looked back and said to the three elders, "You told him that this golden flame king beast killed our people. Let's see what they say?"

Hua Wuxin's heart was also nervous. The other party seemed to be aggressive. If he was not careful, a flame would be extinguished, which would be too unfair.

Li Jian and the leader became more and more angry. Hua Wuxin couldn't stand it, so he said, "Don't be angry. Both of them are from Nantianmen. If you really want to kill them, then you have a big game."

"I think so. I persuade the two of them to let go of your companions. You can go back. It's not very far from Nantianmen. If you really want to fight, if Jiang Yuhou knows, tut..."


Although everyone is angry, after all, they are all high-level monsters in the virtual world. Their wisdom does not have to be low, especially Jiang Yuhou's name has been heard. If they really want to kill his son, provoke that guy, and take a group of virtual masters to revenge them, then they can play.

Li Jian is also lobbying that the other party is seven, and the leader is still a beginner king. If he really wants to bring such a group of enemies to the sect for a monster, he will become a sinner.

"Young master, let go of that golden flame king beast." Li Jian said with an ugly face.

Jiang Fei looked at the golden flame king beast in his hand and said angrily, "Well, it doesn't matter if this beast kills the three of us. Tell him that Nantianmen is never afraid of them. If you want to fight, just fight."

Li Jian said to Jiang Fei, "Young master... Don't be angry. I'll discuss it with them."

Hua Xin really admires Jiang Fei. If the other party hadn't been afraid of you, he would have done it long ago. The best way to deal with it now is to let go of the monster. Even if you want to revenge in the future, there are not many opportunities.

One person and one beast are like this, and their hands are afraid of each other's strength and dare not do anything.

Finally, the leader was still angry. He injured Li Jian with one move, severely damaged Jiang Fei, and took the golden flame king beasts away from the world quickly.

"Cough... boy, did you inform those beasts?" Jiang Fei didn't know how many bones he had broken. He lay half on the ground and stared at Hua inadtentionally.

Hua Wuxin shook her head and said, "Do I have that ability? I've always been with you. How can I report it?"

Li Jian rested for a while and felt that there was basically nothing serious, and began to help Jiang Fei heal his wounds.

The next day, Jiang Fei has improved and can basically fly. Li Jian also insisted on inviting Hua Wuxin to go to Nantianmen.

This time, the three were not flying, but entered a small town, found three dragon-horned horses, and slowly wanted to rush to Nantianmen.

On the way, the blue electric bird flew to report to Hua, saying that those golden flame king beasts were very grateful to him for procrastination and willing to make friends with him.

"Little Blue, you go and find this place where a girl and a scalper live. Tell the cow that I will come back after a while so that they don't worry." Hua Wuxin took out a map of animal skin and pointed to a valley.

"Uh-huh, then I'm leaving unintentionally!" Blue Electric Bird and Hua Wuxin talked about his horrible experience of entering the wilderness, which made Hua Wuxin laugh. After a while, Blue Electric Bird left.

Hua Wuxin walked on the ground. It was really too slow. The road was rugged, and he often had to walk for half a day to climb a mountain. Hua Wuxin was even more envious of the skill of flying.

Along the way, Hua Wuxin and Li Jian's relationship became better and better, but Jiang Fei, on the contrary, always regarded Hua Wuxin as an "enemy".

"Young master, how do you feel about your injury?" Li Jian has been helping Jiang Fei recover for more than ten days, and now he looks much better.

Jiang Fei sat in the carriage and said with a blank face, "It's okay. That beast is aware of it. If you leave your strength, you will go back to rest for a while."

Hua Wuxin kept inquiring about the "four-foot fairy boy" all the way. Even Jiang Fei, Li Jian and others just heard about it and didn't know exactly where it was in the wilderness.


Nantian County.

There are vendors gathered at the gate of the city, people coming and going, and there are martial artists everywhere who come to take risks and experience.

"This... flowers are like a fairyland on earth." Hua Wuxin also sighed. She sat in an antique restaurant and looked down. The streets were full of bustling warriors and merchants.

As soon as Jiang Fei entered the city, he was brought back to the sect by the doorman who waited early. Hua Wuxin also temporarily said goodbye to Li Jian and Jiang Fei and played alone.

At night, Hua Wuxin incarnated as "Taoyi" and entered the "hell" of Nantian County. First, she confirmed that she had become a congenital certificate and asked about the "four-foot fairy child". Without receiving the task, she hurriedly left the ghost place.

"Is this Nantianmen?" Hua Wuxin came forward along the jade steps and saw a small square with a 100-meter-high super-large jade gate in front of it, engraved with three golden characters of "Nantianmen" and two white jade unicorns beside it.

Hua Wuxin entered the city like a steamed bun. Looking left and right, the guards under the jade gate were all warriors of the day after tomorrow.

"It's so majestic. I used to think that the flower house was magnificent. This sect is simply too fucking awesome."

He only looks at it from the perspective of the sect. In fact, Nantianmen is like the "royal city" of a prince in ancient China. If you think about it, although Nantianmen occupies a mountain range spectacularly, it is also reasonable.

"What are you doing?" A guard came over with a half-tall fiery monster.

Hua Wuxin was stunned and then said, "I came to find your three elder Li Jian. This is his token." With that, Hua Wuxin took out a jade pendant and handed it to the guard.

"Well, it's a token of the elder. Go in." After watching, the guard returned the jade pendant to Hua Wuxin, and the fire wolf-like monster around him kept sniffing around Hua Wuxin.

"Go and take good care of the door." Hua Wuxin said a few words in animal language and turned around and entered the Nantian Gate.


"What's going on?" The guard was suddenly shocked by the roar of the fire wolf and looked up at Hua Wuxin inexplicably.

Another guard wondered, "That guy seems to speak beast language?"

"Animal language? Are you kidding? It's not that you haven't learned it. Hundreds of thousands of people in Nantianmen can count a palm that can speak animal language. How can it be..." The warrior who pulled the fire wolf laughed.

"He... looked for... the three elders... Is it really..." Suddenly, the two guards looked at each other and said in shock.

Hua asked unintentionally and came to a mountain called "Beast Park".

"Hello, can the three elders be in the park?" At the top of the mountain, there was a young man in a blue shirt blocking the door, staring fiercely at Hua Wuxin.

"Who are you?" The little one looked like a spirit monkey and said in a franse.

"My name is Taiyi, an old friend of your parents. Go and talk about it. He knows." Hua Wuxin was too lazy to talk to the little man and waved his hand and said.

The little man jumped up, raised his chin and squinted and said, "The animal park is a forbidden place. Outsiders are not allowed to enter. You can go."

"It's your little boy here again. Hahaha, Taiyi, come in quickly." Just when Hua was heartless and annoyed, there was a bright laugh in the garden.

Hua Wuxin knocked on his head with a bang while the little boy was not paying attention, turned around and left laughing.

"I want revenge, I want revenge!"

The little man ran around with his head in pain, his face was ferocious, his blue veins burst, and he said fiercely.

"Hey, I think your primary school student is not very enlightened, so he hit him with a stick." Hua Wuxin saw Li Jian and said awkwardly. The owner greeted him in person, but he was fine. He quarreled with a servant and knocked him.

Li Jian was wearing a gray gown and holding a wine bottle in his hand. He pulled Hua Wuxin in and said with a smile, "It doesn't matter. I usually don't bother to care about him and develop that appearance, haha."

"Uh-huh, no wonder that guy is a little 'fighting chicken' nervous, hahaha." Hua Wuxin also whispered and laughed.

"Let's go and have two drinks first. In a few days, my brother will find a few people from our sect who can speak animal language. Let's learn from each other." Li Jian pulled Hua Wuxin into the house and immediately ordered the servant to bring wine.

For three days in a row, Hua Wuxin was drunk unconsciously by Li Jian, an old drunkard.

At breakfast that day, an unexpected man came.

Jiang Fei came to the animal garden with a very cute little Lori. Looking at Hua Wuxin's fluffy hair, he laughed and said, "I said, too big beast master, you came to my Nantianmen to eat and drink for nothing?"

"Ha ha, Master Jiang seems to have recovered well. I don't know if it was shown by that famous doctor?" Hua Wuxin also smiled.

Jiang Fei was stunned and said, "You stinky boy, I really don't talk nonsense. As for my little sister, she has always wanted to learn animal language. It happened that my father heard that you were a master of animal language, so he immediately asked me to bring my little sister to worship."

Hua Wuxin looked at the little girl beside Jiang Fei. As expected, she was watery and watery. Her big eyes stared at Hua Wuxin and kept looking at her. She wore a long pink skirt, which looked very lovely.


Before Hua Wuxin reacted, the little girl knelt in front of Hua Wuxin.


"I..., auntie, where are you playing? I'll kneel down for you, too." Hua Wuxin knows that the rules of worship in this world are very serious, almost the same as being a father. The responsibility is great. Fortunately, the children of the poor are difficult to teach the descendants of this big man.